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The batteries on my wireless mouse are dying so it's taking aaaaages to scroll. I'm too mean to replace the batteries just yet, though, so it's giving me the rage.
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Got a hefty garage bill this week, an appliance in the kitchen broke, I’m struggling to sleep, struggling to lose weight and something has went wrong everyday this week. Can’t wait to see the back of January 😞
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Sprained my ankle on the first day of a looong work trip. I had plans to sightsee today and tomorrow while things aren't so busy at work. Now I'm stuck at the hotel unless I'm going into the office.
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watermelon sugar

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I asked my Mum on Sunday if she could watch my son this coming Sunday whilst I have a hospital appointment and my partner is in work, she said yes at the time, then she’s just text me saying ‘were you serious about me watching ___ On Sunday?’ Like?? Yes??? Why would I ask as a joke?? Wtf 😂 so can you watch him or not! Argh
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watermelon sugar

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My skin has been quite nice and clear for a few weeks and the week I’m going out at the weekend I’ve had a breakout 😩
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Annoyed doesn’t begin to describe my situation.

Yesterday, as I was about to go to bed before my morning flight, a random plumbing emergency came up. My water pump went bust and started leaking.

I had to cancel my two day trip thinking my landlord would send a plumber today to fix it. I waited all day at home with no plumber in sight.

I therefore still don’t have my issue fixed and I missed out on what I thought would be an amazing birthday trip.
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A rat got into our bin today, left the back doors in the kitchen open to let a breeze in and it snuck into the bin. Went to close the door and saw the little fucker staring back at me so bolted upstairs to grab my phone.
In the process of running quicker than Mo Farah up my stairs, I stubbed my toe but didn’t feel any pain because of the adrenaline. Well I’m sat here now unable to sleep because it’s absolutely throbbing and bruised. Think I’ve broken it 😭 my first ever bone break and it has to be something so pathetic
Went to grab my phone to ring my other half who was out. Nothing he could do physically but he really helped through my anxiety attack bless his heart.

No more leaving back doors open 😂
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Chatty Member
I’m annoyed at myself. My child’s birthday activity tomorrow few friends. Spiral of anxiety, 2 parents didn’t acknowledge my message checking in. Feel like i don’t ‘fit’ but annoyed at myself for caring as seriously don’t care about being judged by them. Just want the kids to have fun and it all to go well. Lots of intrusive thoughts about it all going wrong.

Sorry needed to get that off my chest.
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Snorers. I’m on holiday and in one king bed in this room and they’re in the other. I cannot fucking sleep cause of their racket and I’ve been up since four. It’s really pissing me off, that absolute selfishness. I could cry.

To top it off I’m on my period 🙄🙄🙄
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A family member I haven’t spoken to in years has just messaged and asked to borrow £30 for food and tampons.

The silly cunt forgets I can see her posts and she went from dark brunette to blonde at the hairdressers yesterday.

Same cousin who let her brother slander me to other family members and spread false accusations about me. Same cousin who spiked my aunties drinks at a party and then told everyone it was me.
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Not just you. It's really cheeky, especially if the whole point is you're trying to save money. She'd have to argue she's got a 12 quid fee for doing the oh so laborious task of asking people for money for a service that she very much intends to enjoy and use...

If it were me, I'd message and ask if someone dropped out of the pool with all kisses and emojis, acting innocent, to just figure out what the hell she's up to. It might only be 2ish quid more for you, but it's the principle.
I wouldn’t have minded had she said this was the case. At least then I’d have been able to assess whether I was okay with this or not - I would have probably just made the same arrangement with a different friendship group and paid for our own service and not a penny more.

I wish I could drop out now but I’d already paid by the time I sussed it. Next year she will hear my wrath. 😂
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My coworker who got a job opportunity over me by lying about his skills keeps bragging about said project and I'm about to yell at him to shut his face.
Hopefully he will fall flat on his face! And I wouldn't rush if I were you if/ when he comes asking for your help. I saw that happening where a guy was promoted over the woman who had been doing the job, very successfully. He then had to ask her pretty much how to do everything. 🙄
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I’m texting a new guy and this morning he messaged 🥱 [yawn emoji] in reply to something I said. Also he is at university doing a Masters and is so high and mighty and full of his own intelligence. I’m introverted and chilled out and not hyper verbal like he is, the fucking gobshite. I am *this close* to hitting block.
I definitely would. How rude do you have to be to tell someone you're in the chatting stages with that they're boring you with an emoji?

My own annoyance comes from how slowly this week is crawling. I just need the weekend and I hate that I've become one of those 'living for the weekend " saddos.
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Chatty Member
“Influencers” if you’re selling crap at least be honest about it. Those stupid neck fans that sits on your shoulders I got one from Shein last year for a few £ and it’s good and all that but wow any loose hair you think you’ve put up oh no that gets yanked out and it hurts, now I see them all over tik tok for like 3x the £ I paid and not person has said ooh be careful.
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A so called friend who I have to listen to all her drama everyday but she never listens when I have anything going on and if she does just makes it about herself. Also taking the hump with me as I met up with one of my other friends while she was away on holiday 🙄 I’m close to ending the friendship
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