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Evening my favourite tattlers.

Glad it's a long weekend, I actually have plans 😱 on both Saturday and Sunday!! I'm already tired, the socialisation is gonna floor me 🤣

Today's been a typical work, work, work, home, tea, TV and now off to bed! Riveting.
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It's our anniversary today so we're going out for dinner to an Argentinian Steakhouse which will be the highlight of my day! I'm basically just sat willing the hours away till then instead of working. I checked the menu out weeks ago like the saddo that I am (am I the only one who does that?!) so I already have my order ready to rhyme off to the waiter/waitress..... well apart from my side I'm still deciding between mash or chips to go with my steak 🤔 I'm hoping to get mash and persuade MrGP to get chips so I can steal some of his 😂

We don't usually do proper gifts but MrGP popped out earlier and came home with what looks like a bottle of fizz presumably (better be) for me so thinking I might pop out soon to get something some nice craft beers or something for him (he's a bit of a beer snob 🙄).

I've eaten like crap the last couple of days as I made the mistake of going food shopping when I was starving so came home with lots of junk food which I keep snacking on, hate it when I do that. So going to enjoy tonight then try cut back a bit tomorrow, that's the plan anyways will see how it goes!

Right off to try and get up to date with the Memes thread again :ROFLMAO:
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Had my appointment with a mental health doctor on the phone today. They are going to tweak what medication I take and see if that calms me and helps with my sleep. I said to her that obviously I feel quite torn because I’m on a really strong dose so it kind of numbs you a little so I’m not sure if I’m addressing things.
I mentioned private therapy but she said I need to sort medication first really. I was pleased to hear I will get a face to face appointment, not sure when but will be nice than talking on the phone.
Good old TOTM means I’m super tearful today.
I offered to go to my grandmothers and watch the funeral with her. It’s not an easy time and it was the anniversary of my grandads death last week.
Trying to resist retail therapy as that’s my go to 🙄
It’s such a lovely day so hoping to feel more positive soon. Have a lovely day all❤
@WilmaHun that’s such amazing news, was meant to be clearly xx
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Hey everyone!

We were up early this morning (for us!) so it’s felt like a super long day.

Had a bloke coming to put a satellite dish on the roof for our new internet, so kids had breakfast and were back upstairs out the way before he came. By 9.30 I was in the boys room giving it a good square up and dust. They have so many Lego models built up and it took two hours to take them all of the sides, dust everything and put it back 😳 was on a roll after that so went into the girls room and dusted hers too. 15 mins done, boom.

While I was doing that apparently the satellite bloke had drilled into a water pipe, had to turn the water off, get a plumber out. Nice one mate ✌🏻 Anyway all done now and we have mega fast internet so no kids moaning their games are lagging!

I then went and tidied and dusted our bedroom too. Felt proper productive. I said to OH, “it’s good getting up early isn’t it?” Bet it doesn’t happen tomorrow though.

Came down after that and played Animal Crossing for a bit and listened to some banging tunes. Might make a summer playlist ☀😎

We’ve had fajitas for tea. A big ass spider decided to crawl out of the lettuce… 😐🕷 soooo will probably burn the house down now 🔥 It seemed to play dead for a bit and then my OH said he could tell it wasn’t from this country because of “the way it turned over”, whatever that means.
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under the ivy

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I went to the gym!

It was great. Got on all the equipment that I wanted and did 30 mins on the cross trainer. I was sweating!

I love the leg press, even if this picture makes it look like I’m giving birth lmao! I ate some chocolate digestives when I got in, whoops. I’d earned them though.

Now I need to finish this chapter 😬 wish me luck!
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@watermelon sugar Happy anniversary! 👏🏻👏🏻 ahhh mate I get what you mean about feeling lonely. I started volunteering and took up volleyball and got a personal trainer at the gym just so I could talk to people when I first moved back to Manc from London. Funnily enough, nowadays none of my main friendship groups are from any of those things but I'm glad I have them there as they're still acquaintances and you never know what could turn into friendships further down the line! As the others say, are there any mum groups in your area or anything social you could do that Mini Watermelon could come along to?
@bolimepipi please don't feel like a failure, I know you'll get back into it when you've tested negative 💪🏻 that farmer show sounds amazing as my fave person from Married At First Sight was a farmer and he was a lovely bloke
@under the ivy awww Rosie being a good little PhD assistant 🥰
@Nolongerjustalurker that's amazing, bees are so cute!
@ricardoylucia I hope your treatment goes smoothly ❤
@AnderbeauJohnson taking one day at a time seems like a good strategy! You've got this. Enjoy your chippy tea ❤

One of those days today where you have a plan to do a lot but it never really happens 🤣 I started off well but got dragged into some meeting at 1pm that went on for AGES, no need for me to be in it really as it was mainly my friend and my manager doing their usual chatting-shit routine to each other. I usually would have joined in but not the day before a deadline! I got shit to do, ya know?! I finally had my lunch break around 3pm, went to Superdrug and scooped up the only Vitamin E Hydrating Mist left in the store by the looks of it 👀 They'd hidden it by the tills, the sneaky buggers

Got back, made a Jamie Oliver superfood noodle salad - not really superfood as I couldn't be arsed buying the fancy ingredients just for one recipe, but it was still nice. Took ages tho coz I only have one pan since my flatmate moved out and I realised he owned most of the kitchen stuff 😅 had to boil noodles, empty the pan, boil broccoli, empty the pan etc etc. I love making things difficult for myself 💅🏻

Then when I eventually sat down I ended up talking to the junior designer below me for ages on the phone about Blossoms (a band from Stockport, where I'm from) and having such a good bonding session! She's always been very quiet so I wasn't sure about her but it seems we actually have a lot common. Nice to make a new work friend! 🥰 I watched Pointless and just made a brew and am shoving choc buttons in my gob as I type.

Also can everyone just appreciate me being Tattle famous last night, I made it to that sidebar on the homepage of most liked posts 🤪

ya girl made it.jpg

Glad my Steve Arnott obsession brought me some Tattle glory
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under the ivy

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I'm currently sat at my desk with my laptop procrastinating from transcribing! It's taken me an hour to do 10 minutes 🙄 partly my fault though! I'm browsing the Superdrug website for fake tan as I am basically see through.

I'll be happy with myself if I get it done today though. I put the green recycling bin out early so it's done with, and my weirdo next door neighbour reversed her car into it, knocked it over and there was cardboard all over the road. Just been and picked it up now - and I thought I couldn't reverse! Silly cow.

Have a good day everyone! x
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under the ivy

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Hola mi amigos 🌞

What a lovely sunny day! It is here anyway. Been in the garden for a bit, planted some plants. Spoke to my neighbour who is looking to cut a tree down in our garden - I told her to sod off in so many words. She doesn’t like the buds/leaves falling in her garden, so I was like well I can’t stop nature can I, buy a sweeping brush. I don’t engage brain before mouth sometimes lol.

She annoyed me so I’ve had 80s tunes on all day. Just washed my hair and straightening it now for morning. Got a driving lesson tomorrow, excited for it. I’m doing roundabouts 🚘

Hope everyone is OK x
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Fell asleep this afternoon so missed the funeral. Watched some Friday Night Dinner. My boyfriend wanted a takeaway but I’m not really feeling it (first for everything) and we’ve got loads of food to get through so I said no and he went in a mood. Had a shower and I’m now cooking dinner. We are having smoky bbq chicken and black beans loaded wedges with cheese. Although I’m currently stood waiting for the chicken to cook shovelling the grated cheese into my mouth. So it might all be gone before I dish up lol.
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Evening all! Just another work day for me - had another meeting and it all went well, I'm dead pleased with my toddler designs. I'm getting much better at this presentation malarkey and not umming and ahhing as much when I talk! Fake it till you make it eh? 👏🏻

I had another driving lesson after work, we did big roundabouts with lanes on them and lots of parking. My instructor took the L plates off so people wouldn't treat me like a learner 😬 Seriously how do you get used to driving??? It feels like it never sinks in. How am I going to park by myself? I want to be able to blast music in the car but feel like I have to drive in silence so I can concentrate. Next week we're on dual carriageways and maybe some parallel parking too. Hopefully, I'll be whizzing it one handed in like:

After my lesson, dad had brought a brownie so I had that with a brew whilst watching the news with my parents. Moving in with my parents is tricky as they're such feeders. I'm trying to get my waist measurement down but I predict a lot of brownies in my future will slow me down 🤪 I had salmon, new potatoes and a big ass salad for tea then sat on my phone for hours 😝 Night all xx
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Morning gang,

@GoofyPrincess pleeeeassse continue to post pictures of your walks etc. as that view has me all 🥰 I would love to go back to New York. Have you always lived there?

Going to be a quiet day for us today. It’s mine and Mr NBT’s 13 year anniversary today ♥ Which makes me feel olddddd.

Should be amending our holiday so it’ll be nice to have something to look forward to even if it’s waaaay in the future!

Have a happy Sunday and speak to you all later!
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under the ivy

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I haven’t done much today. Had a shower and put clean pyjamas on. Used my Superdrug skincare bits - the vitamin e range is so good and affordable.

Watch Prince Phillip’s funeral. Really sad but powerful with all the music. Hope the Queen is having a drink.

Rosie fell asleep behind me on the sofa 🥰

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I have so much to catch up on, though I’ve been skimming through some posts. @bolimepipi can’t believe you caught the Rona after so long. Really hope you and your OH have a swift recovery ❤

@OutrageouslyScarlet love the dress, it really suits you! I really need to get some new clothes, can’t remember the last time I bought myself anything nice to wear. Oh, and loving the witch too. I am fascinated by witches, all things spooky and magical. My mum always said I was a weirdo child because Halloween is my favourite holiday and she hates it. The same woman also labelled me a goth because I painted my nails black and listened to metal as a teenager. When I pointed out a real “goth” once, she was affronted. 🙄 😂

@watermelon sugar aww, hope mini melon is ok after his fall. Your heart drops out of your arsehole when they take a tumble, doesn’t it? And I know that cry! I remember my eldest rolled off my bed at about 8 months old while I was trying to dress him. I think I was more upset than him. He was fine after a good cry, lots of cuddles and some milk. We have a very thick carpet in bedroom and it wasn’t a massive drop but still! 😬

Hope today is a better day for everyone. I’m off work now until Saturday night, but still have to go in for a few hours on Thursday for mandatory Dementia training (we have to do it every few years). I’m hoping it isn’t a long one, last training I had the woman kept us for 5 hours doing safer people handling (manual handling) and I wanted to scream. She waffled so much shit about her personal life and I’ve done this training almost every year since I was 19 so there really was no need for it to be that long. I also found her to be really patronising towards some of the other girls, I felt like telling her to get fucked. Better be someone else this time. 👊🏻

Not much to report. My kids were up and out to school and nursery on time. Littlest had an incident in nursery yesterday, another child scratched him across the neck. OH forgot to tell me and when I saw it I was fuming because it looked like he’d had something tight around his neck. My eldest actually bit little one’s arm a few days ago too so he looks like he’s been through the wars (eldest got proper told off for it, he’s never bitten anyone in his life and I was very cross that he started now). I don’t think he’ll do it again in a hurry because he doesn’t like being told off.

Tbh little one is the one who went through the biting phase so although I obviously felt bad for him, maybe it will serve as a lesson not to do it to others. Or maybe I’m talking shite and he’ll get his revenge one way or another. Ughh. Boys are hard work! All the fighting, all the time. But they can be so sweet too. Eldest drew a picture of a love heart yesterday in school and said it was for me because he loved me the most and little one (who has a fascination with my flabby belly) was giving me all the belly cuddles. 💕😩

Today, I am going to have a shower, wash and dry my hair and head out with OH to the shops for a few things and maybe for a nice walk to enjoy the sunshine. ☀
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Hi all, hugs all round for those needing it whether physically or emotionally. @aimzalicious glad the house move went well, sounds like your friend is an expert packer in her car ! @prinnygrace not surprised you feel a bit 😕, to be expected. @Meangirl815 well done you for clearing the loft, ours needs doing too but it’s one of those jobs you dread don’t you! You’ll feel euphoric when you have dumped it all at the tip #tiplife . Have been food shopping this morning, popped into the garden centre for some bedding plants. Just having a fruit tea, not really a herbal tea drinker but fancied something hot and fruity 😂😂before I do some domestic chores .
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I'm sat chilling on my new sofa 😎 its so comfy! Although I didn't really visualise how much space two small sofas would take up, so that will take some getting used to! I nipped to a bakery after finishing work and picked up several treats (whoops) so just having a doughnut and coffee with the telly on as I've got the house to myself for a couple of hours. So ready for a chilled out Friday night ☺
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I made it back home finally after my tram journey fail 😴 Just sat here scranning my final leftovers of the noodle salad I made the other day and have had my shower and done my skincare ready to go to bed. But before I go here was my day:

I was so anxious about today because I knew it was going to be jam-packed. Work was actually the easiest part of my day - my upcoming deadline is next week for toddler clothes instead of the usual baby stuff. There are only 18 things to design this time so I took my sweet time researching exactly what clothes I wanna put the kids of spring/summer 2022 in 😎 maybe I should ask on here what the parents on the thread put your youngest kids in so I know what y'all are buying for them, do a bit of free market research for the company I work for ya know 🤓

I haven't bought clothes in a long time but I've had this AllSaints skirt saved in my favourites for months and I got an email saying an extra 20% off sale so I caved and bought it:


£98 down to £39! You love to see it. I'd never seen a skirt like this before with the macrame over the top and fringing at the hem, and I love the colour orange for summer. I'm hoping it looking nice on so I can wear it with a white tee and red lipstick during summer and swish around in it 🥰

I had another driving lesson at 4:30pm but because the rush hour traffic is almost back to being as bad as it was pre-covid, my instructor was 10 mins late. We did roundabouts today and since there were so many traffic jams, it was a lot of stopping and starting - really good practise on my clutch control. I'm improving quickly but I still don't read road signs because I'm too busy trying not to crash 💀 Next week I will be doing parking and tackling the biggest roundabout in Stockport. Scary times.

Because my lesson was late, it made me late for my drinks with my oldest friends which they had booked in at a pub for 5:45pm. I took an Uber to get there, and ended up having the loveliest driver ever. We were chatting like we'd known each other for ages and I saved him as my "favourite drivers" on the app so if I ever need a lift again it will connect me to him 🤣 Luckily my friends I was meeting didn't care that I ended up nearly an hour late, we were all just so happy to see each other! The sun was shining and 1.5 pints of cider was enough to get me pretty darn tipsy so all was well ☀🍺 Golden hour was out in full force tonight, just look at this cherry blossom doing the most:


better than the ones I saw in Japan tbh 🤣

I hung out at my friends flat for a bit then they walked me to the tram stop and that's when I ended up heading towards the airport instead of into town. I wish I was going to the airport tbh because that would mean a holiday 😫

Anyway good night all xx
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under the ivy

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Hello hello

Today started with a nail appointment! Got my acrylics back and I love them, even if I can’t get used to having them on again 🙃

Did some shopping after that, mainly for my Mum & Aunties birthday in a few week - they will be the big 5 0. I got my Mum a bracelet a while back so I took it to get it engraved ☺ Hope she likes it. Got some bits from TK Maxx too including some face serum/oil which I’m going to try later.

Got home and I was so tired. Didn’t sleep well last night due to some foxes being loud! Thanks foxes! So I had every intention of doing some work but the nap won. Woke up a while ago wondering what year it was 😵

rest of the day will be spent doing the usual shower/skincare/food, all that jazz! Got another driving lesson tomorrow and my instructor advised I watch some YouTube vids on roundabouts so I’ll probs do that tonight. Fun fun fun.

Hope everyone is good! X
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watermelon sugar

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Hello hello

I'm soooo tired 😴 early night for me. I woke up frightened to death at 1.30am this morning cos my fella was still awake and I could hear him having a coughing fit in the livingroom. It proper scared me I thought he was choking to death 😂 but I werent scared enough cos I didnt get up to check if he was OK I just went back to sleep 😂

We did our food shop, I say we but it's mainly me bouncing round the Asda and my fella and the baby following me with the trolley 😂

We got back and got ready cos we were meeting our friends who have a 9 month old for a walk and some lunch. We walked all the way down to the pier which is a proper mish. We decided to get our scran probably at the coldest spot 🤯 it was absolutely freeeeeezing. But worth it 😋 we had a Pizza Hut. We got a massive chicken supreme pizza, fries, cheesey garlic bread and 2 cookie doughs with ice cream. The cookie dough from Pizza Hut is better than sex dont @ me. Although the ice cream just killed me off it was frabs kebabs 🥶🥶🥶 picked the coldest/cloudiest day of the week to go for a massive walk and food. I just wore a small checked jacket over my outfit that barely kept me warm. I did have my big scarf that is like a blanket draped over me as well. My fella give me his coat, the cutie 🥺

Where I live just gets rammed when it's Summer cos we're by the beach. Shite beach like. We were walking back across the bridge which is over a lake with like brown water and some mad bastard jumped off the bridge 😂 he probs caught hepatitis. Couldnt be arsed. It was chocka i hate it. Covid who 😚✌🏻

We got back and I was SHATTERED. I always get a weird feeling when I see our friends. Their 9 month old doesn't shut up, I'm happy for them ofc but I get slightly jealous because our baby has never been like that. He's never babbled. I just worry about him and that wave of sadness came over me. I just dont think that I've done enough. I just say to my fella all the time 'what have I done wrong??' I know every baby is different but can't help but worry 😔 I'm just waiting for the day he starts babbling. I mean, he does the odd thing here and there. Like yesterday he was saying hiya loads then nothing today. He's just so random 😭 I hope it gets better anyway. Soz just pure rambled there like 🤣

Anyway I was SHATTERED. made a cuppa and nearly fell asleep. Made the baby some vegetable cous cous for his tea 🤪 me fella was watching the match so I gave the baby a bath and he proper had the giggles. He's proper funny. Me and my fella have proper dirty laughs so combined the babies got one filthy laugh it's dead funny 🤣

He's only had 1 short nap today so he's shattered. So am i to be fair, early night for me 🤣 we were in Pizza hut as well and watermelon sugar by Harry styles came on and me fella punched me and went 'wheeeeeey' 🤣🤣
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Aw @WilmaHun im sorry you've had such a shit day. Do you think maybe you've just gotten a bit overworked with all the stuff going on and it's gotten to you? Bless your bf for running you a bath, he sounds sweet ❤

@Meangirl815 glad your daughter is feeling a bit better today, she must have given you a fright!

@prinnygrace I hope you're okay ❤

I've done naff all today. My back was really bad earlier and I couldn't bear weight on that side of my body properly for a bit, my bf made me go for a walk for coffee with him but I had to hobble a bit and it was only down the road. God forbid we miss a tiny bit of sunshine 🙄 it's feeling better now though so I've just been lazy, finished my book, tattled etc

As if it's Monday again tomorrow. I've got a proper crap week coming up and genuinely cursing the fact I wasn't born a model so I could make a living posting pictures of salad on insta and shilling some crap make up or something 😂 but just gotta deal with it and at least it's a bank holiday next weekend!
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Spent the vast majority of the day in bed doing transcribing and playing Stardew Valley. Managed to make some tuna wraps (diet has gone out of the window since I felt ill on Thursday night so I'm hoping to be back to at least maintenance amounts tomorrow) for tea and decided that some fresh air might do me good. My slow 30 minute walk feels like I've run a 10K but it's helped a little bit to get some proper air in.

Ended up getting catcalled twice (on the way there and back) by our local gang of scooter riding eight year olds. On the one hand that's pathetically hilarious but on the other hand it's really disgusting that boys that young think that is how you're meant to treat women.
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