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Needed a food shop, have needed a food shop the last few days to be honest but I held the fuck out as I am sick of being the only one to lift a finger in my house. Endless moaning about only having shite left in the house to eat.

Then finally, one member of our house who can’t drive suggested we go to the big tesco to stock up. Fair enough, happy to drive. Only condition is we go early rather than later as I can’t bear school holidays and shopping at tesco as it’s just utter chaos. Plus I’ve got an assignment that I need to write and I want the afternoon uninterrupted. I’m thinking we go about 10ish. Gets to 11am and we still haven’t gone. Ask if she’s ready. No, give me 10 mins. She’s not doing anything of vital importance. 10 mins go by and then ask again. Politely explain that I wanted to go earlier as easier to park/less chaos. Then it’s literally blown up and somehow turned into a massive fucking argument.

I’ve no idea what I’ve actually done. It was her idea to go shopping. Apparently, she can’t bear when “I get like this” and that me merely standing with the trolley whilst she’s shopping is annoying. We haven’t even GONE yet. Forgive me, but WHAT THE FUCK ELSE AM I MEANT TO DO? Exclaim with joy over everything she puts in the trolley? Comment on the best before dates?!

At this point, I’ve lost the plot. Told her to fuck off with her big shop. We’ve spent the afternoon in silence as I can’t be bothered arguing over what I’m supposed to have even done. She’s now asked my brother to take her to tesco as “I wouldn’t take her.” He’s fucking miffed as he’s like why didn’t you go earlier? Moaning that he doesn’t want to go as it’s chaos there and that he’s only going as THERES NO FUCKING FOOD for his dinner.

Somehow it’s all my fault and I’m the one getting it in the neck now from the both of them. She never apologises which also ticks me off. I’m so sick of it. After every argument, it’s always me that breaks the ice and lets it go without getting an apology because I can’t bear the tension. I get so annoyed with myself as I’m allowing it.

That pissed off that I’ve not spent the afternoon writing my assignment as planned so that’s gone my plans for today down the toilet as well.
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The story about the crooked pub is really getting under my skin ... No idea why. I don't live neat it and I don't go to pubs anyway but just the sheer audacity of the way the new owners have dealt with it makes me mad.

Hopefully the council will order them to rebuild it.
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My Monday rant is travellers. Our estate is over run with them in the summer and they are absolutely vile. They steal from the local shops, literally crap in full view of people on the side of the roads and are intimidating people who have to walk past them.

Since I've moved to the UK, I have yet to see travellers who move around who take care of the area and don't cause havoc. Am I being lied too? Does anybody have experience of travellers who cleaned up behind themselves and weren't absolute knobs?
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I got a horrible text from my cousin today who is still accusing me and my brother of 'ruining' a family holiday, and called us both social justice warriors and snowflakes.

For those who didn't see my older post; my cousins are organising a trip to Dubai and my brother (an openly gay man) is refusing to go to a country in which homosexuality is considered a serious and punishable crime. I support my brother, I'm a straight woman but I also don't want to support the economy of a homophobic country that doesn't respect human rights. if that makes me a snowflake... so be it.
Well said! I've had a similar argument in the past when someone suggested holidaying in Dubai.

I wasn't rude, I just said I didn't want to go to a country where my sexual orientation is deemed illegal. I was single at the time, so I was met with comments like "you're not going to be doing anything with men when you're there, so why do you care?" But it's the principle of it in my opinion.

I hate it when people act like caring about human rights is unreasonable. They lack a lot of self awareness. I still talk to those friends, but I have to admit my view of them changed a bit after that.
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Chatty Member
I spent the day with my sister and we took some photos, the ones she's taken of me I look so big 😭😭

Its not her photos I'm ranting about but honestly I didn't realise I looked that big, when did this happen? I know I'd been sedentary alot through covid, with university and I'd lost some of the weight but then had a 6 month period of sickness where I laid around alot. And my ex was a big guy who ate alot of takeaways so when we saw each other that was the option but I haven't been with him for over 2 months or seen him in ages.

But I didn't realise how big I look, I mean I feel big but honestly didn't realise I looked this awful and unhealthy I am very disappointed in myself.
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Chatty Member
Job interviews. Recently graduated and after lots of rejections I have an interview tomorrow - not the best job or pay but I’m really hoping I get it as I’m running out of £ 🤣🥲🤞🏼 SO NERVOUS it’s my first full time job interview!!!
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malibu skies

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You know when you’re so angry you almost shake? I seem to get that a lot these days. And I can’t work out whether it’s me taking things to heart or if everyone else is just a dick.
Common sense would indicate that I am the common denominator in these situations but I really don’t think it’s always my fault 😬
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I made turmeric and ginger shots earlier today .

As I was straining the liquid out of the pulp I upended the bowl and tipped the entire contents over my CREAM kitchen units , splashed it all over myself and a new linen T-shirt that is now in the bin .

I couldn’t work out which was more important , cleaning the units or my yellow streaked face neck and hands., I chose the kitchen.

Fuck home made healthy stuff.
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Hello and welcome to Micromanagement Monday. My Line Manager who is not the exec I work for has contacted me at least 5 times today as I wfh on petty little shit like telling me i need to send an email, have i had a handover note from one of my really busy colleagues who she was already informed will send it by COB late tonight and the most insulting one..oh I notice you haven't set up a sig file. do you know how to do it? here are instructions..

I am 55 yrs old. My last role was working for a Senior Director at the Bank of England. Do you SERIOUSLY think I'd have lasted almost a yr if I didn't? Lets leave out the fact that my Line Manager herself doesnt have a sig file..I don't email anyone anyway as a PA there is no need to..

This is the Line Manager who went ballistic the other week because I wasn't at my desk when she sent a Teams message - because i was in the toilet at the time!!!!

Ever considered that the main reason I haven't bothered to set up a sig file at the start was because I had hoped I would be out of here by now and went home crying on the first day?
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Somebody on a local FB group posting a ring video and moaning because a dog ran across their grass. Did the dog poop or pee? Nope
It literally ran across it whilst the owner and other dog walked on the sidewalk. Took all of 3 seconds.
So part of the moan was the owner didn’t call it back and they want an apology.
But almost worse than this is the people who AGREE! Am I living in la-la land. Are we now so petty we moan about this?

Anyway I commented that people can come round our house and walk across the front lawn
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I have no advice because if my husband spoke to me this way I'd tell him to fuck off and that's not the well rounded, reasonable advice I think I should give 😂 but I would feel exactly the same as you. I would then probably resort to only doing things for me and the kids (& dog) and doing nothing for him, but I'm petty like that x
Funnily enough that is the route I went down this morning 😂. I told him to fuck off and that I’d immediately stop doing everything that I do directly for him and see how he gets on. When he said ‘well you cook for everyone’ I said don’t worry I’ll make sure your portion goes in the bin 🤦🏻‍♀️.
Are you me? 🤣
I would also add in there who the fuck do you think you're speaking to, make your own fucking lunch, I'm not your mother.
Petty AF too and he wouldn't have clean clothes or a cooked meal until he at least apologised!
I forgot to add reminding him he’s a grown man capable of seeing to his own lunch was in there too 😂
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Elle Woods

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People who think they can try and take you for a fucking mug. Do they just think I’m stupid and can’t see what’s going on? 🙃
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Rosie glow

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People walking in couples along the pavement and not letting moving aside to let anyone else past I've only walked 5 mins to the bus stop and 2 couples have already tried to push me on to the kerbside because they won't walk single file past me
Why is calling in sick so difficult? My boss bombards me with a million questions and then says are you sure you can’t come in. Yeah sorry let me just stop running to the toilet every 5 mins real quick 🙄
I always hate the build up to calling in sick because I feel guilty anyways and it just makes me feel worse
I had a manager ages ago she didn't like me anyway buy I did my back in at work one day I mean I could barely move and I said I was going home sick oh no you can sit and work on the till instead
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Bloody idiot men drivers. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing today because the lights were on red. Some dickless wonder came up behind me and blasted his horn at me accompanied by gestures. I assume because no one was crossing he thought it would be ok for me to ignore the red light. Absolute arsewipe 😡
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Elle Woods

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People on fb marketplace. Why are they so fucking annoying 😂
I listed a couple of things for free, just wanted them gone. Said collection only. Because why would I go out of my way to deliver something that im offering for free! (Is that tight of me?😂) Someone messaged saying he wanted them, so I gave my address and asked what time he’d be coming. He replied asking “are you sure you can’t deliver”. Yes positive. Anyway we agreed a time. Time comes and he doesn’t appear so I messaged and said let me know if you’ve changed your mind as there’s others wanting this. He replies “I’ll be half hour, does it come in the box? How long have you had it? It does work doesn’t it, don’t wanna waste my time?”

i felt like replying FOR FUCK SAKE YOURE WASTING MY TIME!! Plus it’s a freebie, why are you expecting original packaging etc, I clearly listed it as used. I listed it for free because I just wanted to clear some space but now I’m wishing I’d actually asked for a £10er or something, at least I’d be getting some cash for answering 7,000 questions 😂
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First world problem here:
It was supposed to be dry for most of the day today so I decided to do a last minute load of washing…

It started raining as I was about to put it out and I can’t hang it up indoors because I did washing yesterday that’s hung up on it 🙃
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My husbands colleague has just handed in their 4 week notice. We’re supposed to be going on holiday 30th August so now husband is saying he might not be able to come if he can’t get cover. I’ve told him it’s not his problem if his stupid employers didn’t want to pay for more than two full time employees, what are they going to do if he goes on holiday? Fire him? Then they’d have no staff. He won’t see sense that he clearly has the upper hand.
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