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What a vile thing to say.
@HaloGirl @themuffinwoman I said what I said and someone of you don’t understand when someone is being deliberately facetious, and as it happens my father lost two elderly relatives to COVID - but not everyone gets to live forever.

I know far more young people who died by suicide during the first lockdown, and I’m saying this as someone who was very Ill themselves from COVID. Not to go off on a tangent, but it was a big mistake having lockdowns to protect the elderly and the most vulnerable.

Anyway, back to the thread- Can’t stand the rude and aggressive over 70s and we should have let COVID do its thing….
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Kim Mild

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@InkHeart can you contact work today and tell them you went back in the building last night.?
Honesty is probably best. Let them know you felt endangered outside and , however wrong and against the rules, you felt it was the most responsible thing to come back in . Do it by email if its easier.
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I would like to rant about the size of Freddos. See attachment. Bloody ridiculous how small they are

I also would like to rant about the weather too. It’s pissing it down. Has gone all night. Floods in my area. stupidly washed my bedding yesterday 🧐. Tomorrow and Tuesday are meant to be sunny
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The World Cup final 😭
Not denying Spain (obviously) outplayed England but there was still some dodgy ref decisions and Spain’s manager is dodgy af too 😒
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I've had a really long stressful week at work, I'm in my head too much & I'm so emotional. I wish I could just get out of my head
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Dickhead parents who can’t properly care and look after their babies and children.

breakfast today all three adults got up from their table and left a baby of around 8 months in a wooden Highchair by himself and not secured at all. Why is it my 5yo knew that was a twattish thing to do but they didn’t? Poor little thing was screaming his head off, then when they came back they just shouted at him for crying. Just awful.
It’s these twats that conceive easily and don’t deserve kids but those that would adore a baby have a really tough time and face infertility🥲
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Most of the ppl watching were of the female LGBT community or blokes who fancied them,,, it was so slow.. not a bit like the mens game I enjoyed watching at Fulham
This is such a sweeping statement!

The women's game has changed massively in recent years. My daughters' play football and have done for many years, well before the lionesses achieved their euros success and made it more popular for girls to play. We go to watch England play as often as we can and also our local WSL team and many families go to watch now. It is good that women's football is being given more media attention rather than it being just a "mens game". Watching the England women is certainly more exciting than watching the England men these days!
Totally agree, even as an England fan, watching the men play is like watching paint dry at times. Personally I still think it’s great that women’s football is becoming popular but I think it can be quite frustrating to watch at times, they should get them to play with shorter goals because when they play with the standard size ones, the women are simply too short to even reach the bar. Idk, maybe that’s a dumb suggestion but for me, there’s a huge size mismatch going on between the players and the sheer size of the pitch and goals sometimes which holds back the game.
I think it’s fab that football is being promoted to young women and girls in general these days, my 7 year old cousin loves football and her parents really encourage her to play. Wish I’d have been pushed more to do it when I was younger, but it was always seen to much as a boys game.

And yeah, at the end of the day, if you’re not into women’s football (or don’t like football in general) then you’ll obviously be bored as fuck if you go to a match lol.
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I want to rant today about people giving me the look when I say no I can't wait until he kids go back because I can't. I love them but being around them 24/7 is hard work we are skint and both still working so it's been hard so don't give me that 'why did you have kids if you don't want to look after them' bull
I totally agree I do love my child to bits but jeez the amount of food I have got through having her at home and just taking her out/entertaining her in general is costing me a bloody fortune🤪 Of course we have had fun but I am proper skint now 🤣 I feel I have added pressure as a single mom to do things with her as her father is a waste of space 😏
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People on fb marketplace. Why are they so fucking annoying 😂
I listed a couple of things for free, just wanted them gone. Said collection only. Because why would I go out of my way to deliver something that im offering for free! (Is that tight of me?😂) Someone messaged saying he wanted them, so I gave my address and asked what time he’d be coming. He replied asking “are you sure you can’t deliver”. Yes positive. Anyway we agreed a time. Time comes and he doesn’t appear so I messaged and said let me know if you’ve changed your mind as there’s others wanting this. He replies “I’ll be half hour, does it come in the box? How long have you had it? It does work doesn’t it, don’t wanna waste my time?”

i felt like replying FOR FUCK SAKE YOURE WASTING MY TIME!! Plus it’s a freebie, why are you expecting original packaging etc, I clearly listed it as used. I listed it for free because I just wanted to clear some space but now I’m wishing I’d actually asked for a £10er or something, at least I’d be getting some cash for answering 7,000 questions 😂
People like that are the fucking worst.

My moan is that I’ve still got to wait weeks to find out if I am the one being made redundant at work. I just want to be out of my misery.
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Drivers in big cars who think they can try and intimidate me because I drive a small car.

Just had this happen on the way home from work and it’s really shaken me up. A lady in a big 4x4 tried to cut me off, she couldn’t get in, then went mental swearing and beeping at me and persisted to drive so close she was practically in my boot while continuing to flash two fingers at me in the mirror.
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Annoyed today. Just took my little dogs out for a walk along comes a staffie walking towards us going absolutely mental trying to get towards my two and what does the owner do.. just carries on with his conversation on his phone!
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Today I just want to rant about myself. Sorry, I feel like I'm doing so much ranting here in the past 2 weeks, but my schedule has been so stuffed that I haven't had anyone IRL to talk to. This is such a non-problem, but I just need to get it out...

I'm part of a hobby group for about 2 years now. I'm slowly trying to make individual friends there, for one-on-one hangouts and activities etc. With a few people I'm getting there. There is one lady who I asked out for coffee about 3 months ago, she said enthusiastically that she'd love to. We had a coffee date. At the end she said she'd love to do it again.

Today I messaged her asking if she has time for another coffee before summer is over. She said she was afraid not, August was too busy for her, but she hoped all was well with me. It felt really like she was saying "I don't want to hang out with you again."

I know it's very possible that August is completely chock-a-block for her, I'm not denying that at all. I just feel down that she didn't ask how I was or say we could get together later in the year. I know I have a tendency to read too much into things, so it might just be me.

I'm not here to rant about her in any way, I'm just annoyed at myself if I'm not good company, or if I often get upset over something that I read into incorrectly. I had a really shit upbringing that taught me that no one, not even my family, wants to be around me. I've been in therapy for years and gotten a lot better. I now mostly believe myself to be likeable and a good friend... it's just when the slightest thing like this happens, I get so down and feel like I've done something wrong. I know there's no way of knowing what's going on in someone else's head, so I have to make peace with not knowing and not pester them. I'm just here because I need to say that I feel really down.
I'm sorry you are feeling like this. I have no real advice except to say that I feel exactly the same as you. Sometimes I feel like I'm always the one to make the effort in friendships and if I stop texting people then I never hear from them again. It's tough, but I think it says more about them than you. It's good that you are going out and opening yourself up to make friendships because honestly that is the hardest part. I guess not everyone is going to end up your best friend but if you keep putting yourself out there (as exhausting as it is, I know) eventually you will find your people. I've had to remind myself many times that people are busy but it doesn't help that I'm usually busy with work and other things but I always find the time to text back or plan a date to meet. I think as adults it gets harder when people have children and other commitments. Keep your chin up though lovely, someone will be very lucky to be your friend ❤
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My immune system is shit. I've gone away for a week, going home Sunday. Wish i was home now in my own bed, as I've got really bad thrush & too embarrassed to buy some medication for it. I've also been coughing my guts up for the last few days.
Try not to be embarrassed. There are so many treatments out there and they will help you enormously. I promise the people in the chemists or even supermarkets really don't care.
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My daughters horrible stepmother! I know there are some genuinely nice stepparents out there but she’s not one of them! This woman has never made any effort with my daughter, she fell out with her dad at the end of their recent holiday! Long story short he was vile to her so they weren’t speaking! Over a week of no contact and this woman (not her dad) messages her out the blue (not a how are you etc) to invite her to her sons bday bbq this weekend however it was very short notice and she had already made plans to go out with her uncle, my daughter wasn’t ready to talk to her after the way she was treated so she ignored her message though made it clear to his family that she had got plans but this clearly wasn’t cascaded , last night she got a vile message from her saying she was not making the effort for her step brother and was generally utterly vile in her tone! I’ve had enough of this woman shes always interfering and her dad lets her get away with it, my daughter was so upset last night I’ve told her to block her number I am fuming her dad lets her get away with sending such shitty horrible messages!😠 FYI her dad is a true narc so let’s her do as she pleases hate the pair of them ☹
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I dont want you to think im having a go but you've created your own issue here with this bloke. You need to set stronger boundaries.
What you're doing this week and little gaps in it are absolutely nothing to do with him.
Through telling him no but i can do xyz you're allowing him to abuse your lack of boundary.

You've been more than accomodating to him. He's being a weirdo. Hand it to the police and be done.
I think that's overstating it a bit 😅 This thread's called "What do you want to rant about", if I thought this was going perfectly, I wouldn't be writing here! I'm not angry at the situation itself, since I can do what I like, I'm ranting about this guy's attitude and how a lot of men around me lately have been acting so entitled.

Like I said upthread, the police station is an hour out of my way, and I didn't begin talking to this guy until yesterday morning, so of course I haven't handed it over.

If you like boundaries, I'm very much about rejecting the blame for men's bad behaviour, thanks!
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This woman I know. I just really need to rant about her!

I avoid her where possible as she irritates me so much! She lies all the time, asks personal questions by asking me my salary or questions about my kids and husband. Overshares a lot, is always full of self pity, how her family never support her, she's shattered blah blah blah. Every school run she looks for me and ends up draining me completely. If I'm with my husband she pretends she hasn't seen me 😂

She is my son's friend's mum. I actually only see her on the school run because I decided quickly to give her a wide berth. But what i don't get is that when I text her at the weekend to ask if her son wants to come over for lunch Thursday she just ignores it. As always! For some reason she always ignores my texts! She'll still post all over her instagram but will ignore me for ages. And then eventually she'll text and apologise saying her phone has been broken or the cat ate the charger or something.

I just dont get it!! And my son wants to know if his friend is coming over tomorrow ive just had to say that it doesn’t look like it. Why can't people just be easy to deal with. I don't expect instant responses and I know people are busy but a bit of courtesy wouldn't go amiss.

Sorry if this makes no sense or just sounds petty. When I'm in a ranty mood I ramble on and can't stop 😂
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Last night I found a wallet lying in the street. I picked it up and waited for a couple of minutes in case someone came looking for it. There were drunken revellers everywhere. I almost put it back down in case someone on a night out realised they had lost their wallet and was going to retrace their steps.

But then I thought 'If I don't take it, the next person to spot it might steal the money and use the credit cards', so I took it home. I found the name on the driving licence and messaged him on Facebook, "Did you lose your wallet in York?"

Today I got a message saying "I did, yeah" and he asks if he can come to collect it. I said of course and gave him my address. I have quite a lot to do today, so I asked if he can make it here in the next couple of hours. He doesn't reply for an hour. Then he replies saying he doesn't have time today so it will have to be next week.

What the hell are you doing that's more important than retrieving your money, driving licence and credit cards (and Mecca bingo loyalty card)? He didn't even say thanks and he just expects me to keep his property for when he feels like showing up. I have an extremely busy week and don't have time to negotiate a time to be sitting at home.

I've experienced several frustrating situations in the past few days arising from young men being entitled with me.
- That guy who promised me something on Marketplace for free, then said it was now £20 and kicked off when I said no.
- A guy who insisted on carrying my heavy shopping for me, then complained the whole way down my street that it was too heavy, but wouldn't let me take it myself.
- Being robbed a few weeks ago.
- My boss changing my hours to 6.30-8.30pm, even though the role isn't time sensitive, because obviously I never need to eat dinner? (He's old, but I'm including it.)
- Two separate guys come up to me in the street like "Hey love, how're you? You going out tonight? Where do you live?" and acting like I've devastated them when I didn't reply.
- My neighbour casually telling me he's put his lawnmower in my shed because there wasn't room in his. He also takes a short cut through my garden no matter how many times I ask him not to.

All but one of these men are my age or younger. I'm surprised to find myself old enough to grumble about young people today, but the entitlement and lack of manners really shocks me.

I don't care if they think I should unquestioningly give them my time, money and attention, I will not!
Do you have a police station near you? Just dump the wallet through their letter box if you get the chance and tell him to sort it out with them. Fuck him.

I will have to take umbrage about the sentiment that it's younger people that have an overblown sense of entitlement though. In my experience the worst ones are the 50+ group. Thats the group where the Karen and Boomer memes stem from.
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T.O.M cramps are REAL. I realllly want to eat the whole bag of cheese and onion kettle crisps that are in the cupboard, they are calling me. But I desperately want to lose as close to 3 stone as possible before the year is out. I just stood in my underwear infront of the mirror. I'm drinking a pepsi max with lots of ice instead 🥲
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