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Also those poor teenagers who got trapped on that ride at Alton towers. I always think it’s just so sad how they went for a nice day out and put their trust into others to keep them safe & it ended like that. Just awful.
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Margaret Fleming’s disappearance/murder was awful to read about. Nobody saw her in over 17 years whilst the couple her dad trusted to look after her continued to claim benefits in her name. It was only when the benefit system changed that authorities checked in and the couple said she had ran away.

After the couple went to prison the house lay empty for a few years and was demolished in 2020 to build new homes. I absolutely believe that when they dig to lay foundations for the new houses they’re going to find bones.

Its such a strange story that you need to read it to fully make sense of it
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This is such a sad thread. Most of these were such horrific deaths, disappearances, murders. Makes me think of how unbearably hard life must be for the family members who were left behind grieving 😢
It is sad.
However the empathy shown is inspiring, it shows there is more good people than bad.
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Chatty Member
One that’s just popped back in my head from a few years ago is the teenager who killed his girlfriend “for a free breakfast” from his mate. If I remember rightly he smashed her skull with a rock and even described the moment her skull gave way. Absolutely sickening really.
Rebecca Aylward 😔 He convinced her he wanted to get back together, she spent hours getting ready, only for him to lead her to the woods and murder her. He tried snapping her neck but said it’s “harder than it looks” so instead smashed her skull with a rock. Awful case. He had been telling friends for weeks, it was only when he took a friend to her body to brag the friend caved and told police.
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Did anyone watch The Trial Of Louise Woodward last night? I remember that so clearly but I'd forgotten what the outcome was. The way she giggled when on the stand was so odd. Wondering what other people's opinions on whether she did it or not are?
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India Chipchase. She had been in a bar that I used to drink in frequently, lost track of her friends and was refused reentry by the bouncers cause she was too drunk. What happened next was just awful.
Also I don’t remember dunblane as I was very young but I remember my mum picking me up from school, picking me up and hugging me for ages and when I asked why she said that something bad had happened at a school and some mummy’s weren’t going to be hugging their children that night 💔
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Manchester arena is one that will stick with me for a long time. For a very long time Manchester was my go to arena (until Leeds became an option) the foyer where it happened was the exit I’d used on multiple occasions (inc feb 2017) especially when I was at university and needed to catch a train back to where I was living at the time. I remember not sleeping the entire night because it could so easily been a show I’d attended . The situation was made so much worse because I knew multiple people at the show one of whom was only about 7 or 8 at the time.

7/7 sticks with me because it was the first big event I remember watching unfold online and a reasonably live pace. It was end of term Year 10 and we had a random computer room lesson and I just remember it breaking in the yahoo homepage.

Soham murders stick out to me as well because it even made the Australian news when I’d gone on holiday to see some family.
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Something that really that really makes me cry whenever I think about it is a post that came about a week after the stonemason Douglas high school shooting in Florida. I'm big into dance and the American dance community. I watch the competition livestreams etc and follow the whole season. One of the judges of a competition posted the weekend after the shooting saying that they were judging a dance competition were one of the girls who had been killed was due to compete a solo. At the request of her studio, when her time to perform came, they played her solo song to a completely empty stage. I cry my eyes out every time I think of it.
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I know it’s recent but there is something not quite right with this case. I really wish I am wrong but there is something about her Husband that just feels odd. I can’t stop thinking about that poor woman and her baby 😥

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Alesha MacPhail - I can't get over the sheer nerve of a 16-year-old brazenly breaking into a flat with 4 adults sleeping to (supposedly) find some weed. He then stumbles onto a child and decides to take her. It came out later that he had been drinking and doing drugs for several years already and there were local rumours that his family had hushed up allegations of previous sex assaults.
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As so many have said Dunblane will be the most memorable new story in our life time. I remember how quick the government kicked in to action with laws, with a gun amnesty and every schools security being hiked up instantly. I read Piers Morgans memoirs years ago when he was still editing tabloids and he said it was the hardest story he'd ever had to cover (I know he's a dick but that's still a really good book if you're interested in news stories)

Poor Holly and Jessica, I remember following the story all week and then I was at V festival when they found them and they actually announced it as breaking news on the big screens. Its one of few tragic stories where not many details are know, is this because Huntley kept quiet or because the family didn't want the media giving out that information? I accidently read the specifics of what happened to Jamie Bulger once and I think its the one thing in life I wish I'd never read and instantly felt sick to my stomach.

The Anders Breivik Norway attack still shocks me when I think about it. I remember a tabloid printed a double page spread aerial view of the island with all the dead bodies scattered over it. That's an image that I don't think will ever leave me.

The Josef Fritzle story fascinated me for a long time.
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There was a huge case in Ireland a few years back. Graham Dwyer and Elaine O Haras murder. Shocking stuff. But what always stuck with me was the coincidences that led to him being caught and arrested. If memory serves me right, Elaines body was found by someone out running while at around the same time in a different area some items relating to the murder were found in a reservoir which had low levels of water due to the summer heatwave, and the persistence of the young Garda involved who’s gut feeling led him to believe it was a suspicious case. Dwyer was a total psycho. A pure wolf in sheep’s clothing. Thank god he was convicted, its scary to think that if the summer that year (2013 I think) was not as warm as it was he might never have been caught. A fascinating case with so many twists and turns along the way. It doesn’t even seem that long since the trial was all over the news.
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TW for gory details in child murders

The Baneheia case in Norway.

Two little girls aged 8 and 10 were brutally raped and murdered by two men in the woods. The things that were done to them were deemed too horrific to ever be shared with the public, but my mom was friends with the person who performed the autopsy. They told her one of the girls had all her intestines out and the other’s head was barely attached to her body.

I was 6 when this happened and I remember being downright traumatised. I always told my mom I loved her before going out to play after it happened, as I wanted that to be the last thing I said to her if someone killed me ://

Another interesting fact is that one of the perpetrators has maintained his innocence through all these years, and his case is now up for review. He’s been imprisoned since 2000. It actually looks like he’s innocent. It was a witch hunt way back when, but he was texting several messages throughout the time the murders were happening, and the cell tower that connected with his phone wasn’t the one near the crime scene. So he is probably innocent, I think. The court threw this evidence out and his best friend - whose DNA was found inside the girls - said he forced him to do it.

It’s a a very interesting and HORRIBLE case. I can’t listen to true crime stuff about it because it upsets me so much. I just want to wrap my arms around those little girls 💔
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The murder of Milly Dowler. She was 3 years older then me. I remember her story being on the news when she first went missing. I also read her sister's book and cried though out.
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One that really sticks out for me was the murder of Sarah Payne. I was only young at the time and it made me so aware of how evil people can be. That poor family. She was playing innocently with her siblings and went off in a little huff as kids do, and her brother was literally just seconds out of sight from her before that absolute horror of a man snatched her. I read her mums book and it was heartbreaking 💔
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I think the details of the Sarah Everard case are some of the most harrowing I have ever heard of. I can’t begin to imagine what she went through. 😓 it’s definitely one of those stories that will remain in the public consciousness for a long time.

The CCTV of her walking home is just so haunting. Just reminds of the Jill Meagher case in Australia, which caused outrage in 2012.
Think Sarah’s case is just so tragic. Her body language on the final footage where he is talking to her….she just looks so dejected.. she was close to home. I hope her friend who’s house she left gave her. hug goodbye and that her call with her boyfriend ended happily. That the last few people she engaged with before that monster made her feel quietly loved.

I still remember hearing that she’d been found in Kent. I’d lived in SW London and thought it can’t be Ken that’s two hours away. Then I hoped that if she had been killed that it had been in London’s and her body moved. But the details got worse abs worse. Think her fa I lied statement certain parts of all of them broke me.
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I would say even if you are not easily upset think carefully before you read this.
I have a pretty strong stomach and as a crime junkie I’m fine with most stuff but this case really upset me. It’s a story featuring graphic torture so just be aware if you are curious.
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Probably Jessica & Holly.

I was about 9/10 at the time, so the same age as both of them. I was on holiday with my parents & younger sister in Mousehole, Cornwall. I remember it being all over the newss, radio and on the newspaper. I can picture a particular area of Mousehole anytime the story is mentioned. The story is awful and I think because I was the same age that's maybe why I remember is so well or where I was when the story broke anyway,
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The Soham murders poor Jessica and Holly. I will never forget watching the news every day hoping for good news. On GMTV one morning a woman was telling a reporter she had seen the girls walking along a few days after they went missing. To this day I cannot understand how she could have made something up and given hope to the parents.
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Chatty Member
The ones that stick out most
Bradford football fire
James Bulger
Zeebrugge ferry disaster
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