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VIP Member
I can't get over how wasteful people are ... e.g., Throwing out a merino wool jumper because it has a hole in it ... Iron-on patches are affordable and do the job perfectly!
WTF?? many people wear clothes with holes in "Because it's trendy", taking the jumper down to a charity shop would have
been better.
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Chatty Member
Theres this online friend I have we live in neighbouring countries and we started a bond over our anxieties over the state of our lives. But once I made a couple changes and starting to try to heal myself ive realized that we don’t have anything else in common. Not only that but she had a red flag Ive ignored for wtv reason but cant now (her being jealous over a coworker because she was younger and in a higher role and she was happy when she got fired) so I decided to not share my small successes. Not only that but I noticed she is a bad listener and tends to looooooove small talk. If u try to go in depth with any topic it’s just not going to happen. She will move on to another topic and it’s an endless loop of dull vapid small talk. at one point I didn’t answer her for 3 weeks!!! And i didnt even realize it.

anyways she sent me a text saying basically why do u not text me back quickly anymore. Then she ended ranting that her ex bestfriend had ghosted her too and it makes her sad. Idk to me it sounded a tad manipulative. A way to guilt trip me. Well kinda worked I now try to text her so she doesn’t feel unloved or something. But it’s just painful sometimes

and i also feel like i don’t really like her but i also feel i dont have enough reasons as to why i find her so irritating. Like yeah she got jealousy problems it seems and she loves small talk and I find her boring but why do i get so annoyed by her and really just dont like her at all
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My boyfriend keeps saying 'it's not the end of the world' when I mention any kind of thing to resolve. Yeah I know it's not the end of the world, still something to think about and make a decision on? Pisses me off.
Is he northern by any chance I say this sometimes 😂😂😂.
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Yep!! My life insurance and medical are both compulsory! I have been trying to make the most of the health insurance (currently basking in the world of private therapy), but I couldn't give two hoots about life insurance. I've got no dependents so would rather have the cash thanks!
same.. i dont think people realise that.. they also go nuts when I don't have an emergency contact.. like i am likely to drop dead at my desk doing admin lol. its not like a factory or something
Take that message to HR!!
That is completely inappropriate.
gosh I think I misread this as I thought the sender was looking out for poster and that they were letting her know she was being talked about
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I’ve just investigated them further and it seems the flavours are a bit different which is weird. A king size Bombay bad boy with ALL the hot sauce is my guilty PMT pleasure a few times a year. Doesn’t look like it comes potless which is a bit shit! 😂
I noticed that too when I had a look on Pot Noodle website.
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There is, you can't advertise a product for a price, then change it at the time of sale. It is illegal, the same way that selling a product that is not what's advertised is illegal. I realise there will be no way to enforce that on Facebook and that's not why I'm upset. I just brought it up to drive home to him that it was a shitty thing to do to me.
Interesting, not something I was aware of, what legislation is that coming from? Not saying it's right but didn't know it's illegal
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Ugh, I wish we could normalise not wearing bra’s.

Anyway my rant today is Reddit. I’ve been permanently banned. Now, like me, you might ask yourself what did I do or say to cause this.
Btw this is for inciting violence.
In the first instance on an article about a mum who abused and killed her toddler I said “this is why corporal punishment is needed” Don’t really see how this was inciting violence.
Then I’m not really sure because most of my comments are “wow, that’s awful”. The only other thing I can think is after seeing like the millionth video of angry Karens in America I asked “what’s going on in the US, why does everybody hate each other”

I’m annoyed about it as there are a lot of really wholesome and funny threads that I can’t participate in.
That's so OTT, what you said wasn't inciting violence at all. Can you not make a new account with a different email? :(
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Not winning the bastard lottery so going back to work, after annual leave, on Monday. Don't want to work, don't want to be unemployed, still can't find the third option.
Maybe meet in the halfway, 50/50: Go to work but pretend like you're unemployed and do a really, really half-arsed job 😁
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I’ve got another rant. I joined a Facebook group for my secondary school the other week and lots of photos were popping up on it. I still had a load of photos from our last year there so I thought I’d scan them and post them up. As it happens, I had a shit time at school, I was bullied constantly and I have no desire to see anyone I was at school with, but I’m also super nosy haha.

The photos went down a storm, loads of likes, loads of comments. Did one single person thank me for posting them or ask after me? No. I fully acknowledge that I’m stamping my feet petulantly over not being acknowledged by a bunch of cunts but I reserve my right to do so, as a middle aged woman.
I would have been pissed off too! I just found my old school, giving this a go myself for a laugh.
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Bad rant I know sorry I know its there job but getting to by a rather larger and i mean a fair few more dress sizes nurse that I need to consider losing some weight for my health just feels a little insulting.
Yes, that's happened to me. I've had treatment which has made me pile on weight. Was told I would be 12.5 stone.
Then have been told the same as you - once by junior doctor at hospital words equivalent to you're a greedy cow and once by a severely overweight nurse at doctor's surgery.
And they wonder why people get violent 😄
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Chatty Member
First time commenting here. But I’d like to rant about that ridiculous Ashley Look At Me tiktok trend. It’s all over Facebook and Instagram reels and it’s fucking stupid and annoying, and it’s practically every other reel when I’m scrolling through them - even though Ive started immediately swipe them off, which usually will make the algorithm stop showing you that type of content pretty quickly , I’m STILL getting four or five one after the other.

And the people in them aren’t doing anything that “goes” with it either, like other trends on tiktok. I saw one before I started swiping them away at lightening speed and it was just a group of random middle aged women waltzing down a street. Others are just doing nothing. Just sat around.

I don’t even usually notice the tiktok trends like this but I can’t seem to escape this one without avoiding social media altogether 😂
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Not so much a rant but just bloody well annoying.

I post on FB on the news feeds, in the past week ladies have replied to my posts
expressing the desire to be my friend and asking for a friend request. I don't get
that one bit.

Also I've had some friend requests from people I've never interacted with, I look
at their profiles and I'm just baffled why they are sending me a friend request!

I've been posting on FB for years, why this all of a sudden?
Me too I've had loads and it is so weird, no mutual friends or anything idk why they keep adding me.
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VIP Member
British Gas takes the piss. Got a text from them saying that they've taken it upon themselves to book me in for a smart meter installation in a week's time, even though I never asked for it. And the only way to cancel is by calling them up. Tried a few times already and only seem to get through to an Indian call centre where the line is terrible and their accent is so thick you can barely understand them. They shouldn't be allowed to pull stunts like that.
Probably a scam text.
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