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watermelon sugar

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Hello hello!

So I've had a MARE of a day. To begin with, the devil child was awake from 12.30 to 3.10am 😭 during this time he head butted me and made me bleed. So that was fun! My fella got a cob on he weren't asleep halfway through the night and stormed off to the livingroom. That's nice boo you get some sleep 😂

Me and the baby eventually nodded off and I got woken up by him waking up at 7.20. 7.20? Shiiiiit, my fella was due in work in 10 mins 🤣 I legged it in the livingroom, he was fast asleep. I woke him up and HE had a go at ME? Fuckin hell sorry, you'd have thought at the BIG OLD AGE OF THIRTY ONE you'd know how to set an alarm for work
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Then the oven guy was meant to come round at 10.30. Did he come?? Did he shite!!! So I waited in all day for him and he didn't even turn up. Sod the oven, I want an air fryer!

The baby fell over in the kitchen, im not entirely sure what happened but he fell when he was bopping round and he had a proper cry. Like a proper proper cry. He then changed. He was not happy. He was in a foul mood all day 😂 he wouldn't leave me alone! Wouldnt walk without crying, would only had a dodi in. Jeeeeeez

So he was being a whingey man, as we refer to him. I was worried at first cos his foot looked swollen. I rang my mum in a panic and she said to take him the ozzy. I rang Nanna and she didn't even seem arsed. She was all "he's fiiiiine' then started going 'so do you think I look like Denise welch? That's a compliment' is it?? Is it really a compliment?? Then she started moaning that she hasnt heard from her fella in 3 days. Wonder why 🤣 crank

Me fella got in and checked the baby over. He's a bit back to himself now but he's just moody. Walking better again. Plus we think hes teething

I went to make tea and there were no potatoes. I was fuming and was all 'I said TWO packs of baby potatoes' to my fella. He was adamant I said 1. Did i shite!! He was all 'shall we get curry and chips?' We live in between THREE takeaways. All three are bloody shut!!!!

So we've ordered a takeaway from some random gaff on just eat. Delayed!!!

I mean now that I've typed it it doesn't sound like much of a mare, but it was 😂
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I don't know what's wrong with me, I want ALL THE ANIMALS. I give far too much thought to winning the lottery and buying a house with loads of land and having alpacas and various other cuties following me around. A few lambs too. The reality of course would be epic amounts of manure.
That’s basically my dream Too! Just taking anything in that needs rescuing.

just got back from a beach walk. It’s umm breezy! People were sunbathing in bikinis whilst I froze to death. I’ve popped into my grandmothers and she’s. very much sulking over me not making it round yesterday, the women in my family are so high maintenance!


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Hello all, feel a little bit better again today. Work was still a bundle of anxiety but I've had two proper meals today so I'm hoping I'll feel a bit less stressed tomorrow.

Went to the co-op earlier and the cashier was talking to a pregnant (with twins) woman and making small talk when she suddenly asked "was it planned" 😲 Talk about some people having no filter.

My new shoes came and guys... I'm in love! When I started buying adult shoes in the mid-2000s the only shoe I could find for sale were a 4 if lucky (often had to settle for a 5). Then 4s became more commonplace and I just assumed that was my shoe size, sometimes going to a 3.5 if I found them. All the other women in my family are a 6 at a minimum so a 4 felt really small in comparison.

Measured them last night and looked up sizes and... I'm a 2 in most brands (and a 2.5 in a few)... nowhere near a 4. I've worn these shoes for an hours walk and it was magical. I've always been a shuffler and forever being told to pick my feet up but when I picked my feet up the shoe came with them! They still need broken in a little and they've scrapped the skin only a tiny bit but normally when I have new shoes my heels and toes bleed so a little bit of scraping is a huge improvement.

Plus my knee still hurt a little (probably due to weight) but it didn't hurt anywhere near as much as it does normally and my ankles didn't hurt at all! Neither did the soles of my feet!

I probably sound like a right divvy not realising that my shoes were two sizes too big for almost 20 years but, in my defense, you can't walk into Clarks and pick a pair off the rack to try - I just assumed that was how shoes were meant to fit and everyone hated wearing them 🤦‍♀️

Luckily I'm not back at work yet - we don't have a strict dress code but I don't think I can rock up in bright blue trainers. No idea where I'm going to find work suitable shoes that aren't too casual or too frumpy in that size though.
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@aimzalicious hahaha yes i was intrigued about the post and then i thought aw i'll support aimz :D
i've seen @lemonlime on some other threads a bit but not on here! hope you're okay! 🍋💛

aww lil babyy 🥺

here's a roisin transformed into a t-rex prawn 🦖🦐

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I'm okay 💗💖💕 Feeling a bit detached from everything, but fear not, all is well guys! Hope everyone is okay too, sending hugs all around <3

(Roisin is looking like a right treat, I want to squish her so bad, looks so soft 😻)

Went on a walk on my lunch break today, have a little view.

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-20 at 11.57.25.jpeg
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I went to the gym, came home and proceeded to lay on my bed for 2 hours. The bed that I’d stripped before doing my arms at the gym, poor life choices there.

Just had a shower guessed it... done skincare. Now I need to put clean bedding on then have some food! I have a nail appointment tomorrow morning, so excited. Will spend the evening on Pinterest looking for ideas 💅🏻

Hope everyone has a good evening x

so i've baked a banana bread with chocolate chips & cinnamon, and lemon brownies with a lemon glaze 😻
I need all of that
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I'm jealous of naughty nanna what has my life become? 😳😂

Well I've ordered us a Thai takeaway (had a HUGE craving for fishcakes 😛) and have started watching LoD

Husband off work at the weekend but working Monday so looking forward to a nice lie in and maybe even a sneaky coffee in bed before the kids wake and the chaos starts

Happy weekend lovelies
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@Nolongerjustalurker totally agree - how the hell did we all do everything we did before and not feel exhausted?!
@WilmaHun running club sounds great! how did it go?
@prinnygrace how did bootcamp go? :D
@Tjlm88 welcome! 👋🏻 I totally agree, it's very calming on this thread reading about normal lives without all the posturing on social media
@bolimepipi I hope to see lots of notifications from you reading through the LOD page as you watch s6!

Not much has changed from yesterday, I still feel so tired and unproductive. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion all the time. I had a good sleep but one good sleep isn't enough to cure the weeks of tiredness! (all permanently tired parents are laughing at me right now I'm sure 😅)

I'm glad I have to be at the office all day tomorrow as that will force me to stay off my phone and get shit done as I've been rubbish today 😝 I finished off the final few bits for the toddler girls range, just waiting for my friend to finish prints for it so I can colour everything up and present it nicely. Did bits of the toddler boys range but not a lot. Going to have my tuna pasta shortly and finish it off later.

I'm trying to cancel my TV license from my old flat but they're being so bloody difficult about it! They want evidence and forms filled in and what not. I'm sure it never used to be this tricky 🤔 Had my counselling sesh, it was proper weird and cringey this week. Something about talking to your younger self. She was like "what would you say to 8 year old Aimz" and I was like "nothing because I don't ever talk to kids because I don't like them" and she was like "...okay lets say goodbye to 8 year old Amy then 😬" Yikes, why am I so blunt

Christ, this whole post reeks of me acting like a mardy teenager. I guess I'm not used to living with my parents and the idea of staying here for however long it takes me to save for a house is freaking me out a bit - I'm aiming for 2 years maximum, but that feels very overwhelming. Pre-Covid it might have been fine as I have my own life and am usually out a lot, but since a lot of things are still opening up and nothing is quite "back to normal" yet, I'm getting a bit restless in the house and I've only been back for 3 days 😕
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thank you for the well wishes as always 💛
i forgot to add that i decided today that i will quit my job after this season is done (that would be november). unless there is some big change during the season, i have to do it. it's only bringing me negative things... no one even cares that i'm ill, they are just giving me more stressful and overwhelming things to deal with. i'm so done with the whole passive aggressive show!
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Morning all you lovelies.

Pretty shit couple of days for me. I think it's the end of mine and my boyfriends relationship. No hard feelings, he's an absolute gem but I just don't think we're right for each other. We spent last night together and honestly there was just no connection at all. We've been together for a year but we're just like mates and sometimes I find we have nothing to talk about??? I'm so scared to do it because I know that I'm really going to hurt him but it's not fair on him if I'm not 100% in it. I think my heart will always just be back where my family live rather than in Nottingham. He'll be an absolutely amazing partner to someone but I just don't think that someone is me. My heart is completely broken even though it's me that will have to end it. Ugh, I hate this so much. Will come back and update properly at some point later.

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend!!
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Hello hello!

Today has been super busy again and I am just so exhausted this week. I don't even have the energy to write my usual lengthy posts about nothing in particular on this thread 😂 atm it takes all my energy just to get into work at the moment and I just work on autopilot and then when I get home I just want to lay in bed, I don't want to do the usual chores. I know that's life and part of being an adult but I'm over it this week 😂I'm hoping my workload will get a bit easier over the next couple of weeks but we'll see how it goes. I did manage to get a few big ongoing bits finalised today though so that has relieved some pressure ☺

I just want to go home and chill now, ideally with a pizza and some shite telly 😂 so looking forward to a long weekend and getting some much needed downtime.

Hope everyone is having a good day and that the many people who seemed to be poorly at the start of the week are recovering well! ❤
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watermelon sugar

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Hello hello me again. I'm exhausted, I feel dead tbh. Rip watermelon sugar. My fellas only just putting the baby to bed. I should go to bed too but I wanna spend time with me fella and I really want a snacky snack and a cuppa 😂 not much else happened today. Bf brought me in a sausage roll from Pound Bakery, who said romance isn't dead, a 2 for a snid sausy roll 🤩 i sorta maybe might have accidentally gave me & my fella food poisoning after making salmon for tea. Not very *chefs kiss* of me but it looked cooked to me but my fella reckons it wasn't. Woops. I guess we'll find out ✨tomorrow✨ my biggest problem rn is figuring out whether to have choccy digestives with my cuppa or pink wafers (obviously I wouldn't dip the pink wafers in my cuppa, that'd be minging)
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Not a particular exciting day really.

Had a lie in, got up and went to B&M for some bits I needed. Spent £45 which to be honest is an achievement for me 🤣😇 Did a food shop in Morrison’s, then I popped to Tesco for some bits they didn’t have.

Got home, ate lunch. Caught up on Corrie. Then decided I was tired so I went for a nap. My boyfriend woke me up when he got home from work (rude). Chilled for a bit, then cooked chicken kievs for dinner. Watching googlebox now and will probably go to bed shortly 🤣

hope you all had a lovely Sunday 🤍
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under the ivy

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I still haven’t been to the gym yet 😂 every time I’ve checked on the app how many people are in, it always say something like 90 or 120 the other day 😵 I’ll go next week when things have calmed down! I’ve got my weights at home, I just want the leg press & cross trainer!

It’s my Nana’s birthday today, so I’m seeing her later. We’ll probably order a takeaway - she likes Chinese food 🥢🥡

Got my first driving lesson since October on Sunday. Starting to feel anxious about it. I’m switching to automatic in the hope that I learn quicker.... 😬
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under the ivy

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Doing my research interview soon 😵😬 I’m so anxious!!! I’ve been practicing all morning ( and spent my time on here lol) and I’m shaking. I know once I’ve done my first one, I’ll know what to expect. Argh!!

hope you’re all having good days x
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Hey lovely tattlers. My day has been busy. Woke up and made a nice brekkie of eggs and tomatoes on toast with a coffee then the sun was shining so we headed to the garden where I mowed the lawn and little one weeded for me. We popped to Asda for some plants and top soil and then headed back and planted them all up. Fingers crossed it all grows nicely as I’m not really green fingered but I’m trying now we aren’t in rentals so need to make the most of our own little garden. Met a friend for a walk for just over an hour then grabbed an ice cream on the way home. Sat in the garden for a little bit before making hot dogs for an early dinner. Chilled one planned tonight. I haven’t watched any of the latest LoD series so I’m going to watch one a night from tonight so I’m ready for the final next week. I’ve avoided goggle box since these new ones have been on too so haven’t seen any updates. Need to do a little recap of the previous series though as it’s a while since I watched them and I’ve forgotten.
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Hi everyone,

Same old today, nothing much to tell at all!

School run, work, food shop delivered, OH did afternoon school run, quick house square up, currently cooking tea, nipping the girl to gym, can’t even be bothered to look round the shops while she’s there so I’ll just come home instead.

Reallllly fancying a couple of glasses of wine tonight but I think I have like half a glass worths in the fridge and because I’m calorie counting I haven’t bought any more. Can’t decide whether to nip to the shop for a bottle or whether I’m even that arsed 😂

Can’t believe it’s May tomorrow!
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We can move around ireland on May 10th and Im frontline so can stay in an airbnb etc.. omg feel sick. What if he doesnt fancy me in person ? What if I dont fancy him ? Sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph meee nerves
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Super stressed and anxious today. I start interviewing people tomorrow for my research. Trying to get everything prepared :(


Rosie has been helping me though 🙂

Hope you feel better soon and get a negative test result @bolimepipi x

Happy anniversary to the Watermelons @watermelon sugar 🥰🍉 x
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Succesfully made it to Easter holiday weekend, thank god. Nothing challenging was happening this week yet everything was a trial, weird days. I blame the full moon and this awful heatwave tbh. Spent the entire day with a headache (thanks southwester) and only now I'm feeling somewhat like myself again. Couldn't tell you where the day went. Feeling like a drained battery and I'll just spend the rest of my night chilling on bed, sipping lemon water and planning a lush breakfast (fingers crossed) for tomorrow morning. Sending my love to you all! <3
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