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Apparently if you translate language in a book ( ie if your character has travelled to India or Africa and they encounter locals/natives who are speaking to each other in their language and you translate that for the reader who doesn't speak that language) it is a form of modern colonialism. ERM WHAT? no you are just ensuring your reader can understand your book and what's going on..Implying it's our fault for not speaking Urdu or Swahili etc

I swear it's all these put of touch with the real world middle class people with no real problems or who have nothing else to do that invent these dumb ideas.
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Need a rant. Was having a argument with my mother basically cause her health isn’t the best and she isn’t helping her self I know I’m worse for trying to
Make her change her ways. I’m not a person to show my emotions like hugging and things like that.Like I give out but it’s only about like her health and why she won’t help her self, I’m probley like a moan bag but only in a worried kinda way. I was pissed off and my brother said suck it up and get over it and I said no I won’t and he said a few things but what hurt the most was he told me go kill myself that he has a rope if I want to do it. But of course I’m the one to come out the worse in this. My mam said you know your brother says silly things fukin annoys me my feelings don’t matter. Not sure why I’m even writing this but just pissed off was a hurtful thing to hear someone say that to you
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Friend complains all summer that she can't afford a holiday this year. Fair enough the cost of living has gone extortionate. She makes "poor me" comments everytime anyone mentions their holiday, but the thing is she's made a number of very expensive renovations to her house which was already like a show home. Choose your choice love. I can't stand this perpetual victim mentality😒
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
Bad rant I know sorry I know its there job but getting to by a rather larger and i mean a fair few more dress sizes nurse that I need to consider losing some weight for my health just feels a little insulting.
A lot of medical professionals don't practice what they preach, I work In a shop opposite a hospital and the amount of fags and booze and shite they buy is very eye opening
I mean buy what you want no judgement from me but don't preach either
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It’s raining but sweaty, wtf is that all about. This country is going to hell.
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Chatty Member
I’ve got another rant. I joined a Facebook group for my secondary school the other week and lots of photos were popping up on it. I still had a load of photos from our last year there so I thought I’d scan them and post them up. As it happens, I had a shit time at school, I was bullied constantly and I have no desire to see anyone I was at school with, but I’m also super nosy haha.

The photos went down a storm, loads of likes, loads of comments. Did one single person thank me for posting them or ask after me? No. I fully acknowledge that I’m stamping my feet petulantly over not being acknowledged by a bunch of cunts but I reserve my right to do so, as a middle aged woman.
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Last night I found a wallet lying in the street. I picked it up and waited for a couple of minutes in case someone came looking for it. There were drunken revellers everywhere. I almost put it back down in case someone on a night out realised they had lost their wallet and was going to retrace their steps.

But then I thought 'If I don't take it, the next person to spot it might steal the money and use the credit cards', so I took it home. I found the name on the driving licence and messaged him on Facebook, "Did you lose your wallet in York?"

Today I got a message saying "I did, yeah" and he asks if he can come to collect it. I said of course and gave him my address. I have quite a lot to do today, so I asked if he can make it here in the next couple of hours. He doesn't reply for an hour. Then he replies saying he doesn't have time today so it will have to be next week.

What the hell are you doing that's more important than retrieving your money, driving licence and credit cards (and Mecca bingo loyalty card)? He didn't even say thanks and he just expects me to keep his property for when he feels like showing up. I have an extremely busy week and don't have time to negotiate a time to be sitting at home.

I've experienced several frustrating situations in the past few days arising from young men being entitled with me.
- That guy who promised me something on Marketplace for free, then said it was now £20 and kicked off when I said no.
- A guy who insisted on carrying my heavy shopping for me, then complained the whole way down my street that it was too heavy, but wouldn't let me take it myself.
- Being robbed a few weeks ago.
- My boss changing my hours to 6.30-8.30pm, even though the role isn't time sensitive, because obviously I never need to eat dinner? (He's old, but I'm including it.)
- Two separate guys come up to me in the street like "Hey love, how're you? You going out tonight? Where do you live?" and acting like I've devastated them when I didn't reply.
- My neighbour casually telling me he's put his lawnmower in my shed because there wasn't room in his. He also takes a short cut through my garden no matter how many times I ask him not to.

All but one of these men are my age or younger. I'm surprised to find myself old enough to grumble about young people today, but the entitlement and lack of manners really shocks me.

I don't care if they think I should unquestioningly give them my time, money and attention, I will not!
My neighbours prove this theory. All men under 40.
one of my neighbours likes to sing, he’s got a proper microphone amp style system. Every few weeks when he has time off work he will sing using his mic and amp until the early hours of the morning. Doesn’t matter what day it is or the fact that some of us have work and don’t appreciate being woken up at 4:30am on a random Thursday to listen to him singing don’t want to miss a thing by Aerosmith. It’s few and far between thankfully but have some thought. This is the same neighbour who thinks that 8pm is a perfectly normal time to DIY and vibrate the wall behind my head while I try to watch tv.
Other neighbour likes to listen to action movies with surround sound so I have to have to my tv on volume 30 and I can still hear the gun shots.

And I dislike my other neighbour (not the ones above!) because I got his washing in when it was raining once (we all share a courtyard. I didn’t walk into his garden). I put a note through the door to say I had it. he came to collect it and did not utter a single word, literally just showed me the note, took his washing and left. Not a thank you or even an acknowledgement. I’ll let it get soaked next time the prick.
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Going out for tea even in a bog standard green king pub costs a fortune. yeah I appreciated being taken out but would of preferred a food shop what would of fed us for 5days
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The media and their ridiculous headlines. I appreciate that they want you to click but bloody hell.

News pop up on my work computer

“DVLA unveils major change for every driver in the UK”

the change: they’re going to text you the tax reminder.

how major
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
I think that the sudden rise in "ADHD" in adults, is a side effect of smartphones/tablets & social media.
Hopping from one app to another, doom scrolling....
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Yes, same with the idea of social distance - I know it's not mandated to stay a certain distance away in queues etc anymore but step back an inch FFS.
Oh my god the way people are INSIDE YOU in a queue sometimes! You're not getting there any faster?!

I, unfortunately, am immunocompromised so get sicker easier, for longer, and usually much worse than others. I'm very careful with hygiene and cleanliness, and recently decided to start wearing a face mask again (I know - to each their own on that, but it makes me feel much safer from any coughs and sneezes). I've had lots of comments and weird looks, but I'll be damned if they ruin my 2 week hol to America!!
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people on social media that say something like; I've just moved into a flat/house has anyone got any spare beds, fridges, tables, sofas
like wtf this is begging at its best. Buy your own stuff ffs
omg that really gets on my nerves too !
or someone posts in behalf of a 'friend' needing this that and the other for their new flat!.
we have a local eco page where people list stuff away for free, things like kids toy's, small furniture items, balloon arches that would do someone having event next day etc but theres a few members who repeatedly post asking for specific items ..go and buy them yourself !
Lots of people tell them thats not how the page works - its for people to list stuff they want to get rid of its not a 'wish list' !
it's just begging in my opinion and i bet a lot of it is sold on!
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I’m feeling a bit sad, it’s my birthday soon and I always meet up with a friend once a week, she has cancelled on me because she’s going to another event with a different friend.

Yet whenever I try to organise anything on the day she sees this other friend she refuses. Normally I don’t really care, but it’s because it’s the day before my birthday that it’s bothering me.
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My boyfriend keeps saying 'it's not the end of the world' when I mention any kind of thing to resolve. Yeah I know it's not the end of the world, still something to think about and make a decision on? Pisses me off.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
The over-70s are the rudest, most selfish and most self-absorbed of all the age demographics. My grandmother being prime example. When I see them being rude and aggressive to others in shops, supermarkets, etc, I feel so resentful towards the fact that we gave up over 2 years of our lives to apparently protect them.

We should have let COVID do its thing…..
How are you with gay people. Or the disabled. Or black people. Any sweeping statements for those demographics.
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Chatty Member
To stamp on an opponent's arse isn't a 'mistake', it's a choice. A mistake is when you say 7x7 are/is 56.
21 is not someone who is young. They are an adult in the UK and USA.

No way should Lauren James be subjected to the sort of treatment Beckham got, with effigies on lampposts and marrying Posh Spice but if the women's team want to be treated and rewarded equally, then she has to deal with some criticism. To say how nice she is, or how young she is is irrelevant. She stamped on an opponent and, like rugby players who get away with murder yet shouldn't, it should hit the headlines.

Her petulance let her team down and could have cost them the match. So face up and own it.

It's basically a preemptive rant on how this will be handled differently in an age of equality (yet I will support it anyway as I don't want anyone to be mauled by the press).
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Sir Lancelot

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"David Baddiel questions Cillian Murphy's casting as Oppennheimer..."

"Wee Man from Jackass rants ar Hugh Grant cast in Willy Wonka..."

Oh, fuck right off.

The clue is in the name.
Any actor can play any suitable role if they are good enough/suit the role/bring in an audience.

Can a straight man play a gay guy?
Can a non-Jewish actor play a Jewish character,
Can a white actor play Bob Marley in a biopic?
No. Of course not. That would be stupid.

I understand representation, etc, but actors act.
That's it.

I'm so tired of this fucking argument cropping up every few months.
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I’m so tired today I just wanted a lazy day in the house in my comfies doing east activities with the kids. I lost my antibiotics last week and my ear infection is worse than ever, I asked the doctors surgery if they could reissue my prescription on Monday but they texted me yesterday saying I had to make an appointment with the doctor to get them reissued. I’m so tired, I could genuinely cry, I’m exhausted and just needed a day in my house.
Everything was going okay until we got about 50m from the house and the 5yo face planted onto the tarmac when she lost her grip on the bars in the alleyway 😭 her little mouth and nose was absolutely streaming with blood I was so panicked she’d done some real damage. She seems okay now thank god but she’s taken skin off her nose bless her and her lips were about 5 times their size. Literally letting her have anything she wants now. Ryan’s World, baby? Of course! Second ice cream sweetie pie? Coming right up!

really should have got a docs appointment for tomorrow instead!
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