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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Morning everyone! Having a shit time over here. Me and mini 🍉 are still full of cold. We were up through the night and he was awake from 4.50. My head was banging and I felt ill, and its my fellas day off so I woke him up to help cos I felt in pain and he'd slept through the baby being awake through the night.. and he moaned at me 🥱 and he's been in a mood all morning. Moans when the baby walks out the room, needs something doing 🙄 I've ended up doing everything myself. The baby was napping but woke up crying cos his nose was snotty and my fella got in a huff about it? A baby that doesn't sleep well when sick, wow wouldn't think it would you!! I'm not painting him in the best light lol, swear he's nice he's just got a cob on cos I woke him up on his only day off. But why should I always be the one who doesn't sleep and has to get up through the night? I'm ill and he would have slept in til like 11am if I didn't wake him. When do I ever get that? Nob head 😂

Sorry rant over lol. Have a good Monday everyone xx
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I agree with those who've said about the family tactlessness. I think it's so rude when mine are like that and they do it ALL the time. They think I'm really sensitive! It makes me hardly share anything with them. I once mentioned that it was odd that my then 4 year old daughter said she had a bad head ( a complete one-off) then my Mum straight away decided that she was depressed so every call for about a month was discussing her 'depression'. She told loads of people in the village they live in too.

I am just back from an epic 5 hour trip to the shops with 4 x 12 year olds and a 9 year old and all I can say is OH MY GOD. I am not moving off the sofa all night. I feel like a cry so might watch Phillip's funeral later. Hope you all enjoyed your takeaways etc... x
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The daughter is fine like bouncing around full of life and eating everything in sight. Completely different kid to yesterday. As soon as her fever broke she was 100% great again.

The joys of being 6 lol

The husband is now in from work (yay) kids are bathed and watching a film. And once they are in bed I'm having a smoking night. Planning a few spliffs, chilli and rice for tea, an episode of unforgotten and an early night
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oh no it seems like everyone is either having health issues or a bad day! sending love and hugs to everyone who needs it 💛

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@Meangirl815 i hope your MIL is ok.. that’s a lot to deal with in a short time. And I hope that your bladder made the day..
@jarv bloody love veggie and chorizo frittata 🤤

it’s another bloody gorgeous day, I am so relieved we are getting brighter days, they really help my mood.
I have a massage booked at 1 which I cannot wait for as I carry all my stress in my shoulders, I was meant to be having an amazing facial but dermatitis is still fucking me over. So I’m having a pedicure instead, which to be fair is desperately needed, my poor little trotters.
helios has been sick three mornings in a row, so slightly worried he has a fur ball stuck so I’ll take him into the garden later to eat some grass.
I’m going to pop into TK maxx after my massage and the excitement is real.. damn I’ve missed the bargains.
Have a lovely day all❤❤
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Thank crunchie its Friday! Did some gardening this morning and had a general tidy round outside. Hung my washing out then it poured with rain. Put it in the tumble dryer instead, should have done that in the first place. Changed the beds and put some ironing away. House is all tidy ready for the weekend, it will be a shit tip by tomorrow morning. Had fish and chips for tea, delicious. Teen went for her piano lesson, first one face to face in ages. I wish it was going to be hot this weekend, instead it’s cold, wet and windy. Not much happening tonight, will watch gogglebox and eat chocolate.
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Afternoon all, decided to brave Ikea today and TBH I'm glad I did as it wasn't as busy as I'd imagined and there was no queue to get in which was a bonus. They had some nice new things in but TBH I only wanted a couple of glasses and a biscuit jar but somehow ended up spending £60 :oops: :giggle: had a Hotdog meal on the way out with a cheeky Cinnamon bun. Came home now I'm just chilling before I start dinner.
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Jaysus. Sorry so many of ye are sick 🥺 its the change in the weather !

I was busy most of the day today and only texted Scotland tonight. I said I hope I'll make you mine this summer and he said he already kind of is 😍🙈🙈🙈

Lost a pound. 2 and half more pounds to go to 3 stone weight loss / 42 pounds 🥳

Can't sleep. Have therapy at 3.45 Wed and can't think of anything to discuss 🤔😫
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under the ivy

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You’re not whiny at all @AnderbeauJohnson, rant away all you want on here 🙂

Did my interview... why was I nervous🤦🏼‍♀️ it went so well. so that’s my first bit of data for my PhD 🙂 woohoo! I’m debating ordering a Five Guys tonight as a treat after reading the food chains thread 🤣

Going to chill for the rest of the day now, after I’ve taken Amber for a walk 🐶
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So I walked 14k, sorted out stuff with GP, washed my hair and exfoliated 😂

Had 4th line of duty date with Scotland. My heart lads 😳🥺🥺🥺

Said we need to get matching pjs of our mutual fave superhero and his reply.. 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗 He said earlier he'd buy a ring cause I want to watch the batman begins trilogy on our first night together 😂 41 or 71 more days to go 🤞


@bolimepipi grey cats are just the best 😍😍 my cousins one,


@OutrageouslyScarlet looking gorgeous chick !
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My day has been very up and down. I was having a fairly good morning then phoned my mum (as she said she really wanted a catch-up) but she was in a proper aggy mood and ended up having a right old go at me, telling me (for no reason) how disorganised I am with cleaning, how useless I am with money, about how fat I am, how I was a weird kid that was difficult to look after and how I'm still a weird adult (despite knowing full well how much it hurts me emotionally when she brings up my 'weirdness') and the conversation ended with me having to apologise for ruining a shirt that she bought me... when I was a four year old, only for her to start bringing up more things that annoyed her about me when I was a kid. Luckily the phone call ended soon after that.

Then my nana rang and, unprompted, brought up my weight and kept mentioning it for 90% of the phonecall... about how I need to diet (I am) and how I need to do a proper diet (I am) and not a silly diet (I'm not)...she meant well but, like many of our nanas, she has no tact.

Needless to say my mood went through the floor after these calls but I didn't binge to make myself feel better! I had a nap for three and a bit hour instead (was only aiming for one hour but I guess I needed it) 😄 . I feel quite a lot better after my sleep and I accidentally slept through lunch so I have unexpected calories to play with. I'm going full on Indian fakeaway with a starter, a main and two sides, including a 'naan wrap' that I found in Aldi the other day that I'm curious to try.

There will be leftovers for tomorrow as well (probably lunch and dinner) so that's perked me right up. Plus my football team went back to the premiership today! Going to go for a walk to Aldi to hunt down some mushrooms and then get on with cooking.
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@AnderbeauJohnson I hated A2A, LOM supremacy all the way. Also, just fry the halloumi! It's delish. I have it on top of salads or in wraps
@coconochanel I hate Greggs sausage roll too 👀 (but then again I hate most savoury snacks)
@watermelon sugar you need to remember this bakery chat for your next recap 🤣
@Nolongerjustalurker oooh I love a National Trust property!! congrats to your bf for his job interview!

Another good day today! I think my period mood has well and truly vanished, praise jebus

Had a productive day at work, I've FINALLY caught up with my workload. I'm also finally getting past that "overly polite" work persona you get when you're at a new job. Now I've been there for four months, I'm starting to finally reveal my rather dark sense of humour at work. My manager was like "you're on one today" 🤣

A meeting I was in that was only meant to last an hour dragged on for time so I ended up eating lunch pretty late - I'm on a proper home cooking hype train at the mo, so I tried these Jamie Oliver courgette and feta fritters. They ended up tasting nice but none of these Jamie recipes recently hold together so it was just a fried courgette mush. I put a fried egg and some sweet chilli on top of the mush to save it #shef 👌🏻

I finish early on Fridays so I went to the gym before 4pm which was bliss coz it was so quiet. I made a smoothie when I got back, and caught up on ep of Repair Shop and watched some vintage shopping haul videos on Youtube. I'm desperate to buy some of my depop and eBay saved items 😭 Then I popped to Superdrug for some skincare bits and got back only to find I hadn't bought the face mist it was actually the micellar water! Why do they put it in the same bottle right next to each other 😭 Does anyone know if you can return skincare at Superdrug?

I'm still trying to get through homemade burger leftovers, got two more left. My burger still went everywhere as I ate it but it tastes okay so it's fine (narrator voice: it was not fine). I've finished my bottle of cider and gonna watch an ep of Hunter now, maybe some ASMR later to treat myself coz it's Friday 💅🏻
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Hi everyone hope you had a good Saturday!

I volunteered at the vaccination centre this morning and omggg the IT was down so we were back to paper forms then the printer broke so we ran out of forms 😭 it was super busy but we were a good team so we got back on track eventually and everyone coming in was so kind!
I came straight home to rest my aching feet (I need some more supportive trainers than converse) and decided I needed a day bath, seems so decadent in the day doesn’t it? I ended up being in there for 2 hours cos I started watching Prince Phillips funeral and couldn’t stop - I’m no staunch royalist but something about seeing how tiny the queen looked all on her own made me cry!

Was going to wash my car cos it’s a state but languished for too long so now I’m cooking a lasagne for dinner instead. I won’t have tv control tonight cos the F1 is on, will probably end up being on here all night instead..
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Hello hello. Had a good night sleep last night! Thank god. Nor me or my fella have food poisoning ✨yet✨ I've decided I'm never going near salmon ever again. I didn't do the dishes after tea cos I was shattered last night and the smell of salmon nearly knocked me sick this morning🤮 boak. The latest on 'what is up with mini watermelon today' is he has a cold! He's very whingey, sneezy and bunged up. Coughing a lot too. So that's fun! 2nd day on the trot my bf has managed to get himself up for work too 👏👏 I'm being very forgetful today also...after I made some toast I went to put the butter in the cutlery drawer and the baby had a poo and I couldn't remember what I done with it..took me ages to find it?? I'd put it back in the cupboard with the baby wipes 🙃
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I’ve had a busy couple of days so haven’t been on here as much and looks like I have lots to catch up on!

Last night we had dinner and drinks with friends. We wanted to go to a pizza place which is so difficult to get into and they don’t take reservations so I went along at 4.40pm to get my name on the list and managed to snag a 9pm slot. We then had pre dinner drinks at our apartment (mixing households is allowed here) then went for dinner and scoffed down the most delish pizzas and calzones, was well worth the wait and so nice to socialize with people other than just MrGP all the time 😂 I didn’t have the best sleep last night, ended up awake from about 3 to 5am 😞 I always find I don’t sleep as well after a few drinks (maybe I should take that as a sign....🤔)

I did a workout in the park this morning, got an iced coffee then went back home for shower/change before walking into the city for brunch and a few drinks. Was lovely just wandering around and having a good old laugh just being silly together. The clouds were looking pretty epic on our walk home so we stopped on the bridge to take a few photos. Ordered Thai takeaway for dinner and it’s just arrived but I actually feel way too tired to even eat it as it’s so late now and I’m exhausted after a crap sleep last night and all the walking I did today.

Hope everyone’s having a lovely weekend 😃

Thanks. I'm alright but usually she's only this bad when she's been drinking and she didn't sound drunk this morning so now I'm worried that her alcoholism might be causing permanent personality changes. It sucks but she knows that I'll be there to help her if she wants to get better and I can't force her to seek help, so I just need to keep working on building this (low level) wall between us for my own sake.

I had a nice walk down to Aldi in the sunshine with some good music (oh 90s Britpop how I still love you) and have proper lemon, coriander and chillies to cook my curry with. I know that I'm making really good strides recently with my my mental and physical health, as well as with my spending so it's not bothering me as much as it would have done a few weeks ago.
@AnderbeauJohnson Aw I’m so sorry to hear about what your mum and grandmother said to you but so glad to hear you sounding so positive still. It is easier said than done but stay strong, keep moving forward and don’t let them bring you down 💗
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@watermelon sugar happy anniversary! 💛

I'm back to work today after a lovely week off.
I've come back to numerous emails from my colleagues saying "I have not done this because I did not know how" - I've responded to each email with a copy of the "how to" guide I provided them with weeks ago, clearly showing instructions for the things they say they don't know how to do! So frustrating!! I probably should just get the things done as they've now been waiting over a week but out of principle I kind of think I should leave them for my colleagues to do, otherwise when it comes up again they will claim once again they weren't told how.
My brows which I had microbladed last week have started to scab, they look a bit minging so I'm hiding them behind my full fringe and glasses! Hope this scabby stage doesn't last too long :( They're sooooo itchy too. I must look like I'm slapping myself in the face cos I keep having to tap round them to get rid of the itchy feel as I can't itch them 🤣
I've got a tuna pasta salad for lunch which I have been thinking about since 8am. (Don't worry, I'm not a minger who is going to stink the office out for everyone, we're a tiny office and we each have our own separate rooms so no colleagues will be harmed in the consumption of my tuna lunch 🤣)

have a great day everyone! x
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Hi gang
Wow what a day i had yesterday, i literally didn't sit down until 9.20 last night from 6.30 yesterday morning (don't worry I've done nothing today so far to make up for it)

So. My mil is under investigation for bowel cancer, her husband died of bowel cancer at new year, so naturally the whole family is a bit.... On edge.
So yesterday morning we took my MIL out for a few hours. We hit matalan, home bargains, next and marks and spencers. Was almost the perfect morning shopping, let me just say trying to up your water intake and shopping trips are a horrific combo when public toilets are still closed 🙄🙄
Had a lovely discussion with my husband in matalan as I'm pretty much dancing in the aisle trying to keep my wee in
Him - well morrisons toilets are open
Me- we aren't in fucking morrisons we are in matalan and their toilets are closed dickhead 🤣🤣

From there we came home started housework that took us through until school pick up. I was picking up my friends kids as well. Collecting 5 kids aged 8 and under let me tell you is quite possibly the most stressful thing you can do. 100% don't recommend
Then home quick tea homework crap. Then girls to football. Home supper showers and bed for the kids.

Doesn't seem a busy day now it's written down 🙈🙈

So far today I've started my new animal crossing island as a proud owner of my very own switch lite 😍 and moved some clothes upstairs to put away. Chances of them still being there this evening I'm sensing is very high as i seriously have can't be arsed itis today

Happy Tues everyone
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Hi all, it's my first day back in the office today - woo! At the moment it's only open via a booking system, and they are only letting a handful in at a time. Most are still choosing to work from home, but I was desperate for a change of scenery and to feel normal ish again. I'm booked in for next wednesday too, and then I going to start 2 days a week. I don't think I'll ever do 5 days a week, and the company I work for are supporting and encouraging a hybrid way of working.

I needed this though, after just a couple of hours I feel so much brighter. And I got far more work done too, I barely looked at Tattle until now while I am eating my lunch!
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@jarv i hope you will have a nice time out and clear your head a bit! these things can be easy to get into an argument over if you're not on the same page but it's best to solve them when you've cooled off and can have a proper conversation :) my bf also sometimes makes me feel like i'm crazy over conversations that he says never happened 😂 truth is men just don't pay attention 🙄🙄

@AnderbeauJohnson i know it's easier said than done but try not to let it get to you! mothers and grandmothers seem to like doing that 🙄 you deserve treating yourself with that indian takeaway tonight and rewarding yourself for resisting the stress binge :)

speaking of takeaways, @watermelon sugar you've inspired us - we're also getting chinese :D 🫖🥡🥢
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under the ivy

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Hope you’re feeling better today @WilmaHun ❤

I’ve woke up with cold 😞 Coughing, going hot and cold, tired. I did a Covid lateral flow test this morning and it’s negative so I’m presuming it’s a cold! Hope you haven’t managed to virtually pass it over to me @watermelon sugar ! Hope you and mini melon feel better soon!

Ticked some things off my to-do list so I think I’m going to rest up and re-watch last nights LOD - couldn’t work out what was going on 🤣

Have a good day everyone x
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