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Today has gone sooooo quickly. Got up at 8ish and did a few chores, washing ironing and the like. I hate ironing, it’s the worst household job by far, although cleaning the bathroom comes a close second. Husband was golfing and kids were still in their rooms so I thought I’d have a shower and then sit and have a coffee. By the time I’d showered kids were downstairs so no peaceful brew for me. Youngest wanted to make an apple crumble so we did that, texted husband to get custard and cream on his way home. We had it after dinner, it was lush. We have a lovely independent indoor plant shop opened nearby, it’s always so busy as they have an outdoor coffee shop too. Managed to pop by today. Brought a plant terrarium/bottle garden for my windowsill, I remember my parents having one when we we’re little. It’s beautiful and I’m hoping it’s easy to look after. Got lots of catching up to do this week so I’m pleased I don’t have much planned. Tonight I will be watching Line of Duty, with snacks of course.
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Happy birthday @Saddlesoap ! Have a great day.

I use Ocado or Sainsbury’s @AnderbeauJohnson but I think it’s hit and miss depending on the stores near you. In my previous house Tesco and Asda were better. Give them a whirl and a lot of them have new customer offers sometimes like 20% off first order and the like.

My day has been alright, work/school as usual but got an extra hour to myself as son has after school footie on Thursdays. He came strutting out in his kit happy as Larry so that’s good. Made an easy dinner of ham, fried eggs and potato waffles which I actually really enjoyed. I feel a bit bereft tonight cos I’ve been binge watching LoD all this week and now I’m up to date. Might watch the sewing bee later instead although that’s not as exciting 😂
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@OutrageouslyScarlet @jarv @Saddlesoap @under the ivy

I did have a better day thank you's i love that everyone is supportive on this thread ❤
Had a nice relaxing day off with lots of cuddles with my cat and sorting my colouring stuff out i want a whole weekend doing loads so that's what I'm gonna do this weekend and clear my head and been listening to non stop spice girls all day 😂
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So I’ve done a whole lot of nothing today. I swear it’s taking longer to bounce back from from my nights on at work, I’m just so shattered. I fell asleep on the couch last night watching Corrie and just have had no drive at all today. After the school run I put on a few loads of washing and have spent most of the day on the couch with a headache. AF reared her ugly head today too so that just adds to my mood. It’s been a bit of a miserable day here too, raining on and off, very gloomy compared to the beautiful weekend we just had. OH says he’s going to order a takeaway for dinner as neither of us feel like cooking. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day, we’re going to get out of the house while the kids are in school. Maybe go for lunch or something. OH’s idea.

On a lighter note, I bought the kids some new summer clothes from Next, a few little co-ord shorts and t-shirt sets and some new trainers, and managed to sort through their old clothes for the charity bin yesterday. I felt quite productive after that because I’d been putting it off for ages.
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Tinkerbell cat

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Hi everyone :) Hope you are all well!

Sorry not been on much as haven't been up to a whole lot to update you on. My weekdays have been much the same. I watched HRH Prince Philips funeral on Saturday, my mum and stepdad got all suited and booted god love them. Proper suit and black tie, mum all in black. They break my heart the wee cuties ❤

Fast forward to today and my last day in work for a week! Got a little weekend away booked from Friday within the UK and can not wait. So today is spent wanting the clock to hurry up but also not wanting it to go quick cause then the weekend will be over before we know it.
Going home at 5 to do a 1000 rep workout my PT has sent through. depending on how that goes, might do the exercise bike too for a bit as I know the weekend will be nice food and some drinks.
Going to start Idiot abroad this evening, I know I am very late to the party! But caught a bit before bed last night and really enjoyed it.
Left over Chilli for dinner.
Cuddles with the cat.
No alarm to be set.

Happy Wednesday! :)
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Tinkerbell cat

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Hi everyone! Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I know it’s Tuesday haha haven’t been on really since Saturday or Sunday. Had a lovely weekend away with my partner. As always, goes too quick and somehow ended up with really bad sun burn on my nose. Surprising because it was quite cold in the evenings. was lovely to have some normality even if it did mean sat outside having drinks. Good fun though. We got home yesterday and I was off work today so it was spent having a lie in, washing our clothes, watching rubbish on prime and now into bed, back to work tomorrow. Only in today days this week though as I’ve booked Friday off.

feeling very refreshed and back to clean eating tomorrow. Fed up of bad food and drink! :( hope you all had a lovely Tuesday.
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I'm in a right mood. It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things (hence the spoiler tag) but I'm just annoyed.

Edit - actually, you know what? No. I don't need to let it take up any more space in my head. Deleted.

In less ranty news - does anyone have a supermarket delivery that they recommend? My food spending went a bit haywire again when I started to get ill last week (still ending the month in a surplus but not getting to pay the extra off my debt that I wanted to) and I'm considering trying to order online rather than go to the stores where I can be more easily tempted by offers I don't want/need.

Never had a supermarket delivery though so not sure which ones are good/bad in terms of shelf life and service - anyone got any tips?
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@watermelon sugar omgggg mini watermelon said dada!!! 🥰 glad you enjoyed your steak and lucky you with your new slow cooker 😏

@bolimepipi i have food envy 😱 enjoy your feast!

@aimzalicious in my mind you are the line of duty queen of tattle 😂❤

@ricardoylucia i hope your treatment goes as well as it can, take care of yourself ❤

@under the ivy sorry I forgot to add that I hope everything goes well tomorrow, preparation is key so it sounds like you're doing the right thing! Try and get a good rest tonight, I'm sure it'll all run smoothly!

Not much to report just nice to see the thread thriving 🥰 came home with energy so I went out for a run, luckily it was just on the right side of being uncomfortably warm. Sorted my wardrobe out and bagged up winter clothes and got my summer ones out. I'm still waiting for my tea to be ready but it'll be so delicious once it's done. Mr jarv bought ice creams from lidl earlier too so I'll have one of those before bed 😋
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Omg the leg press is my fave if I ever go to the gym 😍 @under the ivy looking good! 💪

I feel bad for getting the giggles on your updates @watermelon sugar but you do have a way with words 😂 I hope your foot is okay though!

Mad rush to get through a load of emails but it's done, might go home early and log in there for the rest of the day because I'm proper worn out now and there's builders banging around down the corridor I cba!
Text Mr Jarv about sacking off making a chilli for tea and getting Thai instead - don't like my chances on that one 😂 what kind of weirdo doesn't like takeaway?! 😒 he's meant to be going camping by himself in a few weeks and I am buzzin because I can just get takeaway for 3 days straight lol
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Walked 9k. Went to the beach and the park. Ate healthy all day thank god 😂

Line of duty date with scotland around 11 🥰

@WilmaHun haha so true ! And congrats chick !! Woo 🏠

@watermelon sugar post some of that to me plz 🥵😂

Have to say aswell, this is 10 mins from my house and finally got some sun today. 😍

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Morning all x
i love a Sunday when it’s a bank holiday just because I know I won’t have that horrible Sunday evening feeling tonight 🥰
we ended up popping round my boyfriends mums yesterday afternoon to sit in her garden for about an hour. She had just made some scones and a tray bake so that was nice 🤤🤤
unfortunately it got ruined because his sister turned up 🙃 we stayed for about 20 mins so as not to make it too obvious we can’t bare being around her, but as we went to leave I noticed she had parked across the drive blocking my car. I asked her to move her car so we could get off. Her response “well no not really, I havent Seen you much recently so you can stay until I leave”....... I’m a grown adult hun, you ain’t holding me hostage!! Turns out bfs mum had let her know we were there! Bf thought she was joking so laughed and was like “where’s your keys, I’ll move it myself” but she was genuine. 👀 Took her all of 10 more minutes to turn on me and tell me that my “body clock is ticking away”. She knows I’m desperate to become a mum but I’ve had a few health issues, which she knows about, and I want to be married first. It’s not her place to tell me about my body anyway!
I didnt say anything, just got up and walked home. I’ll have to go back for my car today 🤣🤣 what a looney not letting me take my car off the drive 😬
bf got into a bit of an argument with her about being on at me all the time then caught up with me.
anyway, I’m going to spend the day on my uni work, might nip out for a walk along the beach if the weather stays dry. Slept like a baby last night 🥰
have a lovely day all xx
How awful is she?! It would’ve taken all my strength not to drive straight into her car if she refused to move it 😂 I’m so angry for you. I can understand why you’d avoid spending time with her.

As for today, we’ve not long woke and are about to have teddy shaped crumpets for brekkie. Will go for a walk while it’s still sunny then we’ve plans for a roast dinner in a friends garden (hope it doesn’t rain today!) before getting back early to chill and prepare for LoD later, I hope I’m not disappointed by the ending I’ve invested too much time in this show!
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Tinkerbell cat

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Evening everybody! :love:

hope your Wednesdays were as exciting as mine, back to work and again the afternoon dragged a little. I get myself into such a slump, I feel like if they offered for me to go and have a nap I’d probably take it!
quiet evening, did 5mile on the bike, cooked a chilli and now chilling in bed I watch a bit of tv. One more day of work then off for 4 days. ❤
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Hey guys. Nothing to report, I stayed up late last night watching The Handmaid’s Tale as I have work tonight, so I managed to sleep a bit longer this morning (had everything organised for kids, OH did the school run). OH took Littlest to the park while Biggest was at school. There are works taking place in our street so ended up being woken up by the noise and I’ve spent most of the day in a bit of a haze and can’t really be bothered with anything. I’ll have dinner soon and get ready for work (😣). Finally get a weekend off so looking forward to that.
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Not much to update today - felt dreadful (just a bad cold I think, doesn't seem like anything more serious) and, apart from a brief five minutes where I tried to sit at my desk, I've been lying in bed since this morning. Phoned my mum and my nana first thing so that I could have a nap - managed more than four hours until the landlord came to fix some stuff. Not complaining though, at least this landlord actually bothers to fix things rather than just take the rent money and ignore everyone!

Watched the start of LOD season one last night - it looks like it'll be very interesting but my head was swimming and I think I'll need to be in a more focussed mood to appreciate it properly.

Hope everyone's Saturday is going well.
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Chatty Member
Hi can I join in?
Today was a no work day. So I did 3 exercise classes on Zoom, dance fit, Pilates and yoga. Followed by the weekly food shop, which I hate. But at least it’s done now.

My mum rang, not seen or spoken to her in about 2 weeks which is very unusual for us. My folks are in a bubble with us, but I went back to work last week and it was sooo busy I’ve not had time to breathe! So it was nice to have a catch up, I’ll definitely pop round later in the week. Another nice surprise was DH came home from work early so...let’s just say we made the most of the empty house before the kids came home from school 🙈😆

DS1 joined a local gym after school today, so that’s another expense added to the list. But at least it’s something productive, not like he’s wasting my money.
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@bolimepipi i hope the lush looking Chinese improved your day❤Fingers crossed you wake up feeling better tomoz(thought I’d add my phone changed wake to ‘wank’ so that would have been a whole different comment 😂)

@watermelon sugar he’ll be talking back to you in no time. You’ll see. I get the loneliness thing, i love back in my hometown but I’m at such a Different point
Of my life than most of my friends that I get very lonely. And lockdown hasn’t helped.
on the subject of scales they are bloody dangerous, I decided to weigh myself this morning after my period and bad weekend and was distraught to find out the battery had died, which goes to show you how they get into your head..

I have had a lovely afternoon, the 2 people I went for a picnic with are both around 13/15 years older than me and I’ve known them since I was little, it’s such a nice dynamic as I’ve grown up with them around and now I party with them. We had cheese and meats and Prosecco and the weather was really in our favour. I’m impressed with myself as I could have stayed and drank more but I went home like an actual adult ...😳don’t even know who I am anymore.
Hope you all have a lovely evening xx
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watermelon sugar

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Hello hello

Barely been on Tattle today! Had the shakes with withdrawal symptoms

Had a bit of a meh day today. The baby didn't sleep well, as expected. He just woke up at 3am, my fella was snoring away, jammy git. I went in and laid with the baby for what felt like an eternity. He eventually got back to sleep at 5.10am. We were just laying there in silence 😂 his eyes were just wide open. Even Tattle was down 👎 we woke up at 7.20 and surprise surprise, normal service resumes, mr watermelon didn't wake up 😂 so had to get him up

The baby was driving ROUND. THE. BEND. he still has his cold and I just think he whinged non stop from the minute he woke up. My Mum was coming to visit and she's very nit picky about everythingggggg. So I was trying to tidy up and the baby just wouldn't let me 😂

My sister came round too as a surprise, which was nice. It was nice seeing them but me and my mum had an argument 🥴 we have a very funny relationship, she can be my best mate but we can hate each other in a heart beat. She's not a very nice person and she is mean to me sometimes. Anyway we had our argument and my mum stormed out and I burst out crying to my sister. My sister isn't the best at comforting 😂
My sister-

She had to go to work so she left. So me & the bubba went for a walk to clear my head. We went to town so I could get some clothes. I got a lovely pair of black spotty trousers and 2 t shirts for the warm weather ☀ the baby was an absolute MARE in the shops, just kept whinging. Then soon as he got out started babbling dead happily!? Which i was happy about but he was proper whinging in the queue, setting me anxiety right off 😂😂

Nipped in Asda got the baby a lovely outfit
How cute is this

My fella got home and was whinging he was hungry. So we ordered a cheeky maccies. I sort of accidentally got him a regular quarter pounder rather than a double quarter pounder 😅 all hell broke loose, he was livid!!
Then he went to put the Irish on and he's bloody lost his bank card! So he's in a belter mood 🤣

I still feel a bit shitty. I hate arguing with me ma cos it makes me feel shit. And I'm missing my bf being home cos he's barely here. I just feel lonely I guess. As entertaining the baby is id like someone proper to talk to sometimes!! I've just had a shitty feeling that no one cares about me this week.

I'm gonna go for a bath. Might even have a cheeky wkd to drown me sorrows 🤣
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under the ivy

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Hey everyone

So far today I've walked to the post office to post an Ebay parcel and nipped into Heron foods and bought some milk and cat litter 😂 I got some white chocolate Snickers though! I remember getting one in Berlin and I was like omg.

Got to wait in for a repair man this afternoon, so working at the kitchen table.

Have a good day everyone x
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Omg that's so annoying @LittleMy 😡 enjoy the sunshine today though!

@watermelon sugar gosh mini watermelon is going through it atm isn't he 😂 the joys of parenting lol! Can't believe Mr watermelon got himself up today and also can't believe how invested I am in the lives of everyone on this thread 😂

I had a shit sleep. Had to put earplugs in as molly mae from downstairs is back from her trip home for Easter, she got back at like half 9 with a bunch of her mates? Weird! Anyway she was screeching and laughing as per usual so earplugs in but they were so uncomfortable. I also started a new book and it's gripping but really scary!! So didn't get to sleep for a while.

Anyway get into work and other people have just decided to bugger off on holiday? Never mind it's an extremely busy week you go and have a chill hun!! 🤷‍♀️ So I'm having to split even more work across fewer people which I am sure they are equally annoyed about. Waiting for everyone to do their bits so I can finish off but got feck all to do now til after lunchtime and there's not even snooker on this morning, FEW-MIN 😡😂

Anyway in the grand scheme it doesn't matter so I'll just putter along til home time, making bean (😒) chilli for tea and just gonna chill in front of telly, working from home tomorrow too so I can have a lie in! We're having new sofas delivered I'm so excited!

Have a lovely day tattlers ❤🌞
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@AnderbeauJohnson I forgot to say yesterday, you were right about just ringing up TV license to cancel - they sorted it for me, no faffing. I should've rang in the first place but my introvert self will do anything to avoid a phone call 😅
@calmyourritas omfg I'm ashamed to say I had to re-read your post a few times coz I thought it said "I really fancy Colin the caterpillar" I was like what??? Thats one for the weird celeb crush questions on the Q&A thread

A busy Friday today, it felt like it would never end. Work was just me procrastinating but I got brought into a v relaxed Zoom meeting with me, my manager and my friend. It was meant to be about the appraisals happening in a few weeks (ugh, I hate one to ones about work development, they're always so awkward) but just ended up being a laugh and we started planned the upcoming design team staff lunch together. My manager said she liked my v dry sarky sense of humour and that I make jokes whilst having a straight face😐 I was well chuffed, no one ever tells me I'm funny so I went bright red and was like "thanks 💅🏻"

The busy part of my day started when I went back to the flat straight after work (I finish early on Fridays) and spent the next 4 hours cleaning. As soon as I was in the centre of town, I missed being there but ah well I've made the moves back out to the suburbs now so I have to deal with it. I bumped into Mr Neighbour-With-Dog a few times and we had a nice chat. Wish I'd made the effort whilst I actually lived there as he's really easy to speak to. My Korean beauty/skincare stuff finally arrived after 348560 years of waiting, so I picked that up from the concierge too. Gonna get some pfp action going on with my skincare bits this weekend I think:

Got home around 9ish and had a BBQ jackfruit burger I found in the depths of the freezer with some salad but the real star of the show was a choc filled doughnut for pud. I've washed my hair and been attempting to cancel all my bills for the flat but it's too late for that now, I'll do it tomorrow instead 😴
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