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I'm too knackered to rant. I've been on my feet all afternoon. My feet are throbbing. I wanted to make a quiche, but to be more economical and fill up the oven I made an almond cake and chocolate buns as well. Finally get to putting the quiche together and can't find the baking beans and the pastry that has been chilling overnight in the fridge feels like concrete so I can't roll it out.
Like I said I want to rant but I don't have the energy.😩
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I’m getting so fed up with my husband. I don’t know what his purpose is except creating work for me and getting under my feet. That’s a bit harsh but I’m so frustrated. I do love him but he’s a right idiot sometimes and not even a fun one.

this is the second weekend in a row where we’ve had no plans. I’m a structure person I like to plan my day, we have a 5yo and a 5mo so it’s crucial really to know how our time is being spent, I think.

he’s still in his pyjamas and hasn’t eaten breakfast. He’s been up since 7 but he’s his own worst enemy. He just grumbles and mumbles about the place like a moody useless teenager. He’s a good dad and my daughter(s) adore him. He did buy the 5yo an electronic kit to play with together which she was so excited about. They started playing with it this morning which was great, lovely, but I came downstairs and the review of the morning is mixed. Daughter has this utterly beautiful, rapunzel style hair that she loves wearing down, but when she’sdoing crafts and experimenting we put it up for her. Husband is incompetent when it comes to piecing sequences together and has no foresight whatsoever so often finds himself in completely avoidable situations. So this is a long way to say because her hair wasn’t tied back when they were building the electronic fan her hair has got caught up in it and has become a matted mess. She was unbothered about it on the whole but he apparently freaked out and that upset her. I wouldnt mind all this but who do you think has to solve the problem? Yes, that’s right, I’m the one with the anti-tangle spray, the conditioner, the tangle teezer, the pin, the patience. I’m the one looking at this mat of hair thinking there’s no way to unpick it. I had to tell her that I needed to cut her hair and take her to the hairdresser on Monday, who do you think would book that , take her,pay for that, and the toy she’s cheekily asked for “for being brave”? All while husband hangs around like a spare dick at a wedding.

Eventually the anti tangle spray and the conditioner set in to the hair and I managed (I really don’t know how) to work it out bit by bit with the pin.

he asked me what’s wrong and I explained it to him and now of course he is sulking. I di very much suspect he has a bit of burn out and depression, we’ve been together 13 years and the depression thing has hung over us almost all of it. He never gets help. It’s so frustrating.

on top of that I needed to pick up his watch (a present) from the jewellers last week but due to him dicking about so much I never got to, I’ve just made it down to the shop and there’s a sign up saying closed for the week. Hello, FML. 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 I’ve had it now.
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People who don't bother to return trolleys in a supermarket carpark. And to add insult to injury, a gobshite got out of her car and pushed the loose trolley towards my car. 🙄
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I have had a virus (poss Covid but testing negative so far) and have felt really rotten the last few days. Was meant to have a dental appointment today but I called to cancel because a) I feel rubbish, and b) I didn't want to be an irresponsible super spreader even though I know it's no longer a legal requirement. Called the practice and the receptionist was really snotty saying that as I'd never had a late cancellation before she'd let it go this once, but if I did it again I'd be charged... I'm like... I am really unwell and if I came into the practice today I would spread all my germs around. And I'm effectively being punished? I was being treated the same as someone who didn't bother to call and say they wouldn't be coming/do not show when actually I'm trying to do the right thing. Really makes me cross. I understand the policy but I really didn't like her tone, was very school marm ish almost telling me off. She was like well if you were sick in bed in might be different... and I'm like, I am sick, I feel awful. She was like "Covid isn't an excuse anymore in the NHS" and I told her that isn't very reassuring. Silly cow.
She’s talking out her snooty arse. Covid very much is still an excuse in the NHS. My department has patients calling in sick with covid weekly and it’s not an issue - we reschedule them and offer the appointment to someone on our cancellation list. You did nothing wrong, she’s just being a wee cow.

Hope you feel better soon!
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I hate all this "owing" rubbish. If I want to give someone a lift in my car or have them stay at mine I do it as I want to. I hate the idea of putting pressure on people. So my advice to people is don't do anything you don't want to then you won't need to seethe with rage about not being valued.
I was having such a nice day before I was "triggered". 😄😉
I get this. I am in my 30s and yet still a family member was volunteering me and MY time to run errands for someone else! I kept saying no-can-do, I'm busy. Don't volunteer my time/resources/effort on my behalf without consulting me!
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Sir Lancelot

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News readers and news reports, please for the love of god stop calling the England Women's football team 'Lionesses'.

You never, NEVER, referred to the men as 'Lions'.

Cut it out.
It's annoying as fuck.
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My MIL/FIL are the same. FIL has the better job of the two (but MIL has always worked too, used to work 40 hrs a week before having some health problems but still does 20 hrs a week now) so expects his wife to cook, clean and run around after him. Will complain like hell if the hoovering isn't done or the dinner is late but won't think to start it himself, even on weekends. Drives me mad, can't imagine how she feels!
I think unfortunately, while men should just do it, women allow it so there's no incentive for those men to change. That's how it always was with women in my family- quietly complaining but would never actually ask the men to pick up the slack
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Been dismissed by every GP in my local surgery for over 3 years… been trying to get to the bottom of two major issues 1) extreme digestive problems and 2) hormone issues (high prolactin). The fact is that I have serious issues that need investigating but they won’t bother. I’m in agony most days and I can’t live like this but they don’t care and I’ve tried everything. I’m exhausted. What upsets me is I’ve recently lost my period. I’m only 23 years old and it’s gone. I’m not pregnant, in fact I don’t think I can get pregnant from all the hormonal issues I have and I don’t take anything to impact my periods. There’s clearly a deeper issue and they refuse to refer me or offer any help besides forcing me to go on the pill even though I want to conceive in the next year. I’ve lost all hope and I’m really struggling. I feel so let down by the NHS. When you’re having medical issues you should be able to turn to your doctors but I can’t, I’m truly scarred and terrified with how I’ve been treated. I’m just SO upset that they let it get this bad for years and now the consequences are showing. I’m so worried about my health.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I know you haven’t asked for advice but I work for the NHS so thought I could offer some help.

Make a subject access request (SAR) for your GP medical notes. It may take a while, but you will see the information they have for you and should include any reasons they have given for refusing to refer you and why their only solution is the contraceptive pill. You do not need to give a reason why you are asking for your medical records.

You can then use the information within your notes to come to a decision on what your next steps will be. Either move to a different practice or put in a formal complaint about your GP practice to your local health board. Or both.

Unfortunately it’s up to us to take our health into our own hands and fight for the treatment we deserve. For every shitty GP there is, there’s another one that will be in your corner. You just have to find them.

I hope it all works out❤
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I noticed there was a man slumped over on a bench across the road from my house so called the police. Police didn’t want to know and told me to call ambulance, at least that lady was nice about it. Called for an ambulance and they wanted me to go see if I could wake him. I explained I’m sorry but I don’t feel safe doing that as a woman and she started getting really arsey with me. Sorry not sorry for putting my safety first.
Youve done your bit by phoning. You cant put yourself in danger if you dont feel safe. I bet there were plenty ppl who just ignored them!

My rant today is job seeking again. I just find it so horrible. I have interviews and I find the whole process to be a form of torture. I just hope I get one of them and like it
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The reviews on items slagging off the delivery company / drivers. It's not the items fault it was delivered late.
That's a whole different complaint.
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I've just found out today abut the restrictions on promoting and advertising baby formula!! WTAF!!! 🤬 🤬
I knew about this but it is so outdated. Parents have a choice about how to feed their own babies and a lack of advertising for formula isn’t going to sway anyone. I bottlefed my babies through personal choice so it doesn’t make any difference
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Add illegal bloodsports into the mix too. They gamble on hare coursing, dog fights and that kind of thing. I'm pretty sure they are pretty high tech with it all too. I saw hare coursing being filmed on a drone which apparently went to a private live stream. Absolute bastards.

They usually drive across the fields and knock down gates in groups of 4x4's. Naturally the police if they do turn up, arrive in a single Ford Fiesta..... 🙄
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Seen a TikTok doing the rounds about how men walking faster than a woman is misogynistic and if they didn't slow down to match your pace you should break up with them. JFC.

Shit like this does us no favours.
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Also, 5'9" and a size 12 is very different to 5'2" and a 12.

This is why people should never get fixated on sizing. I am 5'10 and when I was late teens early 20's I was always a 12. I was desperate to be a 10 or 8 like some of my friends. I never took into account I was about 5 inches taller than most of them.
I hate the size 8/10/12 etc. system. It doesn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason to it.
I can range from a size 6-10 in the same shop with a same item of clothing! It’s ridiculous!!
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Co-workers who are just cold with you for no reason. I get that we can't all like each other, but I've never done anything bad to you, just suck it up and be superficially friendly! You're in your 40s, don't act like a teenager.
Got my daughter a ticket for an event on the back of her 'mate' going. Her 'mate' has been stringing her along for 8 months and now just decided she's not buying a ticket and won't be going 3 weeks beforehand.

What a shitty thing to do, they've been talking about it and organising outfits as you do at 17 and then to drop her at the last minute. I'm equally raging as I am sad for her 🤬
What a little shit! I swear some people, particularly at that age, do this stuff to make themselves feel important. She probably wants your daughter to be devastated, to make herself feel like she's sooo cool and her company is sooo desireable.
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Had a nail appointment at 8am. My nail tech over slept and didn’t show. Waited outside for half an hour before giving up and going to a Costa. When she finally wakes up she messages me and says sorry she can squeeze me in at 4pm. So I either have to travel home and come back and waste more petrol or hang in town for several hours and spend a fortune on parking 🙃 she doesn’t wanna mess her other clients about by pushing them back.

Got up early on my day off for no reason too. So annoyed.
You had better get those done for a BIG discount, if not for free!!
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