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@Saddlesoap Love this! I love the tree and Rockefeller Center area at Christmas, I still insist on going every year!

@nbt No we moved over 4 years ago. I went a few times when I was younger and did a summer internship there and absolutely loved it and dreamed of moving there. MrGP insisted he hated it despite having never been and refused to even go on holiday, crazy person! Fast forward several years he got sent over on a work trip for a couple of weeks came home and admitted he loved it. So that was me straight back on the let’s move to NY bandwagon 😂 It took a while to sort but we were lucky enough to both get transferred over with our jobs.

Happy Anniversary 🥳 Hope you have a lovely day, and remember you’re only as old as you feel 😉
Aah I bloody love that. I would love to live that life. It’s the one place outside of England that I think I would consider in the future once the kids are grown up.
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I’m trying to cut out Diet Coke at the minute and it’s painfulllllll. I usually only have 1 a day anyway but I hit 3pm and it’s like my body expects it. I’m trying to do some cleaning/go on a walk or something like that to distract myself. If I’m busy I’m less likely to want one (I’ll easily go ages without if I’m not home!).
Good luck!

I have a few mobile games that I enjoy playing with podcasts/tele/video on in the background so that's my current plan to try and distract myself.
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@OutrageouslyScarlet @jarv @Saddlesoap @under the ivy

I did have a better day thank you's i love that everyone is supportive on this thread ❤
Had a nice relaxing day off with lots of cuddles with my cat and sorting my colouring stuff out i want a whole weekend doing loads so that's what I'm gonna do this weekend and clear my head and been listening to non stop spice girls all day 😂
Spice girls always do the trick ❤
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Hope you’ve all had a lovely day!
I feel like I did bugger all at work today, it’s been such a slow day! Hope it picks up again soon 😅
Was planning on having chippy for dinner and was soo looking forward to it but bf has just walked in and said “fancy McDonald’s instead”? Last time I had McDonald’s I accidentally 👀 had a cheeseburger. I’m a vegetarian and supposed to be dairy free 🤣🤣
Have a lovely evening everyone x
Go have that cheeseburger. Its the same as my sister doing keto but every few weeks has a burrito or something 😂
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Just checking in on my fave thread before I start getting ready for my first driving lesson in ten years 😬 If I die in a horrible crash I'll tell my mum to do a Dippy Di and log on to tell you all that I've Passed Away™
good luck! 🤞let us know how it went :)
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@aimzalicious have you watched the second half of S10? Negan’s back story was the best episode I’ve watched in ages, I loooove him.
No I stopped watching back in 2018! I just read a summary of the ep and nice to know about his leather jacket and the name Lucille for his bat!

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New to this thread and only posting as I’ve had a productive morning for once! So far I’ve had an early morning potter in the garden and greenhouse, fed dog and cat, took husbands breakfast up (🙄!) unloaded dishwasher, done two loads of washing, hoovered, dusted and polished all downstairs, mopped kitchen and hall floors, cleaned downstairs loo. Just about to do upstairs bathroom, make beds then take dog for a walk. Love days when I get my shit together!
welcome :) just reading this made me feel accomplished :D
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@watermelon sugar i know sayers 🤣🤣 defo a north west thing I think!!! We used to have sayers and greggs next door to each other in my town before the sayers was closed. Greggs is defo superior though 😎
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@bolimepipi can’t believe you’ve tested positive! At least your symptoms aren’t too bad, hopefully it’ll stay that way ♥
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@bolimepipi aww, can you still help me plan my wedding one day in the future when i’ve done trying to clear up the mess the OG wedding (and then postponement!) left us in? 😂♥
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under the ivy

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Hi all, bit of a rotten day. I’ve cried three times. Not even really sure why. Must be hormones. My skin is the worst it’s ever been, must be putting too much stress on myself. The third and final time I broke into tears my boyfriend ran a bath for me with candles, got me some fresh pjs and made me get in bed 🤣 he’s a gem 💎
I’m worrying as my bf was fixing something on my car and noticed my coolant was low, he opened my oil cap and it was a bit “gunky”. Apparently that’s a sign of head gasket going 🥴 of course I’ve been in full panic mode about that as I work 10 miles from home and really can’t afford to repair or replace a car right now 🥴 bf reassures me it can be numerous things and is unlikely to be that but I’m a worrier!
gutted it’s Monday tomorrow. Whoever decided the weekend should only be two days long is a stinker! We need 3 days minimum 😖
Now all tucked up watching after life again on Netflix, enjoy the rest of your Sunday all 💛💛
Awww hun, sorry you’re feeling crap! I know how you feel about skin - mine isn’t great atm 🙁 Your boyfriend sounds great. Try and have a chilled night x
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Hi everyone! New thread already, this is such a popular thread now!

Had a nice day ‘at work’ - I got a thank you card from an ex colleague who I helped with some references and some other things for her application for med school, she got a place and starts in September! 🥳 so happy for her.
Had a loooong afternoon of child protection training, 3 hours is a depressing amount of time to talk about child abuse ☹ but my colleague who ran the session was brilliant.
had my zoom barre class this evening which was full of technical difficulties ugh I can’t wait until we’re back in person!
I had my second covid vaccine 2 weeks ago and since then I’ve pretty much had my period solidly which is unheard of for me! I’ve read that it’s potentially a side effect so contributed to a scientific study on this to try and help.
going to see my mum and dad for a walk and lunch tomorrow I can’t wait!

@OutrageouslyScarlet your bike is beautiful! I got one as an impulse lockdown purchase to get to my allotment! Need to get her out the shed where she’s been hibernating all winter.View attachment 531270
That’s the colour i wanted, what a beauty! Defo tome to dust her off x
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