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Chatty Member
I actually said to my partner at the weekend how some people should not be allowed to have children (should be some kind of test) it applies in this case and to the others mentioned of child neglect and abuse.
I was at the park with my little boy sat on the grass eating, there was a man and his 8/9 year old daughter nearby. He was sat smoking and ignoring her, she was just wandering around by him, she came back over to him and she trod on his trainer as she did and he said do it again and I’ll belt you. Made me feel so sad for her and worried what might happen behind closed doors 😢
That is so worry-some. Minor things like that, that can set someone off, really does make you wonder what happens at home. I wouldn’t think twice if my son stood on my shoe, accidents happen, children trip over their own feet. I could never be so threatening for something so small. It really does terrify me thinking about how scared some children out there are.
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Two other ones for me, anyone remember one where a woman ran into her work and left the car outside by a lake, and it slipped in with her kids inside? Few years back in the UK. And another similar, I think the mother was on a hen do and her whole family died in a car in water again, think it was in Ireland?
Yes the family was from Derry but it happened in Donegal. The car slipped on Algae and into the water 😢 Absolutely horrendous for that poor woman. Thankfully someone jumped in to help and her husband managed to pass the baby out the window before he drowned himself 😢 Her Mum, teenage sister and 2 sons died along with her husband.
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I always remember the murder of the young woman Joanna Yeates, I really hoped she would be found and then she was discovered on Boxing Day.

the Tia Malone case was also just as harrowing.

I remember watching the news at work when the news broke about the Philpott family where all the children died and the parents were giving a press conference. I said that it was the parents and everyone was horrified! I was right...
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The murder of Michaela McAreavey was another awful tragedy that rocked Ireland. Probably one of the biggest news stories at the time. And no justice done. I was only reading recently that they are looking to reopen the case 💔 hopefully some day she will get the justice she deserves 🙏🏻😩💔
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I remember returning home from school on the day the news broke about the ‘House of horrors’ with Fred and Rose West’s faces on the TV. I was around 15. I’ll never forget it.
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Baby anyone can torture an innocent baby is beyond me..let alone the mother allowing the boyfriend (baby rapist) and his brother to do that stuff to that child you’ve carried for 9 months! The social services & NHS to ignore the signs.... The little picture of him!

I then had to do a social services safeguarding course and found out there are many more children out there that slip the system...

I have a 27 month old toddler and he had his 2 1/2 year review over the phone recently due to COVID and this wholeheartedly scares me that there are going to be repercussions of these telephone calls...who’s checking up on the child’s health? To actually see if there are any issues or any signs of abuse 😭😭
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Not sure if there is a separate thread but they have found that little girl alive in Australia
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The murder of Michaela McAreavey in Mauritius 💔 I always think of her around this time of year as both her wedding anniversary and death fall around the end of December/start of January. I can’t believe it’s over 10 years now.
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This thread makes for sad reading, but I’m also touched at how many of us think about so many victims regularly. It’s weirdly nice to think that so many people care about the victims of terrible crimes, and their families, many years after the media coverage stops.

For me, pretty much all stories that stayed with me have been mentioned already. I think sometimes when you’re around the age of the victim/s or you have something in common with them, or your family does, it just hits home a lot more, especially cases you first heard about in childhood.

James Bulger was the first big case I can remember, because it prompted my mum to give my siblings and I a huge talk on staying safe when out and about with her. I remember she went back to using reins (no judgement - it was the early 90s and she had a lot of kids to supervise!) on my younger brother when we were in town for a while. I can remember her being visibly upset by it all - it had such a huge impact on her, which in turn impacted me.

Similarly, Dunblane had a big impact on me because we talked about it a lot at school. I was in year 6 and I remember we had a big assembly about it, generally a lot of children were really fearful and we had to have a lot of assurance.

Another one was Stephen Lawrence, because I think as a white person that was one of my first understanding of racism at some level. I remember asking my mum a lot of questions about the case and asking to read all the news articles in my grandparent’s papers.

In more recent years, I think about Grace Milane a lot. She was murdered by a man who claimed it was consensual rough sex gone too far. I followed the changes in law around the “rough sex defence” with a lot of anger and grief for Grace and the other women who’s murderers got away with their crimes due to this defence. Just horrible.
Grace Millane broke my heart. Similar age and have also online dates like she was, she was just so carefree and enjoying her life, it just hit home. I read an interview with her brother in which he said they played Ed Sheeran 'Photograph' at her funeral and I cannot listen to that song without crying. I will never forget her.
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Does anyone remember the death of warriena Wright? New Zealand girl that met an absolute pig on tinder and ended up falling from his balcony at 14 stories... very suspicious
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Another one is the story of Kirsty Grabham who was murdered by her husband in 2009. He strangled and battered her, tried to cut her in half, put her body in a suitcase and threw it on to the side of the m4. Police stated they think she may have still been alive when in the suitcase because when her body was found 10 days later, she was still warm. Rigor mortis hadn't even set in. Her sister later drank herself to death as she was so traumatised. Poor family.

Local stories always stay with me more. Tracy Woodford who was murdered by a man she met in a local pub, went home with him, was reported missing by her family. Police found her arms and legs in his shower cubicle in his flat, her fingers were in her handbag and he'd put her head in a drain at the local football club. Disgusting. I wonder how any police officer can ever sleep again after seeing scenes such as this.
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Absolutely horrific the stories about poor Arthur.
I just can’t imagine how he must of felt 😣💔

just now reading about the 27 migrants who have died trying to cross the channel! How desperate must you be to want to put your life in danger to try and reach a safer place? It definitely makes you realise how privileged we are
I cried all night when I first read that story about Arthur. Being a granny and reading he was begging for his gran just broke me. Tbh reading about it on here again is making me cry again. I just can’t
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I don't know if it has been mentioned about the Arthur case, but does anyone else find it super weird they recorded him all the time like this? I heard they said it was so she coul show the dad how he was misbehaving, or whatever, but it seems to me they must have enjoyed watching the videos back. That poor, poor boy. Just absolutely tragic.
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James Bulger & Sarah and Jessica. Innocent children just living their lives. The Manchester bombing also haunts me.
The Manchester bombing still upsets me now. My son had been born a few days earlier so I was sat up feeding him, and I was texting my friend who was there. I was reading on Twitter that a speaker exploded, and I texted him seeing what had happened. I kept reading and reading, and then I learned it was a bomb. Hun and his boyfriend had to run for their lives and it still upsets me now.
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With the hot weather recently I was reminded of the father who forgot to drop his toddler off to nursery in the morning and locked the child in the car all day when he went to work, to come back later and the child had died in the hot car. I tried to Google to share a link and I can not believe how many times this has happened! Quite a few different articles about it happening various times 😮

This was in the last few years and if I remember correctly he has suffered greatly.

He didn't usually do the creche run so on autopilot he went to work as usual.

Desperately sad and the man didn't need all the Facebook judges out in force, he's judging himself enough 😔😔😔
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A few years ago there was a family who were killed in an arson attack in Manchester a few days before Christmas. The mum survived but had terrible inquiries and in was in hospital for months, I don’t think she even attended their funerals. It was so awful and for some reason I couldn’t get them out of my head for ages afterwards.
That was so sad. When she died I felt relief for her that she was at peace and no longer in pain, both physically and emotionally.
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In Ireland,
A man who was supposedly deceased for up to 2 days, was yesterday brought to the post office by a relative and the relatives friend (supposedly with addiction issues) to collect the deceased persons pension (approx €200) . The person who served them realised the man was clearly not well and the gardai and emergency services were called.

It'd like Weekend at Bernie's.

Gardaí try to pinpoint pensioner’s time of death after dead man carried into post office to claim pension

Gardaí try to pinpoint pensioner’s time of death after dead man carried into post office to claim pension

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