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VIP Member
The model herself may not be seen as overweight, but if that was in the plus sized section, the company will have ensured additional sizes which could be selected were available on the side.
You might not get everything you want, but brands have been more inclusive of different sizes then ever before.

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Pesky Tarian

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We go away soon and of course everyone has worn all the clothes they want to take, I have so much washing and the forecast is rain all week. To top it all my husband left his un washed sports towel in the tumble dryer ??!! 🤷🏼‍♀️ and now despite cleaning and airing the drum stinks.
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Yesss defo need a survival thread 👍

I’ve done it I hope the title is ok 🙈🙈. And hope it’s ok I’ve made one
everyone come and join in 👍
Fantastic. I don't have kids but this was a cracking and very thoughtful idea.. thanks for gifting tattlers this
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Rosie glow

VIP Member
When the postie scans it this morning ready for delivery they’ll get a msg saying change of delivery date requested
Hope so or its a trip to the post office in town which is a pain
People unashamedly staring at you I was literally walking up to the bus and there's a workman doing something on the pavement and he's just literally staring me down so wave at him me being sarcastic as I normally do and even that doesn't guilt him in to not staring at me
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Active member
Interesting, not something I was aware of, what legislation is that coming from? Not saying it's right but didn't know it's illegal
its not illegal, it's bloody annoying though when it happens to you. I run a couple of selling groups and often someone comes on and puts something quite valuable for free or a low price and I will advise them to take it off and find out its value even if there are 30 comments asking for it and offers accepted, people rant and rave and report to FB but no laws to say you cannot change your mind. Even shops don't have to sell you something at the price on show, if they don't want to or realise a mistake was made.
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Apparently he maybe stopped by Apple ... it's part of their terms and conditions that users have to be able to block offensive and inappropriate so it would be removed from the App store.
Oohhhhhhh good shout 👍🏻. Can’t imagine why he thinks it’s a good idea to not allow blocking? Has he said why?
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Evri again, takes photo, rings bell, fucks off before I get to the front door, I was in the kitchen
at the time and it only took 3 seconds to get to the door. Useless wankers, give them some
nasty feedback too. I even unlocked the front door because I was expecting a delivery.
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People on fb marketplace. Why are they so fucking annoying 😂
I listed a couple of things for free, just wanted them gone. Said collection only. Because why would I go out of my way to deliver something that im offering for free! (Is that tight of me?😂) Someone messaged saying he wanted them, so I gave my address and asked what time he’d be coming. He replied asking “are you sure you can’t deliver”. Yes positive. Anyway we agreed a time. Time comes and he doesn’t appear so I messaged and said let me know if you’ve changed your mind as there’s others wanting this. He replies “I’ll be half hour, does it come in the box? How long have you had it? It does work doesn’t it, don’t wanna waste my time?”

i felt like replying FOR FUCK SAKE YOURE WASTING MY TIME!! Plus it’s a freebie, why are you expecting original packaging etc, I clearly listed it as used. I listed it for free because I just wanted to clear some space but now I’m wishing I’d actually asked for a £10er or something, at least I’d be getting some cash for answering 7,000 questions 😂
I gave away a load of stuff on a local free fb page last week, once about 10 people had asked to be next in line for each I turned off the comments, but I had tons of people private message me after that! If I’ve turned off the comments and marked it as pending why would they still try and bother me!
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Chatty Member
This is outing but I'm pissed off I've broken my ankle and I am useless on the crutches they've given me. I can barely get to the toilet and back. Luckily it's downstairs so I'm living on the couch just now.
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Sorry, after coming back from the hospital I have another rant- doctors. I’ve only met a handful who are not arrogant.
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My Amazon delivery, they split it in to 2 parts, 1st part came yesterday, 2nd part (which was only a ruler) was being sent separately 🤷‍♀️ and was supposed to be delivered yesterday, initially it said between 15:45-17:45, no sign of it then it said it was still coming and that it would be delivered by 8pm, once again still no sign of it then it changed to oh we’re running late and it basically never turned up and I now can’t even track it 🙄 so bloody annoying I know it’s to do with weight etc but it would have fit easily in the 1st part of my order 😒 unbelievable 😫
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Just think of all we would be missing out on if it wasn't for "bloody foreigners". Not least fish and chips and curry.
Sorry for the food obsession. I'm sure there's lots of non food items but I can't immediately bring them to mind. 😄
Well for a start I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for “bloody foreigners” lol 😆

don’t start on food, I don’t know what I want for tea all I can think about is brownies.
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A few years ago before the food riders. My friend would actually call a taxi service. Tell him her McDonald's order and they would deliver it.
I believe you, I've heard of this, a disabled person would order a taxi to collect the order, special occasions not
on a regular basis.

Talking of MacDonald's, a lot of branches have been remodelled to incorporate an entrance for the delivery kids.
Yes they have their own entrance now which means when I walk in with my helmet I am no longer mistaken for
a food delivery rider.
I've pulled my back at work and the pain is only getting worse due to the amount of bending over I have to do. I'm off this weekend but doing sod all because my back hurts so bad and the thought of it still hurting Monday is making me wanna cry because it won't get better if I'm still straining it. Took some paracetamol and ibuprofen which hasn't helped much.
Get some Naproxen, easy to get, used for period pain but I was prescribed some when I pulled a muscle
in my chest some years ago, I still have some leftover along with the anti gastro tablets.

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So this morning I woke up to a rejection e-mail from a company I did an assessment for, fine whatever - I didn't really want that job anyways and at least I know the deal. Now this second job I've been interviewing for for a month, the HR dept said I'd here from her at the latest today regarding their final decision and it's already 2pm. PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY ALREADY
Ive applied for so many jobs recently and had 1 rejection for a job i was perfect for. Had ALL the experience. It was through an agency and going by the fact when I asked for feedback on the initial rejection he cacked himself and said I HADN'T been rejected, I dont fully trust that they ever even saw my application 🙄

From my own experience recruiting, you can have the best intentions on deadlines and things just go wrong. Hopefully today 🤞🏻 you will hear
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I once interviewed for a job, then afterwards they decided to take us on a very long tour of all the departments. I had to leave the tour for childcare reasons. 6 months later they called to offer me a position. I laughed as I’d already taken up a position elsewhere. Lucky escape !
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Chatty Member
I know it's a sad state of affairs we try our best but we can only do so much
We literally found out a little while ago that when they were younger the mother coached them on what questions they had to ask when they saw us ie what jobs we had what we had in our house what we spent on shopping etc what car we drove just to find out if we had more income so she could keep upping her csa claim to get more money out of him
Everything is about money for her
Unfortunately all you have said isn't reason enough to take the children from the mother and it shouldn't really be an option she may be a bad person but they are still her kids too unless they are at risk of or are being abused.

My ex thinks I am all about the money (the £80 he gives me now)

Family court wouldn't do anything about him trying to coach our daughter to lie to me which caused her alot of distress, he also asks her what I am doing all the time on weekends she is with him - like it's me that's making him have her so I can go on the pull when he dragged me through court etc. and he tried to get her to say his girlfriend was her new mum and I wasn't needed anymore. But cafcass and family court only care about making sure both parents see the child.
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I’m absolutely shocked by this latest trend of people trying to buy up semaglutide and mix it up in their kitchens to inject into themselves.
What many don’t seem to realise is that unless they are buying the drug from a legitimate pharmacy, they’re being sold it illegally and what they’re buying won’t have been subject to any of the strict manufacturing regulations that legitimate medications are, in fact, there’s a huge chance that they may not even be buying semaglutide at all.
It’s horrifying and it obviously goes without saying that by buying and mixing up these powders with water for injections at home, they’re also putting themselves at risk of overdosing and infections. I completely understand the frustration of not being able to access Ozempic legitimately due to shortages, but honestly, it just baffles me the lengths that some people are willing to go to just to get their hands on this drug.

The police need to start cracking down on the companies and individuals selling these ‘raw’ mixes ASAP, otherwise people will end up in hospital.
The best bit of it was the defensive comments. If you could draw a picture of these ppl I'm sure we would all draw the same 😂
Like you do you hun. If you're happy that some woman who took a half hour course in botox can inject you with a fat dissolver then good for you but its just another case of ppl spreading dangerous misinformation on social media to vunerable people.
People were saying "it's all natural ingredients" arsenic is natural.
Honestly I'm just so done with thick people.
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I always manage to cut my legs when shaving 😒 I’m too wimpy to wax myself and can’t afford to go to a salon every month. Think I might have to embrace hairy legs 😂
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Lola Ruby

Well-known member
Me, stupidly drinking coffee when I'm already stressed out/anxious and making it 10 times worse. Aarghh I'll never learn!
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