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I want to rant about manspreading but on the road. It’s almost always dicks in range rovers or Tesla tanks that just take over the whole of the middle of the road and do NOTHING when you are approaching them in the opposite direction. They just glide past while you have to stop or slow right down wing mirror to wing mirror with parked cars. They don’t even put their hand up to say thanks. One day I’m going to lose my shit at them, turn around and follow them and tell them to go take some fucking humility lessons and another driving test!!
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I’m really struggling with my mental health at the moment, I don’t know why. Had a call from my dad as my family have noticed and he lovingly told me “I have nothing to be sad about” and “other people have it so much worse”. Fuck me, I can’t believe this is a mindset people still have. How is that supposed to help me? I can’t help feeling like this and it would be wonderful if I could just ‘be happy’ as he said. Fuck you if you think this way.
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I'm ranting about myself and my inability to react to danger! Took my children to the park today. I have a leg injury so hobbled there with them and told them I'd be sat on the bench. In the park there were various parents and children, I could see mine the whole time. The others started leaving gradually until it was just me with my children and a couple other kids who i assumed were with this man. The man went over to my son and was watching him and smiling. Then he walked over to watch my daughter on the monkey bars. Finally, the rest of the kids left so it was just me and my children in the park with this random man! It was then that I realised he wasn't a parent but was in the park with us on his own.

I looked around to see where any of his possible children were but there didn't seem to be any (just teenagers out on the field playing football). I wanted to ask him if he had children there but wasn't brave enough. I decided to leave without making a fuss in case he was dangerous. I shouted to my children to come to me as we were going. They ran to me and this man then walked slowly out of the park and towards where the teens were. There is some gym equipment so he went on that. For a minute I wondered what to do whether I should report this. I said to my daughter (who is 10) that I didnt like the look of that man. She said he had kept smiling at her in the park and she thought he was creepy.

I'm annoyed because when he was watching my son I just let it happen
as I assumed he was there with his child and just enjoying watching the children playing. I'm also annoyed with myself that my daughter thought he was creepy and didnt feel she could tell me.

I was on my phone for quite a bit too so feel really neglectful and have reprimanded myself for that. I should have realised earlier and got out of there.

I was in two minds whether to report it, but in the past when I've reported something (including a date rape which I've never quite got over) the police haven't been interested.
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Is it weird that my brothers wife ignores me on FB, but she’s all over a post from my ex husband’s ex girlfriends daughters wedding telling them how gorgeous they all look. I don’t even get a happy birthday. Weird witch 😡
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Is it too much to expect people to be honest? I’ve sold loads of things over the years on Facebook marketplace and always good working condition, if there’s marks I say there’s marks and I adjust the price accordingly.
I’ve bought two things from fb marketplace this weekend, both items sellers said were good working condition and on buying them I find both have key pieces missing to them. I’m so pissed off and disappointed. It’s just extra stress sourcing the missing parts. They’re both for my baby and both safety elements to the items. Just blows my mind people can be so selfish about things.
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Text a friend about 2 weeks ago who didn't reply. Due to the fact that she picks me up and drops me when it suits I kind of just decided not to bother anymore, plus I do have nice friends who don't treat me like that.

She's just text 2 weeks later saying that she's sorry but she 'only just found' my text and asking how I am. I'm just annoyed and wanted to rant about that! Any other of my friends I wouldn't mind as it would be out of character for them but this is typical. Probably texting me because she's bored.
I never believe that "Just seen this" excuse. It's always over and over again from the same people. If they said "Sorry, I've been busy and meant to reply ages ago" that would at least be taking some responsibility. I don't mind people being busy, but with some people it's almost a policy to leave you dangling as long as they can, then reply to do the bare minimum to keep the friendship alive. I broke up with a few formerly close friends over this. Not just this, but it was a symptom of always being low priority to them.
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@Kikini Bamalam , I loathe people who invade personal space and think it’s their right. Like those who are habitually late and think it’s acceptable, they think their time is more important than that of others.

I’d have lost my temper too , I’m fairly certain we’d have thrown a few expletives their way as well.

Hope you feel more positive soon ❤❤
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Why is calling in sick so difficult? My boss bombards me with a million questions and then says are you sure you can’t come in. Yeah sorry let me just stop running to the toilet every 5 mins real quick 🙄
I always hate the build up to calling in sick because I feel guilty anyways and it just makes me feel worse
They really shouldn’t do that. Shocking! As if youd all of a sudden go ahhhh now you’ve asked 20 questions I’m going to come in instead you’ve convinced me 😃. Nob heads.
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I have caught a stomach bug from somewhere. I honestly thought I was going to die on the bathroom floor last night.
Today my stomach is in agony, I'm sweating, feel like my guts are going to fall out my arse. Surviving on sips of water. Middle child just came and said he's bored and could I play catch with him.
Mate, I wish I was fucking bored 🤣🤣🤣.
Told him (politely) to leave me alone and play with his 2 siblings, the exact reason we had siblings 🤣
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The story about the crooked pub is really getting under my skin ... No idea why. I don't live neat it and I don't go to pubs anyway but just the sheer audacity of the way the new owners have dealt with it makes me mad.

Hopefully the council will order them to rebuild it.
The owner of the site is the partner of a man who owns a hire company who was in dispute with the brewery over access to a site behind the pub. When it was for sale his partner purchased the pub that then mysteriously burnt down and was demolished 2 days later. Access for the fire brigade was blocked by mounds of earth. The fire brigade had to join 40 lengths of pipe together so they could put water on the fire. The partner of the owner now has unobstructed access to his site behind the pub.

I have lived in so many towns where old historic building mysteriously burn down and get demolished and an ugly block of flats get built.
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My husband has decided to unleash on me this morning because I haven’t been making pack ups for his lunch. This has escalated into me doing ‘nothing’ for him, ‘don’t women show their love by looking after their man’ and caring about everyone else over him.

I’m annoyed because this man never has to put a wash load on, doesn’t make dinner, washes the pots maybe once a week but that’s as far as his household tasks go. We have 3 children that I would say I’m the primary carer for and a dog. I’m absolutely sick to my back teeth of his only point being that he works all week. SO DO I. It’s worth bearing it mind that his job doesn’t entail having to factor in childcare drop offs/pick ups or just generally where the kids will be. He just gets up and goes to work but wants a gold medal for that.

He does a manual job but then when he’s home clocks off, how lovely that must be. There are times granted where if I need him to run to the shop etc he will just go he’s not bone idle but this packed lunch shite gets on my nerves. In the back of my mind I’m thinking I should just do it if it’s so important to him but at the same time I really don’t think my worth or how much I care should be down to packed lunch.

Maybe I’m wrong, but his shouting at me at 7am has thoroughly fucked me off.
Tell him to grow up. My brother was making his own lunch at 12; there’s no stopping him wielding a butter knife and two pieces of bread ffs.
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He’s sent me a message to apologise and he recognises how much I do. Says he’s stressed at work with deadlines and hates going everyday. Just say that then, instead of behaving like a cave man!
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My mental health is shot to bits! Felt fine all day, one little mishap this evening and it’s gone from totally OK to crying in the bathroom (trying to hide it) and wanting to run away and scream feeling like the shittest person in the world. Feels like a battle that will never end o_O
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I’m getting quite fed up with people moaning about the England women‘s team by using negative comparisons to the men’s team. If you don’t like or follow football, fine, I don’t either, but even non-fans get behind any success of the men’s team as a cheering England on kind of thing. But when it’s the women’s team doing well, all you hear is people bitching that it’s not as good as men’s football and they couldn’t compete directly against male footballers.
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the rain and grey skies. i know everyone is probably the same but another weekend and another wet dark day. i’m sick of being wet, i’m sick of the dog being wet after a walk. the lads will come in shortly from football and are drenched to the skin again.
july has been a horrible month.
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I just need to vent a bit today after a shitty weekend. I have various friendship groups and it seems that in pretty much all of them, if I don't text them first then I won't hear from them. I'm always the one to check in, ask people how they are doing etc but I never get this reciprocated. I'm 6 months pregnant and not one of my friends have asked me how I am in probably three months - since I first told them I'm pregnant. I know people have busy lives, but I'm busy and still find the time to message a quick "how are you doing?" Or similar. It's just getting me down lately. I'm all in my pregnancy hormones but sometimes I just feel so isolated and alone. I'm actually looking forward to going to mother and baby groups once the baby is born and hopefully I'll make some friends who may be in the same boat and build some new friendships. It's so hard as an adult to feel like you matter to people I guess. No matter how busy I am I always find time to get in touch with people and never leave them on read, as I so often am. Maybe I'm just over sensitive, who knows!
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I’ve put weight on over the past year or so and am struggling to get it to come back off. I used to weigh a lot more so the thought of putting weight back on is really terrifying, coupled with the fact I have loose skin and crap boobs from losing weight I just genuinely feel shit about myself

so I had a massive meltdown at my boyfriend demanding to know if he even finds me attractive (never seen a man look so terrified) and now I feel like a right twat 😂😂
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Other half and I have just put an offer in on our first house together and his mum is doing my nut in.

we took them to see it at the weekend and had a massive discussion about it where they were saying it was great go for it etc etc. now that we’ve made the offer all she keeps saying is “oh are you sure - it needs a lot of decorating (it doesn’t), it’s a long way away (it’s an hour)”

stop making my anxious brain full of doubt when we have CLEARLY thought it through before making the offer 😤😤
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My dad's done me a birthday post on Facebook and one of his mates has written 'happy heavenly birthday'... I'm ALIVE.

How hard is it to read before commenting?
“Thank you… from beyond the grave. It is hot down here, please send ice cream and pina coladas”
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The over-70s are the rudest, most selfish and most self-absorbed of all the age demographics. My grandmother being prime example. When I see them being rude and aggressive to others in shops, supermarkets, etc, I feel so resentful towards the fact that we gave up over 2 years of our lives to apparently protect them.

We should have let COVID do its thing…..
That’s a really disgusting thing to say to people, like me who have lost loved ones in that age bracket during Covid. Not every over 70 person is rude and certainly do not deserve to die from Covid.
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