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There's a story in the Mail the last few days about a poor little boy, Arthur, who was abused and then murdered by salt poisoning and banging his head by his 'Father' and Step 'Mother'. Sounds like he was a naughty child because he never had any parenting or boundaries and he used to make his own bed on the sofa and tell people 'nobody loves me'. There are texts between the pair of them about 'digging the little c***s grave' because he was playing up whilst she was having her eyelashes done I was actually in tears at my desk reading it. That poor little mite had a miserable life and died aged 6 after a life of abuse. I hope those 2 have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives and have a life of utter, abject misery. They should also both be forcibly sterilised. I can't even comprehend such cruelty. If there is a God, then no way would such cruelty exist. Utterly heartbreaking.
It's so upsetting. I'm sure school closures would have contributed here. Teachers wouldn't have picked up on any abuse and the poor boy was clearly not being fed.
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I remember being stopped in the airport when i was about 5 on the way to greece as they thought i was madeleine mccann. i'm a year older to the month and the date is just switched round so they saw my dark blonde hair and passport and got suspiscious. i'd never been abroad before and think they were just being cautious but i remember asking who the men where and was reminded of it last time we went away! (also not got coloboma!)
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Always remember when I was around 14-15 in 2006 on MSN (good times) someone send me a link to photos of a crash victim.

Her name was Nikki Catsouras.
She had an argument with her dad and Went for a drive in his Porsche 911, which she wasn’t allowed to drive. She lost control and hit a toll booth at 100mph.
The photos of the scene got leaked by an Officer who’d sent them to friends.
This stayed with me and will be with me for a long time.

Please Please Please don’t go searching for the pictures. They are horrific and are still very easily found with a google search, unfortunately.
And someone forwarded those photos onto her father just after she died. The world is a sick place.
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The recent case in Ireland of Ashling Murphys murder I think has resonated with so many people. It has reminded me so much of other heartbreaking cases like Jill Meagher in Australia, Karen Buckley in Glasgow, Nicola Furlong in Japan and Michaela McAreavey to name but a few. Just so heartbreaking.
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James Bulger for me too, god rest his soul.

Also the recent one about the necropheliac who abused 100 bodies, including one of a 9 year old child. Gut wrenching.
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Saffie Roussos dying in the Arianna terrorist attack. I remember painting and watching the news praying she'd be found safe. I absolutely sobbed when it was confirmed she'd died
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His name was Alan Kurdi and it had such an impact on me I became a volunteer travelling to Europe multiple times with aid for refugees and sending aid over the last 6 years, sadly the situation is no better and many people perish between Turkey and Greece. 😢

Shamefully I cannot recall his name, but I find the image of the young Syrian boy who washed up on the beach just harrowing. The whole story is of course, but the picture really makes it hit home
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The Hungerford shootings in 1987, a man called Michael Ryan went on the rampage, randomly shooting everyone in the street. Oh that was horrific. I remember hearing it on the news whilst travelling home from work in a taxi, I can remember the driver turning up the volume.

The murder of Joanna Yeates in December 2010. That haunted me for a very long time and still does really. Her neighbour murdered her. ☹

The murders of Lin Russell and her little daughter Megan. I think the scumbag killed their dog too. They had stopped for a picnic and were savagely murdered. Oh my word, horrific doesn’t even cover it. 😡

Another one which baffles me is the disappearance of Claudia Lawrence in 2009. Somebody is protecting someone else I feel. You can’t just disappear without trace. I really hope her family get some kind of closure with this.
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Daniel Morecombe lured away from a bus stop & murdered 18 years ago yesterday. He was 13 years old at the time. (Sunshine Coast Aust)
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Dunblane. I was really shaken up by it and remember reading up loads about the poor families for ages after.

Similarly the Hagley RC bus crash, I live in the area and was a year older than the children who were killed. It really shook me up whenever I went on a school trip imagining not coming back

The Soham murders, I was in the Dominic Republic with my ex and saw a newspaper with Holly and Jessica on and was really intrigued so made him buy the paper to read what was going on. Then every day afterwards hoping to read good news 😔

Another pre smart phone one was Raoul Moat. We were driving back from the airport and it was the day Gazza was appealing for him to hand himself in. We had absolutely no idea what was going on as missed it all 😂
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Some that were before my time but I always think about them

the stardust fire in 1981 in Dublin
A Valentine’s Day disco in which 48 people died after a fire broke out and the doors and exits had been locked or blocked to stop people sneaking in without paying. So many people suffering with survivors guilt after this.

the murder of Aidan McAnespie in 1988 in Tyrone
He had been harassed by British soldiers for years previously, and a few days before he was shot, the soldiers told his father that they had a bullet with Aidan’s name on it. He was going to play football and they shot him walking down the road, and tried to claim it was an accident and that the soldiers hands were wet 😭

the murder of Michaela mcareavey in 2011
She was on honeymoon with her new husband, and had went back up to their room to get teabags and chocolate bars that she had taken with her from home, when she disturbed a burglary in her room and they murdered her. Her husband found her in the bath tub. I went to her wake and she was buried in her wedding dress that she had only worn a few weeks before.
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That broke my heart, especially as all her private life was everywhere for her parents to see and the murders got to keep his identity a secret.

The QOSTA gig made me feel sick. I read an article where a woman’s boyfriend laid on top of her to protect her and it scared me ever since.
I didn't interpret keeping his name unpublished as him getting to keep his identity. I think it is fully known throughout the country who it is [actual Kiwis do correct me if I'm wrong!], but the point behind it was not to give this horrific narcissist publicity, support, sympathy nor fame.

I also think the speech by Jacinda Ardern about Grace was really touching, sad and genuine.
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I've never been able to forget Laura Sadler who was in Holby. She wasn't much older than me and I'd grown up watching her on TV and loved the Belfry Witches.

Also James Bulger. We'd just started looking at the news in class, we were still in primary school. We were told not to bring in anything about it or discuss it. And it was just so horrifying.
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get the gossip

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I always remember a local news story close to where I live, not sure if it made national news or not. It was around 2013/14 if I remember rightly.
A guy (who I think was a traveller, or at least connected in some way to travellers), was found distressed in the early hours of a morning walking along the a66 in Middlesbrough. He was looking for his penis which had been cut off in an attack (I heard rumours that it was a revenge attack for sleeping with another traveller’s girlfriend but I don’t know how true that part was).
I can’t remember if anyone was caught and charged for it, I’m sure he died a short while later.
The story has always stuck in my mind just because of how bizarre the headline sounded at the time, and how absolutely horrific and life changing the injuries were.
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This wasnt a news story, it was on a show like oprah (cant remember the actual show, it was in the 90s) I was off sick from school so watching whatever my mum was watching.

This girl would always kiss her dad goodnight as he would always fall asleep on the sofa. The one night she didn't do it he passed away in his sleep. For some reason its always stuck with me and I cant end a phone call ect now to my parents without saying 'I love you' because I worry the one time I dont something will happen 🙈

Another one is the Sandy Hook Shooting. I just cant comprehend how anyone can shoot anyone but especially little children.
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Charlene Downes - the young girl that disappeared in Blackpool with no trace. I was always under the impression that she had been groomed and likely attacked by the takeaway owner that was in the news but the full story is awful. He parents were utterly neglectful and there were strong signs of sexual abuse from her father and other men brought to the house. She was therefore ripe for any influential person to abuse her. I wouldn't be surprised if that poor girl was attacked by several men - with her mother no where to help her.
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Without a doubt the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. I was around the same age as them in 2002 and can still remember talking to my friends and parents about it.
Ah, these were the young girls in their Man Utd tops werent they? Always remember the girls wearing those :( :(
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Shamefully I cannot recall his name, but I find the image of the young Syrian boy who washed up on the beach just harrowing. The whole story is of course, but the picture really makes it hit home
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Chatty Member
That second story, oh my god. Horrific! Did he say why he did it? Its mentioned in the story had had dinner with them a few weeks before the murders.
Nope, he’s never explained why he did it. He told the police he was sorry that the dad didn’t die. Poor daughter was away at Uni and found out through friends/news. She had to call the police and ask. Horrific!

Another one and apologies if it’s already been discussed here. Did any of you follow Kirsty Maxwell? Recently married Scots lass who died in strange circumstances on a hen doo in Spain. I still maintain those guys whose room she ended up in know more. She didn’t just fall from a balcony, or did trying to get away. I feel for her husband and family as they just don’t know what happened. She was only 27 😢
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