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Chatty Member
I've been waiting nearly 2 weeks for a letter from the job centre that I can see from my living room. I got a letter saying my tablet was being cut off about a week prior to me receiving the actual letter.
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Rosie glow

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Unfortunately all you have said isn't reason enough to take the children from the mother and it shouldn't really be an option she may be a bad person but they are still her kids too unless they are at risk of or are being abused.

My ex thinks I am all about the money (the £80 he gives me now)

Family court wouldn't do anything about him trying to coach our daughter to lie to me which caused her alot of distress, he also asks her what I am doing all the time on weekends she is with him - like it's me that's making him have her so I can go on the pull when he dragged me through court etc. and he tried to get her to say his girlfriend was her new mum and I wasn't needed anymore. But cafcass and family court only care about making sure both parents see the child.
I never said we wanted to take them away from their mother ??
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My husband 🤨.
I've been asking him to put pictures up in the living room for a few months, he's already put them up in the kitchen before and I hated them so we had to fill, sand and paint the holes. He said you'll only hate them. But that's beside the point. I don't know I'll hate them unless their up and I can see what they look like.
Happy wife and all that.
He finally said he'll do it, but asked what he gets in return.
I told him to fuck off. I packed them up and said leave it, I don't want them up.
1. A major fucking ick. Asking for a sexual favour.
2. Fuck off. I do everything around the house, with the kids, food wise. He just goes to work, clears up from dinner and sometimes watches the kids brush their teeth. They want me for everything else.

It's really pissed me off. All I asked for is some pictures to be put up. He was only sitting down doing nothing. Would take 20 mins, max.

I'm sat in the garden ignoring him now. He's come out and asked where I want them, how high, how far spaced apart. I've just said I don't want them up. I can hear him banging. I know he won't have put them up how I like but I'm not going in there to assist. I'll just take them down later when I decide I don't like them.
Command strips. So easy, no hassle, not asking for help, no filling holes.

I can't be arsed with waiting for himself to pull his thumb out either, these are the solution.
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Is it weird that my brothers wife ignores me on FB, but she’s all over a post from my ex husband’s ex girlfriends daughters wedding telling them how gorgeous they all look. I don’t even get a happy birthday. Weird witch 😡
Do you get on generally? Could it be that she feels threatened by you?
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Right and what about the people who ghost you? or plan an interview but then fill the position or say the job is frozen, or reject you automatically then are still looking months later??? Gosh I hope so - I want to move on or forward from this company, it's been. a month of back and forth
as someone who has just started a job where it took them 2months to decide they want me, then had to get permission to make me an offer and has just started after applying in February.. i am hearing everyone on this thread. plus apparently they were desperate for someone but i just found not only were they taking their time, The last person left a yr ago

If they want you they can offer straight away or soon after interviews have finished. It's ludicrous.

I won't be wasting that much time when i get out (because i was sold a complete dud of a role)
The song in three background is from about 20 years, and it's Kelly Rowland saying aww all the time . The woman says it when the song does.

The fact someone thought that was a good idea makes me cringe.
the ad for i think its Airbnb i get on all my YT videos . zoom in zoom out whatdigga whadiggs what dja got owww
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You know when you’re so angry you almost shake? I seem to get that a lot these days. And I can’t work out whether it’s me taking things to heart or if everyone else is just a dick.
Common sense would indicate that I am the common denominator in these situations but I really don’t think it’s always my fault 😬
A mixture of both x
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I don’t know what is going on atm but I am permanently starving. I usually intermittent fast but I get so hungry that I feel sick and have to eat. It’s not a normal “hmm I’m a bit peckish” it’s permanently ravenous. I can have Last night I had a full Sunday dinner and was starving not even an hour later
Could be your blood sugars playing up. You need to get it checked out 🙂
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Chatty Member
I totally agree. Only it’s more complicated than that and such is life. Therapy is helping me
Yes of course, sorry I didn't mean to sound flippant about not associating with them. I've been through this with my dad. I'm so glad therapy is helping you though and I hope you have some support away from the person in question ❤.
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Chatty Member
no bitching here just sharing my views after some other person commented. also tbh i have no interest in mens internationals either.. i do team footbal l and my team only. I am not by any means an armchair
Sorry, that wasn’t directed at you! I’d actually read several comments elsewhere and on social media and it just aggravated me a bit.
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May I ask how you do this please? I’ve only got one in post locker near me and it’s ALWAYS full I hate having to go out of my way by miles just to post something that someone’s paid me a quid for 😭😂
I had to google it, basically go into your account, then settings, then postage and turn off the Inpost options. A warning comes up saying you’ll limit your buyers but I don’t care at this point!🤣
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Constant fucking questions. From everyone. Just use your own brain and see if you can answer it yourself and ask me as a last resort. Seriously I am so sick of it especially today. It’s like they can’t function if I’m not within arms reach of them.
If you mean in a parent type situation, isn't it the case that we think our parents know the answers to everything, ever in the whole world? 😂 I thought my mother did when I was a kid.
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Chatty Member
Can you give examples of what you are talking about? I’m interested in your view and think I agree, I’m just not sure of what exactly you mean necessarily.
It all started for me when I was debating shelling out for a course of Baby music and sign classes type thing. I decided that although all the websites about it stated the huge benefits to babies I was interested enough to see what was supporting these claims.

After a lot of internet rabbit holing I found some actual studies. Suffice to say it was extremely underwhelming but you could see how huge claims and leaps had been made and then just quoted as sources from other websites, with almost no link back to the research.

Same goes for all things "attachment". So completely misunderstood and bandied around. Baby led weaning is very trendy - and very light on actual evidence. Co sleeping - hot potato and yet bizarrely in this case the evidence is real, and the parenting websites dispute it(?)

Breastfeeding benefits are hugely over hyped, although I fully support it, I wanted the facts. The book "Cribsheet" was a revelation for me. Was recently interested to get to the bottom of claims that breast milk composition changes when babies are ill, because I thought it was interesting. After a lot of leg work I found the study the claims came from. As with most of this stuff the study ended on the phrase "initial findings indicate XXX but requires further study". Headlines always leave out the crucial last bit of that sentence it seems 🧐

Now wondering where the evidence for "gentle parenting" came from. Most of this stuff is anecdotal yet is taken as fact so I suspect the same.

These are just some examples, Im back to work now so my boring debunking hobby isn't getting so much time 😂
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Chatty Member
Is anyone watching the World Cup Final? Earps the England goal keeper is yelling things like "fuck off" and "fuck yeah." Bad form! We don't want the Lionesses to get the reputation of being thugs, like most English football players and fans are seen as. The Lionesses are a chance for England to have a good reputation abroad. There are little girls watching who, for the first time ever, can dream of being professional footballers one day. Let's keep it nice and clean, Earps!
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Because there's nothing stopping someone from swopping price stickers, for example, and claiming that it was the price that was on the item.
They can try but they wouldn;t get far/past me. On one of my stints at M&S we had a customer come to the till with a pair of womens shoes. There was no way on Gods green earth they were only £10. What the dumb customer didn;t realise was it came up on the till as womens slippers because thats obviously what she'd peeled the label off. Of course we were not allowed to say anything but boy did she get a sarcastic I think that must have the wrong label on spiel from me as if to say i know your game madam nice effing try
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I have managed to grow my hair to a decent length. All I’ve ever wanted is long hair now it’s just making me hot and I hate it. Always flopping round in the way 😠😠😠 it has been in a bum for at least 4 weeks now. Wore it down today NEVER AGAIN *books hair appointment*

Same. My hair dresser today told me I need to stop wearing it up as I’m starting to get breakage and I don’t know how I’ll cope.

I get serious neck sweats now and sweat on a night, literally wondering if I’m menopausal in my mid 30’s.
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Chatty Member
Its the confidence that ppl make these moves which is the problem. Anyone can be in the wrong lane but the right way to deal with it is either indicate and wait for someone to let you in - if safe to do so on that type or road OR continue down the wrong route and reroute/turn around.

They all seem to realise they've made a mistake and then try to correct it without considering there could be ANY other road users!
You’re spot on. It also shows she didn’t even look in her mirror before moving into my lane otherwise she would’ve seen I was there! I do think she thought she was in the correct lane and didn’t realise she’d made a mistake until I beeped at her. Hopefully next time she’ll at least ‘mirror, signal, manoeuvre’ 😑
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