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today. i’ve had 2 miscarriages this year, 3 months apart. i’m undergoing tests and have been in agony since mentally and physically. my boyfriends family have seen me emotionally drained during these times and know what we have been through. today i mentioned something about ‘if i ever have another kid’ and my bf’s uncle went ‘nah just stick with the one, what do you want another bloody kid for, you’re useless with the one you’ve got’ and i dunno it just hurt my feelings and i went and cried in another room. he knows full well what’s happened and he’s taken me to hospital appointments and seen me at my lowest.
What a needlessly cruel, awful thing to say. I'm so sorry for your loss and that you've had to deal with callous dickheads with no concern for anyone else's feelings.
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2 weeks ago, my golden retriever got neutered and he got sick and couldn't keep anything down. Since it was the weekend I had to take him to the emergency vet and they said he ate something and would need surgery but they would have a specialist take another look. I cried for 2.5 hours just for them to tell me that he was fine and I could come get him. They gave him meds for nausea. I was so worried about him, he may be the goofiest dog ever but he is my goof ball and I love him.
Hope your boy is okay now .Our second dog wasn't very well after she was neutered had to sleep downstairs and feed her boiled chicken and eggs .Our Labrador just got neutered few months ago and sailed through it.She loves going to vets 🤨.Thinks it's because she loves fuss and cuddles
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Our Cilla

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I know this will come across as a pity party, but just now. Today is my birthday and so far only 2 out of 3 kids have wished me a happy birthday plus my husband(kids are all over 10yrs old and everyone is home today). I've had a bottle of expensive liqueur from them all which wasn't even wrapped and is something I would never drink. No cards at all and 2 texts/WhatsApp messages from my relatives, who live within 15mins of me. I've done the food shopping, washed up, done 3 loads of washing/drying and put it all away and cleaned the toilet/bathroom.
I like to make others feel special on their birthdays and like to pick cards out which show I've thought of them. Oh and I bought a small bouquet of pink roses reduced to £1.60 earlier to cheer myself up.
Happy Birthday to you xx x
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Tangent Tiger

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Sad films seem to be a trigger don't they? I am a very infrequent crier no matter what else is going on but cried my eyes out just now at the end of a film
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Someone who I went to uni with died on his stag do two months before getting married. He has a 6 month old baby. Don’t know what happened yet but I cried
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This morning at 3am cause my newborn has silent reflux and won’t sleep unless she is being held, haven’t slept more than 2/3 hours a night in over a week 😫
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Today, twice.

This morning when I read this story about a little 11 year old who set up a small hut to sell potatoes and strawberries with his dad when he got robbed by an ADULT couple who distracted him to steal his €250 from his cash register/jar. I couldn't hold my tears. How on earth as a grown adult steal from a child who is trying to help his dad all whilst learning about how to handle money and business? You have to be a pretty low-level human being. I would have personally even given him a tip!

Then, on the bus, on my way to IKEA as the rain was pouring - perfect scene right there (thank god, no one was around)! I got a an audio text from a friend I had cut-off because she ignored me in public then suddenly decided to text me. She has less experience than I do with less prestigious credentials and is rather insecure (I know for fact because I used to work with her and she bombed an interview I gave her a reference for). Yet, she was approached for an AVP role. It seems literally every single one of my former colleagues has now made it to AVP or Manager for some even with less prestigious credentials/ years of experience and I'm still nowhere near AVP. Every single time I see or hear an update about a former peer, it's either Manager or AVP. I'm still an "analyst" after 7 years and it kills my soul because I got the awards in a previous company, have the Big4 name, I have the big banks names, have the law degrees in two legal systems including the local one, have the 4 languages. I ticked all the "well-rounded" boxes. What else does the market want from me at this point? Sell a kidney? Even when I get approached for roles, it's still for entry-level. I don't understand and I'm seriously starting to think there is some hidden racism somewhere.

I simply cannot comprehend anymore. I'm capable, smart, confident, educated and have a good CV, yet I'm still stuck at entry-level. What is the point of all this? I sacrificed my social life in college to focus on my degrees, I've sacrificed my personal life to climb a corporate ladder that doesn't want me to climb it. I sacrificed my mental and physical health for nothing. What exactly is the purpose of all this? Just go to work, be told I do a great job, get nowhere, then auto-pilot rinse and repeat all day every day, all year every year.

I couldn't even enjoy my IKEA trip because I kept thinking about this on repeat. I love Ireland and Dublin, but I'm seriously contemplating leaving the country because clearly I'm not operating at my full potential and employers aren't seeing the potential either. Or alternatively, switch industries but the way the country is headed, probably not. I don't know what to do with myself anymore 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭. I'm so confused.

I can only imagine my former manager / peers who disliked me in that company where I got awards, amazing feedbacks from higher managements & clients ... I can only imagine them laughing thinking "she thought she was going to make it and she's nowhere. Everyone has already surpassed her. Clearly, she thought she was better than she actually is". 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Im so sorry,that must be absolutley devastating .Take your time ,its early days and there are brighter times ahead 🤍
I really hope so because right now it feels unbearable. I can't even begin to think that this is going to pass. Everybody keeps saying it's early days but it feels like this last 8 weeks have been the longest time if my life and I should be feeling better by now. The up and down emotions are insane!
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Was practically in tears sort of an intro for their residency Def Leppard again, especially when they told about with Rick Allen haha
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Today. I had an appointment today that confirmed I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hands. The thought of living the rest of my life with pain and eventually having to give up my career is frightening 😢
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but just to offer you hope- medication can help and they have made a lot of progress with new biological treatments compared to just 10 years ago.
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I last cried all day today. I found out one of my oldest friends took his life last night. I feel so desperately sad for his children and his family he has left behind and for the fact he felt he couldn’t talk through his troubles with anyone. It’s absolutely devastating how he was always the life and soul of the party, making sure our friendship group were always ok and there to lend an ear when you needed a chat. He was an absolute beautiful soul and none of us ever realised he was that desperate he felt he had no other option. Today has been spent remembering my precious boy and feeling guilty that we never recognised the signs.

I'm so sorry for your loss, and for his family too. He sounds like a wonderful person who will be much missed ❤
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Yesterday, leaving my 4 year old son crying at school because a teacher told him off for playing in the sand tray whilst we were waiting to go in. Its my fault because I didn't know they weren't allowed to touch the equipment I just assumed they could and I let him. He is very shy and was devastated at being told off. He was begging me to take him home. I cried all the way home.
Oh bless him 😭 I’m feeling sensitive again today and Idk why this one made me close to tears ?!??

A few weeks ago when I watched a Futurama episode called "Jurassic Bark"
This episode has me in floods of tears every single time. Same with The Simpson’s episode where Homer puts up the “do it for her poster” and when Marge gets bullied by the bitchy woman for recycling her Chanel suit 💔

This morning. My 6 year old is being bullied at school and school seem out of their depth. Came home and just broke down because I'm desperate to protect him and guilty of failing. I was also bullied terribly in school and finding myself remembering my own horrendous experiences.
Bullies absolutely enrage me. I’m so pissed off on you and your sons behalf. They will get theirs don’t worry ❤ When my brother was little he was bullied by this kid and the teacher made the kid write him an apology letter 🙄 I told my brother to shit on it. He felt better 😂
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