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I done 111 online now my daughter is at A&E with my husband 😢😢 we think she's got an infection somewhere

My other 2 kids won't leave me alone so i have the company of a 5yr old watching YouTube and a 7yr old playing sims 🙄🙄

We watched a film on Netflix and had some popcorn now just sitting waiting for news

If anybody is drinking tonight feel free to have one for me 🍻🍻
oh, I hope she's OK. Kids bounce back quickly so hopefully they can get her sorted. xx
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I'm currently sat at my desk with my laptop procrastinating from transcribing! It's taken me an hour to do 10 minutes 🙄 partly my fault though! I'm browsing the Superdrug website for fake tan as I am basically see through.

I'll be happy with myself if I get it done today though. I put the green recycling bin out early so it's done with, and my weirdo next door neighbour reversed her car into it, knocked it over and there was cardboard all over the road. Just been and picked it up now - and I thought I couldn't reverse! Silly cow.

Have a good day everyone! x
Transcription was the worst part of my uni dissertation, I remember it being so tedious and just taking absolutely hours. Best of luck with it!!
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I'm intrigued by this halloumi talk - what would you do with it recipe wise?

I'm also very confused that my spell-check tried to change halloumi to thallium - two very not interchangeable things 😲
fry it as you wish, then you can just eat it on bread, add it into a salad, have it in a wrap... delicious :)

@PepsiCherry I’m loving these updates- so glad it’s going well ❤ As others have said that texting stage is the best, when you get that little feeling of excitement every time your phone goes off 😍

@coconochanel im so jealous, never been to an IKEA. The closest one is 3 hours away. I well wanna go 🤣🤣

@prinnygrace i LOVE a bit of office gossip, this is great 🤣 the office gossip thread on here is one of my favs, keep us updated

All that bakery talk is great, I love food chat 😂 I’ve only heard of greggs tbh but I’m a southerner.

I tried to do that thing others do where they reply to everyone but I kept losing what I’d written when I moved to another page so only managed 3 replies 🤣🤣

I had a brilliant day yesterday ❤
Was struggling with uni work so took @undertheivy s advice and took a break. Made a chocolate cake 👀😏 but when I came back to it it just suddenly clicked in my head! I’ve submitted now so fingers crossed 🤞
We also found out our offer got accepted on our dream house, wasn’t expecting it at all as 4 others had put offers in and ours wasn’t the highest but the vendor said she really liked us as a couple and chose us 🥳🥳 I’m so excited.
When the estate agent phoned I took the call then my partner scooped me up in his arms and started dancing 🤣🤣 it was great, felt like I was in a movie 🤣🤣🤣 (sorry if I’m being cringe)
My other half is such a private person he keeps his business to himself, I wanna shout it from the rooftops but I’ve got to respect that he doesn’t want everyone knowing so I’ve let it out on here so I don’t burst 🤣 I’m crap with secrets 🤭🤭
I’m secretly hoping he proposes when we’re in. 8 years nearly I’ve been waiting 🤣
Anyway we had a takeaway AGAIN to celebrate.
Slept like crap last night but I better muster up some energy, I NEED those ice lollies from Iceland 😋😋 they do some banging vegan sausage rolls and pies there too so I’ll be forced to get some of them
Look at me running on now 🤣

Have a lovely day all xx
omg that's amazing!!! congratulations on your dream house ❤🗝🏡
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I’ve had a busy couple of days so haven’t been on here as much and looks like I have lots to catch up on!

Last night we had dinner and drinks with friends. We wanted to go to a pizza place which is so difficult to get into and they don’t take reservations so I went along at 4.40pm to get my name on the list and managed to snag a 9pm slot. We then had pre dinner drinks at our apartment (mixing households is allowed here) then went for dinner and scoffed down the most delish pizzas and calzones, was well worth the wait and so nice to socialize with people other than just MrGP all the time 😂 I didn’t have the best sleep last night, ended up awake from about 3 to 5am 😞 I always find I don’t sleep as well after a few drinks (maybe I should take that as a sign....🤔)

I did a workout in the park this morning, got an iced coffee then went back home for shower/change before walking into the city for brunch and a few drinks. Was lovely just wandering around and having a good old laugh just being silly together. The clouds were looking pretty epic on our walk home so we stopped on the bridge to take a few photos. Ordered Thai takeaway for dinner and it’s just arrived but I actually feel way too tired to even eat it as it’s so late now and I’m exhausted after a crap sleep last night and all the walking I did today.
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Hope everyone’s having a lovely weekend 😃

@AnderbeauJohnson Aw I’m so sorry to hear about what your mum and grandmother said to you but so glad to hear you sounding so positive still. It is easier said than done but stay strong, keep moving forward and don’t let them bring you down 💗
I’m so jealous that you live in New York 🥺 I want to move there so bad, what a stunning photo ❤
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Doing my research interview soon 😵😬 I’m so anxious!!! I’ve been practicing all morning ( and spent my time on here lol) and I’m shaking. I know once I’ve done my first one, I’ll know what to expect. Argh!!

hope you’re all having good days x
Best of luck!
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I have so much to catch up on, though I’ve been skimming through some posts. @bolimepipi can’t believe you caught the Rona after so long. Really hope you and your OH have a swift recovery ❤

@OutrageouslyScarlet love the dress, it really suits you! I really need to get some new clothes, can’t remember the last time I bought myself anything nice to wear. Oh, and loving the witch too. I am fascinated by witches, all things spooky and magical. My mum always said I was a weirdo child because Halloween is my favourite holiday and she hates it. The same woman also labelled me a goth because I painted my nails black and listened to metal as a teenager. When I pointed out a real “goth” once, she was affronted. 🙄 😂

@watermelon sugar aww, hope mini melon is ok after his fall. Your heart drops out of your arsehole when they take a tumble, doesn’t it? And I know that cry! I remember my eldest rolled off my bed at about 8 months old while I was trying to dress him. I think I was more upset than him. He was fine after a good cry, lots of cuddles and some milk. We have a very thick carpet in bedroom and it wasn’t a massive drop but still! 😬

Hope today is a better day for everyone. I’m off work now until Saturday night, but still have to go in for a few hours on Thursday for mandatory Dementia training (we have to do it every few years). I’m hoping it isn’t a long one, last training I had the woman kept us for 5 hours doing safer people handling (manual handling) and I wanted to scream. She waffled so much shit about her personal life and I’ve done this training almost every year since I was 19 so there really was no need for it to be that long. I also found her to be really patronising towards some of the other girls, I felt like telling her to get fucked. Better be someone else this time. 👊🏻

Not much to report. My kids were up and out to school and nursery on time. Littlest had an incident in nursery yesterday, another child scratched him across the neck. OH forgot to tell me and when I saw it I was fuming because it looked like he’d had something tight around his neck. My eldest actually bit little one’s arm a few days ago too so he looks like he’s been through the wars (eldest got proper told off for it, he’s never bitten anyone in his life and I was very cross that he started now). I don’t think he’ll do it again in a hurry because he doesn’t like being told off.

Tbh little one is the one who went through the biting phase so although I obviously felt bad for him, maybe it will serve as a lesson not to do it to others. Or maybe I’m talking shite and he’ll get his revenge one way or another. Ughh. Boys are hard work! All the fighting, all the time. But they can be so sweet too. Eldest drew a picture of a love heart yesterday in school and said it was for me because he loved me the most and little one (who has a fascination with my flabby belly) was giving me all the belly cuddles. 💕😩

Today, I am going to have a shower, wash and dry my hair and head out with OH to the shops for a few things and maybe for a nice walk to enjoy the sunshine. ☀
I’m the same! I love Halloween, Wish it was more of a thing here.
Have a lovely day xxx
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Hello everyone,

Work work work, bla bla bla. I have spent waaaay too much time on Tattle today 🙈 had work book club. Did school run, came home and had a little peek at the book @jarv is reading to see if I wanted to start it tonight. Kept reading, I am LOVING it. Didn’t think I’d want to read about a pandemic, but this sounds insane.

Another good eating day today, so that’s 3 days in a row now.

Had our mediation appt come through with our wedding venue, eeek. Got that in a couple of weeks.

Just watched Our Yorkshire Farm. Looove that family. Now playing a couple of switch games before the boys bedtime.

On our way home we picked some dandelions for the bunnies and this is how we’re repaid...

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She just sits in the plant pots anyway 🤦🏼‍♀️ This is why I give up trying to have pretty flowers in the garden 😂
Oh my gosh she’s gorgeous! I miss having bunnies 😍
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VIP Member
I done 111 online now my daughter is at A&E with my husband 😢😢 we think she's got an infection somewhere

My other 2 kids won't leave me alone so i have the company of a 5yr old watching YouTube and a 7yr old playing sims 🙄🙄

We watched a film on Netflix and had some popcorn now just sitting waiting for news

If anybody is drinking tonight feel free to have one for me 🍻🍻
Hope she’ll be okay and they’re not waiting too long in A&E, poor thing ♥
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under the ivy

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hello my tattle besties! so, we are indeed covid positive 🥴 🥴 🥴

we got the call about an hour ago and since then we've been in a flurry of phone calls and messages. thankfully since he had developed symptoms we didn't leave the house just in case. at least i'm not feeling bad about missing that fitness class anymore :rolleyes: i saw my parents on friday but apparently that's enough time until i developed symptoms for them not to have it. all the rules are very confusing. but either way my only worry were my parents when i found out. and roisin tbh! but after some googling it doesn't seem like i can infect her. i just feel guilty for some reason, even though i didn't see anyone since the symptoms started + i got the 1st dose of the vaccine + my bf's first test was negative! ah it's all so confusing 🤯🤯

the girl who called me was lovely though. after the call i told my bf we are not allowed to have sex. the fear of corona was nothing compared to the terror i saw in his eyes after i said that 😂

other than that, as for my day, i stayed in bed until about 11 because i had a fever and felt terrible. went straight into the shower when i got up and washed my hair, which helped a bit. had breakfast and a late brunch, tidied a bit between those and mainly tried to rest. i did have a zoom call with some clients that i felt bad to postpone so i went ahead with it and they were absolutely lovely. another new contract for me! 🥳

sooo we've been isolating for 4 days now, but let's say today is the official 1st day! until the end of the month! woohoo! brace yourselves for a whole bunch of extremely boring posts, or maybe i will become a diy queen 👑
Omg I can’t believe that! Take good care of yourselves! Xx
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watermelon sugar

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Today was seriously bad, little work, indicator issue with my motorcycle, for some reason it's hanging off the rear mudguard and I have no idea how to fix it so Duct tape to the rescue. Also tech issues, had problems getting work details on my phone. Pedestrians have been a pain in the arse not looking where they are going, crossing the road without looking..... Bastards! As for that little fucker on the E-scooter on the way home, these people who insist on using e-scooters that can go over 30MPH have a deathwish.
How does your job work!? Surely you can't deliver much with a motorcycle 🤪
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Oh haven’t been online in a bit.

How are you all hope you’re doing well x

I have decided to stop drinking for the next while as I was finding myself becoming far too reliant on it and even caught myself drinking throughout the day and have copped on that I need better ways to deal with my anxiety. I might even quit it for good as I don’t like the person I am whilst drinking. I can become nasty and all of my thoughts come out at once and because I do be drunk I can’t process them so I tend to attack people or hurt their feelings. I am definitely not an alcoholic but with the route I was taking and my family’s background with addiction, I could have ended up one. So that’s been my life for nearly a week. I just needed to let out some steam.
That's a big thing to realise, we're all behind you wishing you luck ❤
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