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watermelon sugar

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Or see the pics! ‘ nanna , honestly I’m really pleased for you but I don’t want to see an old mans penis on your saved images’. 57 isn’t that old, I guess she’s getting her fill (excuse the pun) whilst she can. Fair play.
Yeah that's what I mean, I dont want her to be alone, she's the same age as my Mum and I wouldnt her to be either. I just dont want to hear/see the evidence
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I'm intrigued by this halloumi talk - what would you do with it recipe wise?

I'm also very confused that my spell-check tried to change halloumi to thallium - two very not interchangeable things 😲
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hi guys! 🐔

sometimes when shitty things start to happen, there's really no stopping them haha. woke up feeling worse than yesterday, couldn't sleep for a lot of the night. after breakfast started to slowly do some work. the weather is terrible and it's supposed to stay that way for a while so we've had to postpone something that was supposed to happen this week. anyway, i was coordinating and moving that around and one of the people involved got angry at me? because the weather is shit? they apologized later but only after i spent some time crying in bed 😂 i'm just overly sensitive because i don't feel fell i guess 🥴 but honestly people are assholes 🥴 and work has been very overwhelming 🥴

anyway after some more work i made us soup and lunch and finished up on some more work after that. as soon as my doctor was open, i called her so that we can go get tested for covid in the morning. glad that's sorted now. had a quick catch up with my parents who will bring us groceries if we're positive tomorrow, and with my sister who has to excuse me yet again at the fitness class today. i feel like such a failure because of this :(

still hoping it's just some kind of spring/weather changing cold but currently in bed trying to relax both physically and mentally. really looking forward to watching some crap tv tonight and switching my brain off. there's this show called ''love is on the village'', on rtl. do you have rtl in the uk? anyway it's farmers looking for girlfriends/bfs. it's the trash of trash but it's the only thing i have to look forward to atm 😂 hope you're all having a better day!
Sorry to hear you're having a rubbish time. I hope you feel better soon. You are absolutely not a failure! x
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Morning all x
i love a Sunday when it’s a bank holiday just because I know I won’t have that horrible Sunday evening feeling tonight 🥰
we ended up popping round my boyfriends mums yesterday afternoon to sit in her garden for about an hour. She had just made some scones and a tray bake so that was nice 🤤🤤
unfortunately it got ruined because his sister turned up 🙃 we stayed for about 20 mins so as not to make it too obvious we can’t bare being around her, but as we went to leave I noticed she had parked across the drive blocking my car. I asked her to move her car so we could get off. Her response “well no not really, I havent Seen you much recently so you can stay until I leave”....... I’m a grown adult hun, you ain’t holding me hostage!! Turns out bfs mum had let her know we were there! Bf thought she was joking so laughed and was like “where’s your keys, I’ll move it myself” but she was genuine. 👀 Took her all of 10 more minutes to turn on me and tell me that my “body clock is ticking away”. She knows I’m desperate to become a mum but I’ve had a few health issues, which she knows about, and I want to be married first. It’s not her place to tell me about my body anyway!
I didnt say anything, just got up and walked home. I’ll have to go back for my car today 🤣🤣 what a looney not letting me take my car off the drive 😬
bf got into a bit of an argument with her about being on at me all the time then caught up with me.
anyway, I’m going to spend the day on my uni work, might nip out for a walk along the beach if the weather stays dry. Slept like a baby last night 🥰
have a lovely day all xx
At least you had a good sleep after that. Why do you think bf’s Mum told her you were there?
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Omg @bolimepipi I had a dream this morn that I went to Croatia and went on a tour and I wore a top with my pfp on it and you came up to me and went AIMZZ and I said PIPIIII and it was so cute and we went out for drinks with your bf 🤣 Ofc I'd totally made up what you and your bf look like but it was a wholesome dream. Also, I like the pink round cushion that your lil blob is hiding next to! Where is it from?
@jarv did Mr Jarv end up getting any of the corsas in the end? and out of interest, did he test drive every single car he looked at? that's a lot of driving if so!
@watermelon sugar *makes notes on what you bought from ASDA to copy the design from* tbf we have prints like that but apparently no one buys them which is a shame as I think they're dead cute! we all care about you btw 🥺❤ I know it's not the same as real life people tho. I hope enjoy your brew and biscuits , and the bath (if you managed to have one in the end) 🥰
@Meangirl815 omg what a whirlwind! I hope your daughter is okay and it's nothing serious 🤞🏻
@Causewaygal wow looks fantastic!!

My final weekend in this flat 🥺 I'm feeling pretty sad about it but I know moving back to my parents to properly save money for my own house is the right thing to do. And I'm really looking forward to living with them, but nervous about the adjustment period and figuring out each other's routines.

Anyway, I made my usual weekend pancakes and cups of tea - the weather was gorgeous, I had my skylights open all night so the flat felt nice and fresh this morning. I, however, didn't feel nice and fresh after train journeys back and forth in the sun dragging 2 suitcases and strapped up with a backpack and a huge tote bag all full of stuff I was moving. I must have looked like a packhorse. I got so sweaty and ofc my deodorant conveniently ran out this morning 🤢 Who'd have a thought a suitcase full of jackets and blankets and a dressing gown would be heavier than kitchen stuff?!

I was meant to do three big trips back and forth of moving and unpacking stuff, but after the second trip, I was very easily convinced to sit down and have a brownie with a brew and watch Pointless Celebs with my mum and dad 😅 I ended up having a big old chat with my dad about buying houses. They bought theirs for £27k in the 70's and got it for nearly a 100% mortgage and now it's worth mad amounts of money. I wish I could get 100% mortgage 😑

Got back and bumped into my neighbour and his cockerpoo Ralph as they were leaving the building with a friend. He said it's funny how whenever Ralph is out for a walk we bumped into each other and he then asked after Matty (my cat) 🥺 I said you won't be bumping into me anymore as I'm moving out tomorrow and he seemed a bit gutted. He held up Ralph to say good bye to me and I shook Ralph's paw 🥰

I was ravenous after all the dragging of heavy suitcases so I've got a prawn curry and naan bread. Going to cuddle up with my cat and watch more Repair Shop 🐱
awwww haha i love that dream 😄😄 the pillow is from jysk i have a few in different colors, not only do i like them but so does roisin 😍 btw it must be so weird for you moving out of there, it's always such a strange feeling. but you're doing a good thing! :)
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So it's mine & mr watermelons anniversary on Monday. I thought we'd get a takeaway but he reckons he wants to cook for me 😂 a steak apparently, even though we have that loads 😂 so we've agreed we'll get a takeaway tonight. He said I can choose BUT I'm torn

So obviously I'm asking you guys cos you all apparently make decisions for me now? I'm a really indecisive person

Chinese (I'm not MD I promise), Dominoes or Nandos!? What do you all think? I'll wash whatever I have down with a nice bottle of J'Creek
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I’ve never heard of Sayers or Waterfields!
Used to love a Cooplands when I was at uni up north.
Anyone here have a Birds bakery? That’s the best!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I hate coffee and tea (just don't like hot drinks in general) - it's the pepsi max and the chocolate I need to manage to quit. Could try caffeine free cola but at that point it feels pointless drinking it 😄
My sister cut out all fizzy drinks, she had a bad Pepsi problem! She just started drinking fizzy water instead. That depends whether you like that though, i really can't drink fizzy water!
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@bolimepipi - I’d have cried too, it’s not nice being blamed for something beyond your control. I’m sorry you’re feeling rubbish. Fingers crossed your test comes back negative 🤞🏻
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We have a little bee house in our garden and last summer 12 bees moved in to make their homes for winter hibernation, well 5 of them have woken up today! My bf managed to get some photos and videos of them emerging, we’re very excited! 🐝🐝🐝
Ohhhh i love bees!! That sounds wonderful 🥰
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Guess what we watched tonight guys....episode 1of LOD and I do not know what the fuss is about. 😳 runs away in embarrassment
Thought the camera work was a bit shoddy, but attempt episode 2, but not convinced!

Otherwise the morning started productive, but dunno what went wrong! Need to make more of an effort tomorrow.

@Meangirl815 hope your daughter is ok xx
I didn’t like it.. and I did the whole first series.
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under the ivy

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What a day, I woke up and my lovely chin dermatitis was kicking right off so managed to get an app with nurse, who was super sweet and had all the sympathy for my angry red chin. She’s prescribed me something so please all cross your fingers. Nearly missed said appointment because I got up the road and realised my bike tyre was nearly flat. So ran home and had to get a taxi as mum was out.
Had a cheeky sunbed then walked home. Mum popped my bike up to the nearest bike repair shop (which was about to shut for a week so was super tight about whether I’d get my darling Rosa back!) ...drama

walked to Sainsbury’s as we needed cat litter and the wood stuff is the only thing he doesn’t spread round the house. Bought a few bits then walked to aldi which is about 15 minutes walk from the bike shop I ended up carrying a big bag of shopping and the litter and was honestly dead by the time I got there. £58 later she feels like a new bike! The bike guy who lives eats and breaths bikes was trying to explain stuff, I was like mate I am not a cyclist.he was super shocked at what I paid though and thought it had cost me a minimum of £500.

my asos order arrived and I’m only going to send one item back, the white dress looks shit on me.
I so want to tag you all after reading all your posts but i am cream crackered. So happy Friday, anyone that’s poorly hope you are better soon. Anyone that’s stressed big hugs. We’ve got this. (Just call me hinch)

The lemon dress is beaut and I’m only 5’3 so not so short on me. The Shorts are really useful as they aren’t all up in yo’face short. And black dress is just useful. Right no more spending Scarlett... and breath!
I ❤ Those dresses!! X
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Oh no @bolimepipi im so sorry you tested positive! Fingers crossed neither of you get too sick and hopefully your family are okay too. Get plenty of rest ❤ we'll be more than happy to keep you virtual company while you isolate!
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I can't say ive got any of those colouring books apart from a swear word one i get alot of joanna basford ones and colouring books from the works or the range 😂😂😂
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