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They are licensed and approved for weightloss, I still don’t get how they’re able to sell them in online pharmacies without proper checks but could say that about lots of medicine you get online.
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Around me at least it's because the weather is changeable and it's not just going girls, it's people of all ages and genders.

I'm always cold tbh and yeah I eat healthy, I'm not gonna get fat though just so I can sit comfortably in an air conditioned office 😅 I'm more like why do people complain about the heat when it's barely over 20 degrees or not even
I’m with you! I do have underactive thyroid but I feel cold if it’s under about 23. I do bring extra jumpers/jackets to the office and wear a coat in the meeting rooms that are 17 degrees 🥶

I did feel a lot warmer when I was 2 stone heavier, since I lost weight I definitely feel the cold more!
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People who LIE. Not only that, people who lie badly but think they’re really good at it.
I have caught my husband out in a daft lie, even had proof and he still kept lying so I showed him then he blames me for making him lie due to how I make him feel 🤬🤬🤬 I am aware he is gaslighting me 🤬🤬
Got a neighbour who is a basically nice bloke but everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He is a complete fantasist and it's actually rather insulting what he expects you to believe. But I can't help but feel sorry for him as he is diabetic and disabled, probably with not much money despite his wild claims. So I think the lies are ecapsim for him? All you can do is nod along in a "that's nice, dear" kind of way.

But liars who do it maliciously are the fucking worse, have known too many of those. Some related to me, one in particular who tried to ruin my life and reputation and did a bit within some factions of our family.
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Chatty Member
on Sunday night, a bug got stuck in our chimney and was trying to get out. Looks like a large moth so OH sprayed some spray into the vent and it seemed to have done the job.

this morning, the same sound that alerted us that we had a bug in there has started and it’s either 1) the same bug coming back with a vengeance or 2) another one has gotten caught in there 😭 and to top it off, OH has gone to work and left me to deal with it!
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Ugh yeah I totally agree. I also live in Scotland so even if England is getting a heatwave, we get good weather for only a few days here and there. I hate when people complain when it's like 20 degrees. It barely ever gets hot here and if it does, it's for a few days comparing to most of the year of cold, wind, and rain misery.

I've been putting heating on which is just ridiculous in June. And then it gets a bit warmer outside so it gets too hot. Weather outside it's this weird combination where it's cold but also sweaty. The worst.
What is with the weather in Scotland? It feels so muggy today, I went out and it was horrible coming home and being warm even though it's cloudy. I just want to hang my washing out!
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Maybe put an anonymous note through the door saying the dog sounds distressed and pick up the dog 💩. Be nice but also say I am going to report if it carries on.
I put a note on the back door a few months ago just asking for poo to be picked up but it was ignored.. I mean they can't deny its them when they are the only one with a dog in my block 🙃
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My direct report is getting on my nerves, actually.

she is in her thirties but despite having moved countries and being grown up enough to own her own place etc she is ridiculously immature in other ways and it’s driving me crazy.

my head is about to explode
when its not hotter than Hades I will tell you all about the behaviour of my line manager. i seriously wonder about the workplace activity of a lot of folks in life
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There is also a duty of care issue with the employer. and other staff it may affect. It probably needed discussing at a higher management level tbf and a decision made between management and the employee. There is more to consider than just letting the person get on with it.
This is why it was mentioned. However, lesson learnt, mouth zipped shut.
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Honestly, I would have just left it. Your colleague is perhaps working to distract themselves.

I see that you did it from a place of kindness but it’s not really your place to get involved.
Yes I will be staying out of it now. It was more so about if anything were to happen at work and we knew they had been advised not to work, then i personally would feel terrible for not saying anything.
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Chatty Member
You can’t find low-waisted jeans ANYWHERE these days. Everything is high-rise or mid at best! I find them so uncomfortable - they’re OK to stand in/pose for Insta, but actually sitting down in them is horrible and feels like you’re being cut in half. I have to undo the top button and half the zip while at the office in them. Then remember to do it back up so I don’t look like a flasher. They’re even worse after you’ve just eaten.
I just want some jeans that don’t go over my belly button 😭😭😭 You can’t find them anywhere apart from “vintage” shops (which smell like scalp) at ripoff prices
H&M have a lot of low waist jeans on their website. I know the sizing can be a bit off with them so definitely check out the reviews first!
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Can you find another brand with ketoconazole in?

Looking on the web it looks like it's had an imagine overhaul so maybe that's why it's in short supply whilst they're sending out the new branding.
Some don't work for some reason. Boots brand of this just didn't work. 😭
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Ugh, I am sorry. I've calmed down but I did not need to be such a drama queen and have tanturms like that. Though it does make me feel better to get it out somewhere even if just a thread like this.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I've been losing my mind repeatedly for the last couple of years, everything about moving out and moving in and having reno has been hideous. It doesn't help that I'm non-neurotypical and have mental health issues, I feel like I'm never able to settle. So now and then I just snap and it all comes out. We've got new neighbours next door and though they are very nice, they are completely gutting the property so there's a lot of noise there too. And I'm still not really recovered from my gran dying a few years back because I just wasn't given any time to grieve.

I really wish I could afford therapy. Can't imagine how long the NHS waiting list is if I tried that route and they only offer CBT anyway, which has made me worse in the past.
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Is the waterpik thing like what they use at the dentist as I have sensitive teeth and gum disease and would have to be bolted down to endure that torture?
Luckily they do mine manually so I don't have to endure the water thing.
It might not be that thing though as it's a while since they tried it, and they might have been using the hoover thing at the same time. I've blanked out the experience so I can't remember. Think it's cos I have a small mouth. 🤔
It's just a water flosser, basically sprays water at high pressure to help clean between teeth. Never had that done at the dentist, they just go in with the drill 😅
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I'm so grateful my cat isn't a licker. Don't think many cats are tbh. I love snuggles but hate when her paws touch my face because they have been in her litter tray.
My cat does try but I actively discourage her.

She gets very grumpy but tough luck!
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Nude/matching/contrasting underwear if you’re happy enough with that option
Or a slip or bodysuit
Some of them aren’t as see through as you might think
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Rosie glow

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Tbh just go down the route of csa. Whether he’ll end up paying more or less is debatable. Everything gets taken into account.
And if the children is living fulltime with mum then she is entitled to the money.
I find this a strange rant
Why is it strange please elaborate 🤔
18 years old are not children
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Dress shopping (again).

This is a follow on from my rant of the other day. Basically I'm still trying to find a dress to this black tie do I've been invited to next week and I'm seriously running out of time. Gave up on Vinted due to concerns about stuff not arriving for ages...since then I've tried basically every site I can think of and I'm struggling, everything is either too short, or not in my size - or pastel coloured and giving bridesmaid vibes.

All I want is a floor length dress in my size, ideally for £50(ish) or less. I've so far only found 2 that are suitable, there's this one, but the biggest size available is at least a size too small so unless it is stretchy - which it doesn't look like it is- I doubt it would fit, and the other one won't get here for a week which is too late.

View attachment 2991648

I'm starting to panic now that I won't be able to find anything at all :( When did shopping become such a pain? I used to go to these sort of events regularly pre Covid and I never had this much trouble (sadly I lost a lot of weight back then and sold all my old dresses, which would have now fit me again 🤦‍♀️ - all I've got left is stuff that is now 4 sizes too small!)
There's a few nice pieces on simply be and they do next day delivery.
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On the other hand I've had the same symptoms for a week and a half now, done 3 COVID tests, all negative 😅 who knows these days, I ranted about this the other day but colds are weird now
For me they have not been the same since I had covid... Sorry for TMI but the snot I would get before 2020 is not what I get now. It's almost gel like now and hard to shift, my husband says the same and someone at work was saying their colds are different since covid, almost as though something changed in our nasal areas 🤷‍♀️😂 who knows but it definitely seems that way.
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