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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Right, I'm writing it here because I want to hold myself accountable (and because I'm 90% sure I'll fail so don't want to tell offline people and look a fool 😄 ) - going to try and go caffeine free again starting midnight. I've been hooked since age 10 so that's 24 years. I managed before, for about a month, and it was the healthiest (in both body and mind) I'd ever felt and my second longest time was about four days earlier this year 🤦‍♀️ so I will probably fail when the headaches become bad enough but if I don't try then I can't succeed so might as well give it another go.

Anyone got any tips? I've heard 'drinks loads of water' and 'exercise' helps.
Buy decaf!
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watermelon sugar

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It's our anniversary today so we're going out for dinner to an Argentinian Steakhouse which will be the highlight of my day! I'm basically just sat willing the hours away till then instead of working. I checked the menu out weeks ago like the saddo that I am (am I the only one who does that?!) so I already have my order ready to rhyme off to the waiter/waitress..... well apart from my side I'm still deciding between mash or chips to go with my steak 🤔 I'm hoping to get mash and persuade MrGP to get chips so I can steal some of his 😂

We don't usually do proper gifts but MrGP popped out earlier and came home with what looks like a bottle of fizz presumably (better be) for me so thinking I might pop out soon to get something some nice craft beers or something for him (he's a bit of a beer snob 🙄).

I've eaten like crap the last couple of days as I made the mistake of going food shopping when I was starving so came home with lots of junk food which I keep snacking on, hate it when I do that. So going to enjoy tonight then try cut back a bit tomorrow, that's the plan anyways will see how it goes!

Right off to try and get up to date with the Memes thread again :ROFLMAO:
Will you adopt me and bring me to New York please x
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Morning gang,

@GoofyPrincess pleeeeassse continue to post pictures of your walks etc. as that view has me all 🥰 I would love to go back to New York. Have you always lived there?

Going to be a quiet day for us today. It’s mine and Mr NBT’s 13 year anniversary today ♥ Which makes me feel olddddd.

Should be amending our holiday so it’ll be nice to have something to look forward to even if it’s waaaay in the future!

Have a happy Sunday and speak to you all later!
Happy anniversary to you! ❤
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Thanks so much guys.

I'm feeling really confused all afternoon and I have no idea what to think anymore. On the one hand my parents have helped me out of some very tough binds, especially financially and I'd have been homeless without them a few years ago. I do believe that they love me and I feel awful for even thinking about criticising them after they've raised and looked after me but some things aren't sitting right. I've been remembering bits and pieces all afternoon, how I'd often hear "I love you but I don't like you" from my mum as a kid and how I wrote a report on 'what you want to be' when I was in year one that ended with 'because then my dad will like me.'

I don't want to be too tough on them because they've gone through horrible things in life (way worse than me) but I feel like I'm such an embarrassment to them - they said (when I was an adult) that they refused to let me be tested for autism as a child because they didn't want the neighbours to think they possibly had an autistic child. When my GP at 14 said that I urgently needed therapy/anti-depressants I was forbidden from having either. As an adult I've been told multiple times that if I ever go to therapy they'll 'never speak to me again', even if I promised not to talk about them. Even now I'm not 'allowed' to be out of the closet to my grandmother, not because her homophobia would upset me, but because my parents say they 'don't want to be gossiped about' by the broader family as having raised a gay daughter.

I grew up in a tiny village and I've always thought of their behaviour as normal but now I'm wondering if it isn't. I don't even know where I'm going with this train of thought, everything feels like it's been thrown up in the air. I guess I'll just have to take each day as it comes and try and keep a bit more distant while I figure things out.
@AnderbeauJohnson sending lots of virtual hugs ❤

hello my tattle besties! so, we are indeed covid positive 🥴 🥴 🥴

we got the call about an hour ago and since then we've been in a flurry of phone calls and messages. thankfully since he had developed symptoms we didn't leave the house just in case. at least i'm not feeling bad about missing that fitness class anymore :rolleyes: i saw my parents on friday but apparently that's enough time until i developed symptoms for them not to have it. all the rules are very confusing. but either way my only worry were my parents when i found out. and roisin tbh! but after some googling it doesn't seem like i can infect her. i just feel guilty for some reason, even though i didn't see anyone since the symptoms started + i got the 1st dose of the vaccine + my bf's first test was negative! ah it's all so confusing 🤯🤯

the girl who called me was lovely though. after the call i told my bf we are not allowed to have sex. the fear of corona was nothing compared to the terror i saw in his eyes after i said that 😂

other than that, as for my day, i stayed in bed until about 11 because i had a fever and felt terrible. went straight into the shower when i got up and washed my hair, which helped a bit. had breakfast and a late lunch, tidied a bit between those and mainly tried to rest. i did have a zoom call with some clients that i felt bad to postpone so i went ahead with it and they were absolutely lovely. another new contract for me! 🥳

eta: we didn't want to go out grocery shopping either while waiting for results so my dad dropped us some groceries to the backyard and then we picked them up. he got us lots of veggies so we're making potato leek soup tonight

sooo we've been isolating for 4 days now, but let's say today is the official 1st day! until the end of the month! woohoo! brace yourselves for a whole bunch of extremely boring posts, or maybe i will become a diy queen 👑
@bolimepipi oh no that sucks. Fingers crossed the symptoms don't get too bad. Rest up and take care of yourself ❤
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Hello hello me again. I'm exhausted, I feel dead tbh. Rip watermelon sugar. My fellas only just putting the baby to bed. I should go to bed too but I wanna spend time with me fella and I really want a snacky snack and a cuppa 😂 not much else happened today. Bf brought me in a sausage roll from Pound Bakery, who said romance isn't dead, a 2 for a snid sausy roll 🤩 i sorta maybe might have accidentally gave me & my fella food poisoning after making salmon for tea. Not very *chefs kiss* of me but it looked cooked to me but my fella reckons it wasn't. Woops. I guess we'll find out ✨tomorrow✨ my biggest problem rn is figuring out whether to have choccy digestives with my cuppa or pink wafers (obviously I wouldn't dip the pink wafers in my cuppa, that'd be minging)
@watermelon sugar Got to be choccy digestives
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
@jarv men are rubbish

I forgot to say yesterday I got my eyebrows done 💃

So far today I’ve just been catching up on Corrie and just had some lunch. I’m so hungry at the moment but I don’t fancy anything, the thought of food makes me feel sick so had to really force it down. Not sure what to do for the rest of the day. Will probably stay on the sofa let’s be honest. I feel like I should go out and do something but I just can’t be bothered and have no motivation😞
Try ginger biscuits and rich tea biscuits 😊
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member

The best thing ever happened today. I am in shock. Absolute shock.
My husband works in from work at 4.55 at 5pm his phone rang. The council offering us a new property. Totally out of the blue, we've never bid on this house. It's like fate. We can't get a look inside yet as the council are working on it but we took a walk around (it's minutes from where we are now) and guys it's beautiful 😍😍 I have fallen in love. It's my forever home.
Seperate dining room, upstairs bathroom. Both of which we don't have here. This house is lovely but it's small and in 10 yrs time I'm going to have a 15,16 and 17yr old inhabiting the place 🤣🤣

And the garden is HUGE.

I'm so happy right now.
I want to show you a pic of the house but not sure if i can 🙈🙈
Aw that's great news 🤩🥰
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I’m trying to cut out Diet Coke at the minute and it’s painfulllllll. I usually only have 1 a day anyway but I hit 3pm and it’s like my body expects it. I’m trying to do some cleaning/go on a walk or something like that to distract myself. If I’m busy I’m less likely to want one (I’ll easily go ages without if I’m not home!).
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Well just read this, should give you an idea!

Today got off to a good start, pick up in South London but the next pick up was a bust, the test kit (covid) had already been collected so I headed up into London grabbing my Flat White and into the west end. I was picking up some clothing, I was told 3 garment bags but I was kept waiting for 15 minutes. Two Garment bags were ready but they had 7 coat hangers in each and there was a third on the way so I told them that it was impossible to carry all three. I was given some other collections and I delivered the first collection while in the city. I had a boxed laptop strapped to my seat with 5 packages in the top box (legal papers and stuff) and around 5PM I made the last delivery in Harpenden. I was then given details of a collection in Hornsey to be dropped of in the centre of London. Then to the office for my going home run, Crystal Palace and South Croydon, home at 9PM.

To answer watermelon sugar's question, I can carry quiet a bit of stuff on a motorcycle, I have the standard equipment, normal motorcycle, a top box which has a 47 litre capacity and an artwork bag. I can also bungee stuff onto the seat. I carry anything that will fit on a bike, legal documents, letters, laptops, tablets and clothing.

Here is a photo of one of my motorcycles, My Honda!!

so are you like Hermes on a bike then?
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under the ivy

VIP Member
Are we forgetting Cooplands bakery here?! That’s a deffo Northern thing 😂 Their cheese straws are next level
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Chatty Member
Hello everyone,

Work work work, bla bla bla. I have spent waaaay too much time on Tattle today 🙈 had work book club. Did school run, came home and had a little peek at the book @jarv is reading to see if I wanted to start it tonight. Kept reading, I am LOVING it. Didn’t think I’d want to read about a pandemic, but this sounds insane.

Another good eating day today, so that’s 3 days in a row now.

Had our mediation appt come through with our wedding venue, eeek. Got that in a couple of weeks.

Just watched Our Yorkshire Farm. Looove that family. Now playing a couple of switch games before the boys bedtime.

On our way home we picked some dandelions for the bunnies and this is how we’re repaid...

View attachment 541683

She just sits in the plant pots anyway 🤦🏼‍♀️ This is why I give up trying to have pretty flowers in the garden 😂
She's so cute 🥰
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