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I’m not sure if this is a rant but I just want to get it off my chest. Whenever I spend time with my boyfriend, after we go home separately, I always feel really sad? Like I can’t shake it? I always have such a nice time with him then when I’m on my own everything feels flat. He’s only my second boyfriend and I didn’t feel like this with my first one. Please tell me I’m normal haha
I’ve been in a similar situation and I ended up calling it a day on that relationship. I started to think it was my subconscious telling me something was off about the situation.

Turns out I was right. I saw him a couple of weeks later in a social situation and he was horrible. Throwing his weight around like a petulant child because I was in his presence (we share mutual friends). My friend actually said to me at the time that I’d had a lucky escape. It was like he was completely different person.

Listen to your gut, I know it’s cliche but a lot of the time it isn’t wrong.
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Chatty Member
My mum is just bombarding me with messages and won't leave me alone. I am low contact as she is a narc & was very abusive and neglectful during my childhood. I know if I don't reply she's going to go off on one but I do not have the energy for the 17 messages she's sent me since 10pm last night 😫
Oh no 😢 is there any way you can just go no contact?
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I get my result for my maths exam next week, I know I failed. The exam was awful the questions were the worst - I'd revised for over a month with the stuff I was told too but when the exam started the questions there was nothing like I'd revised. I put an answer in every box and tried to put workings out but we will see.

I have been trying for 5 years to get into nursing now, 2 years of Access course over covid - given a predicted grade, so i went to uni through clearing came out with a 2:1 hoping they'd take me for nursing with that great grade, I took a maths exam in March but failed by 2 points sat it with sepsis and kidney stones. So I paid £140 to take an online one.

But the universities have to have a maths grade of some sort, if I don't get in this September I have to reapply for next Sept which will be another year. I don't want to have to find a job for year, I have worked so hard and all that is stopping me is maths - even when I did a whole module for maths nursing in my access which I passed.

You'd think the amount of effort I'd put in would mean something with the need for nurses!
I remember your previous post.

Hope you do hear good news despite believing the opposite.
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I was just thinking ..... wondering what I was ranting about this time last year 🤔
I keep getting pictures coming up on my phone saying "this time last year" and it got me thinking 🤔
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Chatty Member
Been dismissed by every GP in my local surgery for over 3 years… been trying to get to the bottom of two major issues 1) extreme digestive problems and 2) hormone issues (high prolactin). The fact is that I have serious issues that need investigating but they won’t bother. I’m in agony most days and I can’t live like this but they don’t care and I’ve tried everything. I’m exhausted. What upsets me is I’ve recently lost my period. I’m only 23 years old and it’s gone. I’m not pregnant, in fact I don’t think I can get pregnant from all the hormonal issues I have and I don’t take anything to impact my periods. There’s clearly a deeper issue and they refuse to refer me or offer any help besides forcing me to go on the pill even though I want to conceive in the next year. I’ve lost all hope and I’m really struggling. I feel so let down by the NHS. When you’re having medical issues you should be able to turn to your doctors but I can’t, I’m truly scarred and terrified with how I’ve been treated. I’m just SO upset that they let it get this bad for years and now the consequences are showing. I’m so worried about my health.
Have they not even offered blood tests or anything?
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This is a multi rant in one...I need to replace my (old but perfectly good) car due to ULEZ. Found a car online I really like, it's in the Midlands (I'm in London).

The garage selling it (not a main dealer or anything) is only open til 4 tomorrow, my son's got my car til at least 3 - and it's a 4 hour drive - so I can't go then. They're shut on Sunday and so then next time I could realistically go is next Sat, chances are it'll be sold by then (as it's a nice car at a decent price).

What makes it more annoying is my Ex and his family live at most 30 mins from the garage, he and his dad are very knowledgeable about cars so if we were still together I could have sent them to give it the once over. However because my Ex is an idiot who couldn't be faithful, we're no longer together and that's not an option.

Edited to add - I did look at going up by train, but the nearest station is about 10 miles away from the garage, so that's out as well.
couldn’t just ask his dad? Or are things that bad
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Not so much a rant but just bloody well annoying.

I post on FB on the news feeds, in the past week ladies have replied to my posts
expressing the desire to be my friend and asking for a friend request. I don't get
that one bit.

Also I've had some friend requests from people I've never interacted with, I look
at their profiles and I'm just baffled why they are sending me a friend request!

I've been posting on FB for years, why this all of a sudden?
They are scammers, loads of them on public groups. They aren’t ladies, they are most likely men, in a room with loads of other men with fake pictures and scripts. Just ignore them
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If I'm reading this correctly and the other person isn't a child. There's no reason why the first person can't' deal with their own shop. If they can't go Tesco also deliver.

Leave the house and find a cafe the next time you need to get some work done.
They are perfectly capable of doing their own shop short of driving. It’s a faff to get there on the bus so I don’t mind driving especially as it’s a big shop to lug back on the bus. I was free to take her and I would have felt shit knowing that she was traipsing there on the bus in the rain when my car is the easier and quicker option. Especially as it’s a big household shop. She won’t do online ordering which is another issue in itself.

It’s just the ungratefulness of everything I do at the moment that’s pissing me off. It’s HER way on HER own schedule or its toys out the pram. The argument literally came out of nowhere. Feel like everyone takes advantage of me and don’t notice how much I do around the house just to keep life turning. Unless it’s not done, and then it’s obviously all my fault for not doing it. Today was the final straw, I’ve got my own shit going on, without taking on other peoples shit and then getting bollocked for no reason for it!

After today, I’ll be doing my own shopping and stepping back from household nonsense. Unless it affects me directly then I won’t be doing it. It’s beyond pathetic. I plan to catch up on my assignment tomorrow and keeping out of her way but no doubt I’ll be accused of “carrying it on” and causing an atmosphere as she I guarantee she won’t back down and apologise. I just can’t be fucking bothered with it anymore.
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Everything’s gone up but maybe they are trying to discourage plastic usage. The lost the pot noodles are around 80-90p
I had forgotten about them, saw and advert for them on my FB page, thanks for the reminder.
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I made turmeric and ginger shots earlier today .

As I was straining the liquid out of the pulp I upended the bowl and tipped the entire contents over my CREAM kitchen units , splashed it all over myself and a new linen T-shirt that is now in the bin .

I couldn’t work out which was more important , cleaning the units or my yellow streaked face neck and hands., I chose the kitchen.

Fuck home made healthy stuff.
This reminds me of the time I didn’t realise I had spilt turmeric until it was too late and everything I’d touched was fluorescent yellow. My iPhone charging cable, cream units same as you and even the white patches on my dog were i’d stroked her! Bleach worked on everything to get it out, not on the dog obvs.
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I just hate my life
I'm struggling to lose weight as I eat my feelings, and food is my only pleasure these days
I'm always tired, I have no motivation to do anything.
I'm sick of being poor.
I'm sick of being a single mum and navigating all of the challenges of parenthood on my own.
I love my house but it is falling apart and landlord won't do anything about it (damp, black mould, rotten skirting boards, leaking pipes)

The only thing in my life I actually enjoy right now is my job.

I'm just so bloody miserable and I am really trying to be better and feel better but it is so hard.
Sorry you’re feeling like this. Sending you a virtual hug x
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I lathered my face in factor 50, 3 times today. I'm bright red with white rings around my eyes where I've had sunglasses on. I look like a tomato. It stings too.My husband nearly wet himself when he saw me.
Oh dear , that’s not good. Was it last year’s or new, which brand?
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Oh yes, ignore them all but why all of a sudden any why the odd approach of asking for a friend
They choose pages to target, that’s why there’s so many of them all of a sudden. If you send them a friend request they can start messaging you, then ask for gift cards and other stuff.
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My immune system is shit. I've gone away for a week, going home Sunday. Wish i was home now in my own bed, as I've got really bad thrush & too embarrassed to buy some medication for it. I've also been coughing my guts up for the last few days.
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@LydiaDeetzHat I thought you weren’t going to take the role?

I can’t speak on GPs or hospital consultants/surgeons, but all the doctors I’ve known working in hospitals have really had an issue with drink and drugs (mostly cocaine).
I kinda had to. PLus I had already signed the contract when some of this crap came out.If i went into a corporate one they prob wouldnt let me take the time off/work hybrid so i can sort out my late parents estates cos that delightful task is still outstanding. I can't go on without money much longer than the 6 weeks I have had in between roles.I knew it was 6k less than my last role and a nightmare commute but every little thing is making me think ifts getting less and less worth the hassle/being skint. ( never a good sign when everyone I spoke to today says they cant afford to eat in the subsidised canteen - red flag ahoy)

I just knew it though. whenever I have to take these jobs for the money they are always a total shizz nightmare. and once again as Blackadder said the devil farts in my face.. rant to come on Thursday as luckily I am off to see Groundhog Day again tomorrow night which will be fantastic .
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House of Tea

VIP Member
I’m not sure if this is a rant but I just want to get it off my chest. Whenever I spend time with my boyfriend, after we go home separately, I always feel really sad? Like I can’t shake it? I always have such a nice time with him then when I’m on my own everything feels flat. He’s only my second boyfriend and I didn’t feel like this with my first one. Please tell me I’m normal haha
Maybe he isn’t the one for you, and only when you are on your own your subconscious is trying to tell you that.
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New job is beyond awful. agency say thank god you called we have a job at old company and I have no temps left. desperate to get back in there at more salary a better commute and nicer all round. A week laterdespite checking my phone every few mins still havent got back to me with an interview slot (though god only knows why ppl have stated to interview for temp jobs now, if theyre crap you can just dump and get another.) I have so much stress about this in addition to the awful new job. I can interview immediately, give them a weeks notice and be out before my awful boss comes back from his holidays. I have security clearance and know the companys old systems .. WHY is it taking so long? I should be a shoe in for the role.
After months of work colleagues moaning that no-one was organising a social event, I decided to do it myself and sent out an email last week with a selection of dates. How many replies do you think I’ve had? Five.

Five replies, from a group of about 30 people who repeatedly complained that we never have socials. FFS. I sent a reminder this morning but if I don’t get a decent number of replies again I’m going to bin off the whole idea.
and here is me with an invite for a team day upcoming in my new nightmare job... part of the reason is the people are awful and now I have to spend an entire day with them and they will be in touch shortly about social/fun things we can do.. I am going to need to get out of these. I am not spending time out of work hours and my own money on these ppl! Already thinking about how i can get out.. luckily I am new and they don't know me so i can use the money/long travel/child care/don't drink .. etc can anyone else come up with ways I can get out if I am still there at the end of the month?
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