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Some People!

Chatty Member
At the moment we don’t have a kitchen since we took the old one out last weekend and the new one comes in a few weeks. I find it really difficult now to have healthier meals since we can’t cook at home properly. We only have a kettle, microwave and toaster now
Something microwaved (jacket potato? Ready meal? Rice?) with salad on the side?
Pre-seasoned couscous only needs a kettle
I use those steambags of veg which are done in 3 mins and they're easily added to rice or something?
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Pinhead Larry

Chatty Member
I'm dreading weighing myself tomorrow 😳 Weekend of indulgence, then this time next week we'll be on a flight to France. I was meant to go to the gym yesterday but my doctors appointment ran an hour behind and by the time I was out I was starving and we went for Thai food. Going to try to get to the gym at least 5 more times before then
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Chatty Member
B: overnight oats with strawberries (made by bf)
L: pitta with roast chicken and mayo, homemade slaada and a poached egg.
D: batch cooked chilli con carne with rice.
P: raspberries and grapes
D:water, iced squash and a 38 calorie hot chocolate this afternoon
E: two 20min workout videos on YouTube with weights. Half an hour walk to the shop and back this evening.
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Some People!

Chatty Member
Same weight/inches still… I’m getting disheartened now. I’m moving more, I’m tracking all my calories, I don’t know what else there is to do.
Ugh, I know the feeling! I was there last week and things are moving in the right direction again, slowly (🙄). You've just gotta stay with it. I did move a little bit more, but I've also eaten a little more. This is often the advice you get when you need to break a plateau, but it's hard to take when you're doing everything right. I guess your body just gets used to what you've been doing.
Stick with it/us - staying the same is better than a gain, after all x
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Pinhead Larry

Chatty Member
I had to fall off the wagon for just under a month as I was advised not to exercise with stitches I had in my leg ☹. I’m scared to weigh myself but to try and get myself remotely on track for my holiday in December I’m going to try 1200 cals per weekday and 5 work out days, my weekends are difficult because I have things planned for most of them, but I’m going to try and be sensible. Basically 7 weeks until we fly so if I can drop 5kg in that time I’ll be happy 😁
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New member
I’m soooo annoyed with myself. After finally breaking the 11 st 7 plateau I’ve had a bad ish couple of weeks and I’m back to 11 st 8. I literally just want to lose another stone, at this point I’d take 7-10 lbs…actually debating doing something drastic like a shake diet, which rationally I know is really stupid and unsustainable, but I just want to lose this final bit of weight 😔 it’s so hard now the pre Christmas events and food etc is ramping up as well.
I’m the exact same weight as you! I’ve fallen off the wagon real bad this past month I just feel horrid in my body and not myself.
I’m thinking of starting fasting as that always works for me. Water fast through the day and have dinner. I always have more energy when I do this too? Just need to keep off the sweets and snacking
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VIP Member
So on track with food this week. Yesterday I had scrambled egg on one slice of toast, sweet potato & corn broth for lunch and mushroom stroganoff for dinner, some raspberries as a snack. For exercise I did a circuits class.

Today I’ve had the same brekkie, lunch is prawn patatas bravas and dinner is spiced haddock shawarma. Will have an apple and some grapes for snacks. Plan is a 30 min run and lower body strength for exercise!
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Hi! I’m not really a happy bunny…. I’ve gained 1.5lb this week after working super hard. No takeaways no alcohol. Loads of fruit and veg and I’ve been the gym 4 times this week.

I knew there was a potential thy I would stop losing weight when I joined the gym but I’m still peed off. I am going to continue with the gym as I know it’s good for me and it keeps me fitter but I’m not too sure about SlimmingWorld. I’ve hovered around just under 13 stone for about 6 weeks which equates to £36 for absolutely nothing.


Chatty Member
I’ve done reformer before, it’s fun! The only confusing thing at first is the names for all the parts of the reformer but they ask if it’s your first time and help you.

However I would say that I ache more after reformer, instead of mat, because I find the warm ups are sometimes rushed. I’m going on Saturday and plan to warm up before I go so I don’t hurt so much after!
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! I may try it out this week, there's a few beginner classes available which is good as I'm clueless 😂


B - PHD Smart Bar

L - Greggs Tuna Pasta (yikes) and a Flat White

D - Tomato and Red Pepper Soup with Cheese and Toast

S - Lidls Bakery Pastel de Nata / WW Biscuit and Shortbread

E - 9524 steps
Total Kcals - 1758kcals


New member
Joining in to hopefully keep me motivated!

My start weight: 69kg (20th June 2022)
Current weight: 65.4kg
Goal weight: 57kg

I hit my goal weight before lockdown and then covid and a few personal events have meant the weight has crept up.
Just finished my current PT block and I’m not continuing due to timing with me starting a new job where I’m in the office full time. Normally exercise 4/5 times a week and I’m in a calorie deficit but hoping I wont fall off the waggon when I go back to the office.
One plus side though is that I’ll be getting a lot more steps in now as I’ll be walking to and from the train station!


Chatty Member
do you have a slow cooker? When I didn't have an oven I slow cooked everything and then microwaved leftovers
No I don't but seriously considering getting one!

Something microwaved (jacket potato? Ready meal? Rice?) with salad on the side?
Pre-seasoned couscous only needs a kettle
I use those steambags of veg which are done in 3 mins and they're easily added to rice or something?
Ohh I never even thought about ready meals! Here in the Netherlands those usually are very unseasoned and potato heavy or chinese food haha. Might have a look around to see if there are some less heavy options.
We've actually had couscous multiple times this week! One of my favourite things to eat either with steamed vegetables or cold in a salad. Thanks!


VIP Member
I use happy scale so generally weigh myself every day. Even though I was about 300 under my defect calories yesterday (so 800 under my TDEE) I still was 1lb heavier this morning than I was yesterday (obviously know not a whole 1lb of fat don’t worry 😂) Does anyone know why this is? Is it water retention? Does anyone use happy scale and find your weight is up and down by small increments or is it always going down? Thanks!
I use Happy Scale and weight myself most days. I was the same as you today, 1kg up from yesterday - it can be due to water retention or monthly cycles or even.... did you use the 🚽 😂

Weetabix, oat milk, chia seeds, nectarine

Sourdough toast, Portuguese sardines, rocket leaves

This chickpea curry that freezes really well, brown rice

Protein bar
Alpro yoghurt with apple and berries
Digestive biscuit

30 mins mat pilates

Total calories:
1,663, - 100 for the pilates according to my watch = 1,563