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VIP Member
God people will really do anything other than exercise and stop eating junk food won’t they 😂😂😂😂
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The key is to not to raise their expectations for daily trips 😂. I remember playing monopoly and mousetrap for three/ four hours a day with cousins. We went to the park almost daily, played school, had water fights and built dens in the garden.

Also make them do chores if they start to complain.
The library also did summer reading challenges and you’d get free pencils and bookmarks.
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When you’re getting ready to go on holiday there’s always one family member that just FUCKS about. Put your shoes on let’s fucking GOOoOoOoooO.

Men usually the worst for this. How are you so relaxed when you haven’t packed or contributed anything helpful so far 😂😂😂😂🫣🫣😳😳
Sorry i just need to have a 3 hour shit....

Usually said to me when ive got the car running about to pull off....
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Chatty Member
With you all on the travellers. They get away with murder (not literally) because they can play the race card, police are too scared to do anything and they are allowed to have their own moral and legal code of existence. Another example of how we reward the vermin while penalising the decent.
I remember watching My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and just wondering why they all had so much money. All of the girls featured spent about £15,000 on their wedding dress. None of my friends even spent that much on their whole wedding! My dad said they don't pay tax, which checks out. I've seen a fair few near me who are dealers of various illegal things. But still it can't be ALL of them - where do they get all the money from?

A lot of tv shows I've seen about them, they complain of how unfairly they're treated by the police, without looking at their own behaviour. I'm not tarring them on an individual level, but when a traveller convention comes to town, there is vandalism, fighting, robberies, sexual assault. But if anyone tries to make them face consequences, it's all "The pigs are biased against us!"
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VIP Member
When you’re getting ready to go on holiday there’s always one family member that just FUCKS about. Put your shoes on let’s fucking GOOoOoOoooO.

Men usually the worst for this. How are you so relaxed when you haven’t packed or contributed anything helpful so far 😂😂😂😂🫣🫣😳😳
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I’m getting quite fed up with people moaning about the England women‘s team by using negative comparisons to the men’s team. If you don’t like or follow football, fine, I don’t either, but even non-fans get behind any success of the men’s team as a cheering England on kind of thing. But when it’s the women’s team doing well, all you hear is people bitching that it’s not as good as men’s football and they couldn’t compete directly against male footballers.
A lot of them are literally just small brained men who are triggered by the fact that the mens team haven’t reached a world cup final since 1967 lmao.
Saw someone raging about it on twitter this morning going “well the U17s won their cup final in 2017”!!! Like really?
And the rest seem to be just general boomers who identify as part of the anti woke brigade and have become enraged by it because they’ve decided it’s being shoved down their throats by the media, and therefore they simply must push back against it and announce to everyone that they despise women’s football at every possible opportunity.

Guess this is my rant for the day too 🤣.
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I would like to complain about myself.

I’ve discovered a thread on here that’s a bit of a car crash and honestly, I can’t stay away. It’s really bad for my blood pressure as the comments are a bit batshit and they irritate me so much but I’m completely addicted to reading them. MAKE ME STOP.
You HAVE to tell us
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Yes why are kids constantly being entertained? My nephew is always with his 3 year old trying to play games. What happened to plonking them into a playpen and letting them get on with it? 70s style? 😂
You're talking my language there. 😂

I was a latch key kid. I had the key to the house when I was 8. Let myself in after school. I developed a very vivid imagination.

Now, I'm not advocating a return to that 🤪 but I do find it very sad that children seem to have to be constantly stimulated these days. It doesn't matter whether it's in a shop or a restaurant. There is always some sort of device on the go. They can last an hour or so in the supermarket without watching Peppa Pig or taking a bike/scooter into a supermarket.
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People who use the phrase ‘happy heavenly birthday’. I know I’m an insensitive arse but my god it makes me cringe to my absolute core.

On a heavier note, my house sale and purchase is about to totally fall apart at the final stage because we can’t get one final document from the land registry until they’ve dealt with another application first, which could take ages. If it does crumble, I’ll be £6k down and stuck in a town I hate. And I’m on a night shift so can’t even drown my sorrows with a bottle of wine!
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People who don’t respect boundaries 😡 and then get angry at me when I state that they’ve overstepped the boundary I constantly remind them of 😡
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I hate all that "We HAVE to be pretty, and we HAVE to not dress like this or we're a slut, but we HAVE to not dress like that our we're a prude, we HAVE to look perfect all the time!" No you don't. I'm a feminist and I know the odds are stacked against women in some ways, but you don't HAVE to do any of that. There are loads of women who never wear makeup and don't care if they look perfect, they're just getting on with life! If someone is putting pressure on themselves to be perfect, that's up to them. No one's going to come and arrest you for turning a guy down for a date or not wearing a push up bra.
The best thing I ever did was stop wearing make up every day. When my daughter started school I made the decision that day that I was not going to turn up the the school gates with a face of make up every day. Such a game changer. Now I only wear make up if I'm going out.
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Someone in my family is being an absolute narcissistic c*** to someone else in my family and is being emotionally manipulative and is showing no remorse or empathy for what he has done. It's like someone I respected has shed their mask and this hideous b*stard has revealed himself. Why are some men absolute c**ts? And because it's family drama it's not some TV soap you can turn off. No, their actions have devastated the family and it's a f*cking mess. I am so angry and feel so powerless because I don't have any money that I can throw at the situation to help alleviate the part of the problem. F*** money, f*** narcs, f*** men in their twilight years who think they can be a Casanova all of a sudden, breaking families and hearts and reputations.
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My rant today.. next door neighbours cat keeps shitting In my garden. I’ve thrown it over the fence back into hers bloody sick of it I am.
A few years ago there was a cat that lives near us who kept terrorising ours and even got into our house ones and tried to claim its territory. My mum ended up buying lion poo as the scent was supposed to scare off the other cat and she placed some cut outs of cats in the garden as well. The bully cat did stop coming round but I don’t know whether that’s because it’s owner began to keep it in or it thought we had a pet lion 🤣.
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Waiting in the queue at the Costco fuel station last night for people to fill up their Chelsea Tractors. 😴 Absolutely no need to drive a Range Rover or equivalent in a town! Most of them aren’t even 4x4 so are useless in the snow!
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I want to rant about me and how I’ve felt guilty because I’m off work due to being ill (sickness bug). All I’ve really done is binge watch a series and lay in bed.

I feel so rundown due to work and I’m here feeling like shit but feeling terrible that I’m not in work. Hate being so conscientious 🙄
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The hassle of trying to replace my car. It's an old diesel, only cost me £1300 3 years ago, runs brilliantly but as from next week every time I leave my driveway it'll cost £12.50 (thanks Sadiq Khan and the ULEZ!)

I've tried looking for a petrol version of my car, it's a bit of an OAP mobile (Vauxhall Meriva) so there are a few petrol ones with FSH, low mileage but they're all £2k, or at the other end of the country or both. Then I started looking at different model/ newer cars up to £10k but just got overwhelmed by options - and then thinking was it too much to spend? And then started on lease cars and....

Now my son is moaning because he needs to borrow the car at start of Sept to go away for the weekend (his car is on it's last legs) and I've said it'll cost him £25 in ULEZ.

I'm just done with it all at this point!
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I hate all this "owing" rubbish. If I want to give someone a lift in my car or have them stay at mine I do it as I want to. I hate the idea of putting pressure on people. So my advice to people is don't do anything you don't want to then you won't need to seethe with rage about not being valued.
I was having such a nice day before I was "triggered". 😄😉
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Chatty Member
Bah, someone advertised something that I really need on Facebook Marketplace and it was free. I messaged and he said I could have it.

I offered to pick it up yesterday but he didn't get back to me. Today he asks me if I can go over this morning, I say yes then he goes quiet on me. When he gets back to me, he says that he's had offers on it, but he'll give it to me cheaper because I was first "£20 if that's ok". I said no, I only applied because it was free. He says no worries, he'll give it to someone else. I tell him you can't give something to someone for free, then charge them for it, it's actually illegal. He says he's not going to give it away when he's had offers for £60 and sends me a load of laugh emojis. I say I realise that, it's just a shit thing to do to me. He gets nasty. I've reported him, I bloody hope they do something about it.

I think it was probably a scam? It seems weird to me that people would offer money for a free listing, and that it happened in the hour between when he asked me to pick it up and now.

I'm left feeling disproportionately tearful about the exchange. I really needed it, I was so happy to find it for free, then he just tried to step on me, assuming that I'd cough up money and be grateful. I'm not going to submit and smile to someone doing that to me. Then he laughs at me. I'm all sad.
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