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Yesterday. I found the below video again and I felt this little girl's pain so deep, it brought up my own pain, I couldn't stop sobbing afterwards.

Thank God I'm not a parent or I would have started crying together with them!

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Please complain about this disgusting individual.
It’s totally unacceptable for a customer facing employee (or anyone for that matter) to be so bloody rude and insulting.

I also agree with this 100%. I feel angry with your friend on your behalf. They could have spoken out. If it were me, to be honest, I’d have told you I hadn’t caught what the person said. I’d then quietly have gone back afterwards to complain.
You're right, I should complain about it. It just feels a bit humiliating having to bring it up again especially if I see them face to face and they know it's me if that makes sense?

Yeah I would have done the same. It's also so much easier to complain at the time rather than a day later with the whole he said, she said. She's quite forthright (or maybe just insensitive) and I don't think she realised telling me what he said would have upset me like it did. We were with another friend too and she even said to her "you're a big girl, I'm a big girl but we know what clothes suit our body shape." I know some people feel comfortable describing their bodies like that but it makes me feel uncomfortable even if it's not directed at me.
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Few weeks back my 5 month old is a terrible sleeper and I cracked with sleep deprivation in the early hours 😢
He is still a little devil at night but how can I be mad at my little prince , I know it gets better 💙💙💙
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I cry at genuinely anything so at least once a week!
- The Andrex advert with the cute little golden lab puppy walking into the field shaking its butt :')
- The Lloyds advert of the black horse running? God knows why but it gets me
- I have a Big Issue man who is lovely and in lives in my town. I buy from him about once a month, he gave me some of his home grown veggies as a thank you last week and I bawled
- Watched Taken last week and the scene in the boat when he comes to get her made me close to a nervy B
- On the flip side I also cried last week when I was holding too much in my hands and couldn't unlock my car lol - swings and roundabouts
The Lloyds advert gets me every time!
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I’ve been self conscious about going to the doctor about this because I don’t want them to think “It’s winter and this patient is asked for a consultation because she’s cold?”. But ultimately, I’m suffering, so I need to have this checked. I also have a lump in my neck that’s been there for about 2/3 months, it’s probably glands, nothing to be worried about, but it could be related. I might as well have both checked.
Please ask to get a full panel on your thyroid levels too. The cold and the lump in the neck could also be thyroid and/or autoimmune issues which are incredibly difficult to pin down. Good luck. 🧡
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Chatty Member
Last night. I think I’ve cried every day this week. I’ve had a lot of on my mind, both personally and professionally. My anxiety is crippling me and I’ve been struggling with stress for a long time. It’s all come to a head since I ended up with shingles two weeks ago - I believe the stress was the cause. I’m still in some degree of pain and have so much dread about going back to work that my stomach is in knots constantly and I feel like I’m going to be sick. I’ve also recently had results back from my 3yo son’s genetic blood test and he has a lifelong learning disability called Fragile X syndrome, as well as being assessed for autism. My 5yo son has had a diagnosis of classic autism since he was 3. I am considering asking my doctor to sign me off work (but my anxiety is making me dread that too).
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I haven't had shingles but have heard it's extremely painful for some.
I have also heard of Fragile X and know of some people whos kids also have it. It's definitely not an easy road but you have a diagnosis and that's a definite start. Have you looked for support groups because there's definitely people like you out there x
Ps get signed off work. Sort your head out you'll thank yourself for doing it
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There is grief involved when you realise you didn't have the family you deserved as a child. Hope you're okay ❤

Thank you ❤❤. I usually am and I usually don't think about it, I had other supportive family members growing up so I think I am more fortunate than some who have had similar upbringings in that respect. But you're right and that's something my other relatives used to say.
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I really hope so because right now it feels unbearable. I can't even begin to think that this is going to pass. Everybody keeps saying it's early days but it feels like this last 8 weeks have been the longest time if my life and I should be feeling better by now. The up and down emotions are insane!
the pain of heartbreak from a relationship is just awful and I can understand how 8 weeks must feel so long.I remember the days of feeling this pain but everyone whos saying its early days are right ,in terms of healing its no time at all and if you didnt feel like you do then you wouldnt be human.You will love like you have before again but next time it will be someone who can love you on the same level and give you everything you deserve.
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Hope you’re doing ok. Stuff like this is just so heartbreaking.

I actually cried this morning as it was the anniversary of a friend of mine and my husbands ( his best friend but we were all very close).

I remember how shocked and numb i was for a few weeks after as i just couldnt believe it.

He died a few weeks before we got married so my husband was left wth no best man and it left such a sad cloud for us on our day
Thank you, for your kind words, I'm ok.

So sorry that you and your husband lost your friend, especially when he was due to be your best man
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Sometimes I'll hear song or watch something that's sad and then start thinking of made up scenarios like what if I had to put my cat down one day and I'll just be streaming with tears. But then when I'm actually upset about something or angry/sad in real life you can't get a single tear out of me lol.
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I had this with my little girl I think around age 2/3. She hit 4 and they stopped completely so hang on in there. I just think their little brains are developing so much, lots to process. The only thing that would settle mine was the smell of her fave teddy, sounds like you did great settling her. I know what you mean about the feeling lingering xx
I second this. My son used to take them frequently and it was just awful, you feel so helpless. He’s nearly 5 now and rarely has them these days so hopefully it’ll get easier with time for you, OP xx
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This whole thread makes me want to cry 😢

I’ve never been a crier, but since lockdown ive cried a lot over stuff on the tv (mainly emotional covid montages). My biggest one was at the end of Schindlers list cos I’ve never seen it before.

But not including things on the TV triggering it, it was after Boris’s first lockdown announcement (which was on TV but you know what I mean). It was the gravity of the situation and feeling like it was this huge moment of the whole country watching this announcement from the prime minister that we never saw coming. Suddenly everyone’s lives were about to change massively and I remember sitting on the floor crying about the uncertainty and fear of it.
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Chatty Member
I’m glad i’ve found this thread because i find it near impossible to be open and honest about how i feel in real life.
I’m early into adulthood, and my grandad, who has treated me and raised me as if i were his own is passing. He has his children by his side, no more visitors allowed. I’ve never lost anyone close before. Quite lucky & blessed ive made it this far without i know. I feel like i’ve been smashed out of the universe and into another where i cant feel anything but isolation.

I hope whatever is making you cry today, you all find peace and happiness again so soon. X
Grief is another land, another life, another universe. Sending you love.
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