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Aww thanks you lot 🥰 you’re all so bloody lovely!

We’ve done absolutely bugger all to actually celebrate our anniversary. But what we have done is amend next months holiday to a completely difference place for next year in the summer holidays. A long time to wait but it’ll be worth waiting for as I’m assuming we’ll definitely have no problems going by then! 🤞🏻 We are going to Zakynthos in Greece and have upgraded to swim up rooms so the kids are buzzing. So am I to be honest, can just imagine myself sunning on a lounger outside our room with a cocktail whilst they swim 😍

We’ve also booked a few days away in Yorkshire later in the year for a family members wedding. Gonna do some family friendly things and then we’re staying in Harrogate for part of the time so it’ll be SO nice to just eat out, have a walk round the town etc.

Other than that, I’ve played on AC, we watched the Roast of Alec Baldwin and cooked a beef roast together.

Tonight is Line of Duty - YES FELLAS. I am mentally preparing myself for it.

Have good evenings! ♥
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@Meangirl815 Congrats on your new place. I wish you lots of happiness in it. 🏡 🥂

@bolimepipi ❤ I really feel for you, self-isolating with the virus is awful, I had fatigue for ages afterwards too when I had it. At least you have your beautiful floofy baby to keep you sane. 😺

@nbt Sooo glad I’m not the only one who watched Marcella and didn’t have the first clue of wtf was happening. I didn’t even bother with the new series, you have more dedication than I did. 👌🏻

@watermelon sugar Heh! I can’t run. if you ever see me running, you should probably run too because I’m likely being chased by something. 😝

Have had a good day. Popped to the shops for some bits and had lunch with OH before picking up the kids from school. We took them to the park afterwards since the sun was splitting the sky, and spent a good bit of time there before heading back home for dinner. Then work called me while I was eating my dinner; they wanted me to cover a shift as someone had called in sick. I said no. Thought it quite cheeky of them actually given the time. Just finished putting the kids to bed and now changed into my pyjamas ready for a relaxing night in front of the TV.

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@WilmaHun oh no - i hope the day goes quickly and you manage to get a good kip tonight and eat something 😞 that's a lot to have on your mind so just make sure you're looking after yourself ❤

@Meangirl815 that sounds like such a stressful morning! I'm sure your little girl will be alright with the tablets you got her if they're for 6 and over, no word from school is good news after all ❤

@bolimepipi I'm so happy you're enjoying line of duty!! Are you feeling any better today?

I've forgotten all about tattle this morning, I can't remember the last time I didn't check it first thing lol! Woke up and had a quick cup of tea before going out for a run, it's such a beautiful day. Annoyingly my leggings kept falling down so had to keep hoiking them up and stopped somewhere quiet for 20 secs just to give them a really good hoiking and an absolute worldie whizzed past me on his bike out of nowhere - mortified!!! 😖

Logged in at home and got a few bits done then had showered, then it's just been work work work all morning but I've finished most of it now so can have a bit of an easier afternoon and start preparing for next week. It's so nice having the odd day working from home, I might ask about permanently dropping down to 1 day WFH a week. Waiting for the man with the van to turn up with our sofas - no idea how I am going to help move them, the one we're getting rid of isn't even that heavy and I had a right huff and puff lifting it earlier. Thankfully we've only got to go up/down 1 flight of stairs.

Gonna pop out for a walk once the sofas are sorted and then my bf is going out for a couple of pints with his mate after work so I'll catch up on my shows, then probably cook a risotto as it's easy and have a nice relaxing evening. Up at half 7 for the hairdressers tomorrow morning so probably an early night here.

I hope everyone has a good day 🤗
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Hello hello!

Feeling much more myself today 😊🍉 not done a lot either really. Made me & the bubba tuna pasta for lunch, always panic a bit because using a tin opener cabbages me head but it was a pull tin lid. Good ol' John West 👌 my fella came in halfway through lunch so that was annoying cos the baby didn't finish his lunch. We went to the Asda for a food shop when the baby woke up from his nap. I've been eyeing up the air fryer in there for a while 👀 finally caved and treated myself to it! Had to return some jeans from Asos because they did fit surprisingly but I dont suit mom jeans lmaoooo I looked a sheeoooww in them. The returns thing cabbaged my head. Tried scanning the bar code like 10 times til my fella pushed past and done it. Anyways we gets home and we bang air fryer out. Amazing stuff. We had scampi and chips. Although I did say I wanted wedges (I dont really rate fries) but what does me fella do. Put the fries in 🙄 really knocked my first air fryer experience but im willing to let it go. The baby tried fish fingers for the first time and he was buzzing. I said to him, wait till you try a fish finger butty mate! The baby likes watching us dance so we put on Cotton Eyed Joe and me and me fella were pure line dancing in the kitchen for about half an hour while the baby was like 😁 oh and I dropped a pissing bag of casserole mix ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!! I was LIVVVIIIDD!! not much else happened, the other side of my chin has a pesky hair growing out of it and I keep trying to get it out but its a tough cookie x
Every time I hear tuna pasta I can’t help but think of this…

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Hey gang,

Woke up with a headache this morning. I set the sunrise clock in the hope that it helps me get up a bit earlier in the morning, but I think that’s what causes my headaches sometimes, annoyingly.

Got up, did school run and then went to get my hair cut. Just had a trim… maybe one day I’ll become brave enough to change my style! Feels much lighter and healthier though.

Came home and sat for about two hours doing noooothing. Had some dinner, then cracked on with the ironing. Watched a couple of episodes of This is Us. Did some washing, washed the pots and the majority of next weeks meal plan and food order.

Went to pick the boy up. He’d come out with a badge for his hard work 😍 little pudding. Home for school reading and spellings. OH got home a bit earlier so had an earlier tea whilst watching Pointless.

Just putting some clothes away while the boy goes in the shower, although it’s been about 20 mins now and the shower hasn’t been turned on yet so we could be here a while…

Then gonna let him destroy us on 6 ball puzzle again. Humiliating 😂

Headache still lurking in the background so early night with my book needed.
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Hello my loves,

Not much going on today, shocker!

Took the boy to school and as we were getting closer he said, “I wonder if I could walk from here on my own?” I said he probably could but I was there to walk with him and there was the road to cross too. We got to the road (it’s just a housing estate street, not main road) and he asked if he could cross on his own. So I said okay and then obviously watched him check both ways lots before he crossed. Obviously he won’t be walking to school on his own any time soon but it hit me that he is growing up and come Y6 he might be starting to ask to walk to school on his own if his friends are! 🥺

Came home, blasted round the house with the hoover, moved the ironed clothes off the table, made the beds and then quickly had some cereal and a coffee before work. Had a Britney singalong whilst I was working 💁🏼‍♀️

OH WFH this afternoon as we were supposed to be having an engineer come round to put a satellite on the roof for new internet. Has he come? Has he buggery. Called 15 mins ago to say he was stuck on a job. Sure mate, we know you wanna go home for your tea! Means I can get on with our tea too now though. Fishcake, home made chips and mushy peas. Wish it was the real deal because I’m starving, but I also want to lose weight so this will do 😂

Felt better for going to sleep earlier last night - before 11pm is good for me. So aiming for that again tonight.

Hope you all enjoy your evenings ♥
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Not much done here today, more sorting of the garage and I have a big charity shop box and a tip box, although the garage looks messier than when I started ...why does that happen 🤔. Teen went into town after school with her friend and she messaged to say she wouldn’t be back for dinner, so I had stuff left over that went in the bin. This week has flown by again, I wish the weather would get better for the bank holiday. @bolimepipi are you fully recovered or still feeling some COVID effects? My teen is part of University study ( they pick names at random and ask if you will participate) . She’s doing twice weekly tests for school and now has to do more for the Uni study, she said she’s sick of Covid and isn’t impressed that we signed her up 😂. I’ve got some Ben and Jerry’s ice lollies in the freezer, who knew they did lollies, looking forward to having one of them in a minute 😊.

edited for typo 😂
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watermelon sugar

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Hello again gang! Not much to report on from me today. I done a work out and it killed me off. Had a nice hot shower and contemplated walking to Boots but couldn't be arsed so I ended up just watching tele. I put on the funeral and it was so sad 😭 didn't like seeing the Queen sat on her own. Nearly fell asleep but didn't, ended up watching Tipping Point and the Chase. It really irks me when the contestant calls Ben, Ben like their bezzie mates. 'I'm gonna take the money Ben!' Dunno WHY it does me head in so much, what else are they gonna call him 😂 bf and baby came back, bf wanted to do the missing food shop but I just couldn't be bothered again 😂 so we'll do it tomorrow. Good job we don't need nothing urgent! My fella looked in the fridge and we had ran out of cling film, so I wrapped it in tin foil. He was like 'it looks like a brick of cocaine' 😂😂 it's not it's just a brick of mature cheddar! Anyway babies going to bed and we're getting a Chinese! Can't wait to shove a spring roll in me gob, just hook me up to a drip of curry sauce x
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I'm invested too. I often wonder - has Mr Watermelon got himself out of bed this morning? :ROFLMAO:

I applied to rehome another dog yesterday but got declined as she's too nervous to be around kids. I thought about telling them I can barely get mine out of their rooms these days but left it. They must get people trying it on all the time. I am gutted though.

Nothing else to report really. Since I've given up alcohol I've developed a nice twix addiction so I'm trying to nip that in the bud quick sharp. Got interviews tomorrow which is always exhausting as I try so hard to nod and smile at the candidates so they feel comfortable. One person isn't strictly suitable but I gave them an interview as they've been made redundant so we'll see how that goes. I quite enjoy writing interview questions.
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Tinkerbell cat

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@Saddlesoap Happy Birthday :m😘

Hi everyone.

Been up from just after 6am, I love the light mornings, getting up is just much easier.
Went to Tesco and Home Bargains with my mum but didn't really buy any alcohol this week because the pubs open outside tomorrow here in NI. Wooooo. 🤪.. haha.
Can't wait to catch pneumonia.
Into work for 9am and its been a long day as I know at around 4.50pm I will be skipping out of here until Tuesday.
My evening plans, do a workout, dye my hair and chill with my cat and boyfriend. We are having burgers and home made chips for food... love it. I think I was a burger in a past life.

I have a fun filled weekend planned so will be back tomorrow to fill you all in, its more exciting than my weekday eve's at the min :)

Enjoy the rest of your day x
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Oh haven’t been online in a bit.

How are you all hope you’re doing well x

I have decided to stop drinking for the next while as I was finding myself becoming far too reliant on it and even caught myself drinking throughout the day and have copped on that I need better ways to deal with my anxiety. I might even quit it for good as I don’t like the person I am whilst drinking. I can become nasty and all of my thoughts come out at once and because I do be drunk I can’t process them so I tend to attack people or hurt their feelings. I am definitely not an alcoholic but with the route I was taking and my family’s background with addiction, I could have ended up one. So that’s been my life for nearly a week. I just needed to let out some steam.
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just watching line of duty and there was an important piece of evidence hidden, and there was a scene where the accused is being asked about it so he stands up, looks around, and whispers in the detective's ear dramatically: ''it's in a skip.''
i died laughing 😂😂😂
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under the ivy

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Happy Saturday 🤗

Today I’ve had a driving lesson which went really well! Feel more confident with my roundabouts. Doing parking next week 😬

And that’s pretty much all I’ve done. I’m going to re-watch last weeks LoD in prep for tomorrow (🤩😱) and that’s my exciting Saturday evening plans. Might have a strawberry gin & lemonade to spice things up a bit.

Hope everyone is good!
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Hope those that have been feeling ill are starting to feel better.

Anyone else now feeling worse now lockdown is lifting? I feel really unsettled and I can't work out what it is. I had a week off over Easter so can't be that and nothing has gone disastrously wrong, just the usual life stuff.
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🎵 It’s Friday again... (it’s Saturday Sunday, WUT?!) 🎵

hey gang!

hope you’re all okay. It’s been a fine day here, although not much to tell. Working mainly and then finished just before the school run. Started walking to pick up the boy but then OH rang and said he’ll get him on his home from work, result 👍🏻 got back home and had a quick square up instead.

Boys got home, then we went and parked in the Asda, they went to get their hair cut and I collected the food order. Then popped to New Look to return some clothes. I bought them aaaages ago but they let me have a refund because of lockdown so that was good. Had a walk round town but couldn’t think of anywhere to go. Our town is a bit rubbish now, we have no decent shops.

Went back to the car and waited for the boys. Had a scroll through the meme thread, man that thread is funny 😂 I’ve not looked through it for so long. I was laughing to myself in the car 😂

Boys got back and they are looking super handsome after their hair cuts. I feel like I want to put them in suits and take them somewhere fancy! ♥

The oldest has just got back from a day with his mates. He’s been to Maccy’s with his mates and used his debit card and everything so he’ll be feeling like a right lad 😂😎

The girl is back at her gym class this week so I’m gonna fetch her later and maybe swing by Homesense on the way 👀

Have a good evening!


Me: not much to tell
Also me: Yabba yabba yabba (just call me Nanna)
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Chatty Member
Hello everyone!

Have had a very meh week so pleased it’s the weekend. All of sudden work is stressful and I’ve been so knackered every day when I’ve finished, on Wednesday I spent 5 and a half hours on zoom 😭😭😭
I’m project managing an online conference which is in 2 weeks and it’s causing me so much anxiety - it’s so out of my comfort zone which is why my boss is making me do it but ahh I can’t wait for it to be over. I ordered some cbd oil to see if it can help with the anxiety, had some earlier and you’re supposed to hold it under your tongue for like a minute before swallowing and I choked and my life flashed before my eyes for a second 😂

Today was my last day of pt furlough 🥳 celebrated by volunteering this morning then I came home and watched the Bold Type (pretty #basicbitch but it makes me want to go back to NY) and made a lemon drizzle cake which is my bf’s favourite but it’s not my forte, they always sink in the middle?!

Have a good BH weekend all x
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Hey all.

Was up and out early for a walk with my son and we saw the cutest thing - my geese family crossing the road via the zebra crossing! 😂😂 I took a video of it but can’t share on here as my son is in it.
Headed off to mums for lunch and had another walk there with them I’ve clocked 12k steps so far today so pleased with that.
just got back home and Ocado is coming any minute so will shove all that away and pour myself a glass of wine and chill.
Movie night planned tonight, sons choice so likely to be a marvel film of some sort.

Don’t imagine there will be a whole lot more excitement here this weekend (aside LoD finale) as it’s supposed to piss down from here on in so lots of cozy time I think and make the most of no work/school grind.
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Chatty Member
Oh hugs to everyone feeling sick or feeling flat or both!

I know what you mean about the restrictions loosening, cos it’s supposed to be things going back to normal but the reality is things are still soooo far from normal. And I think it’s giving everyone a chance to actually reassess what we want to come back and what we’d happily go without. I find it hard to imagine how I managed working in the office 5 days a week, exercise classes 4 days a week, seeing family, cleaning the damn house etc, like I did pre-March 2020, when just one day socialising with family makes me feel physically drained these days! I’m trying to look at what’s really important to me and forget the things that no longer serve me. (I sound like my yoga teacher 😂)

There’s no rush, and it’s still ok to feel like things are crap, cos honestly they still kind of are.
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