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So much has happened since I last posted after my wedding dress fitting. These last few weeks have been some of the stressful in my life. My father fell ill, then we found out he had covid, but he also has another condition stomach related which can only be looked into/treated once he's fully recovered from covid.
Needless to say this huge amount of stress two weeks from our wedding has certainly taken its toll on me. 😔
Old me would've turned to food. I'm a stress/emotional eater. So for once, not doing that has been a ginormous challenge. But I'm really proud of myself for staying on track and not turning to food. I weighed myself today and managed to maintain my weight throughout this ordeal. Didn't lose anything, but at least I didn't put any on.
Sounds like a rough couple of weeks, look after yourself ❤
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*peaks head out and waves*

I’ve just been to the gym for the first time in two years. I signed up today and booked my induction for tonight so I couldn’t wimp out. A baby, breastfeeding and a pandemic later and I am UN-FIT. Please tell me this gets better?!
Well done!! Yes. It does get better !
I started working out from home and while I’m still struggling with weight loss, I am SO much fitter.
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Well I’m back after my run.. fuming as my mum rung me midway through and the C25k automatically stops if you get a call but doesn’t restart 🤬 so I have to stop mid run, get my phone out of my armband and sort it all out again. Fitbit was also pissing around today and registered my heart rate as 80something after my first five mins running.. urgh disaster!

Obviously my mum then texts me and says no news.. SO WHY RING ME THEN 🙃

Anyone know how to change the settings on the C25k app so phone calls don’t interrupt it? I thought about using aeroplane mode but then think that might affect the gps tracking of my Fitbit? 🤔 I find the stats after a run so motivating so hate when it messes up 😤
Would do not disturb mode stop a call coming through? Should still let you track then. Fuming for you 😤
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else just fluctuate so much? I weighed last week and I’ve just weighed now and I’ve put on a pound 😭 I’m just up and down all the time. I didn’t want to weigh a few days ago as it was TTOTM and I felt bloated

I suppose over all I have lost, so I’ll keep going
Yes, massively and all the time. Drives me mad. I've been tracking 18 months now and can near enough predict it. If I eat a salty or carby meal. If I don't drink enough water. Around my period or around when I ovulate. When it's hot. Always something. Its really frustrating and feels a lot like 1 step forward 2 steps back.
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There are so many resources out there, it's never been easier to find quick recipes to make. I would suggest that you try a different recipe atleast once a week on a day that you have a bit of time and gradually you'll build up a core group of recipes that you know are quick and your family will eat. Eventually you should be down to just junk once or twice a week as a treat.

ETA tinned pulses are your best friend.
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Started again today as realised I'm at my heaviest weight ever. I feel reasonably motivated as I have a holiday in a month so maybe I can drop a stone before then!
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I've not been sleeping enough (partially due to undereating actually) and got a mediocre weight result today (still down though and lost a full percenage of fat). My dad as usual asked to know and has now tried to pitch in with his own ideas (including more walking, no carb days, no food at night). I actually do some of these things anyway (except for no carb days, only reduced). He has a history of acting like he's an expert on everything, he might mean well but it's overbearing. He wanted me to do exercise twice a day every day a few summers ago before I moved out. I actually think he's obsessed with my weight.

The process has gotten even more difficult because of him.
I feel your frustration. My mum is the same. Advising me on what to eat when I am a grown woman who knows a lot more about nutrition and health than she does 🙄
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I just sat and ate 3 bell peppers like apples because I’m trying to stop myself going to the shop and buying chocolate. Next up will be beetroot if the cravings come back again. I only have 150 calories left for the day because I drank 300 of my calories earlier 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Hmmm not sure. I don’t usually go to the gym but when in a hotel recently I used a cross trainer and my heart rate was way off compared to my Fitbit (I’m talking bpm of 80 when I was in cardio mode on my Fitbit) - as a result the machine underestimated me calories wise too. So good news - you probably did more than 200 😂
Woohoooo 😂 thanks for replying ☺
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If you don't mind me asking, what shorts did you order? I desperately need some longer shorts for running that won't ride up - trouble is I've got thick thighs that slim down around the top of my knees/bottom of my quads and at the very top of my legs (I've got a natural thigh gap even at 10lbs overweight) so anything I buy just ends up look like a pair of knickers on me.
Queenie Ke from Amazon. I like their stuff and that from Joyspell, as it's never too expensive and has shedloads of spandex in it...

I've got thighs that are the same width as my knees to halfway up my quads and then the fat and loose skin takes over. And weirdly, I seem to have acquired a thigh gap when laying down with my feet propped up. At least from the front, anyhow.
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Hi 👋🏼 just found this thread and would love to join!
Ive been struggling with my weight since having a baby and then going through menopause (I’m only 35 😩) and the menopause specialist recommended a low carb/Mediterranean diet.

Since reading about it I’ve realised I am totally hooked on sugar which means I’m hungry and binge eating all the time, so trying to go cold turkey on sugar to break the cycle! I’m 5ft7 and 13st5 so would love to lose 3st, or even just get back in a healthy weight range.

love that this is a judgement free zone ❤
Sugar is my enemy too. I have to cut it out completely and not have sugary stuff in the house, having the odd biscuit is not an option, I'll cheerfully eat the packet.
ETA 1 tip, if you really fancy a dessert just don't bother with dinner, I've found I eat the same amount of dessert whether I've had dinner or not so may aswell drop the calories from the dinner.
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what does everyone usually have for breakfast?
i’m getting bored of yogurt and fruit tbh :/
Protein yoghurt with granola
Porridge with protein powder and a pack of whitworths shots
Scrambled egg on granary toast

basically something high protein to fill me up until lunch!
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Chatty Member
How long have you been weight training @Sven? I know that when I started my weight actually went up for weeks. (it is a real thing, when you start new or increase exercise your body holds on to more water. I will never understand the science but there is an excellent post on reddit about it if you Google PSA exercise).
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My birthday weekend has consisted of a meal out on Friday, a massive buffet on Saturday, a carvery Sunday, a meal out yesterday and lunch out today. With a lot of cake thrown in there too. Think I’ll avoid the scales for a while 😂😂😂😂
Happy birthday!! 🥳 wel jel of the carvery 😂
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Well-known member
Of course!

Black coffee for breakfast.

Lunch is usually am omelette and vegetables, tuna salad, or bacon, mushrooms and a chaffle.

Dinner is a salad with chicken, stir fry or cauliflower fried rice or meat and vegetables.

It's not for everyone, but I'm insulin resistant. I can't lose weight just calorie counting; it never works, even with regular exercise.

I've read the book and think there are lots of benefits to fasting. I suffer from an autoimmune disease and it helps reduce my inflammation. It can also reduce chances of getting Alzheimer's; this is a big thing for me as my grandma had it.

ETA - the book has lots of recipes, but I've not followed them so far. The recipes are meant to be pretty tasty.
Thank you! And I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope it works well for you I've heard great things :))
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When I've had that, I've assumed that my body is trying to tell me something other than chippy chips are the best and added in some extra protein/fat in the next couple of meals - after all, if you suffer for days and then give in and go completely overboard, it's going to stall your progress more - with an extra side helping of guilt and self loathing.

Is there something in particular, a flavour, for example, that you're craving? Could you be dehydrated and need both more water and a little bit more salt? Is it that you are actually doing significantly more than 2000 kcals of merely existing a day? What is your body telling you that you need?

I got collared by somebody this morning to tell me exactly that. It's nice to hear it.

Oh, and I got much praise from the physio, so much so, she's keeping me on the books to see if anything else crops up over the next couple of months of exercise, so I'll see her again in July.
I can’t think of anything in particular that I’m craving. I just feel hungry! I def need to eat more fruit but that probably won’t solve the problem haha. I do need to drink more in this heat, sometimes I just forget. I doubt I’m doing more than 2000kcal a day - I’m doing 30 mins exercise (walking and weights) for 6 days a week (I usually let myself have a day off here or there but I’m never literally sitting down for an entire day as have a 3 year old!). I don’t eat back my calories.
I’m putting on muscle as I can feel and see it. I did think about looking at my TDEE again but I’m not sure it’ll change massively. I’ve not weighed yet (I’ve stayed away from scales for a while as I wasn’t getting any results despite the work) and I don’t know my body fat percentage 🤷‍♀️
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Oh no... I have no lunch with me at work today. A tesco and m&s nearby... anyone have any low cal lunch options?! I have 340 cals to spare for lunch!
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