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a minute ago, my life man... lost most of my family early on, immigrated to a new country as a kid, divorce, dead beat somewhat abusive cheating dad, poverty, several attempted assaults, one assault, being surprised by two new half siblings from my dad out of nowhere and all by the time I was 20. the past 7 years have been about healing because man.. I'm exhausted growing up was hell. Just why, why didn't I get a simple life?
I feel you so deeply on this. It's so hard not to feel bitter and angry.
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Just now, listening to a beautiful song about the the joy and the magic of singing together with someone that you love.
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I suspect it had but he says it hasn't been as long as I think. I don't know anymore. Thank you for the reply I really appreciate it. He's been in a bad place mental health wise but I always thought he would come out the other side.
So sorry to hear this ☹ I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, just know you’ll have tattle to talk to whenever you need ♥ Sending you lots of love xxx
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Tonight because I was in the kitchen making tea and didn’t hear the DPD guy at the front door with my parcel delivery, cried when they text to say they missed me but will be back tomorrow! I am 34 weeks pregnant though which is why it upset me 🤣
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I’m crying right now lol. Had a busy week with my PhD work and I’ve been working late into the evening. Today I decided to start my decorating of my bedroom what I’ve been putting off. Didn’t stop stripping wallpaper til 7.30 tonight, just got in bed, so so exhausted and my neighbours are playing loud, sh*tty rap music! All I want to do is sleep and I can’t!
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I was teaching my 5 year old grandson the " queens song " as he calls it as they did a jubilee thing in school week
I got all choked up and patriot singing it and was actually crying real tears
He looked at me strange 😂
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Honestly I feel like doing it too but what's the point. Thank you. I'm not okay but I hope I can be in time.
I've stopped crying so at least that is something.
I'd let him off being petty cause that's all it sounds like he is. Will bother him more not to get a reaction from you to be honest. If he plays the random bra or whatever again id play him at his own game and go oh that's where I left that and pick it up and walk off. Will bother him more than ever seeing your face sad etc.
It sounds cliche I know but it’s a one day at a time thing isn’t it? You’ll get there ❤.
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I am. Thank you - it’s really felt that we’re not valued at all recently. I appreciate you saying that so much.
There is huge demand in some subjects in some areas, but in my area people don’t tend to leave schools with decent/fair leaders so vacancies tend to be temp posts or in schools with awful reputations for how staff get treated. Add to that the fact that there are more trainees than ever and it’s incredibly competitive. Lots of schools just want a newly qualified teacher (the cheapest) for a year and then will replace them the year after with another.
I didn't realise that. My friend is a teaching assistant and her school is making redundancies because their funding has been cut by the government. Is it the same for teachers and that's why schools are picking the newly qualified ones because they earn less and it reduces expenditure?

You really are valued. I remember when I was back at school there were some teachers I knew were feeling exhausted and under appreciated. I wish I'd have said something to them at the time, because I still think about them now. I'm sure for every person who's abusive you have ten others who are silently supporting you (not that it justifies the abusive student's behaviour).
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Thank you ❤
No he's done. He's actually meeting the other person today and while I'm sad things weren't 100% for a while so I'm just going to let go. I'm tired trying to fight for something when he's not putting the same effort in as I was. Kids come first right now and That's where I'm putting my energy. We are at least both on the same page there so that's something I guess.
From what you are saying, it's probably for the best. It must be emotionally draining to be the only one checked into a relationship. It won't be easy for you or the kids, but at least you have them to focus on, I'm sure they will give you strength. And there is always here to vent.

@Shesaidwhat? - Christ, you sound well rid there. Fine, if you want to split up but don't be the worlds biggest bellend about it all. He sounds like a right man child.
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Dancing Dave

VIP Member
The council refused to do anything about my kitchen flooring. The previous tenants were absolutely disgusting and what could have been a lovely kitchen, is partially destroyed. They had 3 large dogs which had ripped and discoloured the floor. It looks awful, not to mention unhygienic. It seems to smell of overwhelmingly of stale, dogs shit and urine whenever it gets mopped or damp which leads me to believe their dogs piss had seeped into the kick boards and under the tiles, some are even badly damaged and warped yet I am not permitted to remove them. It really annoys me as it is a fairly new build and would have kept it immaculate from the beginning if I was the first tenant! I cried out of frustration as I have been reporting it for two years yet nothing has been done to help. It was yesterday.
Get on too your local MP hopefully they can help, put some pressure on!
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Am on a pity party for one today, my dog has snapped at me ( I'm old and have had dogs all my life, this is a first for me) and a so called friend who was gonna visit over Easter let me down, big time, I've heard nothing from her since, I sometimes think whats the point in life.
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I cried yesterday for the first time in ages. I was so tired and was fed up feeling shit with the menopause. I called my doctor and asked for HRT. I refuse to battle on anymore -
can’t wait to get it tomorrow !
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I ended up abandoning my MSc research when I was working for the NHS because accessing the ethical review process as a non-clinician/external academic was harder than getting into Fort Knox. Hang in there.
It’s an absolute minefield! Every change you make to the form triggers my PhD supervisors to sign it even though I’m chief investigator. Deep breaths 🙃
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Today. Toddler won’t listen, just pushing me to my limits. Got a puppy who obviously doesn’t listen. Felt completely useless and shit all day.
Musy remember (and hope) it’s just a bad day and we go again in the morning.
Totally feel your pain. Toddler and a nuisance dog here! It’s bloody tough. The toddler more so, definitely 🤣 you’re not alone!
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I'm going to sound like a five-year-old rather than the mature woman I am but my mother has become a lot more impatient and verbally aggressive as she ages and one of the reasons I'm crying almost daily is because she'll go from 0 to 100 and just snap at me over nothing. I don't think she has dementia or anything so extreme, I think it's stress, but it's becoming totally unmangable to live with.

I have nowhere else to go so can't make changes on that front, but I'm spending a lot more time by myself which is not ideal either.

Trying to just be grateful I have a roof, any roof, over my head and food and heat but it's getting harder to accept how shit my life is and it's because I never got to grips with my own mental health issues before it was too late.
I’m so sorry.
I don’t live with my Mum, but I see or speak to her daily and am very much the dumping ground for all of her negative emotions and anger, so I 💯 sympathise with you.
Please try to take some time out if you can, as rainbowlemon says; could you go for a walk/coffee/ even a bit of window shopping on your own?
I hope things get better for you x
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Today. Where I live has just announced that our lockdown is extended and I miss my friends and my parents! 😢
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Today when I was having my hair cut. Last night we'd finished watching "Six Feet Under". I didn't cry then, but I started thinking about the ending when I was at the hairdressers today, and I actually started blubbing. I stifled it pretty well so hopefully no one noticed.
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