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Ruby’s mum

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New to this thread and only posting as I’ve had a productive morning for once! So far I’ve had an early morning potter in the garden and greenhouse, fed dog and cat, took husbands breakfast up (🙄!) unloaded dishwasher, done two loads of washing, hoovered, dusted and polished all downstairs, mopped kitchen and hall floors, cleaned downstairs loo. Just about to do upstairs bathroom, make beds then take dog for a walk. Love days when I get my shit together!
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watermelon sugar

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Me and mini 🍉 are feeling better cold wise today but think he's getting his next tooth cos he's been a right whingebag all day! Lot's of angry 'mumumumums' 😆 good job I'm over my headache cos he wouldn't have helped it 😂 i feel a bit rubbish cos I've not done any workouts while I've been ill and I've just washed me hair and not dryed so I look like Hagrid

I need a glow up. Just feel ugly and rubbish atm. Gonna ring the hairdressers tomorrow I think and book in 🤩
But it's just been a lazy day for us 🥰 hopefully that tooth comes through and my cold goes and me and him will be back to ourselves x
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Evening everyone! Bloody TGIF
Had massive work drams today. 2 of my managers were obviously together despite 1 being married. The married one announced she was pregnant back in August and since has just fallen off the face of the earth, ignoring people’s messages of well wishes and today her work account was deactivated 🧐 was speaking to one of my friends who is the level above me so knows them and their situ more than I do. Apparently they had a huuuuuuge argument just before she told everyone she was pregnant and they literally were not talking at alllll. So we’ve come to the conclusion that there may be confusion about who baby daddy is and that caused the argument and is also why it seems she isn’t returning to work. So basically I did no work today and was in full on detective mode 🤣
Finished and fake tanned for the first time in agessssss. I feel so good for it 🤩🤩🤩
Got someone’s leaving drinks via zoom at 7:30pm. Don’t think I’ll drink though. A lot of effort so hopefully it’s good🙄😂
My first ever job which I absolutely loved. It’s probably the longest I’ve had a job 😂was working at a tanning shop and it was great because apart from the odd morning you’d work alone (all my friends would pop in for free sunbeds)
Anyway we all discovered our boss was having an affair (condoms and a spare phone were hidden in the kitchen area out the back and they certainly weren’t any of the girls that worked there) which probz means he was shagging on the sunbeds 😂
I used to hate it as he’d get me to lie when his wife phoned she was at home with their toddler. It was all so much drama.
He sacked me just after my 18th birthday because I had booked it off and he hadn’t put it down so no one opened the shop.. anyway I had to go in with my mum for a disciplinary as he was laying into me I threw out that I knew he looked so shocked then back tracked and told me he’d had the snip so couldn’t be him bla bla . He was the Tightest man ever but gave me free sunbeds for as often as i wanted and kept reinstating me for years. Damn I miss work drama
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@nbt TWD has got so crap, series 1-4 were great though! I wish Negan had been brought in earlier coz he is hot as hell 🤤 Also I'm with you on the huge walks over going for a run any day!
@Meangirl815 congrats on the house news, thats fantastic 👏🏻
@bolimepipi awwwww look at Roisin watching the outdoors, what a little blob 🥰 I've started calling Matty "blob" as a nickname so much that he responds to it like his name! Hope you feel better soon. And definitely leave your job, your colleagues don't seem very nice or supportive to you. I used to work in an office like that and it was complete relief when I left!! Maybe you can come back and plan my wedding when I eventually marry my fave rapper 🤪🤣
@AnderbeauJohnson glad you're feeling better, was thinking about you today
@OutrageouslyScarlet do you have a recipe for your mango salsa? I'd love to try and make it 👩🏻‍🍳

I've been so FLOPPY today, you know when you just feel tired as hell with no energy. Also I never know where my evenings go!! It'll get to 6pm and I'll blink and suddenly it's nearly midnight.

Before work started, I walked down to the Samsung store to get myself a new charger since I realised on the train home yesterday that I'd left my charger at work 🤦🏻‍♀️ There was no way in hell I wanted to travel 1.5hrs back and spend money on a train just to fetch my nearly broken charger so I thought I'd get a new one. Atleast I have the old one for work and taking on holidays and the new one for home!

WFH was dull - I'm never productive the day after being in the office and having a big meeting. To be honest, what I acheived all day I could have done in a couple of hours on a speedy day 😬 I watched Pointless after work with a slice of banana bread then I had a zoom call with the sustainability volunteer group I'm part of. It was sooooo boring this month, I honestly wanted to nap instead, as it was more of a recap for the number of people who missed the last meeting. Nothing new was really said so felt like a bit of a waste of time.

The gym has gone nuts - people must have all had the same thought of "the first week back at the gym will be crazy so I will wait for the first week to pass by and then go in the second week, when the hype has died down". Because of this, it meant that even past 8pm when it's normally quieter, the gym had around 150 people in it 💀 I didn't have much luck getting the equipment I wanted so I felt like my workout wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Ah well, atleast I did something I suppose? I also saw one of my gym crushes - he's this guy with amazing curly hair thats always in a man bun and he wears shorts and usually a Metallica t-shirt of some kind. However, he very often has a lollypop in his mouth when lifting tho that kind of gives me the ick 😫 He was laughing with a pretty girl today which reminded me I really need more gym clothes. The girls in my gym always have nice outfits on, it's so intimidating. And then there's me in my grubby anime t-shirts trying not to fart whilst doing hip thrusts 😑

I popped to Aldi to pick up my dinner - a halloumi burger - and then had a smoothie whilst I watched the last half of Sewing Bee. I washed my hair really late so now I have to go to sleep with wet hair (I don't know how to use my hairdryer properly for styling so I just air dry it)
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good evening 🌷 another terrible day here but i don't want to put a downer on the thread again 😂 so long story short i spent most of the day in bed with a terrible headache, everything hurts, had another cry over work stuff and had another 30 arguments with my bf 😂

HOWEVER, i finally started line of duty! just finished episode 1. @aimzalicious was it you that recently mentioned the 'if you take a shot at the king, make sure you kill him, son' quote? what a scene 😎
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@Nolongerjustalurker Congrats to your bf on the new job and yes, still watch LOD and report back on here 🙏🏻
@under the ivy comgratulations!!!! that's fantastic 👏🏻
@AnderbeauJohnson so glad your rainbow dress looks nice!
@OutrageouslyScarlet absolutely love everything you ordered, especially the lemon dress 🍋 fingers crossed what your nurse prescribed works for you
@Meangirl815 your new garden is tons of space, it is literally like a field as you said! bet you can't wait to move in :) what kind of things are you going to do with the space?
@bolimepipi you're moving fast! you're up to my fave series now, plz report back when you finish series 3 so I can live vicariously through you seeing it for the first time. Bless your little blob Roisin letting you rest ❤

You lot buying clothes is making me want to cave and buy my entire Depop, ASOS and eBay saved items 💀 And I've received two emails from sites recently saying the items I'm on the waiting list for are back in stock. Oh the temptation... however my AllSaints orange skirt I bought yesterday has already been dispatched this morning so that should satisfy my buying urge for a bit

I had a great gym sesh - one of the staff members compliment me on my anime t-shirt and we had a chat about that particular series for a bit. Shame it's my last session at that gym before I move back to the parents, or she could've become a gym staff member friend!

I popped into M&S afterward to ask if they're still doing their textile recycling boxes during Covid, which they weren't 😭 I have 4 bags of old clothes that are too rank to sell, and I hate the idea of chucking them in the bin to go into a landfill. Gonna keep my eyes peeled for a textile recycling bin tomorrow otherwise they'll all have to go in the bin as I cba moving so many bags back. If my sustainability volunteer group found out, I'd be cast out 💀

After the gym, I got into my PJs and watched Pointless, and caught up on some Repair Shop. I had a brownie my dad bought me and a cuppa. Realized I needed milk so got dressed just to go back out to Aldi 🙄 hate when you get comfy then have to go back out. Got back, did the shower/skincare routine, then back into bed to watch Repair Shop all night 🤪 halloumi burger with sweet potato wedges and a smoothie for tea later, with a bottle of cider ofc 🍻

Hope you all had a nice Friday 🥰
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Chatty Member
Evening all! Just another work day for me - had another meeting and it all went well, I'm dead pleased with my toddler designs. I'm getting much better at this presentation malarkey and not umming and ahhing as much when I talk! Fake it till you make it eh? 👏🏻

I had another driving lesson after work, we did big roundabouts with lanes on them and lots of parking. My instructor took the L plates off so people wouldn't treat me like a learner 😬 Seriously how do you get used to driving??? It feels like it never sinks in. How am I going to park by myself? I want to be able to blast music in the car but feel like I have to drive in silence so I can concentrate. Next week we're on dual carriageways and maybe some parallel parking too. Hopefully, I'll be whizzing it one handed in like:

After my lesson, dad had brought a brownie so I had that with a brew whilst watching the news with my parents. Moving in with my parents is tricky as they're such feeders. I'm trying to get my waist measurement down but I predict a lot of brownies in my future will slow me down 🤪 I had salmon, new potatoes and a big ass salad for tea then sat on my phone for hours 😝 Night all xx
I keep putting off getting lessons and sitting my test over here as I'm terrified! I could/did drive back home for about 15 years but it's a whole different kettle of fish over here driving on the other side, trying to parallel park on the other side into the tiniest of spaces in the city, the crazy ass traffic, the tailgaiting right up your ass and their refusal to ever use their indicators here...... I'm stressed just thinking about it 🤯 Every time we hire a car (I'm still using my British license when we rent one 🤫) and I'm forced to take a turn of the driving MrGP always falls out with me cos I create such a drama and am constantly screaming omg I can't do this, argh he's going to crash into me look how far up my ass he is, get him to back off, then I usually start crying and hyperventilating at the same time :ROFLMAO:


Anyways on topic now, nothing really happening here. Did a workout this morning, got a pretty immense sub for lunch, did laundry and ordered some clothes for summer ☀ Hoping to head outside to read my book for a while with a rose wine but it looks like it might rain soon. I sat outside reading for a few hours last night as it was so hot and it was bliss just sitting chilling with a good book. Going to get a takeaway later, not sure what yet, probably pizza, watch some tv then go to bed way too late as usual.

Night all!
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Well gang. Scotland today 😳🥺🥰


Bloody wrecked. Walked 43k the past 3 days 😂 Went out to our family home today and walked for 2 hours 🥰



@Saddlesoap animals. Are. Life.

@nbt gorgeous bunny 🐰 🥰
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watermelon sugar

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@OutrageouslyScarlet i love those dresses! Especially the lemon 🍋 one! You'll look a fitty in them💯

Hiya everyone! Mini Watermelon is really poorly, snot everywhere, all over me mainly. Lot's of crying. Physcing myself for little sleep tonight 😅 bf starts his new job tomorrow, picked a good week to do 7 days, the week the baby doesn't sleep and isn't well 😂 I can't remember much of my day now I'm typing it! My bf walked in on me singing Style by Taylor Swift dramatically to the baby. He told me I looked like I've lost weight on my waist 🥳 knowing my luck ill lose weight then get up the duff. I remember last time I found out I was pregnant a week before I bought a load of size 10 summer clothes then BAM pregnant 😂 we took the baby for a wander, werent out long cos he just didn't seem well. But he needed the fresh air. We got back and my fella was whinging about his weight, whilst eating white chocolate buttons. Then he dropped to the floor and done 10 press ups 😂 sat with the baby with the shower on to help soothe him 🥺 i made an absolutely banging Chinese chicken curry for tea. My fella said it was the best meal I've ever made. He's been full of compliments today tbh, must be after something 👀 I'm too full off my curry though hehe
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Thanks for the lovely messages all, work was okay but it feels like Friday already 🤣🤣 I’ve been in bed watching the circle, going to try and get some sleep shortly. Love reading about all your days!! Hopefully tomorrow will be better ❤❤
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Morning everyone, I didn’t update yesterday as I was absolutely pooped.

Work was work, nothing exciting. Conversation is starting about how we will move back into the office which I’m SO glad about. I’m expecting end of May/June time to begin what will be a very slow transition. A lot of people aren’t happy about it. People saying they don’t want to get on public transport even though they drive to work - just looking to moan about anything 🤣🤣 I’m happy though, I hate working from home full time. Will be very happy to go back to my old 2/3 days at home and 2/3 days in the office.

Last night was Bootcamp night and it was a touuuugh one but I set a few PBs! We have to roll the tyre at the start to the place in the park we do the Bootcamp and squat down as we walk (otherwise it murders your back). It’s quite a distance and I’ve never made it all the way without picking up my tyre (I blame being 6ft so having to squat further than everyone else🤣). But last night I got the full way 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 And I did a full length of tyre flips without stopping too🙌🏼 My Apple Watch says I burnt almost 700kcal and I could bloody feel it😂

There’s nothing going on today but I am making enchiladas for my dinner which I’m buzzing for🤪
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Re: all the line of duty chat, I also haven’t seen it! I watch gogglebox and honestly the amount of tv shows this has ruined for me cos I end up seeing spoilers (LOD included) do you think it’s still worth watching?
It’s annoying when Gogglebox show spoilers! At the same time though, it has got me watching loads of things that I’d missed. I saw LoD S4 on Gogglebox and that’s how I started watching it.

I worked today and did some prep work for later in the year, taking advantage of a quieter week. Sent my notes to my boss and got massive praise so that made me happy. However, it also made me lazy for the rest of the day 🙈 I spent most of the day deleting old emails and reading more of my book. I’m torn between wanting to keep reading but also not wanting to finish it too quickly!

My mum asked if she could collect the boy from school this afternoon for a surprise, so he was happy.

The OH got home from work around the same time so we went to collect the food shop. I’d forgotten black bags so asked him to pop in and get some and then knew he was gonna come out with loads of bad treats. He came out with some fresh cakes and sweets, then when we were all home the ice cream van came round and he told the boy he could have an ice cream (even though I spend each time M-Th saying no because he doesn’t need one every time it comes). Then earlier in the day, he’d text and asked if I wanted a takeaway and I said no, because I’ve started dieting this week and he knows that. Him and the boy got Domino's anyway.

Now, because the boy had treats already, he is full after one slice. So my other half can either finish the pizza so it doesn’t go to waste, or he can leave whatever he can’t manage and risk me saying “I told you so” 😂

To be honest, I’m pretty pissed off with it all. I don’t expect no one else to have treats just because I’m dieting, but it’s like, have a bloody weekend off! I purposely stick to my guns, say no to the bad stuff and the sense of satisfaction is unreal 😂😎 I may as well just give him a huge 🖕🏻😂

It’s okay for him though, he’s not overweight and he could skip a meal and lose about half a stone 🙄 it’s much harder for me!

So now I feel like I’m in a bad mood and looking for an argument 😒 which is a rubbish start to the weekend. We don’t have the big kids til tomorrow night and I always enjoy the rare time when it’s just the three of us tbh because it doesn’t happen very often. So I will try to keep my mouth shut 🙃
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I done 111 online now my daughter is at A&E with my husband 😢😢 we think she's got an infection somewhere

My other 2 kids won't leave me alone so i have the company of a 5yr old watching YouTube and a 7yr old playing sims 🙄🙄

We watched a film on Netflix and had some popcorn now just sitting waiting for news

If anybody is drinking tonight feel free to have one for me 🍻🍻
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@calmyourritas was your first day back okay in the end? 🥰
@Nolongerjustalurker i love bees, that's so nice! i wanna see pics of baby bees :D 🐝
@under the ivy i hope tomorrow goes perfect for you, good luck! rosie looks beautiful on that pattern :) 3 gyozas because my stupid bf couldn't wait until i take the photo!! 😂 but she got some prawns :)
@ricardoylucia this really put some things in perspective for me. good luck and hang in there :)
@AnderbeauJohnson relax tonight and try not to think about it! and enjoy your chippy tea of course :)
@aimzalicious the farming love show is just about to start, i think you'd love it it's so funny! also congrats on making the tattle hall of fame! i reeeeally have to start lod, even my dad is telling me to!
@jarv thank youu it was lovely :D & @watermelon sugar thank you i enjoy arranging food, flowers, anything for that matter :D i'm so happy mini watermelon said dada :) i'm sure what he meant is 'where's nanna' but still!
@Boredofthegram omg fluffy baby geese 🥺 i had to google some pics of baby geese and thought i'd share one for anyone having a bad day, they reminded me of my bf asking what's wrong when i'm pissed off when he eats the fourth gyoza before my tattle pic :D

View attachment 537019
here is a pic of the actual baby geese i saw with mum and dad ❤

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So I took the dog out and felt worse, felt a bit dizzy and that my eyes weren't focussing properly. Decided to skip the run (why do I always feel guilty?) and just did a 30min ab/bum workout instead, then got in the bath, so feeling better now. Need to go and make tea shortly.

Didn't get up to anything much over the weekend, Spent most of yesterday in the garden, mowing, planting and moving pots out of reach of Pupper. Made up a bench for the garden which I had to drive an hour to b&q to collect. Wouldn't normally have bothered but am hosting a get together with my mates next weekend and needed something for them to sit on 🤣

@prinnygrace sorry to hear about your relationship, sounds like it had run its course and you've done the nicest thing xx
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hi all, today's been a much better day! 🌻

we both woke up feeling better, although, tmi, i got my period, the last piece of this hell puzzle lol. probably the reason why i managed to get us into another argument last night before bed but oh well 😂 another side effect of that time of the month for me is the desire to cleeeaaannn 🧹 so that's exactly what we've done and used this newly found energy for 😂 we did a big spring clean and threw a lot of stuff out. by threw out i mean put in the backyard until we are allowed to throw it out or someone can pick it up for us (our bin is across the street and i don't want to risk someone seeing us haha, maybe if i'm feeling adventurous around midnight i'll go and throw it away) anyway we also washed the floors, washed the bathroom, washed the inside bin, did a few rounds of laundry, tidied the balcony, did the dishes, sorted through our shoes, etc.

other than that, we spent a while sat outside on the balcony to get some fresh air. i'm finding it really helpful because my breathing has been quite shallow and i can feel pressure on my chest. might have to call my doctor on monday. we also made gnocchi and played some videogames 🎮 my childish bf always writes to other people when they do something wrong in the game and today he wrote 'you twat', i looked at him like wtf and he went: 'line of duty' 🕵️‍♂️ (for reference: we speak english to one another bc he doesn't speak croatian and i don't speak german). speaking of lod, we haven't watched any today, we've barely been on screens as we've really been working around the house all day! season 3 is waiting for tonight! 🕵️‍♂️

we also hoovered today and roisin hates that. she always ''hides'' from the hoover. you can see that on this pic, that is if you can even find her 🐈

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I had a seminar for members of the public to comment on research today. They don't take any prisoners, it was brutal. It went well though and I only forgot I was supposed to be taking notes a few times :ROFLMAO:
My night consists of the delights of bin night, phoning my Mum and then Guides pick ups then I'm done.

I'm getting back into skincare after a shocking period of not doing anything. I'm ashamed of myself.
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I have no energy to reply to everyone tonight but I've enjoyed catching up on all your posts. @lemonlime I was happy to see you in my notifications! Glad to see you again ❤ @bolimepipi sorry to hear about the covid positive result, I really thought you would test negative ☹

I did the long journey to the office this morning at 8am, I usually find working on the train really relaxing but this one was proper swaying everywhere! So me tutting and silently raging at the train throwing me about in my seat wasn't exactly the cosmopolitan working gurl vibe I wanted to portray this morning 😑

The big meeting I had in the afternoon went well I thought, thankfully they realized we had way too much to get through so they cut it short 👏🏻 I had my usual phone call counselling session in a little meeting room I found in a corridor at work as I wouldn't be able to get home in time. It was a really interesting session this week. It's given me lots to think about 🤔 Left the office at 5pm, I finally got through all my podcasts I'd had saved on my journey home. In one of the podcasts (the Blossoms Pubcast) one of the guys mentioned they'd got a skip and loved it and wanted another one - I immediately thought of you skip lovers on here 🤣

I don't know what it is about work but I just can't eat or drink when I'm there - something about being in the office sets of my anxiety and I immediately lose my appetite. All I had today was my porridge at 6am and a tiny yoghurt at midday. I've only just had what was meant to be my packed lunch now 💀 Gonna make a brew and have a slice of the banana bread I made at the weekend whilst listening to ghost stories on Youtube 🥰
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Hello my loves, I hope you're all doing okay or getting better. Feeling a bit grumpy today, some work stuff is stressing me out. I just want to ignore the world, write some stories, drink a glass of wine and be rich enough that I won't worry about keeping a job or having to make a living, yet here we are. Nothing dramatic, I'm just feeling a bit bleh with my colleagues' attitude overall. And they are also changing my desk when I start working in the office again which is super duper - not. Then again, maybe having my ass facing the rest of the office may not be a terrible thing. I might be staring at a depressing wall all day and have my computer screen visible to all (feels invasive idk why) but at least I won't see everyone else 😬

Not a busy day, still waiting for some updates over here. Looking forward to the Easter holiday at the end of this week, come to me long weekend.

@bolimepipi How's your covid, babe? Hope you're recovering fast and everyone else is okay, I've been thinking of you.
@watermelon sugar get well soon! Both you and baby melon, sending hugs and vitamins over there <3

Hugs to everyone, I miss chatting to you guys but my mental energy can cover only so much nowadays. It's so good to see your messages here though. Be safe! xxxx
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