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A ‘friend’ offered to help me with some diy project as my hands are really bad right now (arthritis and carpal tunnel). He said he’d be over at 6.30pm. I made a start on some things and by 7pm there was still no sign of him. Eventually I get a text at 8.30pm telling me they’re not coming over after all.

I’m really struggling and it took a lot for me to ask for help … I offered to pay him too. I’ve got to stop trusting peoples word as I always get let down eventually 🙄
I’m sorry you had that experience Prozac. They should have told you sooner so you wouldn’t have waited.

I hope you can get someone else to help.
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Further to previous, blue light ambulances again outside the window. Seems like it's every Saturday night. WTF is wrong with this kid and why does it need emergency medical attention once a week??
Went to the recycling centre today and it was closed so they could celebrate the coronation. Fuck’s sake!
i'd pay good money to see your avatar wearing a crown..
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Wisdom teeth. I have one that has been a nightmare the last two days and I thought it would go away like it normally does but the soreness and how irritating it is seems to be lingering. I know I need to call the dentist but I can’t be arsed with the fight with the dentist (as they’re growing straight they won’t remove them) but there just isn’t space in my mouth and it’s causing issues. Hopefully they’ll listen this time and remove it (not holding much hope. I’m sure you have to have three bouts of pain before they listen but I swear mine looks like it’s growing into my cheek! 😩🙄)
One of mine was growing in to my cheek as there wasn’t enough room. I had all of them out at a dental hospital. Fight with your dentist because it hurts like hell when it grows in to your cheek x
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The way the receptionist at the doctors announces as loudly as she possibly can the problem someone has booked an appointment for.

I now know that sitting in front of me is Christine Smith who was born on 2nd June 1947 has swollen ankles and is urinating frequently. 🙄
When I was a kid the waiting room could hear virtually everything said in the GP's room.
I much prefer the purpose-built surgery I go to now.
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My Mother asked me to order some diabetic socks from this website but the postage
was too expensive. I went to Amazon and found the same product from the same
company and free postage, I thought YAY! The socks arrived okay but there was about
10 bloody mini catalogues with them.
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Looks like we're doing it regardless.

I know it's such a small thing to be upset by but unfortunately for me that's the way my brain rolls... although I feel better seeing a few on Twitter and loads on Reddit who hate this as well.
My son absolutely hates these, he's been ranting to me about them for weeks. I usually drink cans but bought a bottle today with one of those stupid tops and felt instantly enraged!

I'm even more annoyed now knowing it's an EU requirement yet we're not in the EU! 😡
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I know someone who stopped getting a TV licence when the person who they shared a house with died.
The amount of harassment they've had since has been unbelievable. Luckily they never invited them inside, as I told them to keep the TV in case we ever wanted to watch a dvd at their house. Dread to think what they'd have made of that.
I don't see why you have to have a TV licence when you don't watch TV. They seem to find it unbelievable that you don't.
I looked forward to them eventually scrapping the fee, or at least not making it such an obligation. I barely watch anything live these days, but I still pay it but could do without the cost to be honest.
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The pricing for a day out to a zoo entry fee, hot drink in the morning because is abit cold, the ice cream in the afternoon even though the child has pack lunch and all the sweets never usually allowed. The ride where a child is class as adult price over 1m. The gift shop I managed to get out of going in again on the way out because late for partner picking us up. Spent a small fortune feel sorry for the actual parents that have to entertain child full-time.
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Mine did this too, I has nothing due until the end of January which was a very small essay, then everything was due a week after each other March onwards it was ridiculous. And then they messed us around with our dissertation dates there was about 3 different dates flying around and no one could tell us when it was actually due.

Unis seem very disorganised this year.
It’s such a horrible way to end the term. I’m in absolute rage mode today because of it all, I’m gonna just take the evening off (lol) because I’m too stressed to be productive rn anyway.

I graduated last year and it was like that then as well. I don’t know who in their right mind thought a group presentation on the last week of term was a good idea but they did it which meant us all trying to fit time in to meet up and actually do it instead of it being done weeks earlier.
Yeah the group presentations at the end of term take the absolute piss tbh, all I want to do is knuckle down and start hardcore studying for the actual end of year exams, but instead I’m having to waste time mithering over stupid projects. I’ve got 2 presentations this week (did one today, which was fine) but the second one I’ve got to do is on Friday and it’s just a total mess. There are 10 of us in the group, no one has a clue what they’re doing and tbh no one seems to even be arsed about it either. So this point I’m just giving up, cba, if we get a shit mark then so be it.
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My childs father is one of those "I only bother when it's my weekend" types, which is fine by us. I'm used to paying for everything, my parents help me out alot being a single parent and it's great, I get some money a month off of dad that goes into an account for school uniforms etc

But the fact that he had the audacity to ask me to start sending more clothes for the weekend she is at his, pairs of trainers AND a coat to keep makes me so cross because I send three tops and three leggings socks and underwear, how is that not enough for frdday evening until Sunday. And the stuff comes back trashed so I send cheap primark stuff. She also told me he has no pjs for her so she sleeps in her clothes???? You'd of thought he'd at least get her pjs. I also had to buy her some bras to keep at his which he sends home as it makes him uncomfortable 🤨

But it just annoys me I'm expected to do everything, And then I have to deal with daughter not wanting to go and having no choice either as it's all court ordered. It's all so unfair having to have someone who wants to do the bare minimum for her and she knows it too 😔 but I don't have the energy for him to take me back through family court again because he will.
If she’s at the bra wearing stage she might not have to visit him anymore.
When the kids get older they have a say in the matter.

I totally get your situation as my brother has the same problem. He has custody and basically forced the mum to be in the childs life but child did not want to go. Mother also did not buy anything for child and refused to pay maintenance, sick really as her family is not rich but wealthy!
Now child is older he actually has a good relationship with mum and does go.

Keep strong it can get better
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Thanks, the worse thing was I was planning on getting one the week after this happened with it being my pay day 😫

I was in the left hand lane to go straight on taking my dad to my nans it’s a round about not far where I grew up so I do know it well but it’s one of those where people do take chances. The Land Rover was in the right hand lane and came out of nowhere, I seen it corner of my eye but didn’t think it would cut me off with how close they were I didn’t think they would turn into that junction they where that close I wouldn’t of seen them signal.
Apparently they’re saying it was a different round about even though her boyfriend put the details in my notes and told me to go to the insurance apparently he works in there.
It’s the second time my insurance has challenged them and I’m waiting on them to tell me next steps.
It’s just ridiculous I don’t know how anyone could lie over this I know I would just feel guilt if it was me
Omg I was in this same situation today but narrowly avoided the crash! Absolute dickhead drivers out there & I hope you get it sorted.

Another pity post from me 🤣

Anyone got to 40 and thought what gave I done, where am I going?? Sorry this probably won’t make any sence but I just feel bored, everything’s mundane everyday, workeat sleep repeat 🤷‍♀️

Grrrrrr! I’d be gutted too!
I'm 30 and feel this way 🙇🏽‍♀️
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So sorry this has happened to you, especially after you'd saved so long for your car.

Do you have any legal cover on your policy? Based on this being a collision in England/ Wales (because that's the only legal system I'm familiar with, other parts of the UK and elsewhere are different) I would tell your insurers that you absolutely want to continue to dispute and are happy to take it to court (if you are that is). It will only go 50/50 if your insurers back down; tbh Land Rover drivers (especially if it was a Disco) are normally dicks (no offence to those Disco drivers who are nice!) so they will probably insist it's not their fault and not be willing to compromise. If their insurers don't offer a 50/50 and yours don't either it may well end up in litigation anyway.

Is it one of those cases where you say the other car encroached into your lane and vice versa? As although those are difficult to prove, things that can help (and it's worth telling your insurers if any of these apply) are

1. Which lane you were in as you joined the roundabout and why (so for example you were turning right at the roundabout so you were in the right hand of the 2 lanes which is marked straight ahead/ right turn)
2. The fact you were turning right meant you would have stayed in that lane until the exit before the one you were taking
3. Where you were going especially if its a route you know well/ travel regularly (even though you're a new driver, it's knowing the road that's important, so even if you used to pass through that roundabout as a passenger, you'll know it better than someone unfamiliar with the area)
4. Send them any photos you can of the road layout, google maps, streetview etc to show any road markings, your intended route and so on
5. If the other driver gave you their address and they're not local mention that too - they won't have known the road. Did they say anything at the scene about following their satnav etc?
6. Also whether you had any conversation with them at the scene or via text where they admitted fault in any way
7. Finally, the fact you're a new driver probably means you're more observant, careful and following the road rules way more than someone who's been driving for years, so again that should be something in your favour.

The main thing is just to be politely assertive with your insurers; remind them they've said the other driver's version makes no sense, so they should be defending this claim for you (or if you have legal cover passing it to solicitors to do so).

Hope some of this is helpful - if the actual circs are any different and you want any further advice just let me know :)

Finally although I know this is not much help now please get a dashcam in your next car, you can get them for about £25-30 on Amazon and they are so useful in these sorts of disputes.
Please can you explain about dash cams. Can you fit them yourself and do you have to take them out of the car to prevent theft? I was in a pile up with a car transporter and friends/family say to get one but don't offer any help apart from this and when you inquire in a shop they just see you coming. I'm sick of being ripped off.
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Doesn't the loan get written off after a certain time anyway? I wouldn't bother making overpayments tbh.
Oh no, I would never bother overpaying. But I resent the fact that so much of my money is just instantly gone before I see it- I don’t even need a degree to do my job.
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Chatty Member
Why don't you try 111 ... they may have something sooner.

I was in the doctors this morning and an elderly lady came in saying she'd been to see a pharmacist that morning who had recommended she see a doctor urgently as she had something on her leg that looked infected and pussy and it was very sore. Receptionist was bust saying that had nothing for several days and she needed to head to a walk in centre. Poor woman looked liked it had taken all her effort to get to the Dr and she said all the walk in centres were difficult for her to get to.

She'll probably leave it now and end up getting ambulanced to hospital with a serious infection :mad:
It amazes me that more towns don't have a walk in centre, my nearest two are an hour either direction one you have to have a car to get to and the other is a 40 min bus trip then another bus trip.
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