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A tiny portion of muesli at 5.30am, literally a stomach liner portion (earlies this week so a struggle to eat more than a snack at that time) A cheese, lettuce and tomato sandwich on granary for lunch and a small portion of my chicken mess pasta for dinner (chicken, chorizo, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, mozzarella and pasta) I also snuck in a hovis digestive at 9am. Water to drink all day and a long walk this afternoon to cover the mozzarella calories.
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Has anyone got any salad inspiration?

I normally have one for lunch and have been having tuna and poached eggs or bbq chicken but bored of those, need new ideas. When I say salad I mean some protein to go with a bag of salad leafs 😅
I like adding the little pots of low fat hummus and cottage cheese to my salads as well
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Well, today I've had a protein shake, a packet of ITSU seaweed thins given to me by my very lovely trainee and a handful of Blue Dragon wasabi rice cakes that came with the shopping delivery, because all the food at lunchtime was randomly dumped on platters, so there was no way of establishing what was dairy and gluten free.

I am quite hungry now (massive understatement there) so Mr D has been dispatched to the shop to get some reasonably priced tinned tomatoes as the ones online were stoopid money so he can make a spicy tomato and tomato sauce to have with some seabass and potatoes. And I splashed out on some prawn Dim Sum that were GF, which will last approximately 30 seconds from leaving the microwave. I'm trying very hard not to go straight for the large tub of GF goodness that is now sitting on the kitchen windowsill, as it's got millions of wanky snack bars, pretzels, Pom Bears and posh pot noodles. And a packet of Lemon and Poppyseed Muffins.
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I wiouldn't panic too much about the 5lb just yet, wait until the weather cools a bit, also best to weigh yourself at the same point in your cycle for comparision.
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Well, the work thing meant all I had to eat was two GF muffins and the early start (6am) meant I fell asleep when I got home until 9pm. So I was staaaarving and two potato waffles and two fried eggs just didn't fill the gap...

Wasabi rice crackers
Pom Bears

and a ginger tea did.

This gluten and dairy free is proving harder for quick things, as I would never normally eat any of those things, but I was on 440kcal for a very, very long and early day.

In better news, down 0.5kg on last week.

Mr is off rehearsing with the band tomorrow, so I've got a ton of fruit and DF yoghurt to work my way through before he rolls back in the front door.
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Thats me, I don't really have a recipe, I just dump oats in the pan, add half milk half water until it looks about right, heat it until its cooked then serve with (single) cream and golden syrup but honey is probably healthier. Sorry I can't be more helpful but it's one of those things that I don't really think about making. I will say though that it's a big helping, way more than the 40g serving size. I probably use up half my calories on it but it stops me nibbling during the day. Also won't work for everyone but it's one of those strategies we can try once and know if it's going to work for us. You could drop the cream and add a banana instead if it makes you feel better although I don't really add much, thats more habit from porridge being my hangover cure back in the day. I've also lately taken to cutting up a pineapple, galia melon and cantelopue and leaving in a big bowl in the fridge aswell as a dry coleslawy thing, just basically white cabbage, red cabbage, grated carrot, beetroot and a bit of grated apple. I'm just eating for the sake of it at the moment so having to find strategies to manage that as I'm on earlies, porridge is when I'm on lates, find it much easier to manage my nibbling on lates. I think it's because when I'm on earlies it's too early for me to really eat much so I never have that full feeling, I just graze all day whereas on lates I eat my porridge and walk out the door stuffed.
Thank you! I’m going to give it a go 😊 I tend to graze too if I don’t have something decent in the morning to set me up!
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Problem is the rest of the household isn't prepared to not have it in the house and Mr F just bought me a large Hotel Chocolat box for our 10th anniversary! Which is nearly gone, to be fair, so won't be an issue much longer.
I always find it better to gorge on stuff like that and get it finished as soon as possible.
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I've decided to focus on measurements now more than the scales, as it fluctuates so much and I've started doing weights now so weighing might not be accurate enough on its own. Does anyone know what a reasonable number of inches you could lose from your waist in a month? I know it will vary so much by person but I have no idea what is realistic. Anyone who does measurements, how quickly do you see a difference in inches? I'm so impatient 😂
I noticed a significant drop in the waist the first two stone, then dribs and drabs for months, and now in the final stretch (to 5 stone) it seems to be finally moving again. I'm really tall though so I think my weight was spread all over. If you're the same it might be worth measuring all over.
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VIP Member
Welcome, Lolita!! 🥰🥰
First step is acknowledging we need to take steps to get healthier.
I started by cutting out foods that made me feel bloated/rubbish. To me it was bread, pasta, anything with white flour and sugar. The first few days were really difficult, but then I started feeling really great. No headaches, stomach aches and the cravings stopped. Or you can do small healthier changes instead. Whatever you think will be sustainable for you. 😊
Also, don't skip meals!
You can do it, Lolita! 🤗🤗
I agree, people start off cutting way too many calories, best to look at your diet and try to overhaul that gradually. It;s not easy but if you aren't really a cook start trying to build up a portfilio of easy, quick healthy meals over the next few weeks and keep an eye of the satiety index.
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Ah @Sven you sound so disciplined about everything, I'm rubbish at that. Are you on any meds that can cause weight gain, or make it hard to lose weight? You can Google that. 😘
I’m on the pill but it’s not changed for a long time but maybe it could be that. The problem is that it helps with my rosacea so it’s like a losing battle either side I suppose!
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Week 1 weigh in and I’m 8lbs down! Delighted! I know a lot of that will be water weight and it will slow way down now but I’m very happy with that! Sticking to MFP and doing abit of swimming in days off! Since I haven’t exercised properly for probably 9 years I’m very proud of myself so far I hope I keep it up!
Wow! That’s huge!
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Before we derail the thread any further, by cutting out whole food groups and you are setting yourself up for a needlessly stressful experience and mindset around food which can lead to disordered eating. This is not sustainable long term unless you put in excessive amount of time, money and pressure on yourself to adhere to it.

There are health benefits in all of the foods groups you are currently cutting out of your diet. It seems tempting to focus on the health benefits of specific foods, like honey, but the fact is our bodies need a great vatiety of foods to remain healthy. Eating is one of the most pleasurable things in life and food treats are a natural part of balanced diet.

You used a nutritionist’s advice for your diet, maybe consider a second opinion. I’d be weary of anyone asking you to cut out wheat, when maybe the more sensible advice would have been to eat predominantly wholegrain wheat products which are of higher nutritional value than refined ones.
I don't know where you get leaving out food groups from.. I have all the food groups. When you don't eat wheat you can eat things like corn, quinoa and products with rice flour, etc. The stressful experience comes from eating far too much sugar which the vast majority of people consume too much of.. this has been constantly brought up by researchers and nutritionists.

From my experience cutting gluten out of my diet was extremely beneficial. As you have noted, the nutritionist recommended it and she is well qualified and knows more about food and diets than you or I. This is not some crazy idea developed out of nowhere.

I would also make the point that not making healthy adjustments to your diet can lead to illness and disease. This is one of the reasons that I changed my diet. The food that we take in has a direct effect on our body and it needs to be taken into account.

I understand that you don't share my point of view. I often say that food is the new politics.

In 5 months I feel much brighter, fitter and healthier than before. It didn't take much. It worked for me and maybe it wouldn't work for you. I shared my thoughts because I think it can maybe be useful to others. It is good to share ideas and then you can develop things in your own way as you like.
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Chatty Member
I struggle to get my steps in as I have a desk job even more so in the school hols with no school run so I tried Get fit with Rick 2000 steps in 12 mins today. Did it in the kitchen while my lunch cooked. It was great and simple especially on days when I’m short on time.
Growwithjo on YouTube try her she's got excellent walks iv seen a big difference doing her workouts
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Your libra graph looks good! The overall trend is down. Looks like 1lb ish a week? That's a perfectly healthy rate of loss. I know we all want a quick fix but you didn't gain the weight overnight so it won't come off overnight either. I started about the same weight, never ever lost more than 1lb a week but those pounds add up.

If you haven't seen a loss this week it could be anything, hormones, time of the month, water retention, a big carby meal, starting new exercise (these are all things that have affected my loss) but just stick with it!
It's more the fact I want to lose 2 stone and bit predicted to hit it now until April 2025 😳😐
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