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Oh @watermelon sugar , I hope the little fella has calmed down now, it’s easy to forget how energetic they are when they start walking and exploring. Did you manage some sunbathing in the garden? @bolimepipi I hope you are coping ok and not feeling too unwell. My day so far, met friend for coffee and sat in the sunshine, then we had a wander round the shops, bought some new towels in The White Co and a skirt. Loving being out and about, left the decorator painting the kitchen. Last day tomorrow, thank fuck. Bought one of my friends some flowers a she‘s had a lot going on, dropped them in on the way home, she was happy to see me, or so she said 😂. Came home, had a ham sandwich and now I’m going to collect the kids from school. Decorator still here. I am looking forward to the day when I am home alone for at least an hour.
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watermelon sugar

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Morning guys. So tired today. Baby slept crap last night so I was up and down with him in his room. Ended up sleeping in there with him but still didn't get much sleep. He's got a 5th tooth and I think he getting a 6th one! He's been up since 5.40 as well 😴😴 I made him hummus on toast for breakie and he looked at me dead in the eyes and lashed all of it on the floor 😂

I felt a bit down last night, just felt dead lonely. Even though we were out with friends yesterday but idk I think it's cos my fella is now working 7 days a week for the foreseeable now he has 2 jobs. The weather is so nice i wish I had mates round here who I could just nip for a coffee with or go for a walk with. All my friends are back in Liverpool. My fella always says 'go round to my Mums' but I don't want to just hang round with his Mum all the time 🤨🙄🤣

So I'll probs spend some time with the baby in the garden or go for a walk to the park 😊 at least I have mini watermelon to keep me company ey 😂
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Aw that is a lovely pic of Rosie @under the ivy ❤

@AnderbeauJohnson I'm sorry your mum and nan have been like that with you, but it does sound as though you've been able to stay in the positive! You just keep doing your own thing and focusing on what makes life better for you, it'll all come together. ❤

@OutrageouslyScarlet goodness me - I hope you're okay - try not to let it get to you too much ❤

And thanks everyone for the nice messages, it's nice to be able to open up about these things, especially when it can be difficult to do irl. We will be fine, and when there's a good time we can just revisit and get our heads around it a bit more.

I had such a lovely time with my friends this afternoon, it just felt like normal times! Just having a quick tea now as we've got a zoom call in a bit - hope everyone has a lovely evening! 🤗
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@nbt happy anniversary, hope you’ve had a great day! 💛
@under the ivy well done on the driving! That’s amazing, fingers crossed you’ll be passed your test in no time 🚘
@bolimepipi hope you and your bf feel better soon ☹
@watermelon sugar I don’t have children myself (yet) so I can’t really give any advice but I just wanted to say never ever doubt yourself, from everything you write on here it’s abundantly clear that little boy is your whole world. By the sounds of things you are a fantastic mum, don’t ever feel like you’re not doing enough 💛

Not much to say from me today - had a bit of a rubbish day really considering how happy I was yesterday about the house etc ☹
went for a game of mini golf with my partner. His DICKHEAD sister got wind that we were going (I guess the mother in law told her) and she invited herself. As soon as I heard she was coming I got this knot in my stomach,IBS flared up and just felt hideously anxious 😟
Anyway, she was absolutely fine for the whole game of golf which I was shocked about. Then just as we were saying goodbye and getting in our cars she made a critical comment at me. I won’t even write what it was on here as it was so small. I didn’t even react I just got in the car and cried the whole way home. Partner was absolutely lovely about it but he didn’t hear what she said, he was chatting to her partner at the time so she got away with it.
ive been down all afternoon about it. I keep giving her chances then she’s just horrible. It’s time I stopped being so sensitive really , need to grow a thicker skin!
Anyway, tomorrow is a new day.
have a lovely evening all xx
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Hope u lovelies are enjoying the weekend . I have the most exciting news ...I’ve got my washing machine back 💕💕. I have done 6 loads already. On a sadder note the skip went yesterday, I was still trying to cram stuff in before it was taken from me . My kitchen is finally finished after nearly 6 weeks, so I need to make an excuse as to why a takeaway is a good idea tonight 😂.
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Been hectic lads 😂 So weird seeing my 2 best friends last week 😳

Walked 66k in total last week 😁

Scotland.. cant cope 🙈 He's a dream. Watched line of duty again together tonight. He was asking where we're going when he comes up to dublin 🙈 also I was saying I've bad hay-fever and he said grand you won't be looking after the garden so 🥰🥰🥰🙈

65 or 35 days to go. Have to wait til we can travel as hes in another county. I think it will be the 65 days, July 1st but its going by so quickly 🥰

We talked on the phone tonight after line of duty. It was 10pm and I decided to go for a walk. Checked phone and it was 11.20 🤣 could talk to him forever 😍🥰 how he says my irish name makes me swoon 🥵

@under the ivy LOVE TO DO lists. When I was in hospital for anxiety they got us to use wool in art therapy. You had a large piece of woll down to the shortest and it was to put your biggest worry at the top, down to the smallest. Worked so well. To do lists are so important. Really keeps you calmer.

@WilmaHun my skin always gets so dry during spring. Hope you're ok wilmaaaaa * love the flinstones*

Love your idea of myself & Scotland being a tattle wedding 🤣Hen party here so 🤣🥰

@watermelon sugar hope youre ok doll 💗
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Sorry to hear so many of you have been under the weather lately. Wishing everyone a swift recovery and sending love. ❤

I agree @petitspois I feel the same. I haven’t even been able to do anything now that restrictions are lifting and honestly don’t even want to. I feel very despondent which I’m surprised at because I was really looking forward to normality beginning to resume. I think it’s made me realise that my life was never that interesting to begin with and I feel lost, if that makes sense? I also feel very disconnected from my family and the few important friendships I had broke down over lockdown.
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watermelon sugar

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Hello hello!

I've had a lovely day! The baby hasn't shut up 🤣 he's not said anything or babbled really but lot's of noises and shrieks etc. Sounds like he is on the way to something 😆

I was putting him down for his 2nd nap about 1.30 cos he was tired and he had got up at 5.40 and my fella burst through the front door. He was holding a new slow cooker 😆 I'd been saying I wanted a new one to be fair, it's nice to know he had listened! Not quite the engagement ring I was hoping for though 😏

I started feeling dead nauseous while the baby was napping so I just Tattled while the baby slept 😂 i started getting a dead metallic taste in my mouth as well so I went and moaned to my fellas about it. As I moaned to him, he moaned to me about this super league or w.e and I just totally zoned out

When the baby woke up we all had some choccy digestives then we got sorted and went for a walk. The weather was glorious today ☀ I didn't wear my fur jacket for once but still had a sweat on with my little jacket on! One day this week I'm gonna walk into town and get some new Summer clothes!! We may or may not have nipped in to the Asda to get more digestives during our walk 😏

My fella made us our rib eye steaks for tea. Tell you one thing about me fella he makes a banging steak!! Even though it was medium when I like it medium rare, it was still tidy 😂😂 he made garlic mushrooms as well and they were *chefs kiss*

Aw as I was typing this me fellas trying to get the baby to sleep and the baby just shouted dada 🥺🥺😭 he's never said dada before. Me fella just went 'WATERMELLOOON did you hear that' 🤣

Anyway I'm shattered off me steak 😴 proper food coma. Does any one type their day then suddenly remember loads of stuff? My fella came in from work and was like 'I said to my Mum before that you said she looks like Denise Welch and shes fuming' I was like 'ive never even said that🤣' so his Ma is in a mood with me for saying that, even tho I didnt! I actually said she looks like Chrissy Rock 😆 i think she'd be more offended at that tbf

Also with how bright it has been, my eyes have been killing. A bit of sun shines in me eyes and it hurts like hell. I've just started wearing sunglasses round the house. I look like bloody Willy wonka 🤣 I was putting the washing on the line at like 9am this morning in me bright pink pjs and a pair of sunglasses, I turned round and me neighbour was watching me out the window. She must of been like 'wtf does she look like 🤣' surprised she werent putting stuff in my bin tbh
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Glad you moved OK! will you not be going back at all now? no more encounters with your neighbour and his dog? that sounded like the start of a rom-com. 🥰
I'm going back once more this Friday to pick up two smaller plants, my coffee table and full length mirror! My parents are helping out with these as their car is bigger than my friends Mr Bean car 🤣 And I need to do a big clean of the flat before I hand the keys back, which I'm dreading 😬💀 also the neighbour and dog are cute but he lives with his gf (and he's too clean and tidy looking for me, where my bad boys at)

So last night nearing midnight and balls deep in the LOD thread, I realised I had to be up at 6am to be on time for my 8am Crohn's infusions.... whoops! I slept terribly since it's my first night at my parents and I'm not used to staying here - I woken up by my cat at 2am and 6am as well as my older brother (whom I strongly dislike and never speak about) basically thundering up and down the stairs and across the landing outside my room at. So that was great 🙄 gonna have to pick up some earplugs I reckon

I woke up so tired that I felt mega nauseous this morning. I went to my infusion where I sat hooked up to an IV and get some good shit pumped into my veins. It lasts about 2 hours so I made a good dent in my book, the latest in the Wolf Brother series. I wish I could be part of a wolf pack too, it sounds more exciting than normal life (though I don't think Matty would be best pleased 👀)

Since I'm knackered, I had a very unproductive day which I'm low-key panicking about because of work deadlines. Smashed through three brews this morning in an attempt to feel human again (spoiler alert: it didn't work). My AllSaints skirt arrived and looked crap so I went straight to the post office to return it. My search for my summer wardrobe continues...

I watched Pointless ofc (got a pointless Shakespeare answer 💅🏻) and had some raspberry and almond loaf which was lovely. Gonna wash my hair now and try and wash this day off me!! There's no good telly on tonight so I will just do all the work I should have done in the day as I have a catch-up with the manager tomorrow morn 🤪 leftover stuffed pasta shells for tea tonight, yum!
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Hello and happy Friday!

Usual work day after school run. Went well, quite a few were off to make the most of a long weekend. Most of my team are over in India so I checked in with all of them individually to see if they were ok given the scary covid situation and they are all keeping safe and working from home currently.
went for a lunchtime walk to post baby presents to my best mate and then popped to see the baby geese and all 8 are growing well 🥰
Changed the beds and tidied round before school pick up. Making curry for dinner and will have an early bath while little one watches the tablet.
Ive got zoom drinks planned tonight with the girls to celebrate what would’ve been one of our groups 41st birthday and to remember the good times spent with her.

So happy to turn my alarms off for three days.
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Fuck sake I hate this day already 😂

It's assessment season so my workload is just stupid this week. Got people mithering me all day long and asking me to do other random stuff that I 100% don't have capacity to manage, should have asked me last month buddy 👋

And then someone asked me to check something so I did and then he didn't believe my answer and said he'd check himself? Why not just do that in the first place. Properly irrationally raging today I need to chill out 😂

Loads of people have come into the office today too and I don't have time to a) chat or b) just do a couple of things for you because you've thought to ask me for something because you've seen me in person - the answer is NO!!

One good thing about being busy is it makes time pass quickly, think I'm gonna put the snooker on on my other screen for some tranquility, I find snooker so relaxing to watch 😂

Not got much on otherwise, got some chores to do when I get home and then we're making a chorizo and veggie frittata for tea and I'll probably just want an early night with a book and tattle.

Hope everyone has a lovely day ❤ maybe we'll have some more animal pics today ☺
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@OutrageouslyScarlet i love everything you got, especially the lemon dress! 🍋

my day hasn't been very interesting but i do feel better. we slept in quite long and little roisin was just waiting, didn't even make a sound until we woke up, it's like she knows we need to rest 🥺 so after i gave her breakfast and did all the usual stuff: water, litter.. i spent some extra time with her because she is just such a good girl 🥺 i was exhausted so went straight to the couch. had a few phone calls. my boss called me - just to ask how i am? and i was suddenly paid? (it was 2 weeks late) i think someone smelled i'm ready to quit 😂

anyway other than a pharmacy delivery from my cousin and a quick burst of energy during which i tidied and changed the bedsheets, all i've done today is watch line of duty. we finished season 1 and season 2 🕵️‍♂️ we also spent about an hour on the balcony. we're trying to get out there when we can and keep all windows open as we've been told to do this by the doctor. i totally understand why because my breathing is quite shallow!

about to make some soup and salad for dinner and i think we'll play some catan. hope everyone has a nice friday evening 🥳
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Hey tattlers.

well today has been fab so far. I took my son to the fields this morning and I taught him how to ride his bike! I am so chuffed for him and he’s made up as he’s been a bit nervous to do it but also so sad because his little mates can do it fine so his massive smiles as he was doing it were lush.
the sun is glorious here too so I ended up having an impromptu BBQ in a friends garden which was lovely. We got back an hour or so ago and I changed the bed sheets (I’ll thank myself for that later when I’m getting into fresh cotton sheets, bliss) and sorted the school stuff out for tomorrow. We’re going to do some colouring in a bit and then maybe a film to make the most of the last day of the hols. I’m going to have a glass of wine and some crisps I think now, the warm weather makes it go down easily.

congrats on the driving @under the ivy that’s wicked!
Hope you and bf feel better soon @bolimepipi ❤

Roll on next BH weekend!
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Happy anniversary for yesterday @GoofyPrincess x

Must be something in the air, seems like everyone is either feeling rubbish, got a headache, feeling miserable or just generally not right! Hope everyone feels better soon :(

I did go to the running club in the end. The group were lovely. There was someone there who I vaguely knew through a family member so she made me feel more at ease. I definitely need to up my fitness levels, I did trail behind quite a bit and was panting like a dog at the end, which I felt really embarrassed about! But I felt like I had achieved something so that's good. I think I'm going to try and do some solo runs at home for a few weeks then return to the group once I feel a bit fitter so I don't feel quite so embarrassed next time.
Now sat at my desk wondering what fresh hell the day at work will bring, really cba, roll on the bank hol. :ROFLMAO:
Our sold sign has finally gone up on our house so me and my partner went for a quick selfie, much to his dismay. I wish I could share it on here :ROFLMAO:
Have a lovely day all x
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Hi my tattle besties.
Had a busy old day. Woke up at 6.30. Why?? It's sat for the love of god. Anyway managed another hour or so before getting up at 8.30. Then from there until 11.30 i think i lost time. Done a whole lot of nothing but the morning flew over anyway.
Only 1 kid at home this weekend 💃💃
We've been to the massive local tesco, the range and lidl. Came home put shopping away, went to our new house to see if we could get a peek inside, still no joy. I'm so frustrated at not being able to get in and get a feel for the inside of the place. Has been a council property since it was built, very few tenants and no floor plans or anything exist.
Still another month ish before we can move it. Need to be patient. Patience is not my strong suit
From there we took car through the car wash (fun fact today was the day my husband found out I'm scared of car washes) came home had a crazy half hour messing about with my son. Making pizza's for tea. OK the husband is making pizza's, I'm on cheap pink gin

Feel like i need a night of 'letting go' a bit so provided i can keep sinking this rotten gin tonight may get messy 😛

Enjoy your evening whatever you doing gang


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Haven’t been on tattle much today. Been to see my mum and grandma as the sun was shining. Lovely to catch up, I haven’t seen my grandma “properly” since Christmas. Wanted a nap but couldn’t sleep so just watched some youtube on my phone. Cooked a beef stir fry. Ironed work clothes. I’m back at work tomorrow after quite a bit of time off for health reasons. Not sure how I feel about it. Goodnight ❤
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Omg @bolimepipi I had a dream this morn that I went to Croatia and went on a tour and I wore a top with my pfp on it and you came up to me and went AIMZZ and I said PIPIIII and it was so cute and we went out for drinks with your bf 🤣 Ofc I'd totally made up what you and your bf look like but it was a wholesome dream. Also, I like the pink round cushion that your lil blob is hiding next to! Where is it from?
@jarv did Mr Jarv end up getting any of the corsas in the end? and out of interest, did he test drive every single car he looked at? that's a lot of driving if so!
@watermelon sugar *makes notes on what you bought from ASDA to copy the design from* tbf we have prints like that but apparently no one buys them which is a shame as I think they're dead cute! we all care about you btw 🥺❤ I know it's not the same as real life people tho. I hope enjoy your brew and biscuits , and the bath (if you managed to have one in the end) 🥰
@Meangirl815 omg what a whirlwind! I hope your daughter is okay and it's nothing serious 🤞🏻
@Causewaygal wow looks fantastic!!

My final weekend in this flat 🥺 I'm feeling pretty sad about it but I know moving back to my parents to properly save money for my own house is the right thing to do. And I'm really looking forward to living with them, but nervous about the adjustment period and figuring out each other's routines.

Anyway, I made my usual weekend pancakes and cups of tea - the weather was gorgeous, I had my skylights open all night so the flat felt nice and fresh this morning. I, however, didn't feel nice and fresh after train journeys back and forth in the sun dragging 2 suitcases and strapped up with a backpack and a huge tote bag all full of stuff I was moving. I must have looked like a packhorse. I got so sweaty and ofc my deodorant conveniently ran out this morning 🤢 Who'd have a thought a suitcase full of jackets and blankets and a dressing gown would be heavier than kitchen stuff?!

I was meant to do three big trips back and forth of moving and unpacking stuff, but after the second trip, I was very easily convinced to sit down and have a brownie with a brew and watch Pointless Celebs with my mum and dad 😅 I ended up having a big old chat with my dad about buying houses. They bought theirs for £27k in the 70's and got it for nearly a 100% mortgage and now it's worth mad amounts of money. I wish I could get 100% mortgage 😑

Got back and bumped into my neighbour and his cockerpoo Ralph as they were leaving the building with a friend. He said it's funny how whenever Ralph is out for a walk we bumped into each other and he then asked after Matty (my cat) 🥺 I said you won't be bumping into me anymore as I'm moving out tomorrow and he seemed a bit gutted. He held up Ralph to say good bye to me and I shook Ralph's paw 🥰

I was ravenous after all the dragging of heavy suitcases so I've got a prawn curry and naan bread. Going to cuddle up with my cat and watch more Repair Shop 🐱
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watermelon sugar

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Hello hello this isnt my day update but just with pure excitement I wanted to let you all know I have a patch test booked in tomorrow, then I'm going blonde next week 🥳🥳 Woo can't wait to be a blonde bish. Catch up later. Ttyn x
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Hi all, bit of a rotten day. I’ve cried three times. Not even really sure why. Must be hormones. My skin is the worst it’s ever been, must be putting too much stress on myself. The third and final time I broke into tears my boyfriend ran a bath for me with candles, got me some fresh pjs and made me get in bed 🤣 he’s a gem 💎
I’m worrying as my bf was fixing something on my car and noticed my coolant was low, he opened my oil cap and it was a bit “gunky”. Apparently that’s a sign of head gasket going 🥴 of course I’ve been in full panic mode about that as I work 10 miles from home and really can’t afford to repair or replace a car right now 🥴 bf reassures me it can be numerous things and is unlikely to be that but I’m a worrier!
gutted it’s Monday tomorrow. Whoever decided the weekend should only be two days long is a stinker! We need 3 days minimum 😖
Now all tucked up watching after life again on Netflix, enjoy the rest of your Sunday all 💛💛
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