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Facebook! I joined a Facebook group for my area who arrange meet-ups and stuff, I’ve met some lovely girls from there! There’s now a big group of us! We aren’t super close but these things take time to develop xx
Just to add, some of them are going to a festival together this summer! I would have gone too if I wasn’t already on holiday xx
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Omg I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! He’s an idiot, you sound like you’re smashing it, and you can absolutely excel in any physical progress you want without meat. Or not, because everyone’s goal are different. Would go farther than sacking him off, tell him to steer clear. He’s clearly having a negative effect on your enjoyment, which isn’t on.
Thank you! You're so right and tbh I think he has a negative effect all round. I am so achy this morning that I can't go to the gym today, it would be pointless and probably dangerous. When I do it, I might ache a bit the next day but not normally and when I do it's a slight ache that you can push through. I personally don't see the point of training hardcore that you can only do it once a week and then not be able to sit on the toilet :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Tbh i think its just laziness with him. He seems to recall information he wants to recall but anything with an semblance of responsibility is a nope.
He had a brain scan not long ago too and there was a brain in there
We see my wife's cousin's children almost every fortnight, last time i saw the younger child I didn't recognise him. I hope it's not the start of something serious.
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Germs. I was ill for 3 weeks in December.
Almost 3 weeks into January and I have such a sore throat. The kind that stings/ scratches no matter what you do, how much you drink and whatever medicine you take. I didn't sleep last night as just had to keep drinking every 30 seconds. I have had about 10 big glasses of water today and it just won't touch it. My son has a bad cold and I just know it's coming my way too.
I'm so tired and so fed up of it already 😴
Cavonia sore throat lozenges are brilliant. Get these


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Rockin' Robin

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I have to phrase what I am going to say carefully otherwise I will probably get a lot of abuse.

As a "non white", (I don't really like the phrase person of color), I really don't understand why the word ni**3r is considered the worst.

I have never felt, thank god he called me a black bastard/ coon/ paki/ whatever.

The times I have been called the n word I haven't felt more insulted.

It seems apart from that word all insults are okay, I don't get it.
A weeks or so ago, my partner who was born in 1959, said he had to wait a "C**ns" age for something. I was shocked, because I had never heard him use the word before. I told him off for using it, it really is an umpleasant word.
I guess it was common to use that word decades ago. I never heard the word in my family, my Father was a Ukrianian imigrant, who had to leave his family behind, so he had faced his own kind of hardship. Please don't think I am being patronising, when I talk about his struggles. I guess they don't compare with generations of struggle and hardship.
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Was at both Pembury and Maidstone hospital in the past 2 weeks, neither were strict about masks, the majority unmasked.
And yet when you get a text message from the hospital they tell you to wear a mask.
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People who turn physical attributes into personality traits. There's a person annoying me at the moment who considers having curly hair gives her a special curly personality that only other people with curly hair understand.
WTF? that's complete bullshit!
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However if you had a piece of fat measuring 3cm by 10cm and the same size in muscle the muscle would weigh more...
She’ll only say it’s because it’s denser not because it weighs more 😂 Some people just want to show how clever they are 🤷🏼‍♀️
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sniff test on fresh food, fine. Things that are years out of date is just unnecessary. She had in date food she could have cooked.
You can't sell or donate out of date food in any other situation so why should I not complain?
Complain away! This is the rant thread 😁
Just wondered why it would bother you if the food was fine to eat.
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Well-known member
I understand. Growing up I never heard the N word as it’s not used at all in in country I grew up in.
So to hear an old lady I know ask for N****r brown tights. I was shocked. I told her it’s not appropriate to say that. According to her that was what it used to be called.
I don’t think she really understood why it was a problem but she doesn’t say it anymore. She was born in 1938 for context
My grandma was born in the 30s and was a bit of a mixed bag when it came to old fashioned views. On one hand she was very accepting of my parents’ interracial marriage and the fact she had mixed grandchildren. On the other hand she’d sometimes make comments that could be seen as racist, specifically towards East Asian people. She also had very fixed views on gender roles, was even shocked at the fact I liked sharks because it’s not ladylike, so can’t imagine how she’d react if any of us had come out.

I do think a lot of the older generation have prejudiced views often because of the views that existed when they were younger. However, I’ve also met plenty of older people who have learnt why certain phrases or view points are offensive and don’t say them, even if at one point they believed it was ok. Imo you’re never to old to learn something new and that includes learning to be respectful of anyone.
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Oversized Umbrellas whacking you in the head on the school run when there's hundreds of people trying to get their kids to school, 9 out of 10 are turning inside out in the wind.
Said adults with Umbrellas giving their children Umbrellas so their running around whacking your knees with their umbrellas.
Can you tell I hate umbrellas.
Stick your hood up, hold on to it to keep it blowing down in the wind. Head down and walk.
It's strange but no one in my family ever uses an umbrella, I have never nor ever wanted to use one.
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But mus
I've been dieting and going to the gym 3x a week since beginning of January. Fully counting every single calorie so there's no way extra food has been going uncounted. 5 fucking weeks and in total I am 1lb heavier.
My husbands been like ooh go off how you feel and how your clothes fit. NO! I can't. That doesn't keep me motivated. Seeing the scales go down keeps me going. I'm fucking over it. Rather be fat and eating than fat and in a deficit
But muscle weighs more than fat. That’s why they measure you.
Have you measured yourself? Try that
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I washed a (very expensive) down jacket this week. Followed the instructions to the letter and it's ruined. I put it in the tumble dryer for about 2 days to make sure the feathers dried buy it's really flat and ruined now.

Just say it should be professional cleaned or not cleaned at all!! I'm fumin'
Try washing or Tumble drying it again with tennis balls like the other poster said. I did that with one of my jackets and it helped. I would probably stick it in the washing machine with the balls then in the dryer also with them in
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I feel your pain, last year our new neighbours had the Kitchen remodelled, For FOUR BLOODY WEEKS, drove Mother
and myself mad.
Oh god poor you, building noise is the worst.

The drilling went on til 4.30. I don't even think they had a lunch break.

They're having an extension built so I think we probably have a few months of noise to come ☹ but I'm really hoping not all of it will be this noisy.

Just to add: neighbour having the extension is not the arsehole who put his rubbish in my bin, he's on the other side. The noisy neighbours have been perfect up to now!
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I know what you mean, I do know some places where the fuel is at a better price but
none of them were on the route I was on this afternoon, it was really a case of bad luck.
Are you a spreadsheet kind of guy? You could build a map in spreadsheet form of the prices of the different places you stop. Over time it might give you a good idea of where to avoid if you can help it. It's never going to be fool proof though.
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I've been dieting and going to the gym 3x a week since beginning of January. Fully counting every single calorie so there's no way extra food has been going uncounted. 5 fucking weeks and in total I am 1lb heavier.
My husbands been like ooh go off how you feel and how your clothes fit. NO! I can't. That doesn't keep me motivated. Seeing the scales go down keeps me going. I'm fucking over it. Rather be fat and eating than fat and in a deficit
How many cals?
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I know what you mean. My skin is dry as a bone but as soon as I moisturise I get spots. There's no in between. And I can't tolerate anything perfumed so I am stuck with Aveeno and eczema creams. I just want nice skin 😭
Have you tried that Balmonds stuff that everyone seems to be raving about?
I have been having to get strip washes at the sink these last few months and my eczema has cleared up so maybe I was overwashing before with shower gels 🤔
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People in the local area must be so so shocked. Terrible thing to have happened. Hope they release some details to put peoples minds at rest
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