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VIP Member
Nothing fast anymore about McDonald’s!!
Only quick to do you out of sauces! Only person in drive thru. Had pre ordered on the app, asked to park up... i counted TEN cars come behind me. 5 of which were also parked up, then the remaining 5 were served. I was the LAST person served. I only asked for a chicken cripsy meal, nothing special. I didnt even get the tomato sauce i specially asked for! I swear they sell this shit on ebay or something - quite why they NEVER give it out is beyond me
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Had 2 real lucky escapes today, both involving Women driving AUDI'S!
First was when at a set of traffic lights which were switched off, there was this
Aldi coming from the right, she was indicating LEFT, I was just about to move
when she "changed her mind" and went straight on.

Later in the day, I was about to turn right, Audi coming from the right indicating
LEFT, I pulled out just as she "changed her mind" and indicated RIGHT.

Thankfully I've been riding motorcycles for over 35 years, a food delivery scooter
would be a pavement pizza because they have NO hazard perception.
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Not quite a rant but I really need to wash my motorcycle, okay 2 motorcycles because they
have been used in the rain and they are both filthy. I don't really like riding such a dirty bike
but the weather recently has been wet and bloody horrible.

It was too cold to wash bikes today, next week is set to be dry and it would be nice to ride
a clean bike.
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This is happening to me. Is that a thing, I'm moody, hungry, can't keep my eyes open (periods make me a bit anemic) and getting cramps. But no actual period.

I've been on the pill, pregnant or breastfeeding my whole life so I don't really know what periods are about. I came off the pill in June and it's been a real learning curve for me.
Could be. Ask for a gyne referral if you have concerns.

I started exercising a lot and have been stressed with a move, new area so i'm all out of sync. Just waiting. 100% know I'm not pregnant.
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Deer & insurance companies.

Husband hit a deer on his way home.
Insurance company haven't even seen the car and think it's a write off. It's such a lovely car 😭😭😭 seems such a shame to go to landfill.
I hit a deer once, front bumper was a wreck, and a light, £5k the end bill. I was lucky insurance covered mine though.
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VIP Member
That's annoying. You've mentioned you're a delivery driver, would it help to make notes of this stuff so you know where is cheapest to fill up? I'm presuming you have regular routes though so sorry if you don't and this suggetion isn't helpful.
I know what you mean, I do know some places where the fuel is at a better price but
none of them were on the route I was on this afternoon, it was really a case of bad luck.
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GPs again. I will start by saying I have been through alot of lifesaving treatment and have been stabbed by needles to get blood and to infuse medicines into me by various nhs staff with varying levels of success. I am difficult to take blood from and to find veins to put drips in. Blood tests etc are very traumatic for me. I’m asking you believe that it causes me high anxiety to have them. Anyway I had to have a test before Xmas for my annual medication review. The blood they took haematised I think the word is. This means air gets to it and it can’t be tested. Had to go back to be stabbed with a needle again. Ok this time. All ok for repeat prescriptions etc. I was feeling glad as hopefully it’ll be another year before my next one. On Monday I receive a text message saying they can’t issue a script for vitamin b12 before they check my levels in my blood. Apparently they are very sorry but it’s been missed on previous test. Do you know I think I won’t bother to take it. It was the doctor that suggested it because it’s important for your circulatory system!! Now I’ve typed this out I realise I’m overthinking and just to go with the flow. It isn’t life threatening or anything. But the thought of blood tests really upsets me and plays on my mind.
Low b12 levels have been found in people with memory loss. My Mum was given b12 injections but sadly it wasn’t enough to prevent her getting Alzheimer’s. Get the stuff from the supermarket and book another blood test 👍🏻
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Quite often he seems to make the noises to me, knowing I can hear them. Other times I think he is bored.

I do really feel for parents and young people/children with a diagnosis but this "kid" has a bit of a history of being a pain in the behind in general so I do have a feeling it's attention seeking. From what I can tell his dad tries to get him sorted out but mum completely spoils/indulges him. I obviously can't say for sure but that's how I lean.

We're in the process of moving house so at this point talking to the parents seems a bit meaningless. I think another eason the young man's behaviour has got worse is because we're moving - he has been more "extreme" since we put the for sale sign up. I think he's offended we haven't gone yet!

Thanks for your post, makes me feel better about being irritated as it seems like such a petty problem compared to what some put up with.
At least you'll be escaping it! It sounds like you've had a lot to put with and have been very patient. Hope your move goes smoothly.
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Deer & insurance companies.

Husband hit a deer on his way home.
Insurance company haven't even seen the car and think it's a write off. It's such a lovely car 😭😭😭 seems such a shame to go to landfill.
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WINE GUMS!!! (Poundland)

Bought a carton of Maynards Wine Gums for £2.50, I thought that was a good price but I realised
I was ripped off, well kind of. Sainsbury's charge £3 for the same size carton BUT if you buy the
BAG it's £2. What a actual fuck???

Oh and another rant from Poundland, they have loads of pot noodles but NOT the Chow Mein
flavour I've been looking for ages.

Oh and I had to pay £138 for a rear tyre for my motorcycle today, last year I paid £100 for the
same brand of tyre.
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Chatty Member
I just have to vent.
Why, oh why, do used ST'S insist on rolling open again, when you have rolled them up super-tightly!? 😡
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Have you tried that Balmonds stuff that everyone seems to be raving about?
I have been having to get strip washes at the sink these last few months and my eczema has cleared up so maybe I was overwashing before with shower gels 🤔
I have tried their lip balm which is good but have not tried anything else yet.

Regarding soap, I think I overuse shower gels too. I think I need to go back to old fashioned soap bars and give that a try.
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Started a new job 3 days ago with the expectation of 1 day a week travelling and the rest office based near home. That's what they said in interview.
Turns out its 3 days a week traveling to multiple locations a week, including into Europe.
Spoke to my line manager about it and he basically said it is what it is.

Very misleading... see how you go but they clearly told some fibs there!

My partner came over today, and it's the first day in months I havent been feeling atrocious from my current health issue, I was feeling good, I dressed nicely did makeup etc, i was in the mood you know.

But he rejected my advances so Iv just felt like shit all day, he's just gone and Iv burst into tears. I understand that he is allowed to say no to things but I just put so much effort in even with my skin flared up and having been unwell in pain for months and he doesn't owe me anything, but we may as well have been mates hanging out today.
Oh I am so sorry - that feels horrible. xxx Sending a virtual hug. I've been there.
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Posted online about a Pandora ring I got for Christmas. I was looking for some advice; one of the CZ "diamonds" is a little darker/duller than the others and I wondered if it was set incorrectly or if I could do anything to fix it. The only comment I got back was about how Pandora jewellery is shite and you can get better quality stuff elsewhere.

Pandora isn't the most high end jewellery and I know that. Still, it was a gift from my parents (I'm 19) and I only have one other real silver ring so it's special to me. It's like if I asked advice about a ripped pair of H&M jeans and someone told me not to bother buying crap quality jeans in the first place :rolleyes: Doesn't solve the problem I'm having now!!!
Can you not take it back to Pandora?
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Had a similar experience Friday night. Little shits did this to our car. Auto glass can’t fix til Tuesday. £144 extra to find this month. Partner is having to borrow a van from his work which isn’t ideal as we’ve to go shopping in it today. Me being disabled it’s a pain. If I find out who did it I’ll get himself to go round and wreck their stuff
Problem is there’s no consequences any more. Asshats thinking they can do what they want. Parents aren’t bothered
Your insurance should cover that and it doesn’t affect your no claims. Normally you have to pay in something like £50
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Hm I looked at it just now but I have no issues with tons of the stuff on the list, such as soy milk, legumes, or fruits. They never give me problems as I eat oats, fruit and soy- or other plantmilk for breakfast but the issue doesn't occur then.

I had rice with aspargus, seitan, peas in a coconut sauce with gochujang, ssamjang and soy sauce for dinner and it was an immediate balloon effect so to speak 🎺💨

Maybe it's the processed foods... seitan, gochujang, etc.

Thanks for all your help, I'll be talking to the GP about this and try and get a test for the SIBO thing 💩🙈
Do you consume artificial sweeteners? They do awful things to me.
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Has anyone here who is worried about dog attacks got protection?
I've ordered a couple of those attack alarms and will use them simultaneously if a dog comes at me.
Anyone got other ideas?
I got something you press to keep dogs away from you but the couple I tried it on didn't bat an eyelid. I'd love to go for walks in the countryside and parks but I don't feel safe. Dogs come charging up to me and some like shoving their noses in my crotch and I mean right in! Very embarrassing 😳 little dogs are generally the nastiest. I love a placid dog 🐕
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