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Chatty Member
I've been dieting and going to the gym 3x a week since beginning of January. Fully counting every single calorie so there's no way extra food has been going uncounted. 5 fucking weeks and in total I am 1lb heavier.
My husbands been like ooh go off how you feel and how your clothes fit. NO! I can't. That doesn't keep me motivated. Seeing the scales go down keeps me going. I'm fucking over it. Rather be fat and eating than fat and in a deficit
Are you in enough of a deficit? Have you worked it out ona tdee calculator? X
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Has anyone here who is worried about dog attacks got protection?
I've ordered a couple of those attack alarms and will use them simultaneously if a dog comes at me.
Anyone got other ideas?
a lady who i know to chat to in the park is thinking of taking a knife out on her dog walk in case of another dog attacking hers.
This came up as in convo as i just had shit scared out of me by a massive Kane corso dog going mad barking at me walking past its garden which runs parallel with pavement.
This was 2nd time it happened on my weekly walk - its face came up over a high fence so it could probably get over if it wanted too.
1st time a man was walking past with his dog so thought it was the dog reacting to another dog but the 2nd time it was just me!
I will be walking on opposite side next time!
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😂 I definitely didn't each too much this week 💀

I'm going to up the H20 next week and stick to the plan, fingers crossed I see some results next weekend.

My hubby told me not to get weighed....I should have listened!
Yeah not saying you definitely have as obviously I have no clue what you're eating haha but I know often people will move to "clean eating"but eat tons of food still, just healthy. But it's probably more of a fluctuation. I weigh myself most days and it can be like 0.5-1kg difference day to day!
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Isn't there a website called petrol ............Goes to look ........
I stopped at the registration page, fuck that and the app,
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VIP Member
I washed a (very expensive) down jacket this week. Followed the instructions to the letter and it's ruined. I put it in the tumble dryer for about 2 days to make sure the feathers dried buy it's really flat and ruined now.

Just say it should be professional cleaned or not cleaned at all!! I'm fumin'
Down jackets need balls in the tumble dryer

see everyone has mentioned this too slow
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Are you sure it ate your card and weren't just a skimmer attached?
Yeah it definitely ate my card. I blocked it totally straight away and reported it stolen so it would be useless to them anyway. There was someone in front of me used the machine and got their card back with no issues so I think it just didn’t like my card.
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VIP Member
Are you in enough of a deficit? Have you worked it out ona tdee calculator? X
I think safe to say that if she's not losing weight but, in fact, gaining then she 100% is not in a deficit

Some potential reasons for now losing weight in this video. While Greg doucette does talk a lot of shit, his weight loss content is actually decent

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VIP Member
Elon Musk totally ruining Twitter or me by turning off all 3rd party apps. I can't bear using the actual Twitter app. It's totally shit and a mess.

Musk has just bought Twitter and using it as his plaything. Doesn't give a two hoots about the users.

No more Twitter for me if this continues. :(
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VIP Member
My surgery has this system too. It's fucking mayhem. Start ringing at 7.59 and then get told you're number 20 in the queue or god forbid you try phoning at 8.05 and be told all the appointments are gone. Walk in centres are useless unless you have a graze on your hand. This is why the hospitals are so fucked.
My GP doesn't even bother telling me what shes doing and just books appointments for me left right n centre WTF
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I feel your pain. We’ve had a small white knight dryer since 2009. It’s battered but still works. I’ve looked at new ones but they are all huge, there’s only two of us 😞
The only small one you can get is a table/wall mounted one, no good to my household.
When ours packs up we will just have to manage without one, no real biggie for us really.
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VIP Member
No Sky. I have Amazon prime but used up my free trial on Paramount+ when it first came out ... I'll have to do sneaky stuff to watch the rest.😉
Not sure if it works like other streaming services but can you set up a new email for another trial?
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Sticky beaks!

I was chatting to my apartment building manager out on the street this morning and a woman who was walking across the street - who had absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about and doesn't even live in our building - came over to listen to what we were saying. She literally crossed the road and stood beside us. We were talking about the paintwork on the exterior of the walls in front of the garden apartments which haven't been painted in a while (as owners we're not allowed to touch them as it's an area the body corporate takes care of). I gave her a bit of a, "Yes, can I help you?" look and she started ranting about all the other buildings in the street that need attention also. They are managed by other people entirely - why did she feel the need to tell us that?

A similar thing happened when I was teaching my friend to ride a bike and a man rushed over and started mansplaining what she was doing wrong. That put her off - she was so embarrassed that she called it quits. She was almost there, so it was very frustrating. Up until then she was going perfectly well with my guidance.

Maybe I'm being unfair - maybe this is how some people make connections and get to know others, but it feels rude and uncomfortable.
In fairness to Mr mansplainer, I will hold up my hands and admit I sometimes do this. It’s just the inate “need” to help when you see something like that. But I’ll also admit sometimes I have thought why am I getting involved when nobody asked 😅

I just think it's rude to serve guests out of date food.
Why? Just curious. Out of date doesn’t mean bad. Most of the time it just means it’s lost some flavouring. Did it taste bad?
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My neighbours are having an extension built.

Their builders have been using a drill/ jackhammer since 8.30 constantly. It's being used to take down their outhouse, which is attached to the opposite side of their house from me. I'm separated from that by 4 rooms and yet it feels like the drill is in the bloody room with me. My desk is vibrating!
I feel your pain, last year our new neighbours had the Kitchen remodelled, For FOUR BLOODY WEEKS, drove Mother
and myself mad.
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Some People!

Chatty Member
My own procrastination. I have a lot of stuff to do but I've just just wasting time online or watching shite on TV I don't really enjoy. So I'm not doing any work OR having fun. 😂😂
Same! I'm almost catatonic lately.
I'm forcing myself to do a few 20/10's today, at least 5 - you're very welcome to suffer along with me!
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