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Food Diary & Kcals

B - Fiber One Peanut Butter Popcorn Bar (99kcals)

L - Didn’t manage Lunch as I was really busy at work.

D - Macaroni Pie with Salad and 2 slices of Tiger Bread with Lurpark (820kcals)

S - Couple of Maltesers, NUII Salted Caramel Ice-Cream, some Milka Bubbly White and 2 cups of tea (568kcals)

E - No exercise today

Total - 1477kcals
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On pay day, I’m rejoining the gym. Not what i wanted as I am on a big saving mission this year but going to see it as an investment rather than a monthly spend 🫠 as I need to shift this weight
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Starting the new year still at 90kg, annoying since I got to 87kg but it could have been worse! Off to Tesco to refill now all the Christmas stuff is gone
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Some People!

Chatty Member
No I don't but seriously considering getting one!

Ohh I never even thought about ready meals! Here in the Netherlands those usually are very unseasoned and potato heavy or chinese food haha. Might have a look around to see if there are some less heavy options.
We've actually had couscous multiple times this week! One of my favourite things to eat either with steamed vegetables or cold in a salad. Thanks!
What about something from a deli or similar, served with salad/ steamed veg and a carb (haven't mentioned bread yet). I don't eat meat so I don't know what I'm talking about (😂) but like cold cuts of meat or similar? Could you get like, a rotisserie chicken and use that over a few days?

You could even get something from a takeaway or whatever and just have a little and serve it with healthy sides from home...? You'd get 2 or more meals out of the takeaway thing then too, perhaps?
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Active member
I’m going to join this too!

I’ve lost 37lbs so far this year but my weight loss has stalled the past month, think I need to change things up as my body has got used to it.

start weight 04/01/22 13 stone 1
Current weight 26/08/22 10 stone 3.8
Goal weight by Xmas day 9 stone 9
I’m 5ft 4

going to up my daily steps to 12,000 a day minimum, drink more water and try to stop self sabotaging at weekends
Well done on your weight loss so far this year! 👏👏👏👏
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I’ve done none of the things I said I’d do in my earlier post, and almost got sucked back into SW yesterday before giving myself a good talking too!
Healthy breakfast has been had this morning and I’m aiming to focus on a day at a time. Will definitely fit a long brisk walk in after work today.
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I am absolutely nowhere near my goal for holiday next week… I’ve totally plateaued :(

I’ve upped my movement, did lower calories, higher calories… I don’t get it! I don’t have any health issues like thyroid etc so that’s not a factor.
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I gained 1lb this week… and up to now I’m not optimistic for next week unless I feel better and force myself to go to the gym from Monday… I really need to do it. I went and got the abscess in my tooth drained and am on antibiotics but not feeling any better.
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I had to fall off the wagon for just under a month as I was advised not to exercise with stitches I had in my leg ☹. I’m scared to weigh myself but to try and get myself remotely on track for my holiday in December I’m going to try 1200 cals per weekday and 5 work out days, my weekends are difficult because I have things planned for most of them, but I’m going to try and be sensible. Basically 7 weeks until we fly so if I can drop 5kg in that time I’ll be happy 😁
What exercise do you do on 1200 calories? I could never, just eating that little makes me feel tired and faint 😂
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Well-known member
I've just done mine which worked out just under 1600 cals if I put sedentary or 1800 cals for lightly active. Much more achievable than the 1400 cals Nutracheck has set me. MFP always is way too low, 1200 cals which it usually sets me isn't enough, I did stick to it to lose weight in my early 20s but it was miserable.
Nutracheck set me 1200 caps and I changed it to 1400, which is okay for me, if I exercise I also eat some if the calories used as I find even 1400 too low if I have walked 7 miles etc
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At the moment we don’t have a kitchen since we took the old one out last weekend and the new one comes in a few weeks. I find it really difficult now to have healthier meals since we can’t cook at home properly. We only have a kettle, microwave and toaster now
do you have a slow cooker? When I didn't have an oven I slow cooked everything and then microwaved leftovers
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Current weight: 65 kg/144 lbs
Weighed today, current weight is 63.70 kg/about 140lbs :geek: Chuffed with it, especially since I haven't really skipped a lot of treats in the past couple weeks. I've been walking a lot more, so this gives me a boost to take up exercising.
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Joining today
Currently 109kg, I'm 32, 5foot 6 and about a size 18.
I'm going back to work after Christmas and want yo fit into clothes I already have instead of buying new!!
I know I need to eat healthier and move more but I don't want to get obsessed with calorie numbers and steps so I am going to build up better habits, starting with drink 2L water a day and getting out for a walk every day.
My goal is to get to 100kg initially and I'm aiming to lose the first 5kg at least by Christmas!!

9 weeks to Christmas (I think!)
Starting weight: 109kg/240lbs
Current weight: 107.9kg/237.8 lbs

First week was very good, felt myself slip a little last week when I stopped tracking daily habits so jumping back on today for a new week.
I'm going to walk every day, drink 2L water and eat fruit each day.
Got a wedding invite for the week before Christmas so I really want to hit at least 104kg by then!🤞🤞

7 weeks til Christmas 🎄 🎄🎄
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I use happy scale so generally weigh myself every day. Even though I was about 300 under my defect calories yesterday (so 800 under my TDEE) I still was 1lb heavier this morning than I was yesterday (obviously know not a whole 1lb of fat don’t worry 😂) Does anyone know why this is? Is it water retention? Does anyone use happy scale and find your weight is up and down by small increments or is it always going down? Thanks!

today I had:
Break: pineapple
Lunch: the other half of my crushed potato salad
Dinner: morrocan chicken, whole meal pitta, lighter halloumi and salad
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October was a mess for me 😬 I've indulged in junk, I wasn't great with walks or water intake but I feel like I've calmed down a bit. I didn't weigh myself last week because I was on my period and I was feeling extra bloated but this week's will show whether I've done some damage to my consistency or not. It's not the end of the world but all the fast food triggered some emotional eating habits which I don't like, so I'm trying to step away from stress eating and I try to be more intuitive instead.
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Chatty Member
Fml weighed myself this morning and only lost 1/2 a lb! Trying not to get disheartened, at least it’s going in the right direction.
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Pinhead Larry

Chatty Member
I’m sooo upset, I have had stitches put in my leg and been told I can’t exercise for 2 weeks with them in and have to take it easy for 2 weeks once they’re out.

I’m gonna have to monitor what I’m eating like crazy and hope I don’t gain any more weight
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Some People!

Chatty Member
It is so frustrating when this happens, are you drinking enough water? Hopefully you'll get the *whoosh* effect soon.

As for Libra, I use the app but totally ignore the predicted end date, as they change frequently based on your daily weigh ins (if you weigh daily like I do)
Thanks, I feel a bit better for ranting!

I've not been as good with drinking water as I have been, so I'll get on that today.

I never usually look at Libra's predictions either, I guess I just feel like torturing myself this morning 🙃

Fingers crossed for *whoosh* soon!
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VIP Member
I'm 5ft7ish, 13st7lb, size 14/16. I'd like to get to around 12st and be a comfortable size 12.
My Xmas goal is 12-14lb loss, which is realistic I feel. My first goal is my friend's birthday which is 10 weeks time, I'd like to be 13st or under, again, a realistic and achievable goal.

My issue is not sticking with things, daily weighing which I don't think actually helps me 😅 I'm such a lazy cook, comfort eater and have a sweet tooth
Following this I've been absolutely awful and eaten every unhealthy thing in sight 🙃

Currently 13st9.5lb 🤦🏽‍♀️

Today I've had an apple and a cuppa for breakfast, and have made a pesto pasta salad for lunch.

Thinking maybe soup for dinner.
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