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I can't cope with this weather. Is it sunny? Is it snowing? Who the fuck knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

My heating has been on, off, turned up, turned down and everything inbetween.

My mood always matches the weather. So as the weather has no fucking clue what's its doing neither does my mood 😳😳

I've spent the past few days doing odd jobs around the house. Targeting all those little areas and overdue jobs that have been bugging me. Apart from that usual crap. My life is so boring.
I need.... Something in my life. A hobby, a job, friends 😂😂
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What a day, I woke up and my lovely chin dermatitis was kicking right off so managed to get an app with nurse, who was super sweet and had all the sympathy for my angry red chin. She’s prescribed me something so please all cross your fingers. Nearly missed said appointment because I got up the road and realised my bike tyre was nearly flat. So ran home and had to get a taxi as mum was out.
Had a cheeky sunbed then walked home. Mum popped my bike up to the nearest bike repair shop (which was about to shut for a week so was super tight about whether I’d get my darling Rosa back!) ...drama

walked to Sainsbury’s as we needed cat litter and the wood stuff is the only thing he doesn’t spread round the house. Bought a few bits then walked to aldi which is about 15 minutes walk from the bike shop I ended up carrying a big bag of shopping and the litter and was honestly dead by the time I got there. £58 later she feels like a new bike! The bike guy who lives eats and breaths bikes was trying to explain stuff, I was like mate I am not a cyclist.he was super shocked at what I paid though and thought it had cost me a minimum of £500.

my asos order arrived and I’m only going to send one item back, the white dress looks shit on me.
I so want to tag you all after reading all your posts but i am cream crackered. So happy Friday, anyone that’s poorly hope you are better soon. Anyone that’s stressed big hugs. We’ve got this. (Just call me hinch)

The lemon dress is beaut and I’m only 5’3 so not so short on me. The Shorts are really useful as they aren’t all up in yo’face short. And black dress is just useful. Right no more spending Scarlett... and breath!


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watermelon sugar

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Morning guys, I'm having an absolute mare so far today and it's only 5 past 9.

So last night we didn't even watch Corrie, I was shattered and wrapped myself up in a blanket and just lay on the couch. My fella came out and we just sat in silence 😂 tbf we're both knackered 😂 so I gets up to go to bed at 9.40, brush my teeth and that, do my bedtime routine ready for a good snooze. Then 'waaaaaaah' me and my fella look at each other, give it a sec, we said. Then 'WAAAAAAAH' so me fella goes in his room. I go to get in bed and me fella brings the baby in our room and is like 'let him in bed with you' so the baby gets in bed with me. He has a breakdown. Doesn't wanna know me. You'd think I was his worst enemy 🤣 just wants his Dad. His dads fuming, he wants a shower, I've got a cob on cos the baby doesn't like me 😂 he tried to pass the baby to me 5 times but each time he cried and wanted his Dad. So I was half fuming, one half cos the baby wanted his dad and not me and the other half cos I wanted to go sleep 🤣 after an hour of trying I just put in the night garden on my phone and then the baby went to me. Maybe I should just dress up as iggle piggle then he'd like me 🤷🏻‍♀️ me fella then got up and pissed off. Another hour passed and I text him in anger saying 'thanks for the help mate you relax you deserve it dont you with all the hard work you do put ur feet up mate xxx' being v. Passive aggressive. Then he text back saying 'do you want me to help get him to sleep?' Well duh!! I got up to go the loo when he came in and he'd put something on the tele while I was trying to get the baby to sleep. Cheeky sod. He does my head in when the baby isn't sleeping he just huffs and puffs. A baby not sleeping 😱 wouldn't think it would you!! Anyway the baby finally went to sleep at 10 past 1 😂

My fella managed to get himself up for work at 6, shock!! 👏👏 woke me up at 10 past. Growled at him to be quiet to not wake the baby. So he slams the wardrobe door. And the front door on his way out 😶 the baby woke up and managed to get back to sleep but only if he was on top of me with his fat head on my cheek 😂 so I lay like that for an hour. I needed a drink, felt like I was gonna die of dehydration and I needed to put chapstick on!!!!

He finally woke up at 7.50. I'm trying to get him to learn how to use a spoon. Probs not the best idea to do Cheerios first 🤔 he just picked up his suction plate and swilled milk everywhere. So I got him out of the high chair and put him on the kitchen floor, he bailed out, forgot to shut the baby gate didnt i. He legged it into the bedroom, swear he's bloody Speedy Gonzalez. He got to my bedside table, picked up my glass of water and chucked it 😶 all water under the chair so had to pull everything out and wipe everywhere.

Then my phone died, and my charger. Asked my fella to leave his charger, did he? Did he shite. Spent a 10er on a charger and it doesn't even work!! Fully died last night. Spent 20 minutes finding another dodgy charger then 5 mins trying to position it in the angle that works 😂🙄 finally made a brew. Gonna compose myself 🙏
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under the ivy

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I love New York @GoofyPrincess, I’d love to live there one day!

Happy anniversary @nbt and Mr Nbt! 🥰

I’m so happy, I’ve just got back from my driving lesson. It went SO well. I was driving down dual carriageways 🤭 Automatic is so much easier for me. Re-booked my theory for May too, my instructor says I could be test ready in a few weeks 😂 can’t believe it. Well chuffed with myself!

Hope everyone is ok xx
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good evening tattlers! 🌷

this morning i got up early, before my bf and had a quiet morning coffee while watching kitty play on the balcony. it was nice and made me realize how much i want to finally leave my house! covid-wise i'm feeling better but there's the pressure+pain in my chest and the fatigue. unfortunately i haven't been able to reach my doctor over the phone so i've sent her an email. she'll probably prescribe me an antibiotic in the morning and then my bf can go pick it up at the pharmacy because he's allowed to go out from tomorrow and for me it's still isolation until the end of the week!

anyway i spent almost the whole day working. in between emails i did 1 round of dishes and 1 round of laundry. bf made lunch - pasta with a seafood mix in a goat cheese tomato sauce, with a side of salad with croutons, yummy! also had a nice break which i spent on the balcony. during this break the police called us to check if we're isolating at home. they called us. on the mobile phone. to check if we're home. over the phone? bent coppers!

speaking of bent coppers, i've only watched 2 episodes of line of duty today. i hate it when work gets in the way of watching a show! anyway, at least we've started season 4. about to have dinner and watch another. later my farming show is on haha. my favorite couple turned out to be a cheat - it's been discovered they knew each other before the show. and i kept thinking they look like an old married couple together! ah well, that's farming reality tv shows for you. 🤷‍♀️ after that it's probably early bedtime for me. more work tomorrow and a zoom call. can't wait to go for a walk fnally!
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Hey everyone,

I have read everyone’s updates so far but I’m going to be pretty useful at replying individually today as I’m a couple of wines down already 😂

Today we went to a country park nearby. It was really nice, we had a good walk round and then the kids played in the park whilst we sat in the sun ☀

We got home and the kids went off to do their own thing while we watched Prince Phillip’s funeral. I found it really emotional in some parts, particularly seeing the Queen alone and Prince Charles so upset.

Tonight we’ve had a big sweet and sour with naan, prawn crackers and poppadoms. We have lots of family shows lined up to watch tonight. We watched that singing show on BBC1 last weekend and enjoyed that, so will be that again plus In For A Penny, the new Vernon Kay thing and Alan Carr. Proper coach potatoes!

We’ve been browsing holidays on and off the last few days. Still no travel update or anything helpful from TUI which means we’ll be amending our holiday to next year. We’re changing it completely though and going in the summer holidays to a different country that originally planned. I’ll update tomorrow as no doubt we’ll end up making amendments then.

Hope you enjoy your evenings! ♥
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Usual day for me really. A bit of work, a bit of scrolling and a bit more procrastination. I have a killer finance task to do and, as usual, have left it to the last of the month. I reckon it will take me about 3 hours but I've spent far more time thinking about doing it and putting it off. Will I learn? no chance :ROFLMAO:

Dragged the kids out just now. Got one out of her pit and the other off the trampoline. I actually forgot about the BH so have just messaged a few friends to see if they want to do something. Not like me at all really but I'm trying to be more proactive.

@AnderbeauJohnson I use Tesco and it's good. Dates used to be a bit hit and miss but it's fine in my area. If you don't like something (BB date or the look of a steak or something) you can give it back and they refund you. I think they're pretty much the same now tho. Hope you feel a bit better soon btw x
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Oh heyyy. I’ve wanted to post on this thread for ages after lurking on it but didn’t want to disrupt the flow yanno. So here goes 😳

Woke up at 11AM - being on furlough means there’s not much to get up for. I don’t really drink or care about going to the pub so to me it still feels like we’re in a lockdown 😅 Made a cuppa and scrolled on here before having lunch - a teriyaki tofu bowl that ASDA do (and it is THE ASDA. Whenever I go in there now I think “I wonder if I’ll see @watermelon sugar”) 🤣

Caught up on TOWIE, Made in Chelsea and The Real Housewives of Atlanta and then tidied the kitchen and put all of the laundry away. Then my boyfriend finished work - he finishes early on Tuesday’s to go to college to study AAT. He wants to be an accountant 🤩 Then I dusted everywhere and did my workout

Pretty much stayed on my phone until I made dinner and then watched Emmerdale. Now watching Line of Duty Season 5. I know everybody fancies Hastings but Corbett’s accent is honestly ❤❤❤

Probably won’t do much else tonight. Might play Animal Crossing but sometimes I can’t be arsed with it 😅 Thank you and goodnight xo
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Hello ma beauts!

We’ve had a nice day today considering I was in a right mood for an argument last night 😂

Spent a lazy morning in bed, of course. Got up, had breakfast and then got ready to go for a bike ride. I borrowed one of OH’s zip ups and came down and did a couple of poses.

Him: what are you doing?
Me: posing
Him: oh, I thought you’d hurt your neck.

Would never make it as a model, clearly 😐

Then I was trying on another jacket, the boy comes up and says “you look good” 🥰 he’s so cute, he ought to give his dad a few tips!

Off we went on a bike ride, we did 10.1 miles so I’m happy with that. Was really nice to get out. We stopped off at a new cafe on the way home for a drink and cake outside 😋 there are also some wind turbines close to us and I wanted to get right next to them for a pic, so we went off the track and I walked up to one. Boy wouldn’t come because he was scared, little poppet lol. Anyway, it stopped rotating and OH was like, “it’s because there’s a camera and they can probably see you” 🤔 is that even a thing?! Can you get in trouble for standing next to one? I honestly don’t know 😂 so then boy was like, “let’s go before the police come” 😂 and as I was walking away it started rotating again but made a whirring sound as it started and boy said it was an alarm 😂 haha, anyway all wind turbine knowledge gratefully received ✌🏻😎

Ooh also, I finished my book last night and it’s now my new favourite book. And I shared it on Insta, tagging the author and she replied and we sent a few messages back and forth and now I’m proper fan girling 😍

Erm, think that’s all I’ve got to tell you. Gonna make a spag bol this evening and watch aaaall the telly.

Hope you all enjoy your nights! ♥
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I literally have nothing to report today. It's been such a boring, dull day at work! Didn't even go for a wander on my lunch break because I couldn't be bothered.
Counting down the minutes until 5pm so I have 4 days off 🥳 🥳
Have a lovely evening all, I'm going for a run on my own down the beach then going to have a bit of a pamper sesh, bath bombs, face mask, the lot 🥰
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watermelon sugar

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Hiya guys, this thread is a dead ting today! Took me ages to find it 😂 absolutely nothing to write about today. Boring day. Mini watermelon is back to his normal self terroring me. I was filling up his sippy cup and left the thing upwards and it splashed me in the face when I put the lid on 🥲 i got dead sleepy and nauseous halfway through the day. Ate some digestives to make me feel better. Done a workout. I've done 2-3 workouts a day the last week. My fella said my bum was looking nice, get in 🍑 tried out my new slow cooker today and made a chicken tikka masala. It was *chefs kiss* so sleepy now. Could just fall asleep but. Need. To. Make. It. Through. Corrie. TTFN xx

Eta- my fella went the Asda & bought digestives, pink wafers, party rings & jaffa cakes. All inspired by the v. Shocking biscuit thread 😱
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@WilmaHun congrats on the house, that's fantastic news! he'd better bloody propose
@OutrageouslyScarlet glad to hear you'll be getting talking therapy face-to-face ❤

The driving lesson went pretty well I thought! I've got another one booked for next Thursday evening when my instructor wants to do big roundabouts. It all came back to me fairly quickly but I was really rusty especially with turning corners and mini-roundabouts. I think I'll have another 3 or 4 lessons before I'm comfortable buying my own car and driving by myself. I need to remember to ask to practice parking too! 😬

My legs are so sore after two days of the gym. I'm walking like I've shat myself and whenever I have to kneel to get something out of the cupboard or go up/downstairs, it's a fiasco. I must look like a 90 yr old woman, luckily no one can see me huffing and puffing trying to get back up 👀 I successfully returned that micellar water to Superdrug and got my £3.99 back 💅🏻🤑 #balling Just eaten my courgette mush with a fried egg and sweet chilli, going to make a brew and catch up on Youtube and have some choc buttons before going to the gym for day 3 of this workout plan I'm doing. Then off to an Irish bar this evening! Weather is fab ☀
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Hi all, been a busy day for me. Dropped the children at school and met my friend for a (long) walk. I was knackered, but really enjoyed it and it was much needed. Got home and found my lovely dad at my house having a brew with my husband. He doesn't normally pop over unannounced so it was a lovely surprise. Chatted with him for a while and then he went home. Decided to tackle the remains of boxes in the garage, didn’t have to collect from school till 5pm as both girls were at swimming club. Heavenly! Have been very ruthless and filled a big box for the charity shop of baking equipment that I know I will never use. Bundt tin anyone 😂, what was I thinking. Just had tea and cleared away, put the heating on as it feels chilly tonight.
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Hi guys didn’t check in yesterday because I felt so ill I pretty much got home from work and went straight to bed 😭😭😭

I’m making the most of the weekend by not leaving the house lol. Cuddled up on the sofa with the cat, a packet of ginger biscuits (thanks for the recommendation @watermelon sugar) and catching up on a weeks worth of Classic Corrie!

Hope you’re all well xxx
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Aww @watermelon sugar, Mini Watermelon already has such a personality developing, just from what you've told us here. I'm a few months you'll be updating that he's not given you a moment's peace all day! Hopefully now that things are opening up again you and him can hang out with other kids his age and he'll come out of his shell a bit more.


Been in such a strange old mood today, I've been a right moody mare - it's a good job I've been on my own today, I've felt like Kevina the teenager.

Had a nice long walk this morning but overeaten. I decided to allow myself a specific amount of food over my calories as I was otherwise going to purchase everything at the One Stop, which has actually stopped me dead in my tracks and I haven't eaten all that yet and now that I know I'm allowing myself it I'm not too fussed. I feel incredibly antsy but about nothing in particular so there isn't a way to fix what isn't a probelm. I must have just slept odd or something. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
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Morning all. Sounds like there’s some bugs going round, I hope everyone is feeling better soon💗

Surprisingly slept very well last night😅 woke up feeling very meh, which is to be expected of course. Spoke to my mum briefly on the phone as she’s doing the typical mum thing and worrying about me since I live away from everyone and no matter how much I tell her I’m ok I know she’s stressing🤣

I have a very quiet day at work today and hoping that continues all week and then I have a 4 day bank hol weekend 🙌🏼
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Morning all x
i love a Sunday when it’s a bank holiday just because I know I won’t have that horrible Sunday evening feeling tonight 🥰
we ended up popping round my boyfriends mums yesterday afternoon to sit in her garden for about an hour. She had just made some scones and a tray bake so that was nice 🤤🤤
unfortunately it got ruined because his sister turned up 🙃 we stayed for about 20 mins so as not to make it too obvious we can’t bare being around her, but as we went to leave I noticed she had parked across the drive blocking my car. I asked her to move her car so we could get off. Her response “well no not really, I havent Seen you much recently so you can stay until I leave”....... I’m a grown adult hun, you ain’t holding me hostage!! Turns out bfs mum had let her know we were there! Bf thought she was joking so laughed and was like “where’s your keys, I’ll move it myself” but she was genuine. 👀 Took her all of 10 more minutes to turn on me and tell me that my “body clock is ticking away”. She knows I’m desperate to become a mum but I’ve had a few health issues, which she knows about, and I want to be married first. It’s not her place to tell me about my body anyway!
I didnt say anything, just got up and walked home. I’ll have to go back for my car today 🤣🤣 what a looney not letting me take my car off the drive 😬
bf got into a bit of an argument with her about being on at me all the time then caught up with me.
anyway, I’m going to spend the day on my uni work, might nip out for a walk along the beach if the weather stays dry. Slept like a baby last night 🥰
have a lovely day all xx
Fuck me she sounds off her rocker , I’d have told her to move her fucking car and called her a cunt as well .. Jesus wept .. she really sounds unhinged
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Thanks so much guys.

I'm feeling really confused all afternoon and I have no idea what to think anymore. On the one hand my parents have helped me out of some very tough binds, especially financially and I'd have been homeless without them a few years ago. I do believe that they love me and I feel awful for even thinking about criticising them after they've raised and looked after me but some things aren't sitting right. I've been remembering bits and pieces all afternoon, how I'd often hear "I love you but I don't like you" from my mum as a kid and how I wrote a report on 'what you want to be' when I was in year one that ended with 'because then my dad will like me.'

I don't want to be too tough on them because they've gone through horrible things in life (way worse than me) but I feel like I'm such an embarrassment to them - they said (when I was an adult) that they refused to let me be tested for autism as a child because they didn't want the neighbours to think they possibly had an autistic child. When my GP at 14 said that I urgently needed therapy/anti-depressants I was forbidden from having either. As an adult I've been told multiple times that if I ever go to therapy they'll 'never speak to me again', even if I promised not to talk about them. Even now I'm not 'allowed' to be out of the closet to my grandmother, not because her homophobia would upset me, but because my parents say they 'don't want to be gossiped about' by the broader family as having raised a gay daughter.

I grew up in a tiny village and I've always thought of their behaviour as normal but now I'm wondering if it isn't. I don't even know where I'm going with this train of thought, everything feels like it's been thrown up in the air. I guess I'll just have to take each day as it comes and try and keep a bit more distant while I figure things out.
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After being in shock at being cut my hair has washed, dried and calmed itself down a bit and I love it, whatever anyone else thinks. Though there is one bit at the side I've cut a tad too close but it'll grow out so no harm done!

I don't buy Chinese takeaway due to my peanut/sesame allergies as the risk of cross-contamination is too high but I found these at co-op earlier and they're amazing - I'm going to have to ration them now though. And also look up recipes to cook some proper ones at home because I need these flavours in my life:

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