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Chatty Member
Unsolicited advice Alert 🚨😅
I was in the same predicament once, please give it time so you know where to adjust /back off/talk it out. When you are vastly different in the way you react to things it is possible to work things out. The main thing is you realise this, and you're half way there 🙂
Ah we broke things off. It wasn't right for a long time and we both decided to just part ways.

Sucks, but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️ I cried a lot last night, but I'm feeling okay today.
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My children opened all of their presents, that were all wrapped, and hidden in my room.

I’m just, heartbroken into a million bits.
oh god this is horrible. all your effort and love poured into them to be ripped open in seconds before christmas has even arrived. i'm so sorry!
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Mulholland Drive

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A friend reminded me of when I last blubbed a few tears, and that was watching Tom Hanks in "Castaway" crying after losing his island companion, "Wilson" out at sea.

The unique thing about Wilson was that he wasn't human, but a volleyball (I guess you had to watch the scene to understand) :cry:
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That is absolutely devastating.

I am sat crying now and seem to gravitate to here everytime. 8 weeks ago my wife cheated on me and now in a relationship with the women she cheated with. I am so unbelievably devasted and just can't see this feeling going away. I can't bare the pain.
However after reading here it makes me realise I'm not the only one hurting and things could be a lot worse
Heartbreaking isn’t it.

Darling, the feeling will pass; you just need time to feel the emotion and properly process it.

You will be better for this happening, in time. Someone who would do that to you and move on so fast is not worth devoting your love, time and attention to.
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I cried last week as I'd been riding a deadline wave and kept up right until the last minute when a colleague dumped some admin shit on me, I cried in frustration as had been doing overtime for weeks to be ready for the deadline. Am okay now I've had a weekend off. The adrenaline rush of working hard against time limit was too much for me it seems.
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Basically constantly since yesterday afternoon. I had to have my bestie furry friend put to sleep because he had heart failure and I am just devastated. I can't even sleep properly because he used to sleep on my bed with me and his little cat snores would send me off to sleep myself. Heartbroken.
Pet death is devasting. A lot of people still don't realise how much. Sending you love, it's the worst time just now but you will start feeling better one day.
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Piff paff puff

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Today while watching an old black and white melodrama, they're the only films I watch so hankies are always nearby :ROFLMAO:🤧
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Chatty Member
when is your boyfriend back love ? havent you got a friend or neighbour you could go to ? if you keep your distance? x

could you ring your local council, they are usually good at helping with that, i understand i love all animals, but i also have a mouse phobia , or is there a possibility your boyfriend could come back ? a phobia is very serious x
Well I managed to go in and straight upstairs to the bathroom cos I was desperate for a wee! and then stayed in there for a long time contemplating my situation.. then back out to go and get some humane traps (and food, no way am I going in the kitchen) and now holed up in the bedroom as far from the potential intruder as possible, which I would where I will stay until I am rescued when my boyfriend gets home at 6 and he can pull the kitchen apart. Thank you for your kind words, it feels so silly to be so scared of something so small doesn’t it?!
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Driving home from work last night. Horrendously busy shift, no breaks so no food for 12. 5 hrs, had survived on a few roses chocolates that were on the desk, and some bad news that happened to one of our ladies.
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Cried a couple of nights ago because we are so so sleep deprived at the moment (there’s a reason this is used as torture!) Our 8 month old has never slept through, in fact, he wakes up anywhere between 8-15 times a night (terrible reflux even with highest dose of meds/special milk etc etc, we really have tried everything) and more recently my 2 year old is waking up so upset in the night which is unlike him. I don’t really cry but everything is a complete overwhelm, this year has just been a total write off and things just seem to be getting shitter week to week. Sending love to everyone on here Xx
Breaks my heart 💔
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Chatty Member
I’m actually crying right now. I have a phobia of mice and thought I saw one in our kitchen last night (my eyes often play tricks on me) but my boyfriend has confirmed to me that it’s 100% not a figment of my imagination. He’s at work and now I’m sat on the driveway in my car sweaty from my gym class and starving thinking I may just have to stay here all day and that my house is going to be forever tainted now. When we had a mouse infestation in my uni house (they had a nest under my bed 😭) I moved out for 3 weeks. Phobias suck.
when is your boyfriend back love ? havent you got a friend or neighbour you could go to ? if you keep your distance? x

when is your boyfriend back love ? havent you got a friend or neighbour you could go to ? if you keep your distance? x
could you ring your local council, they are usually good at helping with that, i understand i love all animals, but i also have a mouse phobia , or is there a possibility your boyfriend could come back ? a phobia is very serious x
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Chatty Member
im nearly crying now, im sick of ovulation bleeding every month, it always scares me and makes me think ive got cancer, even though ive had tests and nothing comes back apart from a fibroid. The worst part is nobody else seems to suffer from it.
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Today when I realised that I even breathe wrong I can’t do anything right today and if I ask for help from my kids I get b*tched at if I ask for help outside then I get accused by my kids of making them look bad 😔
I hope you are ok, sending positive vibes.
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