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VIP Member
A lot of people use Twitter through a third party app. I use one called Tweetbot. I find it easy to navigate and very user friendly. It doesn't throw random stuff into your timeline and, this is probably the biggest plus, no adverts. These apps have been running for years without a problem.

Elon literally pulled the plug on them all the other day or at least that's what they think has happened because they all suddenly stopped working. Non of the companies or users were given any warning. The companies affected still don't know for sure what's happened.
Some people are far too much power!


VIP Member
Elon Musk totally ruining Twitter or me by turning off all 3rd party apps. I can't bear using the actual Twitter app. It's totally shit and a mess.

Musk has just bought Twitter and using it as his plaything. Doesn't give a two hoots about the users.

No more Twitter for me if this continues. :(
I’m not massive twitter user…. What has he done that is so bad 😮


VIP Member
Take care out there with all this ice. I’ve not been on a motorcycle for about 22 years, I don’t ever remember riding in icy conditions, how do they handle the road?
I have new tyres on one of my motorcycles which handle well in the cold conditions, the real problem is the amount
of potholes springing up and night time it's hard to see them. I've been a motorcycle courier over 30 years now so I
do have a lot of experience, I suppose the new 20MPH speeds are a help in the winter months.

ANYWAY, back to my cramp and I'm Ranting because I'm staying home today because last night I had some really
serious cramp twice. I had a banana before bed and water but it wasn't enough. I woke up this morning and as I
got out of bed I had another cramp. I have no idea what has brought this cramp on, I am 56 years old and I've been
having bouts of cramp for many years, I'm putting it down to my job.

The only thing I can do is have a banana daily like I used to, I haven't been eating them of late but it seems I should
be on a daily banana. Perhaps drinking more water at night would help.
Could be. Ask for a gyne referral if you have concerns.

I started exercising a lot and have been stressed with a move, new area so i'm all out of sync. Just waiting. 100% know I'm not pregnant.
I do work out quite a lot. I'm defo not preggo unless it's Jesus 2. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it decides to turn up.
Faulty cash machine eating my Monzo Platinum metal card. That I’ve only had a couple of weeks.
And that will cost £50 I don’t have to replace.
I was in another city when it happened but fortunately I have a bus pass which allowed me to get home and another (plastic) debit card from a different bank which allowed me to get the cash out I needed.
I’ve sent a complaint to Lloyds about their crappy cash machines and told them they can pay the £50!
Also- I live chatted Monzo at 1pm asking for urgent assistance with the card.
I got a reply at 7pm saying I would be put into another queue! Good job I didn’t have no other options to get me home eh…
Are you sure it ate your card and weren't just a skimmer attached?
You'll be glad you're not my neighbour 🤣🤣 we've had 2 big extensions, garage knocked down and garden remodeled in the 4 years we've lived here. I've never apologised to the neighbours. Never even crossed my mind to do so 🤣. Didn't even tell them we were doing our permitted development one. Diggers just turned up one day 🤣
yeah, it's kind of weird wanting an apology 😆


VIP Member
Selling on facebook marketplace.

How many scammers does one person have to endure? Absolute torture.... then there's the ridiculous offers!

RRP £429.
I'm selling brand new £300

Will you take £100... lol absolutely not 😂

I would literally rather give it away than sell it to some chancing twat!

Same thing but used, old and absolutely scruffy selling for over £100 too before anyone comes at me. I am open to £200-£300
This drives me insane!!


Chatty Member
you know how robinsons do a pineapple and orange squash? and they also do mini ones that you can carry around with you? it really fucking annoys me that they don't do a mini pineapple and orange one. that's the only squash I drink and I can't carry a 1L bottle of the stuff around work with me. a mini would be perfect, but nooooooo, that'd be too hard. it really pisses me off.
That is so irritating 😡 would you consider getting a little squeeze bottle? They have Sistema ones, meant for sauce. Not the same I know, but might help.

I’d also be emailing Robinsons and begging 😂


VIP Member
Oh god poor you, building noise is the worst.

The drilling went on til 4.30. I don't even think they had a lunch break.

They're having an extension built so I think we probably have a few months of noise to come ☹ but I'm really hoping not all of it will be this noisy.
They better do some serious arse kissing, ours didn't say jack shit, not even an apology.


VIP Member
I know taxis make a killing on New Years but my dad got charged double yesterday for getting a taxi at 3pm in the afternoon... the taxi firm had decided to charge double from 2pm!! What a bloody liberty and piss take that was.
Double 😬😬😬😬😬 oh dear


VIP Member
Selling on facebook marketplace.

How many scammers does one person have to endure? Absolute torture.... then there's the ridiculous offers!

RRP £429.
I'm selling brand new £300

Will you take £100... lol absolutely not 😂

I would literally rather give it away than sell it to some chancing twat!

Same thing but used, old and absolutely scruffy selling for over £100 too before anyone comes at me. I am open to £200-£300
Have you had the scammers offering to courier the Cash to you ? This is the latest thing apparently. I sold quite a bit of furniture last year and we had all these chancers attempting to scam us in various ways.


VIP Member
Are you black? If you’re not I guess that’s why the N word doesn’t seem as bad to you as the others you listed, but all the words are as bad as each other in my opinion. I heard someone call my boyfriend the N word once and I also heard someone called my friend p*ki ( don’t even like to write it) and I was equally disgusted both times.

People can be such bastards, I’m sorry you’ve experienced racism 😔
My point was why is that word considered more insulting than all the other words. I didn't say that word was less insulting.
The world has gone mad. I was talking about food at the bakery with a colleague this morning and said something like "I could kill for a gingerbread man" and she corrected me and said "it's gingerbread person now isn't it?"

I'm sorry but if someone is getting offended by me referring to baked goods as "men" then they need to have a word with themselves. It's not that deep.
It was a gingerbread man in the song though, wasnt it?!


VIP Member
Only quick to do you out of sauces! Only person in drive thru. Had pre ordered on the app, asked to park up... i counted TEN cars come behind me. 5 of which were also parked up, then the remaining 5 were served. I was the LAST person served. I only asked for a chicken cripsy meal, nothing special. I didnt even get the tomato sauce i specially asked for! I swear they sell this shit on ebay or something - quite why they NEVER give it out is beyond me
There was a sign on our local mcds today saying those larger pots are now 30p I think it said. It should come with the meal! Unless they mean extra pots?