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A question for those of you who do weights. I’ve been mainly walking since Jan to lose weight, but the last 4 weeks i’ve started back at the gym and have been using the weights machines. I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing, it just depends what’s available, but it’s mainly arms/shoulders/crunches type things. I track my weight daily and always have a slight increase the day after the gym, which i’m assuming is water retention in my muscles? My question is, does that water retention always happen so I should always expect an increase the next day, or does your body stop doing it after a while?
i’ve been doing weights for years now and i find it varies, sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t. i guess it’s down to the load of work your doing. if it’s more intense/ new, you’re likely to be using more/ new muscles, once your body adapts, it’ll reduce (or so ive found) but once i get to this place, i tend to progress and up the anti with my workouts so then the cycle starts again for me :)
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To anyone on here who’s dieting or eating in a deficit? Do you take diet breaks? Cos if not that’s what I would certainly recommend doing. Realistically no one should be in a deficit for more than maybe 12-16 weeks without having a break. Especially if you’re finding your weight loss is levelling off.

Try eating at maintenance for 2 weeks before dropping into a deficit again & hopefully you should see things pick up again.

there’s nothing wrong with training more than 2/3 times a week, don’t forget the majority of us workout for mahbe 1-2 hours a day, there’s a whole other 22 hours of the day we are then resting. Also there are workout splits which mean you’re not training the same muscle group twice for example, you rest quads whilst you train biceps/chest etc. You don’t need to limit or cut down training days if you can manage more :)
I usually do 4-5 weight sessions a week which are 20-30 mins a day but alternate between lower body and upper. I may just go for a walk one of those days instead as well depending on what I fancy. Because I only do 30 mins (hard to find more time because I have a small child) is that ok? I don’t even know anymore haha. I may try picking up my calories to 1800 for a week maybe and then seeing what happens. Although I do allow myself a treat meal at the weekend (it’s not always massively bad food though - may just be a roast or a sandwich with proper bread etc).
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Thank you so much to whomever recommended the libra app, definitely helping me so much mentally with the daily weighing
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@Sven, i wonder if you actually under-eating a little. I am the same height and 11 stone and eat about the same calories and even more most days and losing weight slowly (would like to lose another 2-3kg to my happy weight). With your busy schedule, young child to look after, and exercising you may be putting a little too much stress on your body and it’s causing you to hold onto fat. If you are weight lifting regularly, you may want to up your protein with every meal a little too. Checking your thyroid is a vet good suggestion as well. Xx
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I wear my Apple Watch and it doesn’t seem to think I burn more than 5 or 600 cals a day. That’s my move one so includes exercise and my movement. I thought that watched etc tended to overestimate as well. When I do my strength training (20 mins at least a day as I often do 10 mins walking/exercise getting to and from work and running about the house) it only registers that I’ve burned about 30ish calories. I’m not sure whether that’s the truth or just the watch or whatever. This is all really difficult to figure out! No wonder I’ve struggled all of my life.
while I’m putting on muscle, I’m not sure I’m actually losing fat. I just don’t know what to do!
But are you losing weight and inches?
I don’t track CC properly due to previous eating disorder but have a general understanding of roughly how much I’m consuming daily. But I know I must be doing something right because the weight is going down (slower then I want but anyway, 0.2-0.3 kg a week, and I’m losing inches, so I’ll take that). If I’ve done kettlebells/ weights I tend to get really hungry on day 2 after a session. Same if I’ve ended up eating modestly for a few days. I used to worry about my hunger, but now I just try and eat to satisfy it for a day, rarely two days. It’s just my body telling me it needs more food, whether it is because muscle has been broken and needs repairing or I’ve been under-eating without realising. I try to eat nutritious food, up the protein, but don’t beat myself up if dessert or crisps sneak their way in. And then get back in it. I don’t think our bodies are designed to need the exact same quantity of food day in day out and it’s normal to experience fluctuation in hunger. I use my Apple Watch as a guide but take the data with a pinch of salt.
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Chatty Member
thank you for replying! I have nutracheck, I have been familiarising myself with the app (I like that they do more UK based shops MFP just didn’t make sense to me I really didn’t like it
Fab! I use MFP but have heard good things about nutracheck. I did give it a brief go but I've been using MFP on and off for years and you can't teach an old dog new tricks 🤣 whatever works for you, I reckon.
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Chatty Member
It’s so hard! Obviously it’s the holidays and I just can’t entertain her the way her preschool did. I don’t have the money to be going out all the time so some days do have to be at home but omg! She won’t leave me alone and it’s really hard!
Totally feel for you. My eldest is a koala baby and still is as a child. She currently sitting next to me holding my hair. I can’t go to the loo alone, follows me round the house, asks me what she should play with. She’s a bit better now she’s 5 but it is exhausting. Sometimes when the OH comes home I just go for a walk round the block alone just for 5 mins and sneak out when he’s entertaining her.
Now we have two they tend to entertain each other but for the first 3 years it was pretty intense and draining.
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Hope you all don’t mind me jumping on this thread 😊
Just done 10 weeks with saxenda (skinny jab) which didn’t work for me so back to calorie counting.
does anyone have any good recommendations for working out the calories I should be eating per day? I’ve used a few websites but they all come back different!
looking forward to getting this weight shifted finally. I lost 6 stone a few years ago and I’ve put about 4 on so just want to get back to my previous weight
I used 3 different calculators and then worked out the average ☺
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Trying very hard not to eat a shitload after having a totally fucking shit day. Just going to cry in bed instead I think and not do any exercise.
Oh no 🙁 sorry you had a bad day! Look after yourself lovely xx
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Another 2.5lbs up today. Fed up of this tbh. It's not water weight. You don't just keep gaining water weight.
Have you had your thyroid checked with the GP? Not on any medication that causes weight gain, or any conditions where weight gain is a side effect eg PCOS. (Not expecting you to answer me, just things to consider)
TDEE calculated correctly? Following your weight loss plan correctly?
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I've been looking for a functional medicine practioner in the UK, found one and he has some recipes on his website that might be of use to some of you.
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Lola UK

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Oh god the no wine is the hardest!! I'm trying to cut it out again but red wine at night just helps me feel so much more relaxed 😭 good luck!
I know 🙈 it’s so hard to cut out! Problem is, once you open the bottle you have to drink it!! I’ve got gin and low calorie tonic so 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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hi everyone just wondering has anyone tried saxenda/the skinny jab?
Theres a thread on here.

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I hope you don't mind me saying but you look great!
Thank you!!

You do not look fat, you're in pretty good shape, this is what society and social media in particular are doing to us. There is nothing wrong with your body. The only thing I would say and please don't take offence, is to go to a proper underwear shop, get yourself measured and treat yourself to a really good bra. I promise you it will make you feel amazing in your clothes. Take a nice dress or top with you for the fitting so you can see the difference. Cheap bras are unflattering particularly on women with good size breasts. I buy fantasie bras as they suit me the best and can normally find them on sale for £28, I never compromise on bras and I don't buy from M&S either.

ETA A lot of my actual clothes come from charity shops. I dont compromise on bras or food quality everything else I have is secondhand pretty much
I currently only wear sports bra type things. I can’t seem to find any bras that fit and are comfortable. Unfortunately after having my daughter they are flat as pancakes and so normal bras don’t seem to fit properly anymore as they don’t fill them out like they should. Or they push them up and then it looks like a shelf. I wish I could chop them off because they just get in the way! Hahaha
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I hope I can join you all here! Finding myself in a bit of a crisis. I've put on 25 lb since lockdown started and I'm the heaviest I've ever been!

I'm struggling with sciatica and makes it hard to do lots of physical stuff. When I'm ok I do lots but like today I can hardly walk. I end up in a cycle of feeling bad coz I can't do enough physically then eat. Such an emotional eater.

Anyway I'm getting back on the wagon and really making an effort this time as I need to change can't go on like this!
Get yourself a massage gun, you can get them for around £50. They're easier to use on a faster speed
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This is good to know!

I'm not wanting to lose a lot of weight, maybe a stone at the moment just to get me into the healthy BMI range (although BMI is a shit system).

Is it healthy to lose weight if you're at the beginning of a pregnancy? I know I'd want to keep active but wouldn't want to do anything that could potentially put a baby at risk
I lost a stone at the beginningwhen pregnant with my twins . My sister weighed the same 9 month pregnant as she did pre pregnancy as she had gd and had to adjust her diet x
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