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Got the bus halfway to city centre and walked the rest of the way to therapy. On the way home on the bus now with a burrito bowl and diet coke for me and my sister. Gaming then going on a walk later with my dad down the park. Gorgeous day in Dublin!!

Therapist was asking all about Scotland 🙈 I'm actually so excited to meet him 😂🙈

@LittleMy I ship them 🥰 how cute. Hope they last more than a week of holding hands 🤭😍 cute.

@jarv fair play powering through. Get yourself something nice today or at the weekend 💗 Ive a burrito bowl, diet coke and a white magnum tonight 😂
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Hello lovely people,

Sorry to hear some people are feeling down for various reasons.

I’ve spent the day with my boyfriend as he’d booked the day off for a delivery. I went and took the boy to school, then we had a coffee and watched Alan Carr’s game show. Then went for a bike ride. He’s got an e bike so I was winding him up that some of us were actually working hard cycling 😉

We got back and put the last episode of The Walking Dead on so now we’re all caught up. @aimzalicious have you watched the second half of S10? Negan’s back story was the best episode I’ve watched in ages, I loooove him.

Then we had a few games of 6 ball puzzle on the switch. Then he had a nap and I started a new book.

I went to go and fetch the boy from school, came back and chilled for a bit. Made tea and then more games of 6BP. The boy won 20 games in a row, its an actual joke. Don’t know why I bother playing 😂

Getting him to bed shortly and then gonna watch Corrie and read some more I think.

Hope people’s weeks improve as they go on 🤞🏻♥
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I'm sorry so many of you are feeling a bit down and lost just now. I think it's totally understandable after the last year and will take a while to adjust and perhaps adjust to having a slightly different life/interests/hobbies/friends etc going forward as like a few of you have said the last year has really us all reassess and decide what is really important and life and what really makes us happy.

Things have been open here for a while now and while we have been going out to bars/restaurants and socializing like we did before though not as often, it is kind of strange. I admit when I'm out I enjoy it and have fun at the time but then the next day I always feel really drained and exhausted and sometimes think maybe I should just have spent the night home with a takeaway and binge watching a tv show because as simple as it is that actually makes me really happy now.

Sending hugs to everyone 🤗
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Hello hello

So the other day I ordered makeup from look fantastic (which I dont usually do as I have no clue about make up) so I'm quite excited! I gets a text at 7.30 this morning saying 'your look fantastic delivery will be here between 8.32 and 12.30....' so im like OoOOoOoooHH. Went and opened the front door in sheer excitement :m

My friend came up from Liverpool today! Was so nice to see him 😊 we had a sit in the garden and the baby wandered round the garden. I got everything ready to go out, baby in pram, my bag ready, locked up. Then looked down and realised I still had my slippers on 😭 imagine the scenes!! Then we had a walk down to the Costa Coffee. He went in and got me a vanilla latte but I'm like 99.5% percent sure it was just a normal latte 😏 we then went into the shops. Has anyone ever been the Range with the weird fucking lifts? That you have to press and hold the button..? Anyway baby watermelon had a 🚨MELTDOWN🚨 did not like the damn lift. Cried all round the top floor of the range. Childless people were glaring at me, I was glaring at them back. Ended up getting him out the pram and lugging him round. My friend offered to hold the baby down the escalator but I was convinced he was gonna drop him, I eventually let him and watched as they went down 😂

We walked home and it was about 1ish. No parcel? I was fuming, about to bell look fantastic myself and kick off when I actually opened the text and it said 'will be delivered on Friday..' didn't read the full text did I.. woops.. my fault 🤪

We got the baby in the car and drove to mcdonalds 😏 cheeky. Then my friend went and I had a lie down while baby napped. Socialising tires me out x

My fella came back, asked if I wanted some lunch. Broke it to him that I'd had a mcdonalds. Should have seen the scenes. He acted like I just told him I had an affair

Him: what did you have?
Me: a big mac
Him: it sounds like you're describing having sex with another fella 🤣🤣

We went for a walk round the block then we got back and I made risotto for the babies tea. My fella was being v. Passive aggressive all day about my betrayal so I ordered him a mcdonalds while he was at the shop putting the lottery on. I got a triple cheese burger 🤣 today doesn't count on my diet. Treat day hun x
I did a workout this morning so ill let it slide 😏

Man united are playing tonight so won't get much conversation out of him. Might get an early night because the baby had me up for half an hour at 3am this morning 😴

Been trying to get that pesky hair out my chin for 24 hours and got it before as well 🤪 that's a hairless chin for at least a week now, you get me gals x
I read it as ‘ my friend and I had a lie down whilst the baby napped’. I thought ooohhh that kind of friend! Not that I’m judging you! 😅. Then I realised I was wayyyyyyy wrong. Sorry Mr watermelon 🙃
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under the ivy

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he's had a tough year health wise! thank you 💛

i've been to bath three times and i always want to go back there, it's sooo beautiful! out of places i haven't seen, i'd like to go to devon and cornwall! and of course number 1 is liverpool ;)
Cornwall is a stunning place! Some of the beaches look like they could be abroad.

That’s Porthcurno beach when I visited 🙂
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date: april 21st, location: croatia. 'tis the second day of isolation. the snows have melted. the outside world passes us by.


i was just about to say the thread is quiet today. i thought i'd be more active myself today but had absolutely no energy 🥴 this is definitely the day i've felt the worst! i really don't even know what i've done today. i've had a few naps. i've had about 30 arguments with my bf - we haven't even been isolating that long but just the fact that we're not allowed to leave the house really got to our heads i think 🥴

anyway i thought i'd be doing some work from home but realized i feel way to ill for that so i just messaged my clients that i'll be off for a couple of days. other than that yeah pretty much nothing, napping either in bed or on the couch, watching family guy, trying to go out on the balcony a bit... we watched seaspiracy and it was very sad :(

the most exciting thing to happen today was a visit to roisin from the neighbourhood kitty. i've also downloaded the avengers movies and captain america:civil war, and wandavision so i might binge some of that tomorrow if i can look at a screen that long. i'm about to watch my lovely farm love show and eat some more soup. thankfully we have our sense of taste and smell! i also just had a shower and washed my hair even though i'd washed it yesterday, because i thought it would make me feel a bit better, but i already feel like shit again 🥴

here's a little snippet of roisin & me looking out into the backyard earlier. hope you're all having a nice evening! 💛

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-21 at 20.39.41.jpeg


The best thing ever happened today. I am in shock. Absolute shock.
My husband works in from work at 4.55 at 5pm his phone rang. The council offering us a new property. Totally out of the blue, we've never bid on this house. It's like fate. We can't get a look inside yet as the council are working on it but we took a walk around (it's minutes from where we are now) and guys it's beautiful 😍😍 I have fallen in love. It's my forever home.
Seperate dining room, upstairs bathroom. Both of which we don't have here. This house is lovely but it's small and in 10 yrs time I'm going to have a 15,16 and 17yr old inhabiting the place 🤣🤣

And the garden is HUGE.

I'm so happy right now.
I want to show you a pic of the house but not sure if i can 🙈🙈
wooow that's amazing!!! congrats!!! 🥳 🥳
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Bit of an up-down day again. Been absolutely obsessed with food all yesterday/today, all the moralising thoughts came flooding back and wouldn't leave, they've taken up 90% of my time today, so I've taken a step back and realised that I was falling into old habits - I've been weighing myself daily (which can be very useful, just not for me) and focussing on things long-term and 'as a week' when everything I read about binging said to focus on every single day as a single box - nothing that happened before it matters and nothing that happens afterwards matters, only that day matters.

So I'm not weighing myself until May at the earliest and starting tomorrow I'm taking every day as a box. Tonight's box has a chip shop tea in it though and I'm going to relax and (try to) enjoy it without moralising.

The rest of the day has been fine. Got up early to do my hair properly as I had some video meetings this morning and got a compliment on it, which was nice. Filled out the form online to claim back money for home working expenses so that'll hopefully come through. Been shocked at the Super League news but I honestly think this is what the country needs. No arguing over Brexit, no arguing over Covid, no arguing over politics, just everyone (or 99% of people anyway) united against this League.
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Get well soon @bolimepipi

Enjoy the takeaway when it arrives @watermelon sugar

Hugs @AnderbeauJohnson the rainbow dress sounds lovely.

Lovely dress @OutrageouslyScarlet

I’m rubbish at tagging everyone so probably missed loads but I’ve enjoyed reading the updates from all.

My day started much the same - school run and morning meetings with my team then I took an early lunch break and walked my usual 5km route round the lake so I could spy on my geese family 🥰 worked the rest of the day then picked son up from school and we went round to mums for dinner and she’d cooked a Chinese type banquet of lots of dishes which was blooming lush. Got home and did spellings and reading practice before son went to bed. Just had a bath and might do some reading before bed. I had a cbd oil bath bomb for my birthday and going to try it at the weekend when I have time to chill more - anyone tried one?
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@Saddlesoap Happy birthday hope you’re having a good day!

not much to report here daughter is still covered in “chicken spots” just waiting for my little boy to come out in them
Now 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve been in such a funk for the last week or so constantly sad/fed up and just can’t shake my bad mood but also can’t work out what’s getting me down?
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hi guys! 🐔

sometimes when shitty things start to happen, there's really no stopping them haha. woke up feeling worse than yesterday, couldn't sleep for a lot of the night. after breakfast started to slowly do some work. the weather is terrible and it's supposed to stay that way for a while so we've had to postpone something that was supposed to happen this week. anyway, i was coordinating and moving that around and one of the people involved got angry at me? because the weather is shit? they apologized later but only after i spent some time crying in bed 😂 i'm just overly sensitive because i don't feel fell i guess 🥴 but honestly people are assholes 🥴 and work has been very overwhelming 🥴

anyway after some more work i made us soup and lunch and finished up on some more work after that. as soon as my doctor was open, i called her so that we can go get tested for covid in the morning. glad that's sorted now. had a quick catch up with my parents who will bring us groceries if we're positive tomorrow, and with my sister who has to excuse me yet again at the fitness class today. i feel like such a failure because of this :(

still hoping it's just some kind of spring/weather changing cold but currently in bed trying to relax both physically and mentally. really looking forward to watching some crap tv tonight and switching my brain off. there's this show called ''love is on the village'', on rtl. do you have rtl in the uk? anyway it's farmers looking for girlfriends/bfs. it's the trash of trash but it's the only thing i have to look forward to atm 😂 hope you're all having a better day!
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Hello! It’s pretty quiet on here today, I wonder where everyone is? 🤔

My day was pretty boring. I woke up at about 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep so I’m absolutely exhausted. Work was the same as always. I’m glad it’s Friday tomorrow. The highlight of my day was I had a bagel for lunch with some cheese spread on it 😁 had a short nap when I got home from work which made me feel a bit better. Struggled eating dinner as it just made me feel sick. Hoping I will have more exciting things to share at the weekend. Feel very boring right now.

Hope you’re all okay 🤍
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@bolimepipi I hope you feel better tomorrow and your spirits lift. Does feel like everything happens at once doesn’t it, I’m sure kitty cuddles is the medicine
You need! Also you need to come to the south coast, as under the ivy said Cornwall is stunning and so is Dorset (where I’m from)
@under the ivy i am so super Jel I cannot find the confidence to start again at the moment. That’s amazing that you’ve gone straight into it again.

@LittleMy don’t push pressure on yourself. I think normal life is going to be overwhelming for a while..we’ve all been through a lot and with your job you’ve seen more than most. So massive hugs and I get you with the quiet little cries. Sometimes they help. ❤
I am shattered but god aren’t they lighter Warmer evenings heaven? Have a beaut evening all xx
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Sounds very sus @prinnygrace I love a bit of detective work like that 🤣

Afternoon everyone, suddenly feeling veeeeery sleepy. Dog woke me up at 530 again today and that woke Pupper up as well 🙄 Tattled for a bit while she played (old one had gone back to sleep). Tried to go back to bed, but my back was really aching. Got back up, tided kitchen and had made potato and leek soup before 10am 🤣 Sorted out some washing and cleaned out the guinea pig. Went out to the garden and mowed the grass, moved some posts around and planted two small privet hedges on my border and repotted a little willow tree. It was nearly lunchtime so instead of eating a proper meal I just had tortilla crisps and salsa 😳 Tried to do training with Pupper but she wasn't concentrating. Went for a walk, had a chat to my neighbour. Got home and tided up the living room which my husband described as a teddy graveyard with all the disemboweled toys everywhere 😂 Not really sure what I've done since. Should have had a nap I think.
About to make tea - Somerset Stew tonight with Quorn sausages
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I just read your post again to see if you had mentioned if either your Mum or Nan were overweight (as I find it's often the chubby matriarch that likes to dish out the criticism!) and they've been bloody mean to you. I heartily recommend building a higher wall between you and them for your mental health. Your family should support you, not blindly, but they should have your back and those two were nasty today. You dealt with it really well.
Thanks :) . My Nana's always been a healthy weight and my mum (they're not related) was always a healthy weight when I was growing up (apart from a period of very bad mental health where she was severely underweight) but now she's a bit podgy due to all the alcohol. She's always had issues with my weight though. I was underweight as a kid (a right little runt) and became obese in my teens and stayed that way ever since. I have to be careful with how high I build the wall up because she does have a lot of issues and I don't feel like I can just abandon her, but I'm slowly trying to learn how to put myself first and her second rather than try and be her parent. Usually when she's sober she's nowhere near as bad, I think she was just spoiling for a fight this morning.

Anyway, I'm done letting it ruin my day and in much happier news I've finished cooking! I went for a very inauthentic spread and I have:
- chicken and lentil curry
- chicken, garlic and tomato curry
- mushroom and pea curry
- naan bread (not homemade)

and left-overs of the first two for tomorrow so I'm well chuffed with this! Going to do some more transcribing, play some animal crossing and catch up on a few podcasts for a nice, chill Saturday night.
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Busy work day but managed to do my usual 5km walk to see my 8 little floofs who are growing well

Picked up little one from school and chilled at home a bit. Changed the bedsheets and swapped to the summer duvet, chucked a load of washing on and sat down to slow cooker spag bol for dinner. We melted an Easter egg and dipped fruit kebabs into it for pudding which was fun then we headed out for a walk in the sun and have not long got back. Plan for this evening is a film and enjoy no alarms set for the morning. Happy Friday all!
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The best thing ever happened today. I am in shock. Absolute shock.
My husband works in from work at 4.55 at 5pm his phone rang. The council offering us a new property. Totally out of the blue, we've never bid on this house. It's like fate. We can't get a look inside yet as the council are working on it but we took a walk around (it's minutes from where we are now) and guys it's beautiful 😍😍 I have fallen in love. It's my forever home.
Seperate dining room, upstairs bathroom. Both of which we don't have here. This house is lovely but it's small and in 10 yrs time I'm going to have a 15,16 and 17yr old inhabiting the place 🤣🤣

And the garden is HUGE.

I'm so happy right now.
I want to show you a pic of the house but not sure if i can 🙈🙈
I'm made up for you - that's wonderful news!


Today has been a good day overall. Still had moments of sadness about things from yesterday but nowhere near as devastated as I was. I promised you guys that I'd try to believe in my capabilities more and kick myself into gear and today has been my most productive day, probably all year.

Managed to focus really well at work. Still drifted a bit and things could be faster but much better than it has been. Had a nice chat about the footy.
After work went for a two hour walk. I completed 13 whole new streets on City Strides (and progressed a bunch more). My knees/ankles/feet are killing but it took them longer to hurt this time so I think they're getting a bit more used to walking.
Got back and still had a bunch of energy so spent 90 minutes cleaning/sorting - I've tidied (generally), put my winter clothes away, hoovered, dusted and scrubbed the walls and the place is back to landlord standard so I'm buzzing. Still got some more stuff I want to do but that can wait.
Food wise I haven't had tea yet (only just stopped) but will have had three proper meals today, ended up in a deficit and had five servings of fruit/veg (okay... technically only three types but five servings worth).

Now I will eat tea and do some gaming - I started Stardew Valley at lunch because everyone raves about it. I'm confused by it but I'm also intrigued.
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@AlanBanan as cliché as it sounds, acknowledging and understanding these things are a good chunk of the battle. Anxiety is a real bastard and I hope you can find a way of managing it that works for your overall health ❤

@Meangirl815 i really hope your daughter just has something else, I think she'd be exceptionally unlucky to contract it twice in such a short time 😔

@Renegadedancer thats fab news about your kitchen 🥳 although RIP Skip 😔

Been up since half 7, went to hairdressers and had a trim and a little long fringe putting in then my bf met me after for coffee and shared a cinnamon bun. Then we walked the hour over to the industrial estate with all the car shops on and looked at about 15 corsas 🥱 then by the time we were walking the hour back home it was coming up to 1. I started feeling a bit funny on the way home, think it's just lots of walking around on little fuel but I'm not hungry at all. Weird. Just lying down now, meant to be cleaning but I have zero energy so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Getting some takeaway later on and binge watch some telly.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day 🥰
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Afternoon all, Haven't done a lot today, delivered some of my homemade flapjacks to my mum, then did the weekly food shop, came home cooked lunch Chicken with all the trimming, washed the dishes and tided the kitchen and Ive just poured myself a glass of Whisky and coke and Im just relaxing until LOD comes on tonight.
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Hey everyone,

Oh how I feel like this week has dragged! Today I had a couple of virtual meetings at work which makes me feel a bit out of sync as I like to keep my Fridays as meeting-free as possible... but now it feels like any other weekday than the weekend! It's been a busy week and I've collaborated with some colleagues who I wouldn't usually so that's been really nice and a bit different to the norm.

After work, my boyfriend went out to meet a friend for a drink and so I tried to get my steps up so instead of going out on a walk (because I didn't feel up for it) I put on some of my favourite 90s music and danced around the house! 🙈 I then jumped in the shower and put on a really nice face wash which felt like a treat. Honestly, I love skincare products and developing a nice routine for this.

Once dried and changed into mis-matched PJs, I made a start on dinner. I'm now trying to find something to watch on Netflix while I eat too many chocolate buttons...

Have a good evening!
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