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Had a crazy day today.

Decided to go into the office so alarm went off at 5:45 and I was in my car by 6:45. Our entire work system was down. Sat twiddling my fingers for about 2 hours until it eventually came back.

Had to send out a few non-compliance letters to people who have ignored our emails. They’re a standard letter that basically say we’ll take them to Court if they don’t respond as they’re in breach of their court order. Someone sent in a complaint that the tone of it was threatening 🙄 well duhhhhh. So had to go through the complaints procedure for that.

Then had a load of safeguarding stuff to get through. Ended up having an argument with another team who was trying to palm their work off onto us 🤣 and on top of that I seemed to be everyone’s go to person for queries and help today so I just didn’t stop 🥴

Rewarded myself after work with a trip to boots. £40 gone 🤣 but stacking up those advantage pointssss.

Hope you all had a lovely day and managed to enjoy the lovely weather more than I did 🤪
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Can i be cheeky and ask are you English and moved to Croatia? Why there? Sorry tell me to sod off if you want 🙈🙈

I used to work as a travel agent and have wanted to visit Croatia for about 20years. It looks beyond beautiful 💖💖

Ps hope you and the Mr get well soon xx
of course, and thank you! 🥰 i'll take it as a compliment for my language skills that you think i'm english 😄

i am actually croatian, i've lived in croatia most of my life, then in ireland for 2 years after i finished uni here, then i moved back here to croatia 2 years ago. i've never lived in the uk but i've been many times! not sure where i want to be in the future either but for now it has to be croatia anyway due to circumstances :)

aww i hope you get to visit soon, i'd love to show you around as i also work(ed) as a travel agent and tour guide! :)

and thank you guys 💛💛💛 i hope we do and that it's just a spring cold or something!
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under the ivy

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I think this is the quietest this thread has been 😂 Is everyone out at the pub?

I've worked all afternoon, still not finished this chapter. I will get it done by Friday... I hope. Just been getting my gym clothes ready for tomorrow, it's the first time I'll have gone since they re-opened! Going to track how busy it is on the app then go when it's quiet, usually early afternoon. Looking forward to it 🙂 I usually go 3-4 times a week so want to get back.

Had pasta for tea and a white chocolate snickers for afters - delicious. Going to get in bed soon like the Nana that I am!
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Hii all,
My mood has slightly lifted today compared to the last few days so I don't feel quite as miserable, still feeling lonely but at least I'm not lonely and miserable :ROFLMAO:
I filled in a form on my Dr's website for an appointment and I've had an email back saying "The Dr will call you on 10th May in the morning"...... that's great but I work a full time job, surely they could just give me a time?! So annoying.
Having issues with our mortgage application as my other half's business bank statements are in his business name not his personal name so the bank won't accept them, but they need proof of his business income, how else can it be proven other than his business account?! It's so stressful. He's useless with stuff like this, whenever I try talk to him about it I just get "I'd rather you sorted it, you understand better than me". Great.
I've decided to join a local running group as I thought it might help the loneliness and the self consciousness I have about my body. I've been really looking forward to it but now the day has come to actually go on a run together I'm panicking. I haven't been on a run in years. I'll be trailing behind like a fat Mr Blobby whilst the experienced ones are shooting off ahead. Trying desperately not to talk myself out of it but I think I already have 😬😬
Enjoy the rest of your day!
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I do. I am really sad about it because I’d have loved for it to work but I’m happy to know we both have the chance of finding the right person. I think we’d have broken up eventually so I’m glad it’s now and able to be done in a civil way rather than a huge drama further down the line. It’s bittersweet I suppose.
Shows what a lovely you person you are that you want the best for him and of course yourself. No point plodding along when you know it’s dead in the water.
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Yo, where’s everyone at?

Today I took the boy to school, planned on going to the shop after as we’d run out of toothpaste. Got to coop, pulled mask out, string had broke in my pocket. Saaaake. #2021problems

Went home, grabbed new mask, back to shop, home again, stripped bed for washing, logged on for work. That kept me busy for a few hours, not even any time for tattling! Had Marcella, sorry “Keira” on in background again, still no clue what’s going on really.

Had a Shein order delivered and managed to try on the clothes within about 15 mins between finishing work and leaving for school. Considering quitting job and starting up a quick change act tbh.

Picked up boy, had a parents evening phone call, made tea whilst listening to the Shrine of Duty podcast.

Just about to do the pots while OH does bedtime and reading with the boy. Then I think we’ll watch The Walking Dead.

We put it on last night thinking we were picking up where we left off. Nope, I’d got my years mixed up hadn’t I? Thought we were still in April 2020 😂 so we’re rewatching about 6 episodes before we can start on new ones. Not a bad thing, that show is very confusing these days with so many people!
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Chatty Member
Hey everyone!
Not been on for a few days as work had been so busy and taken over my life with very long days.
Today was better though thank god! I was up early and did a workout before heading to the office. Had a good day got loads done plus we went out for lunch as we’ve got a new starter.
I finished work a bit early as I had a hydrofacial tonight which was expensive but so worth it my skin feels amazing. Home now and going to sort dinner then it’ll be an early night as I’m so tired this week. Hope you’re all good and it’s almost the weekend and I actually have plans for once. Xx
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@prinnygrace im so sorry 😔 those situations are so hard when you just know but then don't know what to do about it. Take a bit of time to take care of yourself and do some stuff which makes you happy ❤

I've woken up with a pain where my kidney is- my body obviously isn't cut out for long walks anymore because I feel like I am falling apart today 😂 so I'm on bedrest for now. We didn't have much planned today, bathroom needs a good scrub and I wanted to nip out for a coffee later but will see how I feel.

Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday ☺
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Morning all you lovelies.

Pretty shit couple of days for me. I think it's the end of mine and my boyfriends relationship. No hard feelings, he's an absolute gem but I just don't think we're right for each other. We spent last night together and honestly there was just no connection at all. We've been together for a year but we're just like mates and sometimes I find we have nothing to talk about??? I'm so scared to do it because I know that I'm really going to hurt him but it's not fair on him if I'm not 100% in it. I think my heart will always just be back where my family live rather than in Nottingham. He'll be an absolutely amazing partner to someone but I just don't think that someone is me. My heart is completely broken even though it's me that will have to end it. Ugh, I hate this so much. Will come back and update properly at some point later.

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend!!
Ah, it is very hard to break someone’s heart and part company with them. But, if you know the relationship is not the right one for you, then it is kinder to end it sooner. No point living a lie, you have a life to live too. I wish you all the best with this decision. 💚

Hey lovely tattlers. My day has been busy. Woke up and made a nice brekkie of eggs and tomatoes on toast with a coffee then the sun was shining so we headed to the garden where I mowed the lawn and little one weeded for me. We popped to Asda for some plants and top soil and then headed back and planted them all up. Fingers crossed it all grows nicely as I’m not really green fingered but I’m trying now we aren’t in rentals so need to make the most of our own little garden. Met a friend for a walk for just over an hour then grabbed an ice cream on the way home. Sat in the garden for a little bit before making hot dogs for an early dinner. Chilled one planned tonight. I haven’t watched any of the latest LoD series so I’m going to watch one a night from tonight so I’m ready for the final next week. I’ve avoided goggle box since these new ones have been on too so haven’t seen any updates. Need to do a little recap of the previous series though as it’s a while since I watched them and I’ve forgotten.
Ah once your plants start to grow, you’ll love having them there and will probably want to grow more. 🌿🏡💚

======================SEPARATE POST - Admin, can you please separate my post please? ===================

It is a pj day for me today. Had no energy to do anything in the garden and my back has been killing me all day. No point pushing yourself if you don’t have to.

I feel so very tired today too. 😩🥴 Sometimes I sit here and think that because it is a glorious day I ‘should’ be outside enjoying it and working outside. But I can enjoy the sunshine from within the house and still see the blue skies, the birds, the flowers from in here.

Nah, guilt trip over! 🤣🤣

Line of Duty to look forward to later and hopefully I shall catch 40 winks before then. 💤 😴
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Morning from hell 😳

Not really but it felt like it at the time. So we get up on time, kids eat breakfast get dressed for school blah blah well 2 did the other 1 needed a bit 'prompting'
So we set off, half way to school middle child's hayfever kicks in and it's bad. So i explain to her teacher who requests that i take her some antihistamine medicine round to try and help her, otherwise as it may be covid symptoms yeah you guess the rest. So i need to come home to collect the medicine, except yup we've ran out. So i have a choice of 2 shops same distance apart but different directions. Pick my shop start the walk hey there they don't sell kids antihistamine, so walk to other shop and they don't sell it either. At this point i just wanted to cry. So i buy the tablets instead, age 6 and over my daughter is 6. But has never taken a tablet before. Thankfully she did take it and i haven't heard from the school since. But the school run took my an hour and a quarter and i totally wasn't down for all that stress on a Friday morning lol

Nothing else to report really. All excited for the house move but as its still 6wks away we are living in limbo at the moment.

Hope you are all well

@bolimepipi i hope you are feeling better today
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@bolimepipi How's your covid, babe? Hope you're recovering fast and everyone else is okay, I've been thinking of you.
aww thank you for asking and thinking of me! 💛 and sorry to hear you're having a shit time at work, same here! maybe when times get better we can do something about that :)

covid's better, no more headache or fever. the cough and cold are better. now it's only the chest pressure and fatigue, which i'm calling my doctor about today! 💛
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It really irks me when the contestant calls Ben, Ben like their bezzie mates. 'I'm gonna take the money Ben!' Dunno WHY it does me head in so much, what else are they gonna call him 😂
I was saying this to my mum when Pointless contestants called Alexander "Xander" or when people on Repair Shop call Jay by name. I'm like ughhh stop it, it's so overfamiliar 🤢

Well gang I'm back and slightly drunk from my night out. I foresee dark and difficult times ahead for me in the morning. The night out was okay-ish but my self-consciousness kind of ruined the night a bit for me. You know when you see a few pics of yourself and you just want to have a face transplant. Maybe I should grow out my fringe first before getting said face transplant, just to see how I feel 🤪 Also Man City lost against Chelsea and there seemed to be loads of Chelsea fans in the bar so that annoyed me too 🤣
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Chatty Member
Hello new here!

I am in bed shattered! I went for a blood test at 8am, lied to work and said I didn’t get home until 10:15am so enjoyed a coffee and toast for an hour... prepared some lessons for work, spoke to my mum, my work friend and the doctor twice (who said I’m fit to return to work next week after assessing my underlying health conditions and pregnancy, booooo).

did some planning as a favour for another year group, did about 3 loads of washing had cereal for dinner as cba. The hoover fell as I was hovering so I cried (pregnancy hormones) gave up and went to bed 😂
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My days are going to see exactly the same for the foreseeable... it will go something like this.

Went to work. I have a headache.

😂 today I will add that I’m just cooking a beige freezer tea (fish, waffles and onion rings) because I just can’t be arsed cooking and my boyfriend is at work. Catching up on last nights Corrie then I’m going to
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watermelon sugar

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I feel like I need to go back to bed after trying to reply to everyone 😬😅
Felt really miserable towards yesterday afternoon. I just feel so lonely. I only really come on here so it feels like I’m chatting to people. I hardly hear from my friends now the pubs are back open. I don’t drink alcohol so I guess they’re no longer interested in beach walks and picnics with me if they can go get pissed. 😕

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday x
Aw babe I'm sorry you're feeling shitty! I have the same feeling with feeling lonely. None of my friends really bother cos I've got a baby now and they wanna get pissed. Just shows their not true friends I guess! At least we're all here 🤗 you should go back to bed it's only early 😭 i wish I could!!

I've woke up with the babies cold 🥴 feel like death, stayed up late as well, should have gone to bed earlier 😂
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Happy anniversary @watermelon sugar hope you enjoy x

I never seem to be one of those people that start the week with a clean and tidy house. I just looked outside and there's a tarpaulin and a bottle of shaving foam in the middle of the garden from my daughter's attempt to make a slip and slide, there are about a million things covered in sand and/or seawater. It's really irritating me. Better start work, happy Monday my little Tattlers x

Morning guys. So tired today. Baby slept crap last night so I was up and down with him in his room. Ended up sleeping in there with him but still didn't get much sleep. He's got a 5th tooth and I think he getting a 6th one! He's been up since 5.40 as well 😴😴 I made him hummus on toast for breakie and he looked at me dead in the eyes and lashed all of it on the floor 😂

I felt a bit down last night, just felt dead lonely. Even though we were out with friends yesterday but idk I think it's cos my fella is now working 7 days a week for the foreseeable now he has 2 jobs. The weather is so nice i wish I had mates round here who I could just nip for a coffee with or go for a walk with. All my friends are back in Liverpool. My fella always says 'go round to my Mums' but I don't want to just hang round with his Mum all the time 🤨🙄🤣

So I'll probs spend some time with the baby in the garden or go for a walk to the park 😊 at least I have mini watermelon to keep me company ey 😂
the groups you can take toddlers too will start up again soon so you can stick your head in those and see if any of them suit you. xx
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@jarv men are rubbish

I forgot to say yesterday I got my eyebrows done 💃

So far today I’ve just been catching up on Corrie and just had some lunch. I’m so hungry at the moment but I don’t fancy anything, the thought of food makes me feel sick so had to really force it down. Not sure what to do for the rest of the day. Will probably stay on the sofa let’s be honest. I feel like I should go out and do something but I just can’t be bothered and have no motivation😞
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Got up at 7, got the kids up for school, poorly child is still very tired so she's off today.

Got a horrible but huge job done this morning.... Cleared the loft. 5yrs worth of 'oh shove it in the loft we will sort it later' has now bit us on the arse 🥴🥴
At least 2 tip runs on the agenda for this afternoon. Need to send the Mr out food shopping. And I'm going to try and find the energy to start sorting through clothes.

Had such a good sleep last night, was crashed out by 9.30 my husband said he had to check i was still breathing when he came to bed, i was apparently very still and VERY asleep lol

Have a good day all. Extra squeezy virtual hugs for those who are poorly x
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