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Oh gosh it really seems like illness is going around atm! ๐Ÿ˜”

I feel incredibly flat today. Not even pissed off its Monday or anything like I usually am, just flat ๐Ÿ˜‚ I've got a backlog of work to sort out that has come in over the weekend so I am just waiting for some help with that before clearing it. Starting to freak out a bit as there's only 10 weeks left of this term and it's accompanying workload and thinking about everything that has to be done in the next 10 weeks is setting me off a bit. Last year I didn't know what to expect as I was still quite new to the job and tbh I think I work better thrown in at the deep end, now I know what I've got to do I'm a bit paralysed by it all. Also thinking about babies again lol my bfs friend and his wife just had their little girl yesterday, I'm so happy for them of course but it still makes me a bit sad. I wish I could just be like "I want a baby but not right now" and shelve that thought away somewhere in my mind but I just can't.


I'll be busyish throughout the day so that will help, my back is feeling better today but I don't want to run in case it's still sensitive so I'll put that off to tomorrow. I'll clean the bathroom when I get home and then we've got either a chilli or fish and med veg for tea. Then we'll watch the bridge and go to bed, the usual weekday evening stuff ๐Ÿฅฑ

Hope everyone has a good day and if you're ill get plenty of rest!! โค
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Hi everyone!
Had a lovely day today, went to meet my mum and dad and the dog for a walk at a national trust place half way between us. We had a nice long walk and a picnic in the car park (so british! โค) and the dog had a nice big puke in the formal gardens bit so watching my dad trying to pick that up made my day ๐Ÿ˜‚
but I had forgotten about the m25 on a Friday afternoon OMG I hate it. My road rage was happily back in full force.
Came home and my bf has a job interview on Monday ๐Ÿฅณ so happy for him, he hates his job they treat their staff like crap and he works super long hours plus most weekends, so this job would be much better for our life. Fingers crossed!
he tried on some possible interview outfits and nothing fits cos #lockdownpodge so looks like Iโ€™m going to M&S this weekend for him ๐Ÿ™„
Didnโ€™t feel like cooking so we got a Chinese and now Iโ€™m full ๐Ÿท
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Urgh what a mood I'm in today. I want to be busy but i also can't be bothered to be busy but also can't be bothered to sit around and do nothing.
I'm very flat ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

Having problems with my HRT prescription AGAIN. Seriously anybody else's doctors surgery's being totally ridiculous?
Can't order my repeat online as its not showing in my repeat options. Send message via response. Ring them to be told i can only speak to them re prescriptions between 2-4 and that's only this week as from next week you MUST order online. I AM TRYING TOO!! Argh. So now I've ran out and going to have huge hormonal fluctuations which cause me to go crazy. So that will be fun.

Sorry.... And breathe.

Anyway to keep on topic i have approximately 5 half started jobs going on which i am unsuccessfully trying to ignore. Husband working 3x12 hr shifts so these next 3 days are going to be long and tough.

I'm off to send another passive aggressive econsult to my doctor now ๐Ÿฅด
Happy hump day ๐Ÿ’–
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Had a bit of a down in the dumps day today. I think Iโ€™m struggling more with losing a friend rather than a boyfriend. Definitely going to take some adjusting to getting used to not having him to text, even if itโ€™s just stupid stuff Iโ€™ve seen online.

Itโ€™s Bootcamp day today though and I NEED it. I think itโ€™ll do me the world of good to get out and have a bit of a laugh with the other ladies and move my body a bit. Probs die within 10 mins of starting but right now Iโ€™m buzzin for it ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
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Had my reschedule hair appointment today. Went in looking like Worsel Gummage and had a complete restyle, looked a different person when I came out so given me an incentive to get my fitness sorted out instead of messing about.
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Hi hi hi x
Iโ€™ve had such a boring day! I was supposed to be spending the day with my partner but I woke up and he was already gone to work!! He โ€œforgotโ€ I was off apparently ๐Ÿ˜ก
I went out to the wholesalers for him to stock up his fridge at his workshop. Got lost down the sweet and chocolate aisle and nearly had to take a mortgage out for everything I wanted ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค
The weather has been sooo weird. Keeps going from sunny and warm to hammering it down, rain, hail the lot. I was going to pop and sit in my cousins garden with her and her little boy but decided against it as the weather was rubbish.
just had a takeaway for dinner, it was beautiful. Was going to dye my hair tonight but I Cba so will have to remain ginger for another day until I can be bothered to sort it.
have a lovely evening whatever youโ€™re up to xx
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@under the ivy The LOD thread on Sunday night is even better than the Strictly ones were on a Saturday, and that's saying something *MasterChef voice* Tattle๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปdoesn't๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปget๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปbetter๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปthan๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปthis (apart from the same-sex flirting thread ofc)
@bolimepipi did you just find my post on the LOD thread and like it for support?! ๐Ÿคฃ also yes please start watching it, listen to your dad, he sounds like a wise man ;) (and you start watching too @Saddlesoap ) also, that looks like a cracking takeaway!
@jarv omg stop ๐Ÿฅบ (me trying to be modest but I'll totally accept the crowd of LOD queen ๐Ÿ‘‘ with WWW as my celibate king ofc @nbt )
@Nolongerjustalurker wow!! Have you seen any of Texas Beeworks IG videos? She's this amazing beekeeper in Texas and she's always saving bees from exterminators and does videos explaining how she does it. Also, her voice is super relaxing, so that's a plus ๐Ÿ˜ด
@Ineedmorecoffee welcome to the thread! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป sounds like you had a good day in the empty house ๐Ÿ˜

I'm procrastinating so hard right now ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Got one more presentation for sign off tomorrow to do the layout for before bed. I'll do the other one tomorrow morning on the train to work (I'm deffo going to regret that decision, I can tell already). I might do my washing up to procrastinate further ๐Ÿ‘€

Also has anyone seen @lemonlime about recently? I hope they're okay ๐Ÿ˜•
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Morning everyone.
I hope everyoneโ€™s ok Iโ€™ve not been on for a while as was spending far too much time on my phone. I know how some of you feel though its nice to come on here for a chat! I only have a few close friends and we all have kids and other commitments so really struggle to make time for each other which is a bit shitty! My husband works long hours too so sometimes the only adult conversation I get in a day is on this (feel a bit pathetic admitting that!)
I hope everyone has a lovely day whatever youโ€™re doing x
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@bolimepipi I hope you are coping ok and not feeling too unwell.
@bolimepipi hope you and your bf are both feeling a bit better today โค
thank you for asking! ๐Ÿ’› my bf is luckily feeling much better, but i'm feeling dreadful today, i've spent the whole day in bed. not sure if today is worse than yesterday :( we did have a surprise delivery - the husband of my close friend brought us litter for roisin ๐Ÿฅบ so thoughtful ๐Ÿฅบ

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Just gonna leave this mate for the day ๐Ÿ˜
still thinking about this little one, how cute and what a kind little face ๐Ÿ’› i hope he/she is okay!

Text Mr Jarv about sacking off making a chilli for tea and getting Thai instead - don't like my chances on that one ๐Ÿ˜‚ what kind of weirdo doesn't like takeaway?! ๐Ÿ˜’ he's meant to be going camping by himself in a few weeks and I am buzzin because I can just get takeaway for 3 days straight lol
i completely understand why you're looking forward to it ๐Ÿ˜‚ i still can't believe he doesn't like takeaways!! i mean, lucky man! but poor you! ๐Ÿ˜‚

just got back from a beach walk. Itโ€™s umm breezy! People were sunbathing in bikinis whilst I froze to death. Iโ€™ve popped into my grandmothers and sheโ€™s. very much sulking over me not making it round yesterday, the women in my family are so high maintenance!
it looks sooo beautiful and peaceful :love:

I'm panicking over every aspect of buying our new house. Everything is making me anxious. Got a call with a mortgage advisor tonight but I've practically already convinced myself our mortgage will be declined. No particular reason, we've never defaulted on a payment or anything like that, my mind just likes to make me worry. :(
i think it's normal for such a big life change, change is always stressful! i'm sure if will go well tonight tho, fingers crossed ๐Ÿคž

Hello again. Well, just back from the park with little one. We went to a sand park at Glasgow Green this time and he brought his little bucket and spade along. He was loving life with his feet in the sand and the sun shining. ๐Ÿฅบ

Such a lovely day.

Heโ€™s fallen asleep in the car now so I thought Iโ€™d pop on Tattle while OH has nipped up to school to collect big brother. I will need to take him to the sand park with us next time as there was a bigger playground with lots of huge tunnel slides (big brother loves a tunnel slide).

Weโ€™re going to head home and make the kids dinner - Iโ€™m feeling a bit queasy today so will make something light to eat later on if I feel hungry.

Here is my littlest love.

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awww the cute little feet :love: what a cutie! ๐Ÿฅณ

okay that's my energy for the day gone ๐Ÿ˜‚

What a cutie! My little guy has just started liking the slide
His mini toddler trampoline is his fave atm
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those little sneakers ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿฅบ
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@Meangirl815 , hope your daughter is ok. @watermelon sugar , lack of sleep and arguments with loved ones ate bad combo, sorry youโ€™ve not had the best day. @bolimepipi , nothing beats a good clean and tidy when you are in the mood to do it. Sounds like youโ€™ve all been busy bees. Itโ€™s been a nice day here but I wish it were a tad warmer. Worked out how to use my new oven and induction hob ๐Ÿ˜‚, kept it simple and cooked chicken and new potatoโ€™s and threw on some salad on the plate rather than having to tackle veg. My knees have ached so much this week, my mum reckons its housemaids there even such a thing, sounds so sexist and dated. Havenโ€™t slept well last few nights but have washed my fave duvet and am going to out that on tonight so Iโ€™m hoping that will do the trick. My husband is golfing tomorrow and getting up at 5.30....Iโ€™ve already warned him not to clatter about ๐Ÿ˜.
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For those who wanted to see a newly โ€˜hatchedโ€™ (? Is that the right term I have no idea? ๐Ÿ™ƒ) bee:

Iโ€™ll get my bf to send me some more of them flying around too ๐Ÿ
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Just checking in on my fave thread before I start getting ready for my first driving lesson in ten years ๐Ÿ˜ฌ If I die in a horrible crash I'll tell my mum to do a Dippy Di and log on to tell you all that I've Passed Awayโ„ข
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@WilmaHun omg what a psycho! Iโ€™d have ducked out ASAP too. She is Definitely jealous of you!

The waitrose frozen pain au chocolats are insaaane too. You get a huge bag of about 12 for ยฃ3.
I just googled the Waitrose ones ๐Ÿ˜Š, would be rude not too.
My day so far , ironing, cleaned the bathroom including the trap thing in the bottom that collects the hair ๐Ÿคฎ . Just about to put my third lot of washing in. Youngest is at an outdoor party this afternoon at a ski slope, itโ€™s a drop and go . Result. Will send husband to that one. Bright and sunny out but no warmth. Will bag up some bits for charity shop and try and de clutter youngests bedroom.
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under the ivy

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Hi everyone!

I did another interview so thatโ€™s 2 in the bag ๐Ÿ™Œ which means I have to transcribe it at some point next week ๐Ÿ˜ต

Slowly walking to the gym atm, going to train arms ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

Have a good afternoon everyone x
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Hi all, Iโ€™ve done nothing today. Literally I have nothing to report ๐Ÿ˜‚ work was boring as anything and then I caught up on 2 KUWTK episodes I hadnโ€™t seen yet. Thatโ€™s it๐Ÿคฃ then made a fish burger and homemade chips for my dinner. Think I might win most boring update today๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜‚
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I'm home alone!!!!!

But in such a weird mood ๐Ÿ™„ I've cried watching the news about Prince Philip, cried at the photo my husband sent me of our son with his first fish.
Are doughnuts for breakfast and celebrated my morning alone by DOING LAUNDRY.

I think I've built this day up so much that it's going to end up being a letdown ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

Re the bakery talk. I'm a geordie. Greggs are superior. Fact ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
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Evening tattlers, hope you all had a lovely day :)

Woke up a bit later than usual this morning with my eyes feeling all puffy and itchy from allergies, it's making me feel so sleepy still :sleep: Washed and dried my hair and tried to sort out my face a bit. I've got a bit lazy with my night time skin routine recently and really noticing a difference, it feels so dry and dull looking so must get better with taking care of it at night again.

The past year I've been soooo quiet at work but it's starting to pick up now as I've moved into a slightly different role and working for a new boss. It's good but also taking a bit of getting used to again. I'd gotten used to having all the time in the world while WFH to do all the chores during the day, pop out for walks, to the shops, watch tv etc in between my little bits of work and now I'm like arghh I don't have time to watch Emmerdale with my lunch anymore ๐Ÿ˜‚

I also seem to have lost all confidence at work so need to work at getting it back pronto! I had to host a call for the first time in donkeys today - used to do it all the time and was absolutely fine - today I was so nervous and just when I started to talk MrGP came out into the kitchen area where I'm working and started banging about which distracted me and made me stumble over my words and I got really embarrassed not just in front of my work colleagues but MrGP too. He's super confident and natural at work and since WFH together it's made me quite self conscious in front of him when he hears me on calls as I'm the complete opposite. I think part of it is being in the home environment working just now, it's like I've lost my work front/armor somehow. I feel like I almost adopt this strong, confident persona when I walk into the office.

Anyways it's almost Friday night here and we're going to friends for a BBQ tonight ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜‹ It always tends to be a bit of a heavy drinking session with these friends but I'm going to try my hardest to not go OTT as I really don't want to be hungover and write tomorrow off, wish me luck!
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Congrats on the home @Meangirl815 thats amazing!

Hugs to everyone else Iโ€™m too knackered to tag everyone ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Today was same old really - work/school run/lunchtime walk to spy on my geese babies (all still there and doing well). Did my covid lateral flow test (negative). Took little โ€˜un out on his bike after school. He was then in a pain in the arse mood afterwards so spellings and reading were a battle. Heโ€™s still fighting sleep now and Iโ€™m ready for an early night so donโ€™t think il have anything exciting to report tonight! Cuppa and some Easter egg in a bit I think though. Roll on weekend, getting used to school run/work juggling after a break is tiring.
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Ew, Steve is like a little munchkin. I would actually prefer a bit of Hastings to be fair.

I did some interviews earlier. Ended up choosing the candidate that has been made redundant which I'm pleased about. It's so tiring smiling at people for hours though. I had a minor drama last night and ended up in the out of hours GP with 9 year old. She has an immense pain threshold so when she started screaming about her ear and it didn't get better with calpol I knew something was up. The NHS was absolutely brilliant, fair play. Ear infection and antibiotics.
I'm going for a walk on the beach tonight with a couple of friends. I'm really looking forward to it.
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After a horrible OCD filled morning at work I typed out (and deleted) my thoughts about something over lunch and had a huge light bulb moment. The short version is... no matter what I do, I will always be the black sheep of the family, and I've internalised their constant, never-ending negativity and their tear downs to the point where, rather than try and risk possibly succeeding, I deliberately fail because I have so little self confidence in myself that I 'know' I'll inevitably fail anyway as I've been told my whole life what a failure I am and, every time I try and bring up something positive, I'm constantly reminded about past failures. Even about things that aren't that bad in the scheme of things, such as 'only' getting a 2.1 in uni instead of a first. Or if I mention that I've eaten an apple I'll get told for several minutes about how fat I am and how I'll always be fat even if I've eaten an apple.

It's like I spend my life deliberately jumping out of planes without a parachute because there's a chance that, if I wore a parachute, it might not open, so I might as well jump without, because then I'm choosing to fail instead of getting my hopes up.

I'm rambling, but I feel like I might have just turned a corner in understanding why I am how I am and I think that might be the first step towards changing it. I love this thread (and all you on it of course).

* I'd like to point out that I know there are millions of people in this country (and probably on this thread) who wish they had my family instead of theirs, so I probably sound like a whiny bitch. I'm sorry if I've upset anyone.
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