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The racially motivated murder of Kriss Donald. He was a 15 year old boy from Glasgow, picked out by a gang of men of Pakistani origin, purely because he was a “white Scottish boy.” They abducted him, drove him around for 200 miles and brutally tortured him, stabbed him multiple times before dousing him in petrol, setting his body alight, and leaving him to die in a ditch.
It will stay in my mind forever for so many reasons. It was close to home, Kriss was the same age as myself, just an innocent boy out with his friend. Also, the lack of national coverage over it at the time was shocking compared to other racially motivated killings.
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But probably the WORST thing I have ever read (my eyes actually water every time I think about it) is a Japanese girl named Junko Furata. This girl was tortured for weeks by three boys in Japan, the stuff they did to her is unimaginable (dropped anvils on his stomach, cut her eyelids off, ripped bits of her off with pliers and much more). I would highly encourage you NOT to read any more about this because I thought my flatmate was exaggerating when he told me not to look it up, of course being an idiot, I looked it up. I've never felt so disturbed in my entire life. The worst thing is these three boys got away with it!! They got given new identities and they literally out there somewhere in Japan today.
I remember reading about this, I have been interested in True Crime for years and years but this is one of the few that has actually made me sick to my stomach, the torture was carried out over weeks!! I believe her poor mum had a heart attack when she found out what happened to her it was that horrific.
I’m not a particular believer in the death penalty but it scares me that there are humans on the planet as evil as this 😔. To me there is no rehabilitating someone who can commit this evil.

RIP Junko
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Chateau Marmont

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I just saw the news about Claudia Lawrence's father passing too and am so sorry for him. He never gave up and showed such dignity and courage even when the media were writing all sorts of vile things about his daughter that they never should have been allowed to print because it so clearly harmed the investigation and public response.

I still think about Claudia's case quite a bit and fear we'll never know what happened there.
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Chatty Member
Hillsborough. I think I was about 10, my parents used to get the Daily Mirror and there was some really graphic photos of people crushed against the railings, I’m presuming they didn’t survive, I can still sort of picture their faces. It’s always made me a bit wary of crowds at gigs etc.

Also Jamie Bulger, I read a lot about the case and just found it so chilling what they did.
My cunty uncle had his car stolen and by sheer chance they left it in my parents street about 25 miles away

my brother spotted it and a long story later my cunty uncle said he’d take bro to a football match ‘to say thank you’

about 3 days before they where due to go,cunty uncle let my bro down saying he didn’t have a clue what my mother was talking about-he’d never said anything about a football match

my bro was gutted but put on a brave face

roll on to that day and I was at home,really ill and my mother turned on the news

i didn’t know it at the time but the footie match cunty uncle was meant to take him to was hillsborough

I’ll never forget the sight of that fence,the faces pushed up against it and finding out the details of what happened

i remember my mother just crying her eyes out over the fact that cunty uncle had let bro down-she swore someone ’up above’ was watching out for him that week (I think they’d fucked off by the following weekend tho,as he got hit by a car and broke his leg,but at least he healed in the end)

it’s never left me
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Chatty Member
the story of a woman locally to wear I live. she was 82 and on her way to bingo. Got off the bus and walked about half a mile down the road, went to cross the road about 10 yards before the traffic light crossing instead of walking to it, walked in front of a lorry and behind another car. Lights turned green and the lorry started driving not seeing the woman was walking in front of it because she was too small and close for the driver to see. I don't want to go into details but the lorry driver didn't even realise something was wrong until the car behind him was beeping after he'd driven through the lights. He stopped about 50 yards away from what happened with no idea what had gone on. She sadly died from the injuries which is so heartbreaking for her and her family. Heart went out to the driver as well and it really made me wary of crossing roads in front of cars. I always walk to the crossing and wait now.
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I steal names

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but the murder of Angelika Kluk has always stuck with me. She was murdered and hidden under a church floor in Glasgow. Her killer was the handyman there. He went on the run, and after finding out his real identity, Peter Tobin, he was found in a hospital in England.

Eventually he was also found to have kidnapped and killed Dinah McNicol and Vicky Hamilton. They had been kidnapped and murdered separately, and buried in his back garden. He moved about so much that I don't think anyone believes he doesn't have more victims. I believe he also has convictions for sexual assaults on young women.
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Nothing like the heartbreaking cases already mentioned but one that I think about a lot because it was so odd was cat bin lady Mary Bale, the woman caught on CCTV putting a cat in a wheelie bin
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I should not have found this thread 😱 I'm never leaving the house again!
For me, more recently, it's the case of the Turpin family in the US who kept their 13 children shackled to their beds- some were even in their 20s. I'd heard about stories like that from years ago and on TV shows like Oprah but it's the first time I'd seen a news story like it unfold in real time. I always think about where they are today and if they're managing to recover at all.
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The London bombings in 2007 will always stay with me. I was in a lesson at secondary school, and the news started to spread around. I was so so scared, because I was sure my Dad was at work in Westminster. I remember ringing and ringing his mobile and the house phone, only to have woken him up because he was in fact on night shift. The relief I felt was unreal, but as was the sadness I felt for all those who lost a loved one.
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Robert Holohan in Ireland a young boy strangled by his teenage neighbour and found in bin liners days later I remember being young and watching the search party and reading the paper. It was so so heart breaking for the family. I think the guy only did 4-5years
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My god the video they released yesterday with poor Arther in. Never has a news story brought me to tears like this one. The fact the grandmother took a photo of his bruised little body and sent it to social services a few weeks before he died makes me so fucking angry. This poor little boy could and should have been saved.
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I always remember a case where a British man and wife were abroad in like Spain or somewhere, and they had a fight so he threw himself off the balcony with his two children. I'm certain one of the kids died and he survived. I remember seeing his face going into court and he looked very distressed and distraught, it was shocking.

Also a really sad case where a family were again abroad, and they died from carbon monoxide poisoning in the apartment. I'm sure the two kids were with their dad and his partner on holiday, and the mum was back home. Heartbreaking.
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super grateful

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Lee Rigby still really gets to me. My partner is in the same regiment so it hit him and the guys hard. Plus the thought that a soldier can be so brutally attacked out of nowhere, not in uniform, not deployed makes my blood boil. The footage of the attackers gloating and justifying their actions made me sick.

I come from a very large family where almost all the men are in the Army and there have been countless horrible incidents that have resulted in soldiers and their families not being allowed to the local town, curfews to ensure soldiers safety etc, but this incident is by far the worst and most heinous I can remember of my life time.
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The young girl & boy who were travelling in Thailand and were murdered on the beach. They didn’t know each other before that night. I remember their faces. I believe the boy was called David Miller.

I just googled it and there was an update in August. David Miller was trying to save Hannah witheridge from being raped and they were both bludgeoned to death. It’s believed that the Thai police covered a lot of it up. The accused murders have claimed they were tortured for a confession. I don’t think this story will ever leave. I often think about them.
I have been in so many similar situations, meet someone on a night out etc etc. So very sad.
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The Anni Dewani case. Currently watching the Discovery plus series on it. Shrien was a disgraceful human being. He either arranged her murder or couldn't believe his luck when she was murdered. The way he acted towards her family was disgusting. Her poor family never will get justice just because he couldn't be true to himself.

I often think of her story.
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Notorious PIG

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Oh yes I remember this! Didn’t they say he had self harmed or something?
The N Korean government’s official line was that he got botulism from eating something bad, and also had a bad reaction to some meds. When he got back to the US, doctors found no evidence of botulism.

It was just so awful, seeing it all start with his being humiliated in the court room, basically begging for his life, being dragged away and then reading about his ultimate death. His parents had no idea he was in a vegetative state prior to meeting him at the airport after he landed in the US. The last time they saw or heard from him he was physically healthy. I can’t begin to imagine their complete and utter shock.

No one outside N Korea will ever know the real truth about what happened to this poor lad, Otto Warmbier.
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The news that keeps me awake at night is always cruelty to children. Especially when it's gone on over an extended period - children should have innocence and happiness and I just can't get my mind around anybody who could hurt somebody so defenceless. Baby P was so awful I couldn't even read it all. Just horrendous.
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The footage of the station nightclub fire is the stuff of nightmares. It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on the internet and I’m pretty unshakable like that. The fucking fire exits were chained shut!

On the subject of Hillsborough, I personally know a couple people who were there. It’s one of the many reasons I won’t click on Sun links on here.
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The young girl & boy who were travelling in Thailand and were murdered on the beach. They didn’t know each other before that night. I remember their faces. I believe the boy was called David Miller.

I just googled it and there was an update in August. David Miller was trying to save Hannah witheridge from being raped and they were both bludgeoned to death. It’s believed that the Thai police covered a lot of it up. The accused murders have claimed they were tortured for a confession. I don’t think this story will ever leave. I often think about them.
I have been in so many similar situations, meet someone on a night out etc etc. So very sad.
The girl’s name is Hannah Witheridge. Her sister has now passed away too, at only 30. I can’t imagine the pain their parents must live with everyday.
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I’ve just been reminded of the awful story of the grandad accidentally dropping his granddaughter out the window of a cruise ship. I remember crying so much over that story and every now and then I think about how hard the whole situation was for the family. Tragic.
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