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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Well now I’m VERY confused because I’m zooming right out so and searching for all of England and only a handful of Greggs are showing in my area 😂 and I know that’s not true. My head is “cabbaged” 😂
My head is sausage rolled 😱
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under the ivy

VIP Member
I remember Birds from where my ex grew up, must admit their bread is nice! Cooplands and Greggs are elite though... love all this bakery chat 🤣😂🤭
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@PepsiCherry I’m loving these updates- so glad it’s going well ❤ As others have said that texting stage is the best, when you get that little feeling of excitement every time your phone goes off 😍

@coconochanel im so jealous, never been to an IKEA. The closest one is 3 hours away. I well wanna go 🤣🤣

@prinnygrace i LOVE a bit of office gossip, this is great 🤣 the office gossip thread on here is one of my favs, keep us updated

All that bakery talk is great, I love food chat 😂 I’ve only heard of greggs tbh but I’m a southerner.

I tried to do that thing others do where they reply to everyone but I kept losing what I’d written when I moved to another page so only managed 3 replies 🤣🤣

I had a brilliant day yesterday ❤
Was struggling with uni work so took @undertheivy s advice and took a break. Made a chocolate cake 👀😏 but when I came back to it it just suddenly clicked in my head! I’ve submitted now so fingers crossed 🤞
We also found out our offer got accepted on our dream house, wasn’t expecting it at all as 4 others had put offers in and ours wasn’t the highest but the vendor said she really liked us as a couple and chose us 🥳🥳 I’m so excited.
When the estate agent phoned I took the call then my partner scooped me up in his arms and started dancing 🤣🤣 it was great, felt like I was in a movie 🤣🤣🤣 (sorry if I’m being cringe)
My other half is such a private person he keeps his business to himself, I wanna shout it from the rooftops but I’ve got to respect that he doesn’t want everyone knowing so I’ve let it out on here so I don’t burst 🤣 I’m crap with secrets 🤭🤭
I’m secretly hoping he proposes when we’re in. 8 years nearly I’ve been waiting 🤣
Anyway we had a takeaway AGAIN to celebrate.
Slept like crap last night but I better muster up some energy, I NEED those ice lollies from Iceland 😋😋 they do some banging vegan sausage rolls and pies there too so I’ll be forced to get some of them
Look at me running on now 🤣

Have a lovely day all xx
Lovely news and what a gorgeous response from your partner. Exciting times ahead. I look forward to the house warming, virtually of course 😊
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But, are your friends really happy and content? Just because they have the trappings of perceived wealth, they may not be happy. They may have to make huge compromises in order to have that. Of course, many people look at though they have everything, but I bet if you were to delve deeper, you would find a few things which may rock the image they are trying to portray. 💚

I wish you a lovely weekend and well done on stopping the drinking. 💜
I agree. I want them to be happy tho- it was all me being a twat tbh but at least I knew I was- if you know what I mean!
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@under the ivy @OutrageouslyScarlet thank you for the support! 💛 aw it's so cute that you worried about me 🥺
@nbt for you, always :D i swear i think of your wedding venue at least once a week!! any progress on that front? 💛
Unfortunately not yet. Our next step is mediation with the venue, sounds fun! 😐

I’m pleased to have a bit of a break from dealing with it though while we wait to be honest.

Thank you for asking 🥰
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I agree. I want them to be happy tho- it was all me being a twat tbh but at least I knew I was- if you know what I mean!
I understand. But don’t beat yourself up about what they have and compare yourself with other people. Life really is too short to go down that road and you just end up making yourself miserable.
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Today was yet another mind numbing boring day, around 3:45 I was starting to collect packages for my home run, that is no not normal.
ANYWAY, Around 5PM I had collected 6 packages for delivery, popped into the one Pret that opens after 5, had a piss and coffee and it
was raining slightly. Downside is I was caught up in rush hour traffic but I managed to get home earlier than normal.

I am so looking forward to the bank holiday weekend, Gardening for sure this week.
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Chatty Member
View attachment 548488View attachment 548489
Hey guys. Hope everyone is doing abit better, I’ve been super tearful and anxious the last few days,, Not quite sure why. I went for a nice fairly long walk today and the sun was shining, which makes life abit happier!
I went to the doctors yesterday as the cream they gave me last week has made the rash so much worse my skin was basically cracking and bright red. It’s going down already they gave me a bag of stuff so I’m feeling better about that. I hate how unproductive I’ve been so far this week, I have lots to get done.
Happy Tuesday all ❤
@OutrageouslyScarlet It looks beautiful there 😍
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under the ivy

VIP Member
It's our anniversary today so we're going out for dinner to an Argentinian Steakhouse which will be the highlight of my day! I'm basically just sat willing the hours away till then instead of working. I checked the menu out weeks ago like the saddo that I am (am I the only one who does that?!) so I already have my order ready to rhyme off to the waiter/waitress..... well apart from my side I'm still deciding between mash or chips to go with my steak 🤔 I'm hoping to get mash and persuade MrGP to get chips so I can steal some of his 😂

We don't usually do proper gifts but MrGP popped out earlier and came home with what looks like a bottle of fizz presumably (better be) for me so thinking I might pop out soon to get something some nice craft beers or something for him (he's a bit of a beer snob 🙄).

I've eaten like crap the last couple of days as I made the mistake of going food shopping when I was starving so came home with lots of junk food which I keep snacking on, hate it when I do that. So going to enjoy tonight then try cut back a bit tomorrow, that's the plan anyways will see how it goes!

Right off to try and get up to date with the Memes thread again :ROFLMAO:
Happy anniversary! Argentinian steak sounds delish! X
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