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under the ivy

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@under the ivy i am so super Jel I cannot find the confidence to start again at the moment. That’s amazing that you’ve gone straight into it again.
Aw I know how you feel. I hadn’t driven a car since last October and I’ve been so anxious about it. My instructor was like ‘right drive’ literally as soon as I got to the car and I was like FML 🤣 Automatic is the way to go 🙌 You can do it x
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I woke up about 8:30 and I got up, made the coffee and had a smoke, nice and sunny, the lawn mowers and strimmer's are breaking the silence so it's a perfectly normal Saturday morning and feels like one. Nothing planned for the day, might do a little gardening and wash a motorcycle during the
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It’s not! She went on maternity in august and we haven’t heard from her since and now her accounts have been deactivated which doesn’t normally happen when someone is on maternity!! So it’ll be interesting whether she does make a return🤨 nobody ever seems to question it though but I’m convinced this affair has something to do with it!! (I’m not sure they knew that the whole team knew about it tbh)
Office gossip at its finest. Report back 😂
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@jarv , disturbed sleep is awful, hope your afternoon is better. I wouldn’t bother saying anything if you won’t be there much longer. Will just give you a wonderful sense of satisfaction when you leave knowing you don’t have to listen to them any more.
I think you're right! I don't need the drama 🥴
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Morning all you lovelies.

Pretty shit couple of days for me. I think it's the end of mine and my boyfriends relationship. No hard feelings, he's an absolute gem but I just don't think we're right for each other. We spent last night together and honestly there was just no connection at all. We've been together for a year but we're just like mates and sometimes I find we have nothing to talk about??? I'm so scared to do it because I know that I'm really going to hurt him but it's not fair on him if I'm not 100% in it. I think my heart will always just be back where my family live rather than in Nottingham. He'll be an absolutely amazing partner to someone but I just don't think that someone is me. My heart is completely broken even though it's me that will have to end it. Ugh, I hate this so much. Will come back and update properly at some point later.

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend!!
oh chick I’m sorry you feel like that 😞 If it was me I wouldn’t rush into a decision could it be that you’ve fallen into a bit of a rut due to not being able to do as much because of all the lockdowns? Maybe some nice days/nights out might make you feel different?
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@AnderbeauJohnson that chilli sounds lovely! What's the recipe?
No specific amounts because it was just thrown in together but approx -

Small butternut squash, peeled and cut into cubes. Fry on a low heat in oil with onion and a fair bit of this seasoned salt (highly recommend this company, the stuff is so nice), paprika, black pepper and yellow mustard seeds. Add in a red pepper, some tomatoes and black beans, add some water and when you get bored waiting for it to reduce, some tomato puree.

It's incredibly mild though so if you want some spice I'd add in some chilli flakes.
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Not much is happening here either. The baby still has a cold and now so have I 😭 I feel like im swallowing razor blades whenever I swallow 😔 I was meant to be meeting my friend for a coffee and food but unless it's a banana mcdonalds milkshake I don't wanna know about it! My bf had the absolute rage this morning 🤣 he went to pump his bike tire up and it just completely deflated, then he rang a taxi and realised that he has lost his bank card. Then the only cash we had was a 50 pound note 😂 honestly i can't wait for his driving test. He better pass 😂
Oh no my little boy is full of it too fed up of wiping green snot from his nose.....he’s really cuddly which isn’t like him he normally doesn’t want to know me so I’m enjoying the cuddles! Hope you’re all feeling better soon!
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i bloody hate when Hermes dump and run
It's totally unprofessional, even the Amazon Delivery guys wait and hand the package to you.
Well at least they do around my area, Hermes are the worse delivery service and I try to avoid
ordering from companies who use them.
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Hello hello!

Feeling much more myself today 😊🍉 not done a lot either really. Made me & the bubba tuna pasta for lunch, always panic a bit because using a tin opener cabbages me head but it was a pull tin lid. Good ol' John West 👌 my fella came in halfway through lunch so that was annoying cos the baby didn't finish his lunch. We went to the Asda for a food shop when the baby woke up from his nap. I've been eyeing up the air fryer in there for a while 👀 finally caved and treated myself to it! Had to return some jeans from Asos because they did fit surprisingly but I dont suit mom jeans lmaoooo I looked a sheeoooww in them. The returns thing cabbaged my head. Tried scanning the bar code like 10 times til my fella pushed past and done it. Anyways we gets home and we bang air fryer out. Amazing stuff. We had scampi and chips. Although I did say I wanted wedges (I dont really rate fries) but what does me fella do. Put the fries in 🙄 really knocked my first air fryer experience but im willing to let it go. The baby tried fish fingers for the first time and he was buzzing. I said to him, wait till you try a fish finger butty mate! The baby likes watching us dance so we put on Cotton Eyed Joe and me and me fella were pure line dancing in the kitchen for about half an hour while the baby was like 😁 oh and I dropped a pissing bag of casserole mix ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!! I was LIVVVIIIDD!! not much else happened, the other side of my chin has a pesky hair growing out of it and I keep trying to get it out but its a tough cookie x
I also cannot use a tin opener 🥴🥴 have to buy the slightly more expensive tinned tomatoes from Aldi bcos theyre ring pull when the cheapo ones need an opener 🥴
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@Saddlesoap snap on the first episode of LOD. We watched it last night as there’s literally nothing on on a Saturday night at the minute! I was really disappointed but my bf says we should stick at it 🤔🤔
Haha! Glad it's not just me. My husband is the opposite, I am not sure if I can convince him to give it another go.

Felt really miserable towards yesterday afternoon. I just feel so lonely. I only really come on here so it feels like I’m chatting to people. I hardly hear from my friends now the pubs are back open. I don’t drink alcohol so I guess they’re no longer interested in beach walks and picnics with me if they can go get pissed. 😕
Hope you all have a lovely Sunday x
Awww 🧡 the novelty will wear off for them again soon I'm sure. Beach walk over the pub any day for me.
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Hello ma beauts!

We’ve had a nice day today considering I was in a right mood for an argument last night 😂

Spent a lazy morning in bed, of course. Got up, had breakfast and then got ready to go for a bike ride. I borrowed one of OH’s zip ups and came down and did a couple of poses.

Him: what are you doing?
Me: posing
Him: oh, I thought you’d hurt your neck.

Would never make it as a model, clearly 😐

Then I was trying on another jacket, the boy comes up and says “you look good” 🥰 he’s so cute, he ought to give his dad a few tips!

Off we went on a bike ride, we did 10.1 miles so I’m happy with that. Was really nice to get out. We stopped off at a new cafe on the way home for a drink and cake outside 😋 there are also some wind turbines close to us and I wanted to get right next to them for a pic, so we went off the track and I walked up to one. Boy wouldn’t come because he was scared, little poppet lol. Anyway, it stopped rotating and OH was like, “it’s because there’s a camera and they can probably see you” 🤔 is that even a thing?! Can you get in trouble for standing next to one? I honestly don’t know 😂 so then boy was like, “let’s go before the police come” 😂 and as I was walking away it started rotating again but made a whirring sound as it started and boy said it was an alarm 😂 haha, anyway all wind turbine knowledge gratefully received ✌🏻😎

Ooh also, I finished my book last night and it’s now my new favourite book. And I shared it on Insta, tagging the author and she replied and we sent a few messages back and forth and now I’m proper fan girling 😍

Erm, think that’s all I’ve got to tell you. Gonna make a spag bol this evening and watch aaaall the telly.

Hope you all enjoy your nights! ♥
I had this with an author I had loved for years. So nice when they do things like that!
Sounds like a banging day!
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@prinnygrace I'm so sorry to read your relationship has ended :( but it seems its for the best!
@Meangirl815 Your poor daughter! Tonsilitis is not fun and I'm glad she's feeling better already 🥰
@petitspois Please get the goldfish called Neil! 😝 Totally agree with you about Tattle is where people can be themselves these days. Especially on this thread
@Cocoflowers I love all your coloured in pages, they look amazing
@WilmaHun I was sad to read you've been feeling down, bless your bf for being so cute 🥺

Christ, what a year this weekend has been.

I've spent from 11am till 8pm moving and unpacking 💀 My friend came round with her "Mr Bean car" as she called it and I marvelled at how she Tetris'd all my stuff into this tiny car, it was a thing of beauty. My 23 dependants (1 cat, 22 plants) all made it safe and sound. My cat is SO happy at my mum and dads house compared to my flat. He's in his element now he has a garden to roam and he is pleased to see his "uncle" Myles again (the family cat we've had for over a decade) 🤣 My mum had randomly decided to make a raspberry and almond loaf, so me and my friend moved everything inside and had a slice of loaf and a brew. We sat outside in the sun and had a lovely chat, it was just what I needed after this weekend of moving ☀

Had another prawn curry for tea, I had two naans coz I was ravenous after all the moving of boxes

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Watched LOD earlier but need to rewatch again coz I have no clue whats going on really. Dreading the next few weeks trying to balance work, learning to drive and life admin stuff- I still have to go back to flat to clean this coming Friday! Ughhh can't it just be May already
Glad you moved OK! will you not be going back at all now? no more encounters with your neighbour and his dog? that sounded like the start of a rom-com. 🥰
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