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Road closures, I know they have to do it but still annoying. My usual 5 minute drive to work today is showing it’ll be 27 minutes 😭 I hope it’s better by the time I leave for work
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They are not easy to open either, twisting them doesn’t seem to be as easy, because the tether gets in the way. I end up wrenching the thing off anyway. I still recycle the bottle and lid, so it seems pointless tethering them.
drinking from them isnt easy either. the cap just gets in your face
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Universities 🤬
My eldest has to do a compulsory year overseas as part of their degree course. The information from the uni has been minimal - they sort of have the attitude that they are adult so dont need hand holding and should be getting on with it hemselves but we arec talking about 19/20 year olds (who arent that wordly tese days!)
having looked into some of the stuff that needs doing regarding visas and getting documents translated i as a fully grown adult would need someone to help me! let alone the costs of everything .
I feel myself getting frustrated whenever i talk to them about it !
they are paying over 9k a year for tuition and the last semester they get no tuition at all al seems like a massive con when the fees for an overseas university tution next year are less than £1500!
they are also trying to get a summer job to help with their living costs next year and no one replies!
i never realised how much money it was going to cost me having a child go to university!
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My Dad
He’s in his late 80s but is very fit, still drives, currently on holiday on a ranch in Spain.
He’s writing to his MP because his utilities bill has gone from £50 a month to £200. He thinks there is something wrong with his smart meter. I’ve told him a dozen times that the price of gas/electric has rocketed but he’s not listening. He’s not stupid by any means, but he’s doing my head in mentioning it EVERY time I speak to him !
My father in law is like this. Ive stopped bothering to explain tbh
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Busy train and woman decides that her 3 year old nerds a seat and she'll just stand in the aisle.
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VIP Member
My ex supervisor is now my equal - our old jobs were made redundant and we moved into a different role (both completely unexperienced in the new role)

She's paid more than me, has a different job title, but we do the same.

When I brought it up with the office manager, he agreed - but informed me she's overpaid for her position and isn't able to reduce her wage, only continue @ same rate

I understand - but feel like he could give her more responsibilities, to make it fairer.

She constantly asks me to do things: put meetings in calendars, host meetings, share my screen and gives me her work - she'll put in a meeting to share a project she's been working on, without speaking to our manager. I mention it and he agrees it's not a responsibility I'd have to share, but then he doesn't inform her of that...

When I've brought it up myself, it's awkward and she conveniently forgets after a short period of time and passes it over again.

We share a work log and I tallied up the other day, I'm working on 3x the amount of projects she is, currently - and this has been consistent over the past two years.

I feel like my options are:

Stop accepting additional work until her workload matches mine - if she complains, I have proof.

Raise again with Management - ask for something more to be done.

Leave (which I don't want to do because I'm due redundancy when I inevitably finish - this team is only required for a few years)

Any advise?
I think I would opt for the first one as it sounds like your manager doesn't want to do anything about it for whatever reason. As you say you have proof of your workload.
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Netflix. The whole thing about sharing passwords. My parents kicked us if theirs now due to it. It’s not even about paying for it myself it’s more annoying that I know don’t know where I am up to in series which is the worst part
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I have to stick up for men here 😁. My friends have some seriously nice husbands, but if they've been brought up by their mum's that it's normal for women to do it, they don't realise (and as we know a lot of men don't like to cross a woman and invade her "territory").
So I just tell my fuming, resentful friends to have a "conversation" about it. Preferably without beating said nice husband up.
So far I've had a 100% success rate 😁
He did live with his mum who did everything for a few years on/off 🙈🤣
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Noooo! I had buyers try that with me once after a catalogue of annoying demands. They wanted to view multiple times but demanded I not be home and after the 4th or 5th demand (they were not requests), I said no. They then demanded all the white goods, my nice light fittings and some furniture. There were numerous other delays which are too boring to go into but they were FTB so I tried to be tolerant. Then after we’d limped to the point of exchange, they said they wanted 10k off. I was furious and did actually tell them to fuck off. It was irritating, but they subsequently lost their 100% mortgage offer and couldn’t then buy so tough tit.

It‘s outrageous that people can pull these stunts. Well done for telling them to do one.
I had FTB of house too. Super annoying as they were toooo keen. She text me a week after they moved in saying when did you have the boiler serviced coz I can smell gas. All the paperwork was sent to them before they moved in. Just OTT. They also came round loads of times and she text/rang me all the time as well. Finally glad when we could all move after 7 months!!
  • Wow
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Chatty Member
Ohhh space invaders can get fucked. I usually take a small step back as if I’m looking at something, end up treading on their toes coz they’re so close then they apologise. same applies for trollies and baskets. no need to shove it up my bum as it worn make us go any faster 😂

My rant: when your phone screen is being weird and you make loads of typos by accident 😡
What a fantastic idea! 😆 I'm actually going to do this to my next supermarket space-invader !
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I know you don’t give to receive and this is probably really petty but I gave my friend a £20 voucher for her birthday and she hasn’t even sent me a message wishing me happy birthday
Happy birthday @shadowcat5 hope you are having a lovely day.
And your friend should have wished you. ❤
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I thought Arial is one of the best fonts for dyslexia, at least I think that's the recommendation at my work 🤔🤔
No it isn’t, unless it’s the way she’s done it. All I could do was concentrate on the spaces and it just gave me a headache how close the letters were to each other. I just wasn’t happy how she shut me down with it
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If you've got the space (which I'm presuming you do as you mentioned spare room) then I don't think it's unreasonable to store her stuff for her for now
I would also like to moan about men. My ex (child's dad) dropped child home 2 hours late, no apologies or explanation. Wasn't answering his phone. I was getting so worried something had happened.
Thank you!
It’s not ideal but she’s my daughter and I’m here for her and will help where I can…

Oh no! My ex did that, 😡
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VIP Member
My skin. After a few months relatively clear three volcano red zits have formed on my cheek. It wouldn't be so bad but when the rest of your mush is clear it makes you look like a crackhead. :LOL:
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Bloody jobsworths.

I have had a hell of a day wfh today - starting with wifi and connectivity issues - Virgin Media was down . it was the start of the week, I;m covering for a colleague who has just gone off on 2 weeks holiday, trying to still handover to a colleague just back from 11months maternity,tryng to wind down and clear work as I leave in 2 weeks, a stuffed inbox where everyone had suddenly become needy, a portal for my new role which is acting insane and decided to tell me i need to upload my right to work when I already have done, a library that's noisy AF and had its own connectivity issues, a Pret subscription that has been paused due to tech fault on their side, traffic lights at a busy ring road intersection that don't work so pedestrians have NO chance etc etc etc.. in the middle of all this i somehow manage to accidentally email the wrong person at work. I've been on the other side of this as has my boss to name but 2. you usually just ignore the contents, email the person to tell them they have mis sent and delete.OH NO... some person decides to effing report it as a data loss. leaving me n my line manager to scrabble round fill in forms and send email to the data loss prevention team..

Cheers pal you have just ensured i leave the best place I have ever worked where I want to come back one day with a bloody great blot on my copybook.
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