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This story breaks my heart so much. Lee was only 15 years old when he went missing in 1988, he went out to meet a friend one weekend and disappeared without a trace. His parents still remain hopefully he'll return home one day, his bedroom is still untouched with his homework still laid out on his desk and all of his posters still on the wall :cry: it's so sad. It makes my heart ache because I know I would be the exact same with my daughter's room and belongings. Lee's Dad was a member of the Missing People's Choir that auditioned on Britain's Got Talent a few years ago alongside Claudia Lawrence's Dad
That's really tough, my heart breaks for families who have no answers, the strain must be massive 😢
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The story of The Springfield Three in Missouri, USA. Three women vanished into thin air in 1992. Definitely recommend looking into it but be prepared to go down a rabbit hole.
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Absolutely horrific the stories about poor Arthur.
I just can’t imagine how he must of felt 😣💔

just now reading about the 27 migrants who have died trying to cross the channel! How desperate must you be to want to put your life in danger to try and reach a safer place? It definitely makes you realise how privileged we are
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Ciaran Morris, 2 week old premature baby who died after his pram was struck by a car .
Such a tragic and upsetting story.
The similar story of Louis Thorold has stuck with me to the point that I won’t take my baby for walks by roads. Instead I’ll drive somewhere like the park which realistically is statistically more risky but I just can’t get out of my head the idea of a pram being struck & having to go home without your baby.
The Mum in this case was struck too and was in a coma unaware her boy was gone 😢
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For me it was what happened in the former Yugoslavia and the Rwandan genocide. The idea of the planning behind it all, the stunning cruelty and evil, and of the people who lived next door coming to rape and murder their neighbours has never stopped haunting me.
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So wrong that they were released with new identities. One of them has been arrested a few times since, IIRC it was for possession of indecent images. He’s also told people who he really is and recent photos of him were going around on Twitter. Won’t be long until he’s locked up again I think.
And I think you can get fined for sharing it. Didn’t the woman out of Shameless share it and then got arrested?

And I think you can get fined for sharing it. Didn’t the woman out of Shameless share it and then got arrested?
I think he might be in prison now. I’m sure I read that he has asked not to be released.
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One I remember from years ago (think it was maybe 2005? or 2006?) was (TRIGGER WARNING for drunk driving + child death) an American family who was coming back from a wedding in a limo, and a drunk driver crashed into them. I think the limo driver and one other person in the car instantly died due to the severity of the crash (it hit them head on), and the little girl was killed and decapitated by her seatbelt. :( Bloody awful and I'm glad the guy who did it is still rotting in prison.
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9/11 is a big one. My parents were actually in America when it happened. My siblings and I were being looked after by my grandad and he picked us up from school and told us he had some news regarding my parents. We watched the news and spoke to my parents (they were fine, they thought the news in the hotel they were in were showing a film, they just didn't believe it.) My parents were actually on the first flight home when the airspace opened as one of the people they were with, needed to be home because of who she was and and her job (because of the attack) I just remember being drawn into the footage of people jumping and being so upset and hurt. My dads best friend was in the 1st tower on the 26 floor and just ran down the stairs as fast as he could and didn't stop running for what he said felt like days. he suffered PTSD and when I see him I just feel awful. I just cant forget about it and even though it was across the pond how close to home it was.
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Will the Claudia Lawrence case ever be solved? God forgive me for saying this but I always thought her late father had something to do with her disappearance. He always appeared smiley when talked about her at press conferences. I hope she is found either way . It's a really baffling case.
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Lulu Goss

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The Poppi Worthington case. The details were horrible to read but as far as I know her dad was never actually found guilty as they couldn’t prove anything/evidence was lost.
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The shootings at a concert in Las Vegas in 2017 I think was the year?? It was from a shooter at a hotel window… I always found it weird not a big deal was made of it, ALOT of people were killed
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This thread has been an eye opener as there’s so many I didn’t know about 😢
I had two weeks left before giving birth to my first child when James Bulger was murdered. I, like the rest of the country and world was heartbroken for his poor parents. Unbelievable what kids could do to a little toddler. 💔
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Dunblane 😢I just think how scared those poor babies were .Why could he have not killed himself and left those little ones alone .I remember their parents waiting outside for news about them how can they ever get over what happened ? I hope he rots in hell for all eternity the evil bastard.
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Oh my goodness I just started watching (i don’t know why!) the Dunblane thing that was on last week as it’s close to the anniversary. It was just horrifically sad, I had to turn it off. My little boy is 3.5 so looks similar size to the kids photos they were showing and I just cannot even imagine what those parents have gone’s made me want to go and get him out of bed and squeeze him tight.
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Alan Hawe, the man from Cavan who stabbed his wife and children to death before committing suicide. The MIL was due to see her daughter and 2 of her grandsons that morning but they didnt show up so she went round to the house. The husband had left a note on the door warning people not to come inside and to call the Gardai.

He'd decided to kill himself but didn't want to deprive his children of a father so killed them too.
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There was a story years ago about a toddler accidentally drowning in the bath on Christmas Day. It’s always stuck with me, thinking of the poor mum who just turned her back for a minute (likely on a very busy but exciting and lovely day) and lost her child so quickly.

I often think about the mum and hope she’s ok. It’s such a traumatic thing but to happen on Christmas morning is just extra horrible.
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Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. Was about the same age at the time. Can remember it vividly. Will never forget either.
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The Soham murders, I grew up in Cambridgeshire so it was particularly close to home for me. Also James Bulger due to the sheer brutality of it and that Jon Venables keeps re-offending.

Also the murder of Kelly Anne Bates. She was tortured four weeks before her death and her partner gauged her eyes out three weeks before her death. I think prosecutors commented that "death must have come as a merciful end for her" and the sheer misery she must have felt is so awful.
The Soham murders was shocking. I wonder what made Maxine Carr lie. She thought she’d lose her job?! She did and a lot more. I wonder if she just couldn’t comprehend the enormity of what had happened. I always got the impression she was a bit slow and very impressionable. Does excise what she did in any way.

Poor Kelly Anne how she must have suffered. Sure it was over a 150 injuries including gouging out her eyes which I remember reading must have happened anywhere between 1-3 weeks before she died. Her brother went round and was told she was out. It really upset me her case as she must have suffered so badly and for people who cared about her to live with knowing that x
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Amongst many of the ones mentioned - a couple of years ago there was a story about a cat who had been strapped to a firework and let off. The cat lost a leg in the process, it was blown off. Then later died but not immediately. I’m not a sad crier, I’ve never cried watching tv or anything like that, but I bawled my eyes out reading that story. I remember it every time there’s fireworks and it makes me sick they can still be bought so easily and casually by anyone.
How could anyone do that? That poor creature
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