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Fucking gp surgeries and the fucking hassle to get an appointment. Spend 50mins in a queue only to be told by a grotty receptionist that they're only taking emergency appointments and to try again tomorrow. Yet tomorrow never fucking comes.
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The word "triggered"!!! Everyone is so offended or "triggered" now ffs. Soon we'll all be triggered by everyone taking a dump 🙄
Last week on Radio 2 Jeremy Vine gave a trigger warning before a 10CC song because it mentions a ‘plane crash!
Where’s my trigger warning before he plays Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics? (Joke!) I’d guess that more listeners have lost a father than experienced a ‘plane crash! It’s absolutely ludicrous.
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The tube this morning 😡
First day back at work - all the trains were full, all the platforms were rammed. Everyone fuming and angry. Honestly it was the worst situation I’ve seen commuting and there have been some bad times.
In the end I gave up.
I’m sure I won’t be the only one.
My son said his train into work this morning was hugely crowded as it's a limited service - the first train from our station (which he was on) was at 7.30. They normally start at 5. And it's not even a strike day...

My rant is people who make their problem everyone else's problem.
My neighbours are lazy sods. They have a large family and generate lots of rubbish. They also have a large car and neither of them works over Christmas and have been at home throughout. The local refuse tip is 5 mins by car from our house and there are no restrictions on entry (other than it's closed on Xmas Day/ Boxing Day).
Any normal person would take their excess rubbish that didn't fit in the wheelie bin to the tip, no?
Not my neighbour - he was outside this morning putting his extra 10 bin bags in other people's bins (not mine though - as he learnt when he did that before and I put the bags back on his driveway).
Hopefully none of the neighbours have any extra rubbish to put out, as he's filled all their bins.
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A husband rant … had a missed call from him while I was at work. I can’t use my phone on set so I sent him a quick text asking if it was anything important. He’d know to only call if it was surely ?? 🤔 … no, he just wanted to tell me our elderly cat had missed her litter tray and peed on the mat. WTF did he expect me to do about it ?!?
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The prick customer who came in to the shop today and thought it was ok to be rude to me muttering under his breath well he didn't feel so big and hard when I called him out about it and challenged him.
I don't get paid enough to put up with people's bad manners ur rude to me ur getting called on it.
I had the exact opposite once ar the Co-op. No lie I’ve never ever been in a Co-op where the staff are friendly. They always have an attitude.
Anyway I had asked the lady to open another till because the line was ridiculous and the other staff were only stacking or chatting. She called me a bitch under her breath. Just loud enough for me to hear. Didn’t feel so big when I asked her to repeat it louder. I’m not confrontational by nature BUT I hate when people do shit like that.
I’d have had more respect if she just called me a bitch to my face.
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Last weekend I was driving into a small, busy car park outside a leisure centre. It's really small, one entrance, one exit next to each other, and you need to drive in and do a three point turn to get back out. It was packed and a man was getting his kids into the car to leave, and a woman was in her car, waiting to take the space. Because of the car park layout she was blocking the way and so i started to reverse out of the car park entrance. A white audi sped up behind me into the car park, must have noticed me reversing but pulled up behind me anyway. I stopped my car and waited for him (of course it was a man!) to move. He couldn't see that I was blocked from going forward by the woman in front.

This is my rant - after a few minutes of no-one moving he gave me the fingers with both hands then rage reversed out of the car park and sped off.

I was flipping outraged because there was just no need for it! The car park was full. I really wanted to track him down and confront him and just be like whyyyyyyy did you give me rude gestures??? I did nothing!!!

Rant over. Why are people such horrible twats for no reason? It really shook me up and affected me as I was already having terrible anxiety issues.
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Dinner time!

I call, then call again, guaranteed I’m sat there eating on my own for at least 5 minutes before anyone bothers to join me, dinner going cold 🤷🏻‍♀️
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GP receptionists act like you’re bothering them asking for an appointment. Just do your job plz 😤
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Property management companies. Trying to charge us for a stain that was there - and is in the check in report when we moved in.
Charging us for 2 bulbs not working when I have proof of 4 not working when we moved in.
Charging us for ‘food residue’ with a picture of a sparkling clean floor? SHOW THE RESIDUE THEN!!
They claim they had a professional cleaning company in as the previous tenant had pets yet I found cat claws, a slipper & ear wax covered ear plugs when we moved the bed to clean. But the guy on the phone claimed not everyone can move beds???? I’m 30 wks pregnant & 5ft nothing yet managed to move it.
Why is it impossible for people to do their jobs properly these days 🤬
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I Really thought I could see the weightloss in my face. I could see the cheekbone line and my jaw line. Out for lunch yesterday I took a picture with my son, I could see the lines. Because it was a cute picture I asked my husband, who was opposite, to take one. Cue massive fat head, massive hamster cheeks, no jawline and weird thin grimacy smile.
Think I'll stick to my rose tinted selfies 😂
My husband takes the worst photos of me EVER! I never ask him anymore to get shots of me and the kids because I know I’ll hate them, he won’t wait he just starts snapping and he’ll get me mid-talking, eyes closed, not even facing the right way yet etc etc and it’s sad because there’s barely any photos of me and my kids together!
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Absolutely melts who share those “win a campervan/holiday/house” pages that are quite clearly scams. These are people I work with who I thought had more about them than that. The page has been set up two days ago and has a coconut as it’s profile. Use your brain you dickheads 🤬
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My husband, who for the past few months has decided I’m not an adult and cant judge hazards for myself.
Carrying a cup of tea- careful
Walking up the stairs- careful
Driving to work- careful
Walking out of his office- careful

Ive just carried a cup of tea upstairs to his office. You would think I was defusing a bomb.

I don’t know what’s brought this on but it’s getting on my nerves. I know he’s just looking out for me but it makes me feel like a child.
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At least you'll be escaping it! It sounds like you've had a lot to put with and have been very patient. Hope your move goes smoothly.
Thanks! Move has been incredibly stressful in itself...been going on for about a year now with a lot of ups and downs, but thankfully I'm not in charge of dealing with it directly so it could be worse.

I just wish the "kid" didn't have what seems to be this mean streak, where he likes upsetting people. It's unpleasant. If he were younger I'd not be as bothered but he's getting far too old to be like this. Just hoping he doesn't esclate the behaviour further, which could be dangerous now.

Posted online about a Pandora ring I got for Christmas. I was looking for some advice; one of the CZ "diamonds" is a little darker/duller than the others and I wondered if it was set incorrectly or if I could do anything to fix it. The only comment I got back was about how Pandora jewellery is shite and you can get better quality stuff elsewhere.

Pandora isn't the most high end jewellery and I know that. Still, it was a gift from my parents (I'm 19) and I only have one other real silver ring so it's special to me. It's like if I asked advice about a ripped pair of H&M jeans and someone told me not to bother buying crap quality jeans in the first place :rolleyes: Doesn't solve the problem I'm having now!!!
I feel like people are getting incredibly nasty these days. Just so much sneering and judging and generally a lot of mean-spiritedness over pretty much nothing. There's always been a bit of that around but it feels like it's the norm now. I can see why you're pissed off, I would be too.
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When jobs don’t put the salary on a job advert
Exactly, it's a big factor in whether it's worth the time to fill in the application and apply. It takes a while to apply for jobs that use this online webforms, and so when in job hunting mode you want to avoid wasting time applying for those with lower pay than you are currently on, usually. At least put the salary band e.g. 24,000-26,000. Ones where they just put "competitive" ...what is that supposed to mean?! 😂
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My surgery has just changed to ring at 8am for an appointment.🤬

My surgery has this system too. It's fucking mayhem. Start ringing at 7.59 and then get told you're number 20 in the queue or god forbid you try phoning at 8.05 and be told all the appointments are gone. Walk in centres are useless unless you have a graze on your hand. This is why the hospitals are so fucked.
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Everyone is too loud, everything is too messy, every single person is getting on my nerves and I can't focus on a thing at work. It's just going to be one of those days. I wish I could go home.
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My rant is I live in another country with no friends or family. I made friends with this one girl who is English like me. We met on a Facebook group afew years ago.

we both have kids and life gets in the way of hanging out most times. But when we do hang out she always changes our plans even when I invite her to places. She never wants to do what I want to do. I always end up being the one to change my plans for her.

She asked to have cocktails with me on mothers day as we have been talking about going out for cocktails for 2yrs and if I could find a cute place to go to. I found the most adorable restaurant that reminds me of England. Giving Elan cafe vibes. Flowers on the walls and even in your cocktails kind of thing. But not expensive at all.
She told me the place looked really dead from the pictures and she wants to go somewhere fun with entertainment.

she now has booked us to go to somewhere that has a mechanical bull, line dancing, full of rowdy cowboys drinking beer and shots… really not what I was going for. I really want a relaxing Brunch a couple of hours away from my darling children. What do I tell her? I thought she’d want a chill day too considering she had a baby last year. I want to do something for me for once. I haven’t had a day out without kids since 2018.
Oh noooo. Tell her you don’t like her idea (she doesn’t have a problem telling you she doesn’t like your idea 🙄)

She never wants to do your plans but will happily have you do all of her ideas? Not a good friend. In the bin Mrs line dancing
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